How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 96: 94: There is no permanent banquet in the world

Chapter 96: 94: There is no permanent banquet in the world
After Lawson left with the contract, Qiu Meng curiously picked up the contract left for Qin Miao in triplicate and looked at it curiously.

As for the other lawyers and notaries, they looked at Qin Miao very curiously.

Although their occupations do not allow them to inquire, this does not affect their curiosity about this young man who joined Ferrari's youth training in front of them.

Qin Miao didn't care about these things, and she wasn't even interested in the clothes she wanted but wasn't willing to buy.

He frowned slightly, thinking about the promise Lawson made to himself before he left.


Is it F3 that I want to drive?
It is undeniable that the experience of driving F3 is really good.

Although the sense of speed is relatively not fast enough, the feeling that the whole car is pressed on the track under the aerodynamic kit when cornering is really more exciting than those super sports cars or even GT3.

But people don't know how to be content. Qin Miao has experienced F4, and now he has experienced F4 which is faster than F3.

After having these two experiences, Qin Miao couldn't help but think, the two are so enjoyable before driving, so what is the specific feeling of driving F2?

So Qin Miao inevitably has expectations for F2, and joining Ferrari, Qin Miao just hopes that he can have the opportunity to run in F2 for a season without worry.

He doesn't mind staying in F2 for a few more years if he can.

It seems that if a driver has not won the F2 championship and has not run other races for some reason, he can run in F2 for up to five years.

Although Qin Miao felt that it was possible to drive F2 in Ferrari with his own strength, why not do it a year earlier?

But now judging from the meaning of Lawson's words, Qin Miao vaguely noticed that the other party didn't seem to have the idea of ​​directly letting him drive F2.

Qin Miao, who originally thought that after signing the contract, could slightly reduce the amount of training, knew that the Ferrari internal trial training a week later was another big test in his life.

If you pass the test, you may be able to drive F2 directly. If you fail the test, you will have to run F3 for a year to see if there are any shortages in the F2 team. Only then can Qin Miao get on top again.

Before he knew it, a sense of urgency lingered in Qin Miao's heart.

After tidying up her mood, Qin Miao returned to Zhou Guanyu's house with her clothes and Qiu Meng.

At this time Zhou Guanyu was already awake. Although Qin Miao left him a note, Zhou Guanyu didn't know exactly why Qin Miao and the others went there.

So when Qin Miao and Qiu Meng came back, they pointed to the bread and milk that had been prepared for them, and asked curiously, "Why did you go? You ran out so early."

Qin Miao put the red box in her hand in front of Zhou Guanyu, and while pulling Qiu Meng to wash her hands, she replied, "Open the box and take a look at what's inside, and you'll know."

Zhou Guanyu wiped his hands, and then opened the red box curiously.

What then appeared in front of Zhou Guanyu was a set of familiar Ferrari youth training uniforms.

Zhou Guanyu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Go to get your clothes?"

After washing his hands, Qin Miao returned to his seat and briefly talked about what happened in the morning. Then Qin Miao asked with some doubts, "Why do you think Lawson is in such a hurry this time?"

Zhou Guanyu thought for a while, then pointed to himself in front of the two of them: "Because of me."

Qin Miao:? ?

Qiu Meng:? ?

Facing the puzzled eyes of the two, Zhou Guanyu spread his hands and said, "I went to Renault after I broke up with Ferrari."

He didn't say much, but just this one sentence was enough to open Qin Miao's eyes.

Zhou Guanyu switched from Ferrari to Renault, so in the eyes of Ferrari people, Zhou Guanyu and Qin Miao are so close, Qin Miao is probably already in contact with Renault.

In addition, Lawson mentioned Qin Miao's grades during the conversation, so it can be judged that Ferrari rushed to sign the contract with Qin Miao because he was afraid that Qin Miao would run away.

Although he was a bit unimpressed with Ferrari's youth training, Zhou Guanyu was also sincerely happy for Qin Miao after knowing that Qin Miao had also embarked on the same path as himself.

On the one hand, my friend has a bright future, and on the other hand, it is also because I am no longer alone in Europe.

Although the staff and other drivers in daily life also recognize Zhou Guanyu's strength, but recognizing your strength and recognizing you are not the same thing.

