How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 94 92: Picked up the treasure

Chapter 94 92: Picked up the treasure

Qin Miao has collected a lot of data this morning, which is enough to fill 20 sheets of A4 paper.

Finny was naturally busy for a while.

At this time, someone wants to ask, it’s been 19 years now, and the Internet is so developed, why don’t you just send an email to send a file with a size of less than 1MB, but have to use such an ancient method as fax?
That's right, using paper files to save materials that can fill an entire room, after converting them into data, you only need a larger hard drive to easily fit them in.

But compared to the two words of safety, a little trouble is not a big problem.

The benefits that a talented driver can create in the future are unimaginable. If the information is leaked, Qin Miao, who has not yet signed a contract with Ferrari and only verbally agreed, is likely to be snatched away by other youth training teams.

Although Feeney didn't know the twists and turns between Qin Miao and Lawson, as the leader of the F3 team, he still had the most basic sense of confidentiality.

After sending out these documents, a relieved smile appeared on Feeney's face, followed by joy and anticipation.

Qin Miao's information, he, the handler, has naturally read it, and after confirming that the data is correct, he also has a basic understanding of Qin Miao's strength.

Young, talented, willing to study, and love racing from the bottom of his heart.

This is the label he put on Qin Miao.

Although people with these qualities may not be able to succeed in the racetrack, but those who succeed in the racetrack will definitely have these qualities.

After seeing Qin Miao's data, he knew that Qin Miao's future would be bright.

Although I don't know whether he will become a genius like Leclerc, but it should not be too bad.

As the manager of the F3 division of the Prema team, he also needs achievements if he wants to climb up.

Although their branch has achieved a lot in F3 in recent years, judging from Qin Miao's performance today, this is definitely a piece of the championship puzzle.

Moreover, Feeney also judged from Lawson's words that Qin Miao would soon join Ferrari's youth training. According to Wofa's tradition, this kid had to come under his own hands for a year of experience.

If Qin Miao can maintain his current performance, it would not be a fantasy for him to win another F3 team championship.

I can have one more political achievement, but this year's Prema team's F2 performance is not very satisfactory, and the senior management has already had opinions on the F2 team leader.

If Qin Miao performed well, it might not be impossible for him to get that position.

Thinking of this, the smile on Feeney's face became brighter, and he couldn't help looking forward to Qin Miao's future performance.

He leisurely walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, looked at the location of Room P, and prepared to take a good look at the fleet under his control.

Then he saw Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu walking out of the P room of the Prema team together.

After seeing this picture, Feeney's heart skipped a beat.

As Zhou Guanyu's former team leader, he naturally knew Zhou Guanyu, but this did not affect the panic in his heart after seeing Zhou Guanyu and Qin Miao staying together.

Because Zhou Guanyu has another identity at this time, that is, he is a member of Renault Youth Training.

You, a member of the Renault youth academy, are so close to our Ferrari people, are you here to poach people?
After realizing this, Feeney didn't care about the fact that he had just sent the fax to Lawson. Lawson was still reading the documents, so he decisively took out his phone and called the other party.

The duck that was delivered to its mouth couldn't just fly away.

After the call was connected, Feeney hurriedly said, "Lawson, has Qin officially signed a contract with your Ferrari Driver Academy?"

There was the sound of pages turning from Lawson's side, probably looking at the document that Feeney had just sent, and the voice answering the question was very calm: "Fenny, this is our internal business secret at Ferrari, you know about it You shouldn't have asked."

"But I saw that Qin and Zhou were in contact. You know Zhou's current identity. It's not good for us if they contact each other."

Of course Lawson knew Zhou Guanyu's current identity, but he also knew that Zhou Guanyu and Qin Miao were compatriots. When they were abroad, most Chinese people liked to stick together, especially young people.

So Lawson believes that it is very likely that the two of them are so close because of their status as compatriots.

Besides, Qin Miao is just a willow tree that Lawson planted unintentionally. He doesn't care too much about how it will grow. If Qin Miao is really abducted by Renault, he won't have any thoughts .

