How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 87 85: Poisoned Milk

Chapter 87 85: Poisoned Milk

On the 11th lap, Verstappen started to attack Leclerc in T3.

Relying on crossing the lines with one hand, Verstappen even managed to be side by side with Leclerc wheel-to-wheel on the small straight between T3 and T4, and even the front of the car slightly exceeded.

At this moment, all the staff in the P room of the Ferrari team tensed their bodies subconsciously.

Fortunately, Leclerc firmly guarded the inside line, relying on T4's own advantage in the inside line to hold his own line, so that Verstappen had no way to overtake him.

Leclerc even slightly squeezed the forward space of Verstappen, who was wheel-to-wheel with him, when he exited the corner.

Either you will be squeezed out of the white line by me, or you will brake honestly and lose speed.

Verstappen chose the latter.

Because if it is squeezed out of the white line, the shoulder of the roadside may hurt the chassis of the car.

At that time, the speed loss caused by the damage to the chassis cannot be recovered in a few tenths of a second when the brake is applied.

Because of Verstappen's brake, he inevitably lost his rhythm and lost a lot of speed when exiting the corner.

When the two cars entered T5 together, the distance between the two cars was directly opened from 0.2 seconds to 0.7 seconds.

Even Vettel, who had been waiting for an opportunity behind Verstappen, seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and launched an attack directly on Verstappen.

It's a pity that this attack didn't achieve much effect.

Although Ferrari has a tail speed advantage, Verstappen got Leclerc DRS in front when he passed the DRS detection area.

And Vettel does not have a DRS bonus, so on this straight, Verstappen's top speed is faster than Vettel, and Vettel naturally has no way to surpass Verstappen.

But it has to be said that under Vettel's attack, Verstappen also walked inside to prevent Vettel from braking late and forced into the inside, so Verstappen lost at least 0.2 seconds of speed in this corner , Vettel's attack helped Leclerc relieve a lot of pressure.

And when everyone was staring at Ferrari and Red Bull, Haas's two cars backed away quietly, and the director didn't even show them any shots.

On lap 14, both Verstappen and Leclerc pitted at the same time.

Originally Leclerc was behind Verstappen.

But in the process of changing the tire, Qin Miao watched in amazement as the Ferrari's left front tire changer at the door of the P room got stuck while removing the tire, and Verstappen's tire change was almost perfect.

So when the two cars came out of the maintenance area, the Ferrari and Red Bull cars came wheel-to-wheel in the maintenance area.

In such a situation, Ferrari's tire changer must bear the blame.

Due to Verstappen's position on the right side, even the front of his car is slightly beyond Leclerc.

After leaving the maintenance area, there is another right-hand bend, which is undoubtedly beneficial to Verstappen.

So after leaving the maintenance area, Verstappen got fourth logically.

The reason why he got fourth was mainly because Vettel, who had been following behind the two, did not stop to change tires.

Qin Miao's blood pressure really rose instantly after seeing this scene.

However, just after leaving the maintenance area and coming to T2, Verstappen made a big mistake because the tire temperature had not yet come up.

Leclerc quickly seized this opportunity and regained his position.

The crew made a mistake and the driver paid for it.

After that, the two cars have been entangled with each other for five laps on the track.

But Leclerc was airtight and did not give Verstappen any chance to surpass himself. The wonderful fight between the two cars also attracted most of the shots on the scene.

The offense and defense between the two continued until the 20th lap, when Giovinazzi, who was ranked ninth, lost control of the car and rushed into the gravel due to pressing on the curb in T18.

But Giovinazzi was directly trapped in the gravel this time, so the game will decisively dispatch the physical safety car.

Verstappen, who had been following Leclerc all the time, took advantage of the opportunity of the safety car to make a pit stop and change to a white tire, ready to run straight to the end.

On the Ferrari side, Leclerc asked the team if they wanted to pit, but the team did not let him pit immediately.

When the team strategy team made some calculations and found that they had to make another stop, Leclerc had already missed the best time to make a stop, which caused Leclerc to make a lap with the safety car before making a stop.