Europeans have not let go of the arrogance in their bones, so in daily life and training, Zhou Guanyu not only needs to face the pressure of training, but also needs to face loneliness.

That's right, although there are many people who can communicate with Zhou Guanyu and learn a lot of knowledge from other people, but in foreign countries, Zhou Guanyu has not found any friends who can make friends.

But it's different now, because there is an extra Qin Miao.

After confirming that Qin Miao really joined Ferrari, Zhou Guanyu felt genuinely happy.

"Congratulations, but we probably have to wait a year if we want to compete on the same stage." Zhou Guanyu joked in a regretful tone.

Qin Miao, who was eating, rolled her eyes: "Who do you look down on?"

He patted the box Lawson gave him: "This is the attitude that buddies get in exchange for their strength.

If my buddy is not strong, even if Renault and I really come into contact with Ferrari again, it is impossible to have such a big reaction.

After entering Ferrari, the buddies will show them a hand, and the F2 seat is completely in hand. "

"Who can't brag? I also said that I have accumulated a lot of money this year and won the F2 championship directly!" Zhou Guanyu scorned.

"Gamble or not?"

"What are you gambling?"

Qin Miao thought for a while: "If I can drive the F2 next year, you can call me Daddy!"

Zhou Guanyu didn't hesitate either: "What if I win?"

"...I'll call you!"

Zhou Guanyu was very decisive: "It's a bet!"

What the hell is Ferrari so nasty, can you drive F2 in the first year of joining Ferrari's youth training?impossible!

Qiu Meng looked at the two with a smile without saying a word, feeling a little emotional in her heart: "After all, they are all young people. After getting to know each other, they have already begun to think about how to become each other's dearest father..."


After that day, the life of the three returned to calm.

Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu basically stayed together every day, leading an extremely regular life.

If there is a training day, the two will go to the track to practice. If not, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu will spend a lot of energy on the simulator while doing physical training.

Also because of the fellow travelers, a relationship of mutual competition and promotion was formed between the two.

If you have any problems, you can discuss with the other party. The two sides can often have intense discussions on some operating skills, and can also analyze whether a certain setting has a good or bad impact on the car.

Even during physical training, the two compete crazily, depending on who can last longer than the other in a certain event and use heavier weights.

Of course, no matter how hard the training is, the two will always go back to the room to play a few CSGO games after a day of training.

However, because there have been more cheats for CSGO official horses recently, the two of them moved to FACEIT from the official server after bringing Qiu Meng's rank to the big earth.

And Qiu Meng didn't play games with them since the two of them went to FACEIT because of the heavy learning tasks.

There is an interesting thing here, that is because Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu have very good game talents, they scored in the FPL within four days.

This FPL is almost the same as the top of the canyon in LOL. Playing games in it, you can often meet some famous professional players and anchors.

The duo even received tryout invitations from other professional CSGO teams, but they both turned them down.

This comfortable and comfortable life did not last long. A week later, Qin Miao and Qiu Meng got their visas.

After the two get their visas, they need to report to Maranello.

So early this morning, Qiu Meng packed up the clothes of the two of them, but Qin Miao and Qiu Meng did not take away some commonly used things, but left them directly at Zhou Guanyu's house.

Because it is still possible to come to Zhou Guanyu's house to play in the future, these things will be useful at that time.

While packing things in the room, Qiu Meng handed a black square box to Qin Miao.

"What is this?" Qin Miao took the small box curiously, and after opening it, she found that it was a watch.

Qin Miao used to be an ordinary person. It has nothing to do with him being poor and rich in cars and watches. He can't even afford a car, let alone a watch.

Naturally, he couldn't tell what brand of watch it was. There was even the English spelling of ROLEX on the box. Qin Miao didn't realize at the first time that this was the famous Rolex.

"I picked the watch for Zhou Guanyu, and you give it to him directly, as a thank you for living in his house these days." Qiu Meng explained.

After Qin Miao saw it, she was not in a hurry to give it to Zhou Guanyu, but instead asked, "What about mine? Why don't you buy me a piece by the way?"

After speaking, Qin Miao deliberately acted a little lonely, looking very disappointed and sad.

