How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 570 554: Life hangs on a thread

Qin Miao also felt a little overwhelmed after seeing this.

But I am still calm.

After all, his car was damaged at the beginning of the race, and Qin Miao had already roughly anticipated that he was unlikely to win the race today.

After coming behind Qin Miao, the Red Bull strategy team, which had accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with Qin Miao, also began to give advice to Verstappen in the team TR.

"Max, you have a five-second penalty, so it's not enough for us to overtake Qin Miao in today's race. We also have to create a time gap of more than 5 seconds between us and Qin Miao on the track. We believe you can do it."

"Any good plans?"

"Approach Qin Miao at your normal race pace, then overtake him as quickly as you can, and don't waste too much time behind him."

This is the disadvantage of foreigners using English. In terms of language expression, the entropy value of English words is too low. If they use Chinese, it would be just like: achieve success in one go.

After receiving the reminder from the team, Verstappen also remembered that he still had a 5-second penalty and could not waste too much time behind Qin Miao.

After a brief discussion, Verstappen did not try his best to chase Qin Miao on the track.

But despite this, on the track, Verstappen overtook Qin Miao by 1 second in the first lap after coming out of the maintenance area, and by 1 seconds in the second lap.

Don’t think that Verstappen’s approach rate to Qin Miao is a bit too incredible.

You should know that the single lap speed of soft tires on the Catalan circuit is a little more than 1 second faster than that of hard tires. In addition, Qin Miao's set of hard tires has been running on the track for so long, and Verstappen's car has a speed advantage over the W14 itself. All these combined make Verstappen so much faster in one lap.

This is even the result of Verstappen not pushing at his full potential. If Verstappen really tried his best to chase Qin Miao on the track, his lap speed would be about two seconds faster than Qin Miao.

It was only the 55th lap at this time, and the original 6.5-second time gap between Qin Miao and Verstappen was shortened to 4.1 seconds.

Qin Miao could even see Verstappen behind him through the rearview mirror.

However, the more critical the moment, the clearer and calmer Qin Miao's mind was. Qin Miao was not in a hurry at this time, but began to think quickly about how to defend against the opponent's attack after Verstappen caught up.

Is there any effective way to curb Verstappen's speed?

It is difficult for a normal person to think about something rationally in a very noisy environment, let alone in an F1 car.

When driving an F1 car, a normal driver would like to devote his entire body and mind to driving, and no one has the extra time to think about other things.

This is why drivers need their own track engineer.

This is equivalent to the drivers' external brain during the race, and they help make many decisions.

But Qin Miao is different. He can even be distracted while driving, let alone thinking. This may be unimaginable for other drivers, but it is easy for Qin Miao.

So when Verstappen was 57 seconds behind Qin Miao on the 1.7th lap, Qin Miao finally thought of a way to slightly curb Verstappen's offensive rhythm.

As for locking Verstappen behind him, Qin Miao didn't think he could do it, at least not with the current W14 at the Catalan Circuit.

On lap 58, Verstappen entered the DRS zone behind Qin Miao.

Just when all the Red Bull fans and Verstappen fans thought that Verstappen, who entered the DRS zone behind Qin Miao, would be able to overtake Qin Miao in an instant with sparks and lightning just like when he was chasing Qin Miao.

But the fact is that Verstappen came to the DRS area behind Qin Miao but was not in a hurry to attack Qin Miao.

Verstappen was well aware that although Qin Miao's defensive ability seemed average this season, he was often overtaken by him on the track.

But those were all illusions. Before he surpassed Qin Miao, he had at least three laps to charge the battery of the car and shorten the time gap between him and Qin Miao before the start.

If you don't do this and don't use all your strength to attack Qin Miao, then Qin Miao will tell you what the iron wall and the wall of sighs are.

And on the track today, Verstappen still practiced the way he learned from Qin Miao to surpass him.

Even when Qin Miao took the initiative to expose his flaws, Verstappen did not even think of forcing his way into Qin Miao's inside line to try an attack.

