How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 517 Chapter 521: Clown

However, although he was caught off guard by the host's question, Qin Miao had already been training in the paddock for so long after all.

My experience in all aspects has grown significantly, including when answering reporters' questions.

So Qin Miao's answer was flawless: "Actually, that's not the case. This season, our car's performance has improved significantly compared to last season. Compared to the W13, our lap time at the Sakhir Circuit has increased by more than one second."

"But what we didn't expect was that the performance of the Red Bull car was much stronger than we thought, so much so that for a moment we didn't even know where the huge time gap between us and the Red Bull came from." Qin Miao scratched his head and said with a wry smile.

"But fortunately, the final result of the game satisfied all of us."

After hearing Qin Miao's answer, the host didn't continue to trouble Qin Miao, and the subsequent questions were all quite standard.

Ask Qin Miao about the cause of the accident.

Qin Miao was pragmatic: "It was just an ordinary track accident, nothing to worry about."

Then, regarding the driving experience of the tricycle, Qin Miao jokingly said, "I feel like my hands are about to be broken by the shock."

After answering the remaining two questions, Qin Miao went backstage to prepare to go on stage to receive the award.

The Mercedes staff member who went on stage to receive the award on behalf of the Mercedes team today was Qin Miao's track engineer Frankie.

After returning to the lounge, Qin Miao sat down, drank some water, adjusted his breathing, and looked up at the screen in the lounge.

Playing on the screen at this moment was the replay of the accident between him and Verstappen.

Not long after Qin Miao sat down, Hamilton finished the interview and came to the lounge.

After seeing Qin Miao's gaze, Hamilton also focused his attention on the screen.

Then Hamilton happened to see the scene where Verstappen's car was bounced away by Qin Miao, and it was the first-person perspective of Qin Miao's car.

To be honest, at this time Hamilton didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

After all, both Qin Miao and Verstappen are, to a certain extent, Hamilton's main competitors.

But Hamilton's inner emotions were very strange at this time. He really wanted Verstappen to suppress Qin Miao on the track, but he didn't want Verstappen to be too strong.

But Hamilton, who is Qin Miao's teammate, knows that if Verstappen is not strong enough, he will not be able to suppress Qin Miao on the track.

Hamilton even had a feeling that Qin Miao's talent might not be inferior to his own.

But no matter what, after seeing this accident, Hamilton shook his head and sighed.

Hamilton is probably the only person in the paddock who knows how difficult it is to drive a three-wheeled F1 car back.

Therefore, while Hamilton was worried that Qin Miao would completely replace him in the Mercedes-Benz team, he also admired Qin Miao's personal abilities.

After watching for two minutes, Verstappen also came up.

Originally, Qin Miao and Hamilton were going to chat about some things about the race in the lounge, but after Verstappen came in, Qin Miao didn't want to talk anymore.

Verstappen had nothing good to say to Qin Miao, so neither of them spoke.

Hamilton saw that the atmosphere was tense when the two were in the same room, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

After all, strictly speaking, Hamilton's relationship with these two people was not particularly good.

So during the rest time while waiting for the podium to be ready, the room was exceptionally quiet.

Everyone is doing their own thing quietly.

Soon, following the reminder from the track organizer staff, Hamilton put on his hat and went on stage to receive the award.

Next came Verstappen and Qin Miao.

After arriving at the highest podium, I looked at the densely packed crowd below.

Although this is the umpteenth time that Qin Miao has stood in this position in his career, he still feels a little excited when looking at the fans in the audience.

After all, it is hard to imagine that all you see are your fans. They are willing to spend a lot of money to watch your games. If you raise your arms and call for action, many of them will even be willing to follow you in rebellion.

Ahem, just kidding.

In short, after Qin Miao stood still, he took off the hat on his head, put his hands behind his back, and his expression gradually became calm.

Because the national anthem will be played next.

After singing the national anthem silently following the melody, the expression on Qin Miao's face gradually relaxed and softened, and he smiled again.

The next step is to collect your championship trophy.

What are the characteristics of Bahrain?
People who may not know much about F1 know basically nothing about this place, and may not even have heard of it.

