How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Future plans

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Future plans
When watching TV, Qin Miao was curious and reacted to Qiumeng's body at first.

But Qin Miao is timid, even if Qiu Meng is completely undefended against him, Qin Miao accepts Qiu Meng from the bottom of his heart, but he still dare not make any oversteps towards Qiu Meng, and at most takes a few sneak peeks.

However, what he saw from his perspective was very limited, and Qin Miao felt a little bored after a while.

Mind wandering is inevitable after being bored.

Because Qiu Meng likes to watch variety shows, and Qin Miao, who often surfs the Internet, knows what kind of dross the entertainment industry is, so he doesn't like most celebrities, so he naturally lacks interest in variety shows.

So during this time, Qin Miao curiously opened her system panel.

Mainly, Qin Miao was a little curious. During this period of time, he was using the simulator and F4. Will his stats improve?

With curiosity, Qin Miao focused on his attributes.

【Name: Qin Miao
Age: 18
Overall score: 43.6 → 45.2
Stamina: 51→54
Mentality: 64→62
Stability: 71→75
Rank ability: 22→30
Starting ability: 47→50
Race long distance: 7→19
Tire protection ability: 38→39
Rain Fighting Ability: 15
Attack power: 46→47
Defense ability: 75]

[Field proficiency:

Headwind Kart Pavilion: 25
New North: 0.6
Spa: 91.2→100.2
Red Bull Ring: 0.65→100.1
Last match: 20→66]

[Passive skill: Diligence can make up for one's weakness
Diligence can make up for one's weakness: If talent is not enough, work hard to make up for it.Explanation: Every practice can increase the proficiency of the track, and there is no upper limit for this skill]

[Achievements: regular customer of Spa, regular customer of Red Bull Ring]

Before Qin Miao opened his attribute menu, he was a little worried that he could not remember his specific attributes before, so he didn't know which areas had been improved.

But now, as soon as the arrow appeared, Qin Miao was convinced that the system was quite humane in this respect.

It is very clear at a glance which attributes have been improved and how much has been improved.

After careful observation, Qin Miao raised a big question mark, leaving aside the others, why did his mentality attribute not increase but decrease?
I didn't do anything, why did I lower it?
But apart from this point, other news is good news for Qin Miao.

Most of the attributes have been improved, and the biggest improvement is the long-distance ability in the race. This attribute has finally broken through the shackles of single digits and reached double digits.

There's nothing to say about the other attributes, they're just hard work, as long as Qin Miao keeps practicing, they can get considerable growth.

Of course, there is a limit to the growth effect of Qin Miao's training alone, and he will soon reach a bottleneck.

When Qin Miao reached the bottleneck in his personal growth, he needed the services of a professional team.

Engineers, technicians, coaches, and doctors were all what Qin Miao needed at that time.

These staff can save Qin Miao a lot of time, and can also notice many details that Qin Miao can't notice, and help Qin Miao improve his lap speed and correct his habits. They can also pay attention to his health status at all times and conduct regular physical examinations.

There are two ways to get help from these people. The first is to spend money to hire a team, but the cost is not small, and there is no upper limit. The more money you spend, the more powerful people you hire.

The other is that Qin Miao relies on his own strength to gain the appreciation of some teams and ask them to sign Qin Miao as an official driver. Then Qin Miao can get the help of these staff for free, and the team will also give him money.

Of course, the strength and professionalism of the staff of these teams cannot be guaranteed.

Qin Miao had a clear purpose in mind.

After tomorrow's game, I have to find a way to improve my various attributes as soon as possible, and wait until my strength reaches the bottleneck before starting to contact the domestic teams.

I believe that at that time, I should have the ability to impress them. Anyway, I was still young, so I first practiced in low-level competitions. After my strength improved, Qin Miao was ready to run GT3 directly.

When the time comes, the Ferrari 488 GT3 will not be too beautiful.
Silent all night.

The two got up early the next day.

When Qin Miao got up from the bed in a daze and went to the toilet, Qiu Meng, who got up earlier than him, had already squeezed out the toothpaste and put away the toothbrush water for him.

Looking at the things in front of her, Qin Miao was stunned for a while, and after reacting for a while, she began to brush her teeth and wash her face, and then went downstairs with Qiu Meng.

After jogging for 10 minutes in the gym as a warm-up, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng had breakfast together.

After breakfast, the two walked slowly towards the last match.

Today is the day when the game starts, but the two got up early today, so they have enough time for them to wander to the arena.

And the two of them booked the hotel according to the location of the last game, so their location is not far from the last game, just two streets away.

The distance the two of them have walked is considered a digestion.

Moreover, both Qin Miao and Qiu Meng enjoyed the feeling of walking hand in hand with only each other on the road.

After more than 20 minutes, the two arrived at the gate of the game.

However, the main entrance of today's Shangsai was closed, and the door was not opened.

After all, they have been to the last game twice, and Qin Miao and Qiu Meng also know that besides the main entrance, there is a VIP entrance that is relatively farther back.

Moreover, the entrance location written on the invitation letter was also the VIP entrance, so the two of them walked for another 3 minutes to the VIP entrance.

When the two held hands and wandered to the VIP entrance, the parking lot in front of the entrance was still vacant, which proved that no guests had arrived at this time.

But even so, the staff in suits and leather shoes have already started to get busy.

Naturally, there are staff guarding the entrance. Judging from their tall and straight figures, rough faces, necks as thick as race car drivers, and eyes constantly scanning their surroundings vigilantly, they should not be ordinary people.

However, Qin Miao still has confidence in the security of the country, and they still have an invitation letter.

The two approached, but before Qin Miao and Qiu Meng came to them, the staff member closest to Qin Miao's direction took a step forward and asked politely: "Hello, what's your question?" do you need?"

There is no aggressiveness, no indifference, but it gives people a feeling that the other party respects you very much.

Qiu Meng took out a gold-encrusted invitation letter from her bag and handed it over.

The other party took it with both hands, held it in his hand to examine it carefully, and then took out an ultraviolet flashlight for banknote verification to take a photo of the invitation letter.

Qiu Meng and Qin Miao were a little stunned when they saw this scene. It was just an invitation letter. Why did it have such a complicated anti-counterfeiting function?

Because the other party did not avoid Qin Miao and Qiu Meng when verifying the authenticity, both of them saw the extremely complicated anti-counterfeiting lines on the invitation letter, and the anti-counterfeiting lines were all over every corner of the invitation letter.

Only now did Qin Miao vaguely realize the high standard of this competition.

The other party checked very carefully, but the overall time was not too long. In about a minute, the other party smiled apologetically and returned the invitation letter with both hands.

"I hope the two of you can understand the necessary process."

"Then, you two are welcome to come to today's party, please come in."

Qin Miao really didn't know how to behave in such a situation.

Fortunately, there is Qiu Meng.

She smiled and nodded politely, took the invitation letter, and then led Qin Miao into the VIP entrance.

(End of this chapter)

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