How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Removing Filters

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Removing Filters

Qiu Meng understood Qin Miao, and after seeing Qin Miao's hesitant expression, she gave Qin Miao a simple persuasion.

For young people, it is inevitable that there will be some twists and turns in your heart, just let it go.

Some people left after the auction ended, and it seemed that for these people, the most important part of the event was over.

However, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng's goal has not been achieved, and they are not ready to leave.

Under the guidance of Zhuang Yuqin, I came to the restaurant. Today's lunch organizer prepared a buffet.

The dishes are complete, and they look very delicate, and they taste good.

Anyway, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng had a very happy lunch.

After eating, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng returned to the hall where the auction was held just now.

During the time when Qin Miao and the others were eating, the organizer's staff had already cleaned up the place.

The food on the table has been cleared, the table has been wiped clean, and the sofa has been reupholstered on the outside.

Everything was the same as when Qin Miao and the others first came in, as if the auction half an hour ago had never happened at all.

The reason why the two returned to this place was mainly because Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't know where to wait during the break after lunch.

And the sofa inside happens to have a massage function, and it is very comfortable to sit on, so the two of them are going to wait here for the new car launch in the afternoon

This time, the two sat in the front, but they didn't sit in the front. They sat in the third row near the left.

This position allows Qin Miao to observe the new cars that will be exhibited at the new car conference, but it will not be too far ahead.

After sitting down, Qiumeng rested her head on Qin Miao's lap. She had the habit of taking a nap at noon.

It is reasonable to say that Qiumeng could not overcome her desire to take a nap outside, but now that Qin Miao was by her side, she felt relieved and leaned directly on Qin Miao.

After Qiumeng lay down, Zhuang Yuqin quietly brought the thin quilt and pillow, and handed them to Qin Miao as quietly as possible.

To be honest, after reaching this step, Qin Miao clearly felt the benefits of being rich. As long as you have money, even if you just attend a party, the other party can arrange everything for you in an orderly manner.

No detail has been spared, it is really comfortable to have a party here.

After nodding to thank, Qin Miao took the quilt handed over by the other party and covered Qiumeng, and put a pillow on her lap to let Qiumeng lie down again.

While doing this, Qiu Meng didn't open her eyes, but frowned, then a small hand reached out and grabbed Qin Miao's big hand, and gradually fell into a dream.

After almost half an hour, people returned to this place one after another.

Most of the people sat where they had just attended the auction, and there were also those who changed seats like Qin Miao and the others.

After almost everyone had arrived, the lights on the scene gradually dimmed, and just before the scene was about to fall into complete darkness, a beam of light came on, and at the same time, the melodious and high-pitched roar of the engine suddenly sounded.

"Huh?" The sudden roar of the engine woke Qiu Meng who was sleeping soundly, and she murmured in a daze.

Qin Miao reached out and covered Qiumeng's ears with her hand, letting her continue to sleep, while she turned her eyes on the stage curiously.

Porsche's iconic frog lights, silver body, and the classic 911 body skin, a Porsche 911 that Qin Miao could not identify the model slowly drove onto the stage amidst a low roar.

There was a burst of applause from the audience. Qin Miao didn't applaud because she wanted to cover Qiumeng's ears with both hands, but just watched curiously.

Through the explanation of the host on stage, Qin Miao knew that this is a new generation of 20 Turbo S scheduled to be released in 911.

After a shocking appearance, the host explained the various functions of this car and the differences with the previous generation for more than 10 minutes.

But Qin Miao summed it up in one sentence after hearing it: The biggest difference from the previous generation is that the performance of this car has been improved to a certain extent, and the exterior design is more advanced.


However, the first car was finally finished, and at this moment, many viewers called the staff and signed the contract on the spot to order the car.

Qin Miao was stunned. Is this how rich people buy cars?
Soon there are sports cars of other brands appearing.

Basically, as long as there are sports cars on the stage, three or four can be sold on the spot after the explanation.

The most outrageous is a '20 AMG GT.

The person who introduced this car was Aokang, whom Qin Miao was thinking of, and he sold more than 20 cars on the spot after he finished the introduction in English.

In addition, Qin Miao watched the entire new car conference with great interest. After all, he was a man, and he had no resistance to these powerful and handsome sports cars.

If it weren't for Qin Miao's lack of cash, he really wanted to buy a Lamborghini Huracán EVO RWD Spyder that just appeared on the scene.

This latest Maverick really fits Qin Miao's aesthetics, but he really has no money, so he can only enjoy his eyes.

Qin Miao woke up Qiumeng after the auction ended, and it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

The next step is to experience the new car. Guests can drive the cars that appeared at the press conference today to experience them on the track of the last race.

However, Qin Miao was only interested in two cars, one was the Maverick he was looking for, and the other was a Koenigsegg Gemera with a zero-time acceleration of only 1.9 seconds.

But he dared not open one.

These cars are not like F4, Qin Miao can step on the accelerator without any scruples after sitting in it.

Qin Miao dared to drive the F4 without any scruples because he had enough money to buy an F4.

Even if the car is crashed while driving the F4, the racing fund given by the system is enough for Qin Miao to pay for an F4 to the team that rented the car for him

But Qin Miao really didn't have the courage to sit on these cars and step on the accelerator.

Because if he accidentally crashes one of these cars, he can't afford to sell Qin Miao, especially the Koenigsegg Gemera, a supercar worth more than 1000 million. Look at Qin Miao. All of them are stunned.

No wonder so many people say that racing is a game only rich people can afford.

This point is well confirmed. If you don’t have money, you don’t even dare to step on the accelerator.

Because once you step on the accelerator too hard, you will make a mistake and push your head or fall into the pendulum. After the car hits, you will be useless.

For the rest of my life, I can only live in the days of repaying the debt.

So Qin Miao did not participate in this experience event, but went to the VIP stand area above the P room to watch the game like most of the guests.

And Qin Miao, who was in the stands above Room P, saw an acquaintance below after being reminded by Qiu Meng.

The royal sister of her own family.

At this time, the dress skirt on her body has been replaced by a black racing suit.

Qin Miao also noticed a detail, her racing suit is very "clean" without a single advertisement.

And this sister, accompanied by the staff, got on the Koenigsegg Gemera.

Qin Miao was slightly dumbfounded, it seems that Yujie's family is really rich.

Although this is the first four-wheel drive vehicle in Koenigsegg's history, the horsepower of this thing is too terrifying, 1 horsepower, and if it makes a mistake, it will go to the wall.

Once on the wall, the maintenance fee starts at 20.

After Qin Miao started to get in touch with racing cars in reality, he finally chose to stay away from such cars that his wallet could not afford.

Qin Miao didn't have much interest in them after glancing at them, even if Aokang got on the Koenigsegg Gemera Qin Miao was very indifferent.

Because after meeting Aokang, Qin Miao found that apart from being taller, about 185, he was just a normal human being.

After removing the filter for F1 drivers, Qin Miao did not find any difference between him and him.

(End of this chapter)

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