But this country is a neighbor of Saudi Arabia, located between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and is a small island country.

But due to its special geographical location, like many Middle Eastern countries, this country is relatively rich.

There is no shortage of natural gas or oil, so there is naturally no shortage of money.

The reason why it is not well-known is that its big brother Saudi Arabia is so famous.

Moreover, the territory of the Kingdom of Bahrain is indeed too small compared to Saudi Arabia.

But no one wants to keep his head down and be small all the time.

The head of the Bahraini government's propaganda department is quite capable.

Although the oil tycoons in the Middle East have always given the impression to the world that they are rich, things that can be solved with money are not considered problems in their eyes.

But in fact, these Middle Eastern people are very smart. They know what it means to achieve great things with little money.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are invested to build a race track and host an F1 Grand Prix race.

After a series of smooth little combos, basically all the fans who watch the F1 race know that there is a country called Bahrain in the world.

As a result, Bahrain’s global visibility has skyrocketed.

It's a typical example of doing great things with little money.

Having mentioned so many characteristics of this country, the trophy of this country must also have local characteristics.

At least it won't be like some grand prix, where the race is held in Europe but the championship trophy given out is Chinese porcelain.

In fact, the trophy given by the Bahrain Grand Prix officials is a regular trophy.

However, this trophy is a little big, almost half the size of Qin Miao.

When Qin Miao took it in his hand, he felt it was heavy, especially heavy.

The award presenter always held the trophy with both hands when he handed it over. Because he also needed to shake hands with the other party, after receiving the trophy, Qin Miao could only hold the trophy in his armpits and then shook hands with the other party with a smile.

After the polite handshake, Qin Miao raised his trophy above his head and showed it to the audience.

There was another round of applause and cheers.

After the simple celebration, Qin Miao carefully held up the trophy, which was almost half his size.

Well, it looks like pure silver, but a huge golden ring structure can be seen on the rim, body and base of the cup.

Judging from the nature of Middle Eastern people and the weight of this trophy, the outer layer is probably made of pure gold, and the body of the trophy is also likely to be made of pure silver.

The reason why it wasn’t so heavy that Qin Miao couldn’t lift it was probably because the trophy was hollowed out in the middle.

And this is probably not because the Middle Eastern people have never thought of giving the drivers a solid trophy, but because a solid trophy is too heavy.

After all, if this thing is solid, then given the size of the trophy, even if it is filled with pure silver instead of gold, its weight may be as much as one ton.

No matter how strong Qin Miao's physical attributes are, he can't interact with the fans at the scene while holding a one-ton trophy.

Verstappen and Hamilton then also received their own trophies, which also looked like Qin Miao's trophy, but were obviously much smaller.

Verstappen's trophy needs to be held with both hands, but Hamilton can hold it over his head with one hand.

As the familiar music sounded, Qin Miao smiled and picked up the champagne glass at his feet, shook it vigorously a few times, and then began to spray it at Franky.

Then it was Hamilton's turn. When Qin Miao was shifting his firepower, he also sprayed Verstappen.

However, Verstappen, who was alone on the podium, directed his main firepower at the Red Bull team staff below, while Qin Miao, Hamilton and Franky directly fought with each other.

Soon Qin Miao's clothes were all wet.

But Qin Miao didn't care. When he was in F2, Qin Miao really didn't like the feeling of the inside of his racing suit being completely wet.

Now Qin Miao looks forward to experiencing this feeling every Grand Prix weekend.

Because having this feeling means that I have won the championship of today's game.

Finally, after Qin Miao, the other two drivers and the Mercedes team representatives finished celebrating, the on-site director gave the final ranking and scores of the drivers in this race:

P1: Qin Miao +25
P2: Verstappen +18
P3: Hamilton +15
P4: Perez +12
P5: Alonso +10
P6: Sainz +8
P7: Stroll +6
P8: Bottas +4
P9: Zhou Guanyu +2
P10: Gasly +2 (fastest lap)
In fact, in addition to being happy to see the famous scene in the opening game, the audience of today's game was even more surprised that at the same time, they saw the rise of the Aston Martin team.

