How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Sweat

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Sweat

Driving a car for a long time will be addictive, especially Qin Miao's formula car with excellent handling.

When Qin Miao's proficiency on the track in the previous race reached 30, he could roughly reproduce all the corner shapes of the track in his mind.

And clearly memorized the entry point and apex of each bend, and the exit line of the bend.

After reaching this level, Qin Miao entered a state where she was not overly nervous, but her spirit was quite tense.

In this state, Qin Miao feels that driving is a very happy experience.

There will be no extra distracting thoughts in his brain, and with the reduction of distracting thoughts, Qin Miao's reaction becomes extremely sensitive, and he can handle many details that Qin Miao can't take care of in a tense state at the same time.

All the changes in the car cannot escape his feeling, he can pass every corner on the track with great ease, and the cornering angle can reach the ideal state.

This state is mysterious, but it does exist, but for the drivers, this state is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

And people generally refer to this state as: [human-vehicle integration]

Qin Miao sank into this state at this time, the new tires, coupled with the extremely comfortable racing car for Qin Miao, everything was so comfortable and comfortable for Qin Miao, even When the G force came over, Qin Miao didn't feel the pressure, but felt a special pleasure.

When playing games, time always passes quickly without knowing it. At this time, Qin Miao felt this way. He didn't enjoy playing the game, and he didn't feel tired.

When he still wanted to continue the next lap with enthusiasm, Qiu Meng's voice woke him up from that very rare state.

"It's time for the third period, BOX."

Although no matter how many times she listened to it, Qin Miao still felt that Qiumeng's voice was very nice, soft and made people feel protective.

But hearing Qiu Meng's voice in this state, Qin Miao still felt a little uncomfortable even though the two had just confirmed their relationship and were still in a passionate relationship.

Of course, it's not that Qin Miao is ignorant, it's just that he was overly emotional after being stimulated by a lot of adrenaline.

Although Qin Miao is in a very comfortable state of driving, this is a car after all, and it is a racing car that can reach speeds of 170 kilometers per hour on the track.

It is not surprising that this kind of performance appears in a state of full speed.

But soon Qin Miao recovered from the adrenaline, but he was still a little lost.

I feel like I haven't run a few laps, so how come the time is up?

However, Qin Miao also accepted the fact, and after reducing the speed of the car, he turned his attention to the system. At this time, his proficiency on the track of the previous race had reached 66.

Unknowingly, Qin Miao has run 4 laps after sitting on the F35, and since the first practice lap, Qin Miao has never had any distraction or inattention. to proficiency.

After withdrawing from that extremely comfortable competitive state, Qin Miao soon felt physical discomfort, and the most serious negative feeling was thirst.

Although he only ran on the track for a little over an hour, he was running an F2 car with a G force of 4G when cornering, and he was wearing a racing suit that didn't fit well and a helmet, sitting in the car. He was sweating almost all the time in the car.

Qin Miao didn't feel any discomfort while driving. The comfortable driving state made him ignore most of the negative feelings in his body, and he didn't feel anything strange until now.

And Qin Miao's discomfort was not limited to this, her hands were sore, her bones were crispy, and her legs were trembling after exhaustion.

Without Qin Miao's brain knowing, his physical strength has reached its limit. If there is another quarter, Qin Miao will definitely faint on the racing car.

When Qiumeng notified Qin Miao, he had just passed the main straight and swayed slowly on the track before Qin Miao drove the car back to the parking area.

After parking the car under the guidance of the team staff, Qin Miao did not get out of the car immediately, but waited for them to set up the car and push it back to the P room before untiing the headrest behind her head.

After Qin Miao's car parked in Room P, Qiu Meng also rushed over.

Before Qin Miao could say anything, Qiu Meng opened Qin Miao's helmet goggles, and at the same time handed over a bottle of warm light salt water with a straw in it.

Qin Miao wanted to drink water so much, seeing the bottle that Qiu Meng handed over, Qin Miao grabbed it and drank it without thinking.

Although the taste of this bottle of water is not so ideal, and it is still warm, Qin Miao, who is already extremely thirsty, can't care about so much. After taking it, he drank it all at once.

And after drinking the bottle of water that Qiu Meng handed over, Qin Miao felt a little emotional, this is not a girlfriend, this is an angel!
I have to find a way to marry her...


I didn't hear Qin Miao's murmur clearly, but Qiu Meng saw that Qin Miao didn't get out of the car after drinking the whole bottle of water, but leaned on the driver's seat.

So she asked with some concern: "Are you okay? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Qin Miao: "I have something to do, I'm a little tired, I can't get out, please help me..."

Qiu Meng hurriedly put down the empty water bottle, and with the help of the staff, pulled Qin Miao, who was a little tired, out of the driver's seat.

After Qin Miao came out, Qiu Meng and other team staff saw the clear sweat marks on the back of Qin Miao's racing suit.

Qin Miao's sweat directly wetted his entire back, and even the sweat-absorbing and fire-resistant underwear on his body could not completely absorb the sweat, and these watermarks were on the blue and white racing car Qiu Meng picked for Qin Miao. It's very obvious on clothes.

For a moment, Qiu Meng felt very distressed.

Why are you so tired?
After the staff got Qin Miao out of the car, they handed Qin Miao to Qiu Meng.

Tired to the extreme, but very satisfied with today's harvest, Qin Miao put one of her arms on Qiu Meng's body and headed for the rest area, but Qiu Meng's little head began to think wildly.

Tired of driving a car?Or let Qin Miao go back to drive the simulator, anyway, he is also an absolute genius in the simulator, and he doesn't have to be so tired...
When Qiu Meng and Qin Miao went to the waiting room to change clothes, in the monitoring room of the team, the team owner Li Yi, who had been sitting here waiting for a long time, looked at the data in front of him and asked the team manager eagerly. : "This guy is skilled, what's his background?"

What Li looked at was the data of Qin Miao's F4 running, not his lap time in F4.

After all, the engine power of Qin Miao's car is limited, and the lap time has no reference value.

(End of this chapter)

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