How did I become an F1 driver?

308.11. Thank you for the reward in October, and add more instructions

11. Thank you for the reward in October, and add more instructions

As usual, thank you readers for your support.

The author owed 6 updates last month, and I will pay them all off this month.

Thanks to: Ecological Civilization Construction: 100
Rexlip New: 5000
Nanjing No. 500: [-]
Rexlip New: 5000
Rexlip New: 10000
Total rewards from the bosses: 20600
Last month’s monthly ticket was 1182 chapters, rounded up to 1200 chapters.

A total of 8 chapters have been added.

Including updates owed, a total of 14 chapters are owed.

The stupid author will pay it back slowly...

Finally, thank you readers for your support.

Thank you so much!

(End of this chapter)

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