How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 483 Chapter 487: Not Giving Up an Inch

What Qin Miao is talking about here is that before the start of this Grand Prix weekend, when Hamilton and Vettel participated in a pre-race interview together, the host asked Hamilton a question.

At that time, the host asked Hamilton what he thought about Vettel's retirement.

After organizing his words, Hamilton did not answer the host's question directly, but said that Vettel would return to the F1 arena one day and he would never give up the racing he loved.

Just like Alonso, another driver who was interviewed at the time.

Qin Miao simply quoted what his teammate Hamilton said to Vettel.

After hearing what Qin Miao said, Vettel smiled and said, "It seems that if I really want to return to the F1 arena one day, I need to consider the Mercedes team. After all, only the two drivers in your team firmly believe that I will come back."

Qin Miao also made a joke: "Of course, I welcome you to come, as long as you don't squeeze out my position."

After all, the process is still going on, and Vettel can't waste too much time with Qin Miao. But after hearing what Qin Miao said, he still smiled and said "you kid" and pointed at Qin Miao.

Soon the pre-race ceremony was completed, and it was time for the final countdown before the last race of the 2022 season, the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

After Qin Miao returned to the team’s home to rest for a while, he came to the track.

At this time, the sky in Abu Dhabi has not yet completely darkened. The race process of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix generally starts when the sky is about to darken, and then continues until the sky is completely dark. It is also considered to be a more distinctive Grand Prix in the entire F1 calendar.

Therefore, during this period before the race starts, the visibility on the track is still very good.

All the team staff were like ants, busying around their own team's cars.

Qin Miao walked all the way to his racing car, completed all the inspections, and then waited for the race to begin.

During this process, Qin Miao saw many drivers preparing for the race. Some were holding a ball and practicing their reaction speed with their assistants, some were closing their eyes to rest, but most of them were practicing their reaction abilities.

Qin Miao also tried this method.

For example, picking up a ball.

This kind of pre-match attention training does have a certain effect, but for Qin Miao, the effect of this pre-match training is not particularly obvious.

Qin Miao is only 21 years old this year, which is just the time when a person's reaction speed is the fastest. Therefore, this kind of advance training is half the result with twice the effort for Qin Miao, and the reaction speed that can be improved is almost zero.

Qin Miao simply did not make any preparations at this stage. Instead, he emptied his mind and was in a daze for a while, which also helped Qin Miao to stabilize his mentality during the competition.

Time flies, and soon Qin Miao's car is ready.

Qin Miao got into his car at the invitation of Reyes and others. After connecting various equipment and completing the inspection, it was almost time for the race to start.

"Good hunting!" was the last words Reyes said to Qin Miao before the game started.

Soon, the warm-up lap ended. Qin Miao stopped at his third starting position and waited for the drivers behind him to get in position. During this time, he habitually checked the various settings of his car to see if there were any mistakes. After making sure that everything was normal, Qin Miao began to wait leisurely for the start of the race.


"Okay, we see that all 20 racing cars are ready, the pursuit car is in place, the green flag is waving at the rear, and the race is about to begin!" The Five Star Sports soldier is now very relaxed.

It wasn't just Brother Bing, the other two commentators also had a very calm mentality at this time.

They have no desire for anything this season. Qin Miao has already won the second world championship of his career. Zhou Guanyu's starting position in today's game is also very good and he has the possibility of scoring points. For a rookie this season, Zhou Guanyu's performance is almost perfect.

At this moment, the three commentators were completely enjoying today's game.

The only expectation can’t even be called expectation, it can only be called hope.

That is, they want to see whether Mercedes can still win the constructors' championship when they are 20 points behind.

On the track, five red lights lit up one after another.

Qin Miao increased the engine speed of the car to 7000 rpm, just like he had done countless times in the past two years, pressed the clutch button with his finger, and waited for the five red lights to go out.

"When the five red lights go out, the race begins!" As Brother Bing said this, Qin Miao also released the clutch button on his steering wheel the moment the five red lights went out.

The car started off instantly, pushing the tires' grip to the limit.

The W13B flip-flops with obvious red stitching on the outside shot out from the starting position like a silver-black arrow.

Qin Miao had a very smooth start this time without any mistakes.

After making sure that he had no mistakes at the start, Qin Miao finally had the time to observe his teammates and main competitor Verstappen.

What surprised Qin Miao was that in the last game, because he was more relaxed at that time, Qin Miao felt that his starting speed and starting state should be the best in recent games.

But even with such an excellent start, Qin Miao did not significantly shorten the time gap between him and Verstappen and Hamilton in front of him, but was just slowly approaching the two.

In fact, in comparison, Verstappen had the worst start among the top three drivers.

Seeing this, Qin Miao realized that although the starting speed of these two people in today's game was slower than his, it was not much slower.

Therefore, the starting speed of the first three drivers is very interesting at this time. The closer to the back row, the faster the starting speed.

Obviously, Hamilton, who started from the inside at this time, was faster than Verstappen, and Hamilton had an absolute advantage in the subsequent offense and defense.

Verstappen himself is a driver with a strong competitive spirit. Although it is impossible for him to compete for the world championship this season, he still has the possibility of helping the Red Bull team win the team championship.

So after Verstappen discovered his disadvantage at the start, he did not want to give up his leading position.

So it was discovered that after Hamilton gradually approached, he directly changed lanes to the inside of the track, ready to block any possibility of Hamilton braking late on the inside.

Now Qin Miao was happy, because Verstappen would have blocked his entry into the corner, and because there was a car blocking the way ahead, the timing of his braking would inevitably be advanced, otherwise he would easily fail to stop.

Now that Verstappen is gone, Qin Miao can take a more normal route into the corner.