Anyway, it's just a driver who has settled down with the mentality of hitting two poles. Whether the opponent can pass the trial training in Maranello is still a question.

But Feeney doesn't think so. As a team leader, he knows that a young driver's other qualities can fail or even be poor, but a driver's single-lap speed is the most important factor in judging his talent. component.

Because only if your speed is fast enough, you will have enough training value in the eyes of the team.

After all, from the perspective of the team, if you are not fast enough, why should we spend energy on developing your physical reaction speed and the like?

It is also because of Qin Miao's training data that he knew that Qin Miao's speed at this time was already able to beat a lot of F3 drivers, and after he easily won the pole position in qualifying, he knew that Qin Miao was a must Such a gifted talent cannot be let go no matter what.

Whether it is for Ferrari's youth training or for his own career.

But now after seeing Lawson's reaction, Feeney is a little bit confused.

Didn't you let this kid come to our training at the beginning?Why is it that now that people have come, the grades have come out, and I have found something abnormal, but you don't care at all?

"Yes, I know I've overstepped my authority, but I think we should keep someone as talented as Qin. He is likely to be the second Leclerc." Feeney wanted to make a final attempt.

Lawson, who was originally casual, was looking at Qin Miao's training data. Because the data was a bit long, he was a little impatient to read it, and because of a phone call from Feeney, Lawson even had the urge to bother to read the data in the middle, so he just I want to turn to the last page directly to see what the final result is after Qin Miao is familiar with the car and the track.

But now, after hearing what Finey said, Lawson frowned: "Talented? A second Shire? What do you mean?"

After hearing Lawson's question, Feeney was also taken aback: "Didn't you read the fax information I sent you?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then the sound of flipping through papers came from Finny's receiver.

After another five or six seconds, Finny clearly heard Lawson's panting voice become thicker.

After waiting for a while and still seeing nothing from the other party, Feeney tentatively asked, "Mr. Lawson?"


"I'm here, Mr. Lawson."

"Can you be sure that the data on this fax you sent me is true?"

"Unless, of course, the vehicle's telemetry system fails, there's no way the data could be faulty."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then Lawson said: "Don't make any drastic moves, just let it be, I'll ask the legal department to draw up a contract and rush to the UK immediately.

Also, after Qin leaves, have someone check to see if the telemetry system of his car is malfunctioning. "

After speaking, Lawson hung up the phone. It is not difficult to judge that Lawson should be catching a plane at this time.

Looking at the phone that was hung up, Feeney also breathed a sigh of relief.

But he also knew that Lawson needed to get his exact answer before boarding the plane, so he picked up the phone again and began to assign tasks to his staff.


Qin Miao on the other side didn't know that the flying circle he made on the track with all his strength caused so many things.

Today's training is over, and he has gained a lot, the most obvious of which is that his proficiency on the Silverstone track has reached 50 points.

After Qin Miao knew more about racing cars and this industry, he discovered that this skill is a real magic skill.

Because this skill saved him countless time and favors.

There are many ways for a normal driver to understand a track: walking the track by himself, measuring the length of the track with his feet, feeling the state of the asphalt on the track, and judging the paint material and shape of the shoulders of each curve with his eyes and height difference.

But this can only be regarded as a relatively preliminary understanding of the track. After that, I have to look at the single-lap cars of those masters and ask some drivers who often gallop on the track. Is there a more time-saving running on this track? law, or where there will be potholes.

This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, and it may even cause people to stare blankly.

And Qin Miao's skill directly allowed him to skip this extremely time-consuming and complicated process. He only needed to practice hard, and then the knowledge accumulated by others with countless time and experience would naturally penetrate into it. in his mind.

If the other drivers knew that Qin Miao had this ability, they would be absolutely envious of each other.

The physical training in the afternoon was automatically skipped by Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu. The physical energy consumed by Qin Miao running in the car has far exceeded his usual training volume.

"Old Zhou, tell me honestly, can you achieve this result in F3?" Qin Miao immediately started shivering in front of Zhou Guanyu after knowing that her result was very good.

