How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 81: Chapter 80: Young People

Chapter 81: Chapter 80: Young People
They went downstairs to find the sightseeing car, and the two of them took the sightseeing car all the way to the F2 team's station at the British Grand Prix.

We all know that F1 cars are transported by large trailers, but F2 teams are not so arrogant, and the equipment they use to transport vehicles is just containers.

The place where the F1 team parks is the P room in the track, while the place where the F2 team parks depends on the track.

There are at least 20 P rooms in the parking area of ​​some tracks, so the F2 team can be allocated a P room during the race.

And when there are not enough P rooms on some tracks, the F2 team can only go to the open space planned by the organizer for them, and simply build a temporary parking area with the tents they brought over.

Silverstone is the latter. After all, it is an old circuit, and there are not so many P rooms in the maintenance area for F2 teams.

In front of Qin Miao was a group of tents, and the tents of the convoy and the convoy were separated by detachable boards, so privacy could be guaranteed.

At this time, there are no F2 cars under these tents, and those F2 cars are still going back on the track at this time, but in these places, the staff of the F2 team have begun to push the trolleys with F2 racing tires back to their tents .

After arriving here, Qin Miao realized belatedly that he didn't seem to know the senior leaders of the F2 team, and he didn't know who to turn to for questions about his doubts.

But Qin Miao soon felt relieved. After all, the idea just now was just a whim of Qin Miao's. Qin Miao would be very happy if it happened, and Qin Miao would not feel sorry if it didn't.

In fact, all this is due to Qin Miao's system. Without the help of Qin Miao's system, Qin Miao would not have the capital and confidence to practice after he has an idea.

But since they are all here, Qin Miao also wants to meet Zhou Guanyu, the pole position winner of F2 in the British Grand Prix.

So Qin Miao did not leave in a hurry after hitting a wall, but took Qiumeng to find the location of Zhou Guanyu's motorcade.

The drivers hadn't come back yet, and the Ferrari hat on Qin Miao's head was incompatible with the atmosphere of Zhou Guanyu's F2 team.

Because the sponsor behind this team is Renault, this team is also part of the Renault Sports Academy.

So many people cast curious eyes on this young couple.

Qin Miao was actually a little embarrassed. After all, young people have not cultivated their thick skins yet.

But it doesn't matter, before Qin Miao couldn't take it anymore, F2 cars started to be pushed back from the pit lane one after another.

The F2 drivers also returned to their team rest area together.

The sharp-eyed Qin Miao saw Zhou Guanyu among the crowd of drivers at a glance.

Taking off the Ferrari hat on her head, Qin Miao took the big pen from Qiu Meng and moved to Zhou Guanyu's side.

"Zhou Guanyu! Can I trouble you to sign it for me?"

Zhou Guanyu, who was chatting with a familiar driver, turned his head and saw Qin Miao.

Young, this is Zhou Guanyu's first impression of the boy in front of him. If nothing else happens, this guy may be a few years younger than himself.

But I don't know why, he naturally exudes a confident but not conceited temperament that his peers rarely have.

However, Zhou Guanyu naturally had no reason to refuse the other party's request, and even Zhou Guanyu was a little happy.

Because this is the first fan he met in a foreign country, and it was also a fan that appeared after he broke the fastest lap in the F2 qualifying of the British Grand Prix, which also has a certain commemorative significance for him.

But after seeing Qin Miao handing over a Ferrari hat, Zhou Guanyu hesitated.

Although Zhou Guanyu used to belong to the Ferrari Academy for Young Drivers, but now he has transferred to the Renault Sports Academy. At this time, it is a bit inappropriate to sign a Ferrari hat.

But who cares, in front of him is his compatriots, and now he is only an F2 driver, the team does not have too strict control in this regard, just sign it.

Then Zhou Guanyu signed his name on Qin Miao's Ferrari hat.

Zhou Guanyu at this time was also young and lacking in scheming.

If Qin Miao uses this hat to publicize everywhere, Zhou Guanyu will not be punished at that time, but Qin Miao's approach is undoubtedly to use this hat to give Renault's youth training executives eye drops. There may be criticism inside, and there may be small shoes.

