How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 73 72: Training

Chapter 73 72: Training

When Qin Miao came home, her mother hadn't come back yet.

Qin Miao didn't pay too much attention, went back to the room to take a shower, and then turned on her computer.

At this time, Qin Miao's mobile phone has received the logistics information of the express delivery. The six-axis G-force seat that Boss Zhou gave Qin Miao is already on the way, and if there are no accidents, it will arrive tomorrow.

But didn't Qiumeng say that in the morning?When a monk hits the clock one day, since Qin Miao plans to develop on the track of a racing driver in the future, don't have any slack, and try his best to improve himself.

The maps and techniques that should be practiced still need to be practiced.

Qin Miao's plan is relatively simple, that is, to continuously improve the proficiency of the track according to the schedule of this year's F1 competition.

The first is the Albert Park Circuit in Melbourne, Australia.

This is a street race with a long history, so I won’t describe too much about the track introduction. After all, it’s just a practice, not a race on this track.

Open "AC", find the Albert Park track in the game, select Ferrari 488GT3, and finally enter the game.

如果说以前的秦淼喜欢法拉利488 GT3是因为这台车的颜值颇对他的胃口,那么现在秦淼喜欢法拉利488 GT3纯粹就是因为秦淼也有一台法拉利488了。

Since there is a car of the same model in reality, Qin Miao has an inexplicable sense of intimacy and familiarity with the 488 GT3 when driving it in the game.

However, during this period of time, Qin Miao's improvement in strength was relatively obvious, so Qin Miao briefly familiarized himself with the vehicle and his steering wheel, and then relied on his feeling after a few laps of test driving to adjust the settings of the frequently used racing car to a certain extent. Modifications.

For example, the tire pressure is slightly increased, the suspension rigidity is increased, and the rear wing resistance is adjusted to a smaller level.

After running a few more laps and brushing up 3 points of track proficiency, Qin Miao found the familiar feeling of driving again.

Qin Miao has been playing on the simulator until the roar of his Ferrari engine can be heard outside the window.

In nearly an hour, Qin Miao only achieved a proficiency of 6.6 on the Albert Park track.

On the one hand, the speed of GT3 racing cars is incomparable to that of F1, so the efficiency of gaining proficiency will naturally not be too high.

On the other hand, as long as Qin Miao feels something uncomfortable or the settings are wrong, Qin Miao will immediately send the car back to the maintenance area to adjust the settings.

It is not easy to find a tuning that suits your driving style and satisfies the speed. This process is extremely time-consuming.

The most important thing is that Qin Miao's simulator can only give him 60% fidelity, and only 0.6 proficiency after running a lap.

That's why Qin Miao only developed such a little proficiency in nearly an afternoon.

But in the end, Qin Miao found the most comfortable tuning settings for him to drive in the afternoon, and also refreshed the fastest single lap he ran before.

After turning off the computer, she went to open the door for her mother, and Qin Miao breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that nothing happened to her mother.

Although Qin Miao knew that her mother had a driver's license, but she hadn't seen her drive for so many years, Qin Miao was actually a little worried.

On the one hand, I am worried that my mother will be injured, and on the other hand, I am worried that my car will break down.

Fortunately, Qin Miao's worries did not come true.

After returning home, my mother threw the car keys into Qin Miao's hands with a look of disgust.

Qin Miao caught it in a hurry.

"Your car looks good, but the chassis is too hard. If you go faster and pass a speed bump, you want to fly directly. My old bones can't stand this kind of toss."

Qin Miao reluctantly took the car keys, and at the same time began to think about whether to buy a car for her mother.

After all, now that I have more than 100 million deposits that I can use at will, it is not a big problem to spend some money to buy my mother a car she likes.

"Mom, why don't I bring you a car, it's convenient enough to commute to and from get off work."

My mother just smiled and waved her hands and said, "Forget it, I only have two steps to work. After buying a car, the company still can't find a parking space."

Qin Miao didn't force it, and after making sure that her mother really didn't want it, she went back to her room to chat with Qiumeng.

Silent all night.

Since the training in the morning was very exhausting, Qin Miao simply chatted with Qiu Meng before going to bed that night, so Qin Miao woke up very early the next day.

I don't know if it was because of the new health medicine or because the coach's massage after yesterday's training had an effect. Qin Miao didn't feel any discomfort after waking up the next day.

Without waking up her sleepy mother, Qin Miao picked up the car keys and went out.

He still has a training task today, and just checked the express message on his phone, his six-axis G-force seat was delivered in the afternoon.

After the training in the morning, he had to think about where to install this six-axis G-force seat at home.

Besides, Qin Miao had to buy a new computer equipment.

Qin Miao's current computer is used for other entertainment purposes besides playing racing simulators, such as watching live broadcasts, watching videos, and watching movies.