At this time, he was holding the telemetry map in front of Zhou Guanyu, shaking the telemetry map in his hand from time to time to make a rattling sound.

"It's almost done!" Zhou Guanyu's face was not very good-looking: "I was young when I drove the F3, now you give me an F3, after I get used to it, it's not like I can't beat your grade."

Qin Miao looked at Qiumeng who was beside her: "Look, your mouth is tough."

Qiu Meng also nodded appreciatively.

"I'll open the dyeing workshop if I give you some color, right? Don't beep beep, let's compare each other on the simulator at night, you see, I won't kick the steering wheel for you." Zhou Guanyu gradually stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, the corner of Qin Miao's mouth cracked: "No comparison."

Then he smiled and waved the telemetry map in his hand and said, "Anyway, you have never achieved such a result in F3, I am faster than you, hahahaha..."

Seeing Qin Miao's humble appearance, Zhou Guanyu couldn't bear it anymore, and approached Qin Miao with his handbag containing his helmet.

Qin Miao was not slow to react, and ran away when the situation was not good.

"Little red guy, let me stop, I will give you a buff!" Zhou Guanyu immediately chased after him with his helmet in his hand.

But even though he was running for his life, Qin Miao still kept waving the wrinkled telemetry map in his hand while running, and kept talking: "After I find a place to stay here, I will put the Find a picture frame for this thing, hang it on the head of the bed, and look at it every night before going to bed, I can look at it for half my life."

Zhou Guanyu didn't say a word, but the pace of chasing and killing Qin Miao accelerated a little.

Although Zhou Guanyu was wearing a helmet, Zhou Guanyu's physical exertion today was not as great as Qin Miao's.

So 3 minutes later, Zhou Guanyu caught Qin Miao, who was already panting from exhaustion, at a dead corner at the entrance of the parking lot.

However, Zhou Guanyu didn't play hard after Qin Miao was caught, because Qin Miao gave up immediately after being caught.

"Brother! Wrong! Forgive my brother this time, I won't dare in the future!"

Seeing Qin Miao humbly admitting his mistake, Zhou Guanyu finally just kicked Qin Miao's ass to vent his anger.

And confiscated the telemetry data map in Qin Miao's hand.

After fighting, the three of them returned to Zhou Guanyu's house. Today, Zhou Guanyu's work has been completed, and the rest is rest time.

In fact, Qin Miao has no idea what to do tonight. She just stays with Qiumeng on the balcony of Zhou Guanyu's house to watch the scenery.

But after returning home, Qin Miao found that Zhou Guanyu had a lot of boxes in his house.

The relationship between men is like this. The day before yesterday, the two of them could only be regarded as nodding acquaintances. After one night, and the two had common hobbies, the relationship quickly heated up under the squabble.

Qin Miao didn't shy away from it, and asked curiously after coming over, "What is this thing?"

Zhou Guanyu took out a utility knife and began to unpack the express delivery. After hearing Qin Miao's question, he replied, "A new simulator and computer."

"Prepared for me?" Qin Miao thought about it.

Zhou Guanyu rolled his eyes: "I prepared it for me, you use the old one."

"Take my buddy as an outsider, don't you?" Qin Miao cheerfully moved to Zhou Guanyu's side: "I used to have a lot of computers at home. I'm very familiar with this, so I'll help."

How could Zhou Guanyu not know what kind of medicine was sold in Qin Miao's gourd? He didn't even bother to expose him. He shook his head and got busy on his own.

With Qin Miao's help, the two of them fixed the two devices before dinner.

To be precise, two computers and a racing simulator.

Fortunately, Zhou Guanyu's house is also considered big, and there is enough space to put another simulator after moving the position of the original simulator.

After it was done, it was simply debugged, and then the three of them ate a takeaway and didn't go out at night.

Qin Miao also forgot the idea of ​​preparing to sit side by side with Qiumeng on the balcony to watch the scenery, and happily pulled Zhou Guanyu together to play the two-player mode of "F12019" with one emulator.

(End of this chapter)

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