Of course, Qin Miao is not a character who likes to hurt others, and he asked Zhou Guanyu to sign his Ferrari hat simply because he couldn't find anything else to replace it. He didn't have such deep scheming at all.

"Thank you!" Qin Miao said sincerely when he saw the other party signed his name on his hat in Chinese: "Your performance today was too good. Let's work hard for the race tomorrow and try to bring back P1."

After hearing this, Zhou Guanyu just said in a very official way: "Thank you for your support, I will work hard to win the first place."

It wasn't that Zhou Guanyu was trying to play Qin Miao perfunctorily. The main reason was that he also knew that with his current strength, it would be very difficult to get the first place in the main race just by relying on a pole position.

But it is impossible for him to tell his fans that there is a high probability that he will not be able to do it, so he can only use this kind of statement.

Qin Miao didn't care, took the hat from the other party, shook hands with Zhou Guanyu, and left.

As for how to become an official F2 driver, Qin Miao didn't ask any more.

Originally, this idea was just Qin Miao's whim, but now that the interest has passed, Qin Miao no longer has this idea.

After Qin Miao had money, his mentality really changed a lot. At this time, Qin Miao was just like Wang Ziyou, who came here at his pleasure and returned with his heart's content, regardless of the result.

Zhou Guanyu watched Qin Miao and the two leave, feeling a little excited. After all, although he used to have attention in China, F2 is still too small in the country. Someone will pay attention, but there are not many people, and it is impossible to Some domestic viewers came to ask for autographs or something.

Back upstairs in Room P, Qin Miao didn't pay much attention during the third practice, just chatting with Qiu Meng upstairs.

It was not until the qualifying stage that Qin Miao came to Ferrari's P room again.

After all, it was qualifying, and there were many Ferrari VIP customers in casual clothes like Qin Miao and the others in the P room.

Qin Miao took a brief look and found that most of the people present were foreigners, only him and Qiu Meng were Asian.

It is worth mentioning that in order not to cause embarrassment, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng did not stand in the wrong position this time. They both stood in the VIP viewing area behind Leclerc's car.

The waiting time in the P room is not too difficult. The Ferrari staff will always bring some snacks and drinks to Qin Miao and other VIPs.

Not long after, Vettel first came to the interior of the P room.

Greeted and shook hands with the VIPs on his side, and then Vettel put on his helmet and sat in the car.

Not long after Vettel came, Leclerc also came to the P room.

Walked through the same process as Vettel, shaking hands with VIP customers.

After arriving at Qin Miao's place, Leclerc raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said jokingly, "Did I go to the wrong place?"

Qin Miao smiled and nodded: "Vettel's side is already overcrowded, I came here because I couldn't squeeze in."

Hearing Qin Miao's words, Leclerc rolled his eyes amusedly.

But still shook hands with Qin Miao.

When Qin Miao shook hands with Leclerc, he suddenly thought of the e-sports match he had with him yesterday.

My own car and the opponent's car have the same performance, why is he faster than me in many corners, especially the 9th corner.

It's obviously a high-speed corner, so why can the opponent chase so much directly?
So basically everyone was encouraging Leclerc to perform well in the qualifying stage, but Qin Miao asked: "I can't figure it out why you were able to turn 9 in the race yesterday. Follow me for two seconds?"

Qin Miao was once again stunned by Leclerc's unconventional question.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that what Qin Miao asked was about the little game in the simulator experience area yesterday.

After all, he is an F1 driver, so he must have rich racing experience.

Naturally, it was also possible to analyze the reason why the opponent lost speed from Qin Miao's performance yesterday.

What Leclerc originally wanted to answer was: When you passed Turn 9, you were afraid, and at least half of the accelerator was lifted.

But thinking of Qin Miao's driving performance yesterday, this person is obviously good at driving. Although his skills are still immature, he does have strength.

Thinking of what the other party said just now, "I can't figure it out", Leclerc subconsciously felt that Qin Miao might not have been cowardly yesterday. He simply didn't understand the specific performance of the Ferrari SF90.

I thought that the SF90 could not go through the ninth turn like other cars with full fuel.