And the simulator must have a computer to drive it. For a racing simulator, the performance required is not so extreme. Qin Miao's own computer is more than enough to play mainstream racing games after sacrifice.

So Qin Miao had to reassemble a computer for his own use.

Fortunately, Qin Miao, as a young man who likes to play games, also has a certain understanding of computer hardware. He is also rich now, so he can pile up all hardware equipment on the most expensive side.

After placing an order for the hardware and accessories she wanted on in the morning, Qin Miao went out.

Instead of looking for Qiumeng, Qin Miao went directly to the gym after breakfast. At this time, Kong Youming was already waiting for Qin Miao in the gym.

It's fine for Qin Miao to be a few minutes late as the boss, but today is Kong Youming's first day at work, so he can't be late no matter what.

Even because of the special nature of the job, he had to arrive a little earlier.

After meeting Kong Youming, the two parties first greeted each other politely, and after exchanging pleasantries, Qin Miao asked, "Coach, shall we start now?"

Kong Youming nodded, and then began to warm up with Qin Miao.

The warm-up process is mainly stretching and jogging. This is to warm up Qin Miao's body and prepare for the next high-intensity exercise.

After the warm-up, rest for 5 minutes, add some water, and then start to go on the treadmill. This stage is mainly to exercise Qin Miao's lung capacity. In fact, the effect will be better if there are professional equipment, but it is a pity that this is just an ordinary gym.

Because the purpose was to exercise Qin Miao's extreme physical strength, he had to run fast until Qin Miao was out of breath.

After running to the limit, if I couldn't hold on, I took a rest for 10 minutes, and then did another set, and there were three sets in total.

After the lung capacity training, the body muscle group is trained.

First, Kong Youming asked Qin Miao to lift a 10kg dumbbell plate, and then sat on the sponge cushion in the same way as he was sitting in the F4 cockpit.

Think of the dumbbell plate as a steering wheel, hold the steering wheel up and lift the dumbbell plate, and turn the dumbbell plate at a frequency of twenty times per minute.

This is mainly to exercise the core muscles of Qin Miao's abdomen. Do it for 3 minutes, a total of three groups, with a 5-minute rest in between each group.

The next step is to throw the rope. The faster the frequency, the better. After all, you have just started training, and the requirements are not so high. Do a total of three sets, each set lasts for 2 minutes, and rests for 5 minutes in between.

The next thing is to practice the neck.

Under the guidance of Kong Youming, Qin Miao lay down on a yoga mat, and put a helmet brought by Kong Youming on his head. There were many grooves on the helmet, and weights could be embedded in the grooves.

Qin Miao needs to wear such a helmet to do sit-ups on the neck, and to do sit-ups in three directions.

After all, a racing driver is a profession that needs to fight against G force. The pressure on the neck of some curves with relatively strong G force can easily reach 5G. It is conceivable how much force the neck needs to bear.

Of course, this is the pressure that F1 drivers need to bear on their necks. If Qin Miao puts his future goal on GT3, the highest G force will hover around the range of 3~4G.

After the head training, Qin Miao felt exhausted, and there was no more energy in her body to squeeze out, but Kong Youming said, "Take a rest for 10 minutes, and finally do a set of non-tiring balance training."

Qin Miao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and finally didn't need to continue to work on her physical fitness.

But he hadn't been happy for long, and the balance training after 10 minutes almost made him cry.

Because balance training requires Qin Miao to sit on the yoga ball, Kong Youming grabbed Qin Miao's legs to provide him with limited support.

After that, Qin Miao needs to rely on his core strength to stabilize his body and prevent himself from falling off the ball. During this process, Kong Youming will not give Qin Miao any external help.

He only made sure that Qin Miao would not fall headfirst.

In fact, this is only the most basic balance training method. After Qin Miao's physical strength comes up, this training subject will be changed to Qin Miao's need to control his body and prevent Kong Youming from pulling himself off the yoga ball.

As for Kong Youming's so-called not tired, what Qin Miao needs is to use his entire abdomen, waist, legs, chest and strength to maintain balance and physical condition.

The key is that these places have just been drilled hard, and Qin Miao feels extremely sore when he exerts force.

Now Qin Miao really felt that his life would be worse than death, but he insisted on completing it with a grim face. It only took 2 minutes, but it made Qin Miao feel like two years of balance training.

After finally getting off the yoga ball, Qin Miao was like a dead fish that had just been fished out of the water. She was soaked and lying on the ground without moving.

At this time, Kong Youming took out the ice pack that he had prepared a long time ago, and put it directly on Qin Miao's main muscle groups.

Cold compresses after training can relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and effectively reduce the accumulation of lactic acid after exercise.

And this set of combined punches did not arrive within an hour, and Kong Youming drained Qin Miao's physical energy.

(End of this chapter)

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