When he came out, he was already behind Verstappen.

The defense of the previous 20 laps was all in vain.

Ferrari once again stabbed Leclerc in the back.

On lap 24, the safety car withdrew from the track and the race resumed.

A period of relative calm followed.

On the 28th lap, Gasly, who was ahead of Verstappen, received an order from the team to give up the fourth position to his teammates, and he went to defend the sixth Leclerc.

On the 36th lap, Leclerc, who had chased Gasly for 8 laps, finally found an opportunity in T3 of this lap, and forced the outside line when entering the corner.

Relying on the advantage of tail speed, he kept going outside to block Gasly's line when he exited the corner, and the two wheel-to-wheel entered T4 together.

And T4 is a right-hand bend, which is an advantageous corner for Leclerc who takes the outside line in T3.

In the end, Leclerc completed a clean and extremely beautiful overtaking in T4.

Not long after, the director's main camera was given to Vettel, who was ranked third, and Verstappen, who was ranked fourth.

Because the two cars are about to start fighting.

And at this time, three hosts in a live broadcast room were happily explaining the game.

Due to the initial period of the game, Leclerc and Verstappen's mutual offense and defense Zhu Yu was ahead.

So the host Fei Ge said: "This round of offense and defense must be as exciting as Leclerc, otherwise it will be too disappointing."

The other two commentators also laughed and echoed.

Then they hadn't finished speaking. On the 38th lap of T15, Verstappen relied on DRS and wake flow, and completed the overtaking of Vettel on the outside line before entering T15, the kind that was eaten raw by speed.

Then a well-known poisonous milk said: "Vettel has to fight back!"

As soon as his words fell, Vettel, who was following Verstappen, locked the front wheel after the braking point, and a burst of white smoke came out of the brakes.

As the tires locked and lost grip, Vettel's deceleration efficiency also dropped sharply, directly shoveling Verstappen in front of him into the air.

For a moment, the commentators from various countries on the track, in the P room, and in the studio were all stunned.

Later, because of their different positions, everyone behaved differently.

Some gloated, some hugged their heads and couldn't accept it, and some beat the table and cursed, and so on.

Qin Miao now has a sense of identity with Ferrari because of her identity problem, so after seeing the scene of Vettel shoveling Verstappen into the air, she also put her head in her hands and her face was full of astonishment.

"This is Vettel's counterattack!"


Although the field was in a mess at this time, Vettel's torpedo behavior also caused the audience around the track to exclaim constantly.

But the good news is that although the two cars rushed into the sand and gravel, neither of them got stuck in the gravel. car.

But Vettel's collision directly caused a chain reaction.

He and Verstappen's third and fourth positions cannot be kept, and it is inevitable that they will be surpassed by Leclerc and Gasly.

And even if Vettel returned his position to Verstappen, he still received a ten-second time penalty from the game.

This kind of punishment can be regarded as the most severe punishment in the game.

However, because of the front wheel lock, Vettel killed the tire out of the flat seam, and the front nose was damaged, so he went back to the maintenance area to replace the front nose.

So the 10-second penalty time imposed on him by the game seems somewhat insignificant.

After that, there was nothing to watch, except that on lap 49, Leclerc asked in TR: "Where is Hamilton?" It caused a lot of laughter.

The reason for this problem is that Leclerc found that a Mercedes car appeared 5.6 seconds ahead of him, but all he saw was a Mercedes car.

So he thought that there might be something wrong with Hamilton that caused the position to be lost, so he asked.

Then the team replied mercilessly: "Hamilton is 26 seconds ahead of you."

It seemed somewhat ruthless.

Of course, this can only be regarded as a small episode. Except for the section of Vettel's torpedo in the second half of the race, nothing major happened.

In the end, the British Grand Prix ended with the retirement of all Haas and one car from Arrow. A total of three cars retired and [-] cars finished the race.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, it was Hamilton who won the race at home. This is also his sixth consecutive British Grand Prix championship in the UK.

The most outrageous thing is that he also used the white tires that ran 32 laps to get the fastest lap in the last lap and got a point.

