How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 41: Chapter 41: New Mission

Chapter 41: Chapter 41: New Mission
It was a surprise for Qin Miao to get this news. After all, not everyone who likes racing has the opportunity to communicate with F1 drivers face to face and get advice from them.

And Qiu Meng also began to think, is there any way for him to get some resources or support from big bosses for Qin Miao at this party?

"Thank you for telling us this." Although her little head had already started to turn, Qiu Meng thanked the other party very politely.

Although the other party's occupation predestined her to help customers answer questions, Qiu Meng felt that she still had to give the most basic respect and courtesy between people.

"You're welcome, do you have any questions?"

"No, can we go in now?"

"Of course." As she spoke, she pressed a hidden button, and the heavy glass door opened automatically, revealing the magnificent interior to the two of them.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng are just ordinary people. They don't have a specific understanding of whether the decoration is good or bad. At most, they rely on their own subjective judgments and first impressions.

As for the huge space that appeared in front of them, the first impression of this place is that it is resplendent and magnificent, but it does not give people a rustic look after using too much gold.

The balance between the senses is particularly precise.

Of course, Qin Miao didn't just pay attention to these.

Originally, these super sports cars placed under the spotlight were the targets of Qin Miao's attention, but now he knew that he could see Aokang during today's event.

So in Qin Miao's eyes, the attractiveness of these super sports cars has dropped by more than half.

After looking around and not finding Aokang, Qin Miao turned his attention to the super sports cars on the scene.

Walk into the hall and look at Lamborghini, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, McLaren, AMG in front of you.

Qin Miao, who should have been extremely excited, suddenly couldn't arouse any interest. There is no way, there is a more attractive driver than these cars.

However, Qin Miao still found a Ferrari 488 pista that she also owns among the crowd of super sports cars.

Among the top supercars, such as Porsche 918, Lamborghini Poison, Centenary Bull, Bugatti Veyron, Pagani Zonda.

Qin Miao still prefers this car.

For no other reason, the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own kennel.

No matter how fast the other cars are, no matter how good-looking they are, no matter how expensive they are, they don't belong to Qin Miao and have nothing to do with him.

And this Ferrari 488 pista is definitely what Qin Miao will get, so Qin Miao must have a different feeling about it.

Maybe the system will give this car to me during this gathering, but how will I give it to myself?
"The specifications of this party are so high, maybe the championship reward of the racing competition is a Ferrari 488 pista." Standing next to this red sports car, Qin Miao couldn't help thinking.

Before Qin Miao had more thoughts and actions, another beautiful receptionist in a cheongsam came over.

After bowing to Qin Miao and Qiu Meng apologetically, he said, "I'm really sorry, due to our negligence in work, we didn't come over to receive the two distinguished guests at the first time. I hope Haihan didn't entertain you well."

"I am Zhuang Yuqin, your commentator. You can call me Xiaozhuang. You can ask me all your questions. I will try my best to answer your questions."

Qiu Meng actually wanted to ask which celebrities came to today's party, but considering that the other party might not know him even if they told him, she didn't ask.

And Qin Miao wanted to ask Zhuang Yuqin if he could sit in the Ferrari 488 pista in front of him and experience the feeling of being in the driver's seat.

But this is not Qin Miao's car after all, Qin Miao didn't say anything after thinking about it.

If something goes wrong with the car when I sit on it, I will be in big trouble.

Although Qiu Meng didn't have anything curious to ask, but about today's game, Qiu Meng asked the other party a lot of questions.

According to the other party's answer, this game is the addition of this party, a bit similar to an entertainment event.

It's like a group of friends get together for dinner and play mahjong together after the meal.

But for rich people, and the top rich people, even if the gathering between them is just an extra, the specifications are terribly high.

First of all, the competition is held on the first-level track certified by FIA: Shanghai International Circuit.

It's just a party, but it directly covers the entire track for a whole day

Secondly, the contestants who participated in the competition drove the top supercars exhibited today, and the most important thing is: free for guests.

Finally, the game rewards are also very special.

What they give is not something that money can buy. After all, these rich people are not short of money. It is meaningless to invite them to the party and give them money.

So rewards are something that money can't buy.

The reward for the top three is the status of an official driver and all the supporting facilities related to this status.

Examples include a driver's team, coach, analyst, engineer, athletic trainer, etc.

In short, the other party will provide you with everything a driver needs.

As long as you get the top three in the competition, you can choose a manufacturer with a team under its name among the manufacturers participating in the event today, and sign a formal driver contract.

That's right, as long as you get the top three in this competition, you can become an official racing driver.

Of course, although it is said that everything is provided for you, it is actually just a name given to these customers by the agents.

After all, the people who came to participate in this event were basically worth over [-] million yuan. If they got a free driver status, they would show it off at most. No one would really take part in racing competitions with this status.

Because it is not necessary.

After all, most of the rich people who can come here are here to socialize. A small number of rich people who really like racing cars are at most just for fun. It is impossible for them to give up their business and status. If you devote yourself to them, you will not get any good results. in the racing business.

After all, racing is a sport that requires talent, and in addition to talent, you have to practice from a young age.

Therefore, everyone knows that this is just an extra to make the rich happy.

But after knowing the rewards of this competition, Qin Miao was really excited.

People's arsenic, my sweetness.

For others, it is dispensable, very tasteless, just a famous driver contract, for Qin Miao, it is an absolute shortcut.

As long as he gets this contract, although Qin Miao may not be able to play, at least he will get a contract from a well-known big team.

At the same time, he can also get the guidance of a professional racing coach, which is definitely a great thing for Qin Miao, who is in the growth stage.

And it was also at this time: [Ding! 】

【Mission: Road to Fame】

[Task Requirement: Participate in the next racing competition]

【mission rewards:
Third: 10 white lottery chances, 20 racing fund, all attributes increased by +1.

Second: 10 blue lottery chances, 200 million racing funds, all attributes increased by +2.

First: 10 chances of purple lottery, 2000 million racing fund, 10 RMB, all attribute increase +5.

5th and below: [-] white draws. 】

(End of this chapter)

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