Seeing this, Qin Miao braked to the outside of T9 and the rear wheel smoked briefly, causing him to lose his position on the track.

And this time Qin Miao was a little too excited to expose his flaws. At that time, Verstappen could easily overtake Qin Miao in this corner by just taking the inside line and braking late.

Even after selling out this flaw, Qin Miao himself felt a little regretful, because to put it nicely, it was selling out a flaw, but to put it bluntly, Qin Miao became a little anxious after seeing that Verstappen had not been fooled several times, and thus made a mistake.

But Verstappen's actions also made Qin Miao feel deeply helpless, because even though Qin Miao made a mistake, Verstappen did not attack and still followed Qin Miao into the turn.

After seeing this scene, Qin Miao even wondered if Verstappen had quit drugs, how could he bear this.

Verstappen could indeed see that the defense against Qin Miao was most likely his own mistake.

But Verstappen didn't dare to gamble, and he didn't believe that Qin Miao had any flaws.

Verstappen's previous experience of fighting with Qin Miao countless times on the track told him that Qin Miao was just a nobody. Those flaws and advantageous points on the track that seemed to offer opportunities, no matter how realistic and tempting they looked, could not be believed. Even if they were real mistakes, they were very suspicious in Verstappen's view.

Qin Miao is like the legendary Siren, always tempting you to fall into the abyss in his own way.

Verstappen, knowing that he had an absolute speed advantage, would rather hide behind Qin Miao for a while and breathe in the exhaust from his engine than seize this opportunity that would seem to allow him to overtake Qin Miao easily.

But you know what, Verstappen actually found the only flaw in Qin Miao's defensive ability.

Therefore, Verstappen is one of the few drivers who has surpassed Qin Miao on the track since Qin Miao entered F1.

The other naturally Hamilton.

In the end, Verstappen followed Qin Miao until the 59th lap.

In fact, Verstappen could have overtaken Qin Miao in the DRS zone on the starting straight on lap 58.

However, looking at the 90% power in his energy storage unit, Verstappen still felt unsafe. It was not until the power was charged to 100% that Verstappen decided to take action against Qin Miao.

So when Verstappen finally attacked Qin Miao, the battery in his car was at 100%.

At this moment, Verstappen was a bit like the protagonist in those Gou Daoliu novels. He only started to take action against Qin Miao after everything was ready.

The place to start is naturally the starting straight.

Verstappen started releasing ERS after exiting corner T12 without even waiting for the start straight.

At T12, the time gap between Verstappen and Qin Miao was still 0.4 seconds. When they exited T13, the time gap between them was only 0.3. And Verstappen was still approaching Qin Miao quickly.

Although Qin Miao knew that with the current speed of Verstappen's car and its current position on the track, no matter how hard he struggled it would be in vain.

But after so many years, Qin Miao has seen and experienced a lot. After driving a racing car for two years, Qin Miao's dopamine threshold has been raised very high.

In addition to driving a racing car that will make Qin Miao secrete dopamine, only winning the race championship will make Qin Miao get more happiness brought by dopamine.

So even though Qin Miao is a lazy person at heart, he still very much desires to win the championship in the individual races.

So when Verstappen attacked, even though Qin Miao knew that he could hardly defend against Verstappen, he still squeezed to the inside to prevent Verstappen from overtaking.

Although Qin Miao himself knew that it was most likely futile to do so, it was basically impossible to stop Verstappen behind him.

But Qin Miao did it anyway.

Qin Miao's expectation was correct. Facing Qin Miao's squeeze, Verstappen was also dodging to the inside of the track.

However, even though Verstappen had given up the track, he never braked from beginning to end.

The throttle is always welded.

After all, Qin Miao is not Verstappen, so it is impossible for him to really push Verstappen onto the guardrail of the track.

Qin Miao would not do that, and he couldn't do it.

So after forcing Verstappen to a very extreme position, Qin Miao left Verstappen a little more than a car body's distance and did not continue to put pressure on Verstappen.