Qiu Meng gave Qin Miao an angry look, she knew very well in her heart that Qin Miao was just acting, because this person didn't like to wear things on her wrist at all.

After staying with Zhou Guanyu for a long time, the mature and stable temperament that Qin Miao developed when he was with him on weekdays disappeared.

But even so, Qiu Meng said in her usual gentle tone: "Climb!"

"Okay!" Qin Miao hurried out with her things.

I found Zhou Guanyu in the living room.

Qin Miao greeted: "Lao Zhou, here you are, Laoer!"

Although he was not very interested in the watch, when he came out with the box, Qin Miao still saw the English words on the box and recognized the brand of the watch.

At first, Zhou Guanyu didn't understand what Qin Miao called "Lao Er" exactly.

It wasn't until he took the box Qin Miao handed over that he realized that the "Laoer" he was talking about was a Rolex.

Zhou Guanyu is different from the nouveau riche like Qin Miao. He has been a second-generation rich man since he was a child. Luxuries are left over from other people's play. He also knows a thing or two about famous watches.

The watch that Qiu Meng prepared for Zhou Guanyu is not expensive to Zhou Guanyu, it is about more than [-] RMB in conversion.

"Then what, Mengmeng prepared it for you. She said she was somewhat embarrassed to disturb your house for so long, so I prepared a thank you gift for you."

Zhou Guanyu was not too polite, and accepted the things readily, but he still didn't forget to say something to Qin Miao: "Look at Qiumeng, if you can be half as good as her, you can save a lot of worry for you as a father."

Qin Miao's expression was a little distorted, but facing Zhou Guanyu who was taking advantage, Qin Miao didn't make any rebuttals.

The reason is that in an endgame in CSGO last night, Zhou Guanyu, who was left with blood, needed to use an AWP to fight a one-on-three back-to-back endgame.

You know this is FPL, and the players are all top players.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Zhou Guanyu to win this endgame no matter what.

So after seeing this situation, Qin Miao subconsciously said, "If you win this endgame, I'll call you daddy."

And then... Zhou Guanyu won...

At that time, Qin Miao gave himself a big mouth, but in the end he accepted the bet.

"What the hell, I have to get back to this place sooner or later..." Qin Miao vowed silently in her heart: "30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

While the two were chatting, Qiu Meng had already packed her things and came out of the room.

The two of them still didn't have many things, and they could all be packed in Qiu Meng's big silver box.

Zhou Guanyu drove the two to the airport, but Qin Miao and Qiu Meng didn't feel much on the way.

On the contrary, Zhou Guanyu explained the things that Qin Miao needs to pay attention to after going abroad for a long time like an old mother along the way, just like an old mother.

After arriving at the airport, Zhou Guanyu took out a white cardboard box from behind the trunk and threw it to Qin Miao.

Qin Miao took it quickly, feeling a little heavy in his hand, feeling the weight of the thing, and then compared the size a little bit.

Blinking his eyes, Qin Miao looked at Zhou Guanyu and asked, "Helmet?"

Zhou Guanyu was a little surprised: "How did you guess that?"

Qin Miao smiled slightly: "Guess..."

Zhou Guanyu clicked his tongue and said: "The custom-made helmet for you is filled with memory foam. It will be a little tight the first time you wear it, but it will be fine afterward."

Qin Miao did not directly disassemble the helmet, but asked a little unexpectedly: "There is still a custom-made helmet?"

"There is a special software that allows you to design a helmet according to your preferences. It is very convenient. I will send you the URL when the time comes." Zhou Guanyu explained.

Qin Miao nodded thoughtfully and said, "I'll try it then."

After speaking, Qin Miao and Zhou Guanyu embraced each other, and then gave each other a hug.

"Thank you, just send it here, you still have to train today, don't delay your own business."

Zhou Guanyu didn't insist either: "Okay, see you in the paddock then."

Qin Miao smiled, pulled the suitcase, turned around and entered the airport with the helmet Zhou Guanyu gave him in his hand.

And Zhou Guanyu looked at the figure of Qin Miao and Qiu Meng cuddling together and leaving, and suddenly felt a little lost.

(End of this chapter)

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