After quickly figuring out the reason, Leclerc tentatively replied: "Silverstone's T9, Ferrari can run on full fuel..."

Qin Miao was stunned for a moment when he heard the other party's answer, and then patted his forehead very annoyed.

Seeing the opponent's actions, Leclerc knew that Qin Miao was not afraid to step on the gas pedal. He simply suffered from not knowing the SF90. He smiled and patted Qin Miao on the shoulder, making him feel annoyed and went Shake hands with other VIP guests.

Soon, Leclerc also completed the preparations before the start of qualifying and sat in the cockpit of Ferrari wearing a helmet.

Qualifying has officially started.

Everyone wears noise-canceling headphones. As far as the environment in the P room of the F1 team is concerned, it is really impossible to stay for a long time without a pair of noise-canceling headphones.

The staff were busy covering the tires of the car with thermal blankets to keep the tires warm, and a blower was inserted into the engine air intake above the head of the car to keep the engine supplied with oxygen and cool down.

Two multi-function panels were also placed between the flip-flops in front of Leclerc by the engineer.

Qin Miao, who has played F1 racing games, knows the specific function of this board in the game. He originally thought that the specific function in reality might be different from that in the game.

However, from Qin Miao's position, the panel in front of the F1 driver is basically the same as that in "F1 2019". It may be that the interface and parameter display methods are different because of the different teams.

Not long after, the commander who had been standing in front of the Leclerc racing car received the order from the team leader, separated his hands and signaled the staff operating the thermal blanket to evacuate the thermal blanket.

And these people also peeled off the insulation blanket from the tire at the right time, but did not take it away immediately, but folded it and placed it on top of the tire for final insulation.

The commander took a few steps back to check the traffic situation in the maintenance area, and after finding that there were no cars coming from the left and right sides, he signaled Leclerc to drive the car out.

At the same time, the staff with four wheels also pulled out the thermal blanket.

With the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the Ferrari SF90 roared out of the maintenance area.

After that, you can see the [-] drivers from ten teams competing for each other in the qualifying stage.

There is nothing to repeat in Q1 and Q2, and there are no major surprises in the final results of Q[-].

The extremely powerful Mercedes is still brought back by one or two in this game, but to the disappointment of the British audience, Hamilton did not get the pole position. Bottas got the pole position with six thousandths of a second ahead of Hamilton. , and Hamilton can only come second.

At the same time, Hamilton's British Grand Prix's four-pole record was broken, and Bottas got his 10th pole position in his career.

The third is Leclerc who brushed out 1:15:172 in the final stage, which is 0.079 seconds slower than the first Bottas.

The times of the top three are all extremely close.

The fourth is Pan Zi, and the fifth is Gasly.

Leclerc's teammate Vettel only ranked sixth after qualifying.

Therefore, Qin Miao, who was staying in the Ferrari P room, could clearly find that the Ferrari staff on the left and right had completely different performances.

The staff members belonging to the Leclerc garage all had satisfied expressions on their faces. They hugged and clapped each other in celebration. They encouraged each other and praised each other endlessly. Even the VIPs on Leclerc’s side were all beaming with joy. .

On the other side, the staff members where Vettel was working were not very good-looking, and they did not celebrate. Even the VIPs behind them were expressionless.

After a brief celebration, several Ferrari staff members belonging to Leclerc trotted out with some equipment.

After the race, the car is turned off, but it doesn’t mean that there is no need for logistical support. After all, it is such an expensive thing that it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps when no one looks at it, so the staff is required to dispatch dustproof things into the engine The air intakes, as well as the air intakes on the sides of the sidepods.

At this time, Qin Miao and the other VIPs can go to the driver's interior area behind the P room to watch the racers who have finished qualifying at a quiet distance.

Qin Miao also ran outside like other VIPs of the Ferrari team. Qin Miao still wanted to join in the excitement.

But it’s just a matter of watching. A small number of drivers are surrounded by staff who are interviewing the drivers while walking.

Others just trot all the way in a hurry, basically there was no one wandering around in the paddock for Qin Miao to observe carefully.

But there is one thing to say, Qin Miao felt that the trip today was worthwhile.

(End of this chapter)

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