At this time, Qin Miao's meaning was very clear: I will give you a distance that is a little bit wider than the width of a car body. If you can dodge and overtake the car within this small range, then I will consider you awesome and I really can't do anything to you.

But if you can't overtake and hit me, I'm sorry, I've left you enough space, and it's all your responsibility if you hit me.

Moreover, my Mercedes-Benz racing car is famous for its stiff suspension, so I won't feel any discomfort when it collides with your Red Bull racing car.

Even if neither of us was injured, you took the initiative to collide with me, and coupled with the collision at the start of the car, the combined punishment for multiple crimes is at least a 10-second penalty.

In this way, the championship of the race is mine.

But even though Qin Miao's ideas are indeed creative, Verstappen is Verstappen.

Even though the space Qin Miao left for him was very small, Verstappen still managed to defeat Qin Miao in this small space without slowing down at all.

Looking at Verstappen who had overtaken him and left in a cloud of dust, Qin Miao felt more powerless.

I have done everything I can, but the RB19 driven by Verstappen is too fast.

What's more, Pan Zi himself is very brave and dares to go through such a small gap. The key is that he passed the gap without any mistakes.

Pan Zi is indeed no ordinary person.

Qin Miao could only comfort himself in this way.

"Qin Miao did his best in defense this time." On the track, after Verstappen surpassed Qin Miao, Bingge from Five Star Sports was also frustrated, but still said: "Qin Miao's performance in today's race was already very good, but we can also see the performance advantage of Red Bull this season."

On the track, Qin Miao had the same idea at this time. Since he had been overtaken by Verstappen, all he could do now was to run at his normal pace on the track and wait for the race to be over.

There are still 6 laps to go before the end of the race.

No one would think that with Verstappen's speed, he could not leave Qin Miao behind by 5 seconds in the remaining six laps.

Even Qin Miao himself thought so.

However, Qin Miao did not give up. He began to charge his racing battery silently.

At the end of the 60th lap, Verstappen had widened the time gap between himself and Qin Miao to 0.9 seconds.

The reason why Qin Miao was not thrown out of the DRS zone directly was, on the one hand, because Verstappen used up the power of his ERS when attacking Qin Miao.

As a result, Qin Miao was hit by Verstappen's slipstream and DRS at the extreme position of the DRS zone at the end of the second timing section.

You have to know that the Red Bull W14 is an extremely specialized racing car. With DRS, the final speed of the W14 is even faster than that of the RB19 with DRS.

Therefore, Qin Miao relied on Verstappen's tailwind and DRS to reach a top speed of 345 kilometers per hour, while also shortening the time gap between himself and Verstappen to 0.5 seconds.

Then in the first few corners of the third timing section, Verstappen may have also felt the threat posed by Qin Miao.

His speed obviously increased again, and then he left Qin Miao behind by 0.5 seconds in the four turns before the DRS monitoring point on the starting straight.

Qin Miao was thrown out of the DRS area.

To be honest, Qin Miao's heart died when he suddenly found out that Verstappen still had so much tire space left.

Damn it, Qin Miao originally thought that he had a chance to steal a grand prix title by taking advantage of Verstappen's five-second penalty, but now it seems that there is no hope at all.

At the end of the 61st lap, the time gap between Verstappen and Qin Miao was widened to 2 seconds.

At the end of lap 62, the time gap between Verstappen and Qin Miao was 3.1 seconds.

End of lap 63, 3.9 seconds.

Verstappen's lap time was obviously slower in this lap, and he was only 0.8 seconds ahead of Qin Miao on the track.

This is normal. After all, since Verstappen really started to attack Qin Miao, he has not saved on tires.

Although this set of soft tires is C3, it can even be used as hard tires on tracks like Monaco that don't consume much tire energy.

But the Catalan circuit is too demanding on tyres, and Verstappen's tyres are now starting to show signs of losing speed.

End of lap 64, 4.6 seconds.

There are two laps left to the end of the race. (End of this chapter)

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