However, just as Qin Miao was secretly happy and was about to take a look in the rearview mirror as usual before heading to the outside of the track to prepare for the turn, he was somewhat surprised to see through the rearview mirror that there was a Red Bull racing car behind his car on the right.

The opponent is very close to me, and it is very easy for me to attack him.

Qin Miao was stunned, then realized that this was Perez!

How could it be Perez???

Throughout the entire season this year, Qin Miao has not suffered much at the start. Few of the drivers around him start faster than him.

Moreover, Qin Miao's starting condition today was relatively good.

But how did this person get up here?

All season long, Perez never threatened me at the start, what happened today?
Seeing Perez so close to him in the rearview mirror, Qin Miao knew that he could not take the normal outside line in this T1 turn.

If I go to the outside at this time, Perez will definitely get inside.

Qin Miao had no choice but to go to the inside, and his left front wheel just happened to hit his teammate Hamilton's right rear wheel.

It can be said that at this time there was no space at all inside T1 for Perez to squeeze in. Perez started faster than the two Mercedes drivers and his teammates today, so he could only take the outside line.

Then the audience who were watching the final battle of the 2022 F1 season at the scene and on TV were excited to discover.

The two Mercedes and two Red Bulls on the track were divided into two different camps and began fighting into the corner.

The four cars formed a staircase into the bend.

What do viewers of F1 races want to see? Isn't it the fist-to-flesh fights and thrilling dogfights between drivers on the track?

And in this last race, such an intense scene was played out on the track from the very start.

After discovering that Perez started the race today faster than himself, Qin Miao no longer had the time to pay attention to Hamilton and Verstappen in front of him.

All his attention was on Perez behind him.

Qin Miao is a master of defense after all. After discovering Perez's offensive intention and shifting all his attention to Perez, Qin Miao almost instantly thought of how to defend against Perez's threatening attack.

Stuck the inside and leave the outside to Perez.

It’s just that at this time, in addition to Perez behind Qin Miao, Hamilton and Verstappen were also fighting in front of him.

The fight between the two was even more brutal than Qin Miao had imagined.

Verstappen was the first to notice Hamilton's movements and came to the inside line immediately.

Hamilton was also changing direction towards the inside.

During this process, the two people inevitably used part of the tire traction to change lanes.

So much so that Qin Miao at the back gradually caught up with the pace of his teammate Hamilton.

Before Verstappen and Hamilton reach the braking point, they naturally need to try to get back to the outside of the track to find a wider line to enter the corner.

But when walking towards the outside line, Hamilton found that his teammate Qin Miao was stuck on the outside line, and Qin Miao's outside line was also blocked by Perez who braked late before the braking point.

As a result, Verstappen, who was at the front, couldn't find a good angle to enter the corner because his outside line was directly blocked by Hamilton.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, there will most likely be no position changes among the top four drivers at the start due to the mutual constraints between the drivers.

Although Verstappen had a hard time entering the corner this time, his car was in the front after all, so he had no constraints after exiting the corner and started accelerating directly.

However, Hamilton and Qin Miao need to pay attention to the position of the cars behind them when they exit the corner, and whether they will hit the car behind them when changing lanes to the outside.

As for Perez...what he needs to worry about is whether he will be squeezed off the track by Qin Miao.

Although the outer side of the Yas Bay Marina Circuit is not grass, but a concrete surface.

However, the grip of the asphalt road not on the driving lane is not as good as that of the asphalt road on the driving lane, not to mention that the outer side of the track is a concrete road.

However, what surprised Qin Miao was that Perez started too fast this time. He was on the outside but he was not left behind. When entering the curve, Perez was still following closely at the position of his right rear wheel.

Seeing Perez still stuck on his outside line when he was about to come out of the corner, Qin Miao curled his lips slightly: "Brother has the line right now, in front of you, what you should do at this time is to recognize yourself, instead of squeezing into this gap that you can't grasp at all!"

So after exiting the turn, Qin Miao changed lanes directly to the outside of the track and began to squeeze Perez's outside space.

At this time, Qin Miao left Perez with two options: either be squeezed out of the track by himself, or slow down actively and go back to the back to look for another opportunity.

However, what surprised Qin Miao, and even shocked him, was that Perez did not choose the two options he gave him, but chose the third one and put the knife to his neck.

After exiting the turn, he did not choose to slow down, but instead took the initiative to move his left front wheel in front of Qin Miao's right rear wheel.

Qin Miao, who had participated in F1 competitions for two years, felt his anus tighten when he saw this position of Perez's racing tire.

He knew very well what would happen if his right rear wheel collided with Perez's left front wheel in this situation.

Countless samples on the field have verified the results after the collision.

There is a 100% chance that I will be bounced away by Perez.

But while feeling his anus tighten, Qin Miao was more confused.

How dare Perez do that? Isn't that a violation of the law?
However, despite some doubts, Qin Miao quickly adjusted his mentality.

The FIA's race rules clearly state that if Perez hit him at this time, then Perez would be fully responsible and he was just driving normally.

But seeing someone holding a knife against his neck, Qin Miao still felt a little unhappy, so when Qin Miao came out of the corner, he squeezed directly towards Perez on the outside.

The main reason why Qin Miao cashed out this time was to make Perez's car run completely onto the concrete ground outside the track, and then slowly slow down because of the grip and debris and gravel on the track.

But I don’t know if it was because Perez didn’t react, or if Perez didn’t notice it at all, or if he noticed it but didn’t want to hide at all.

This time when Qin Miao pushed towards the outside line, Perez did not react at all, and the most striking thing was that he was unmoved.



The sound of carbon fiber breaking was transmitted to Qin Miao's ears through the vibration of the car. (End of this chapter)

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