After all, Alonso finished fifth in today's race.

Although this ranking is still not too high compared to the performance and results of Qin Miao and Verstappen today, but at least for a bottom-ranked team that was struggling in the middle and lower reaches last season, this result couldn't be better.

Also because of the sudden rise of the Aston Martin team, the leader Alonso also reaped the inevitable dividends of the rise of the small team, and won the best driver voted by the audience of today's race, as well as a lot of attention.

In addition, Ocon, the teammate of Tou Ge last season, also became a legendary penalty-enduring king in today's game, and was directly penalized to the point of voluntarily retiring from the game.

Coupled with the fifth place result, the entire Aston Martin team was naturally celebrating.

Tou Ge also demonstrated to all the fans at the scene what old man happiness is. After getting off the car, the smile on Tou Ge's face never faded.

He even felt that Hamilton looked much more handsome during the post-race interview.

At the same time, what surprised domestic car fans was that Zhou Guanyu also achieved a very good result in today's race.

Zhou Guanyu and his teammate Bottas finished eighth and ninth in today's race.

The two men earned a total of six points for the Arrow team.

Although this year's Arrow team's opening performance was not as good as the opening performance in the first year of the ground effect era.

But this result was achieved when the overall speed of the Arrow team was relatively lower than that of last season.

Strictly speaking, this result is already an exceptional performance by the Arrow team.

The representative of the Arrow team, Bravi, had a smile on his face at this time, and he was happier than during the Chinese New Year.

It is worth mentioning that due to Vasseur's departure, the Arrow team did not have a real leader at this time.

Bravi can only be regarded as a team manager. Before Sauber and Audi officially complete the handover of the team, it is estimated that Arrow will not find a formal team leader.

This is still a question of mutual wrangling. After all, Audi's acquisition of Sobo is not like Lynk & Co., where they took over the entire fleet at once after a winter break.

After acquiring all the shares of the team, it will be much more convenient to replace people or make personnel appointments, and subsequent arrangements will naturally be easier.

Audi, on the other hand, did not take over the Sauber Group directly in one go, but instead purchased Sauber Group's shares bit by bit. Naturally, it does not have as strong control over the team as Lynk & Co.

This resulted in Audi being dissatisfied with the team leader that Sauber wanted, and Sauber not accepting the team leader arranged by Audi.

Therefore, many people think that given Arrow's current state, it is estimated that Arrow will not be able to have a proper team leader until Audi officially enters F26 in 1 years.

Of course, there was also a team leader in the paddock at this time who satisfied both Audi and Sobo, and the other party had even just resigned.

That’s right, this person is the legendary automobile engine designer, the eternal hero and the eternal clown in Tiefu Temple’s heart: Mattia Binotto↑.

When facing Binotto, Audi and Sobo had surprisingly similar ideas.

Even if Binotto's management ability of the team is average or even disastrous, with such a big name in the field of engine development here, Audi and Sobo can accept it even if Binotto's management ability of the team is a little worse.

It's impossible for his performance to be worse than Arrow's current performance, right?
Although Arrow was a customer team of Ferrari at that time and used Ferrari's engine, ever since Audi had plans to enter F1, they were preparing to build their own engine research and development department. Now was a good time for Binotto to show his talents.

During the winter break, Binotto must have had some private contact with Audi.

Then, when Binotto was chatting with his good friends, he clearly pointed out that Audi was a bunch of clowns.

Audi didn't say much bad about Teacher Bi, but just expressed that it was a pity that he couldn't reach a cooperation with Teacher Bi.

It was obvious that the talks between the two sides broke down.

On the contrary, when Lynk & Co looked for Teacher Bi, both sides had a very happy chat.

Red Bull is also looking forward to Binotto's joining.

It’s just that Binotto still has a garden holiday, and Binotto still wants to be the team leader.

However, there is no news in the paddock about the specific progress of the talks between Lynk & Co, Red Bull and Binotto.

Not even a rumor.

All in all, many senior media professionals in the paddock are not optimistic about Arrow’s performance this season.

As for A Luo's performance today...

Just the last struggle before decline. (End of this chapter)

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