It was Bottas, who also drove a Mercedes, to get P2.

Bottas did not make any mistakes in this battle, and defending Hamilton at the beginning of the game can also be said to be airtight.

It may be that the ideas of the British people played a role. After he stopped to change tires, he managed to show up with the safety car.

This can be said to be the main reason why he lost the possibility of competing with Hamilton for the British Grand Prix.

The one who won P3 was Leclerc, who was pitted twice by the team.

To be honest, after watching this grand prix, Qin Miao felt that pulling everyone from the Ferrari strategy team out and shooting them would not be afraid of being wronged.

Sprinkle a handful of rice on the podium, chickens are better than them to formulate strategies.

In any case, although there were some twists and turns in the middle, Leclerc still got the P3 position by virtue of his excellent skills and a certain amount of luck.

Then Hamilton completed a very slow race at home, and the other two cars had already returned to the podium one step ahead of him.

Interesting to say.

Qin Miao's friend Zhou Guanyu in F2 got the third place in this place after the race.

And Qin Miao, who still knows each other in F1, Leclerc, also won the third place in the race.

Thoughts drifted here, Qin Miao touched his nose, it's not his fault, is it?
In the post-match interview, Qin Miao did not bring Qiumeng to join in the fun. After all, compared with the F2 podium stage, there are too many people around the F1 podium stage.

Instead of joining in the excitement as an audience member, what Qin Miao wanted more was to be the one surrounded by stars to congratulate her.

Qin Miao has a feeling that sooner or later, she will be one of the people standing on this podium.

The awarding process is still the same, and the video broadcast ends after the awards are over.

But in fact, the F1 race is indeed the main course of the British Grand Prix, but in a large banquet, it is impossible to have no other dishes except the main course, and there will still be desserts, drinks and fruits.

Qin Miao and Qiu Meng originally didn't want to go, but after the race, the Ferrari team used a sightseeing car to pull all the VIP customers of their team over to participate in the event.

For example, after the race, more than 20 accompanying VIPs were pulled into their large touring car by Ferrari and watched the post-race summary of Ferrari staff.

Although Leclerc finally finished the race with P3, the person in charge of the post-race summary did not have a good look at his staff.

Then I watched the interviews with the drivers, and then I got the autographs of the two drivers and a series of small gifts. The key point is that Ferrari also kindly packed these small gifts with a bag.

After that, there was a dinner in the hotel where the VIPs stayed, during which Ferrari's team manager Mr. Bi and the two drivers attended the banquet.

Of course, this banquet is not held like a traditional European high-end gathering. This banquet is very down-to-earth. There are no pianists playing, no suits and leather shoes, and well-dressed waiters. It is more like a banquet than a banquet. It is a gathering among a group of friends, where everyone sits together, eats, drinks, and chats freely.

After the dinner, there was actually a concert prepared by Ferrari for VIPs.

But this stuff was too elegant, neither Qin Miao nor Qiu Meng was interested, so they went straight back to the hotel where they were staying.

In the elevator, Qiu Meng leaned on Qin Miao's body wearily.

"He also said that he would return to China after the grand prix. We have to go to Italy after all the calculations." Qin Miao sighed helplessly.

Qiu Meng, who leaned her head on Qin Miao's shoulder, looked up: "Honey."

Qin Miao bowed her head: "Huh?"

"I checked just now. Our visa is a tourist visa. There is no way to go directly to Maranello."

"It seems to be too..." Qin Miao scratched her head: "Then what should I do?"

Qiu Meng said: "It seems that there is something called a Schengen visa. After applying for this visa, you can go to most EU countries, but it seems that you have to wait a week for the visa to be issued after you apply.

When we wake up tomorrow, we will cancel the hotel, go to the city to book a new hotel, and then go to apply. I have checked the process almost, and I will leave it to me when the time comes. "

Qin Miao was a little emotional: "I feel like a waste without you by my side, and I can't do anything."

Qiu Meng just smiled and said nothing.

I just have to raise you up as a waste who can only drive and play, and nothing else. Then you won't be able to leave me?


(End of this chapter)

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