How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 44 44: Auction

Chapter 44 44: Auction
"I heard that Ms. Qin likes racing cars very much. I happen to be dabbled in racing cars. I happened to prepare a Lamborghini Huracán GT3 on the track today. I wonder if I would have the honor to communicate with Ms. Qin about racing cars? "

Qiu Meng has already begun to explain what happened in front of her in her heart.

"The other party will play ruthlessly as soon as they come up, and they will go straight to the target's hobby. They are going to open a breakthrough from this aspect. The method is old-fashioned, but the effect..."

Qiumeng hadn't finished the commentary in her heart, and Yu Jie said directly: "Sorry, you found the wrong person, I don't like racing cars."

"Excellent, she rejected the other party directly and decisively regardless of the other party's face. This sister is so sassy, ​​I love it!" Qiu Meng said calmly on the surface, but she turned into a fan in her heart.

The man in the haute couture suit was obviously stunned for a moment, and his face was a little uneasy.

He could also hear that the other party was chasing someone away, and it was not polite.

For people of their level, what this sister Yu said to the man in front of her is almost the word "fuck" when meeting ordinary people.

"Okay, it seems that I am blind, and I recognized the wrong person." The other party found a step by himself.

After speaking, turn around and leave.

But before he left, he still glanced at Qiu Meng, who was watching the excitement and eating melons, and Qin Miao, who was thinking about how to tell his mother that the tablemate in high school wanted to go home for dinner.

Qiu Meng, who was eating melons, naturally saw the other party's eyes, and was taken aback for a moment.

Eat melon was discovered?The other party shouldn't be a small-bellied person, right?I just ate a melon and did nothing.

But it doesn't matter if the other party has a small belly, anyway, we are not people from the same world, after today's party, I guess we will never see each other again in this lifetime.

On the other hand, Sister Yu also raised her head and glanced at Qiu Meng, who gave her a pure and flawless smile unique to high school students.

The other party lowered his head and continued to play with his mobile phone.

After seeing the other party bowing her head, Qiu Meng resumed her melon-eating state, and began to search for someone to talk to this pretty lady in front of her.

But Qiumeng was destined to be disappointed.

Because apart from the first person, no one came to talk to this sister Yu anymore.

This state continued until the auction began.

Zhuang Yuqin, who had just entertained Qin Miao and the others, came over again and explained briefly that they followed her to the auction house.

That Yu Jie didn't move at first, but after seeing Qiu Meng and Qin Miao leave, some men who had been watching here for a while began to lean in his direction intentionally or unintentionally.

After the sister Yu gave a "tsk", she also followed Qin Miao and the others.

The decoration style of the auction site was the same as that of the supercar display area outside, all resplendent and brightly lit.

The interior layout is a bit like a large lecture hall used when the school has activities.

However, the interior space is much more spacious, and the place for people to sit is no longer like the simple folding stool in the school.

Here people sit on large sofas, the kind that the whole person can lie on, and even these sofas have seat heating and massage functions.

Except for those sofas that are deliberately placed together, the gap between other single-seat sofas should be at least 1 meters.

The auction environment is quite comfortable.

On the far left side of the auction stage, there is an auctioneer's station and a wooden podium.

The back of the auction table is empty, covered by a curtain.

Larger lots can be pushed directly to the backstage, and when the time comes, the curtain can be opened directly so that the audience can see the lot.

Qin Miao and the two still found a relatively remote loveseat to sit down, still in an inconspicuous corner.

The two of them have a very clear position on themselves, they just came to watch the fun.

But this time, that sister Yu didn't sit near Qin Miao and the others again.

After all, there is a single sofa, and basically no one will deliberately disturb that kind of position.

And since she was sitting in the front row, it seemed that she wanted to participate in this auction.

As time went by, more and more people were in the venue, and the auction officially started at 10:[-] am.

A well-dressed hostess in a suit came onto the stage.

Smiling and bowing slightly to the guests present, he picked up the microphone and made a simple opening remark.

She didn't waste too much nonsense, and started today's auction directly after thanking all the guests.

While the host on the stage was talking about this short opening remark, Zhuang Yuqin in the audience brought Qin Miao and Qiu Meng some very delicate snacks and water, and Qin Miao noticed that all the guests' tables would be covered by them Send these things.

When the people on the stage finished speaking and left the stage, all the staff also completed their tasks, put away snacks and water and left.

The organizer was quite thoughtful, after all, this auction will last for a long time, a full two hours.

As a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic came on stage, the curtain behind him was opened, and a Porsche 911 GT3 R with black, white and red classic paint appeared on the stage.

This Porsche GT3 is not the one that can go on the road, it is a pure GT3 racing car, the one that can be taken directly to participate in the competition.

Although there are many GT3 racing cars during the competition, these GT3 racing cars are not sold to the outside world at all. The sales targets of these cars are only teams qualified to participate in GT3 competitions.

Most people can't buy this kind of car even if they have money, which is why this GT3 appears here.

And the moment this car appeared, many people at the scene began to whisper.

Soon, under the signal of the host, the bidding session began.

Porsche 911 GT3 R has a base price of 200 million, and each price increase must not be less than [-].

About 15 minutes later, this Porsche 350 GT911 R worth about 3 million yuan was bought by a young man at a price of 550 million yuan.

If Qin Miao had stayed in the F4 team yesterday, he would have discovered that this person was Li Yi, the owner of the F4 team he drove yesterday.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng were dumbfounded when they saw the price. Could it be that the wind blows all these people's money?
It stands to reason that buying a car that can't be used on the road at nearly double the price is not a good deal, but when the auctioneer counted down three times and finally swung the hammer to complete the deal, Li Yi's face was filled with a smile. I can't hide my smile.

And those who have not fought against him are full of pity.

They should also want this GT3 car very much, but compared with today's real highlight, this GT3 that is not sold to individuals will have a much lower weight.

After the first lot was sold at a high price, the follow-up items became relatively flat. They were all jewelry or antiques. The prices fluctuated, but the transaction price did not exceed 300 million yuan.

But even so, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng still kept their eyes on the whole process, amazed in their hearts.

These guys are really rich...

(End of this chapter)

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