Chapter 24 FXXK!

Wu Di felt that he had not yet reached the level of a superstar, and other Cavaliers players felt that he was far behind.

Because apart from Jamison and Gibson, this group of people has not been to the training hall throughout the off-season.

Therefore, like the outside media, they were puzzled and even disgusted by today's press conference.

Especially Maurice Williams, who entered the All-Star last year.

Although he entered the All-Star because he replaced the injured Dragon King Bosh, plus James' recommendation.

But Williams believes that luck and emotional intelligence are also part of strength.

Therefore, after James and O'Neal left, he also specially found friends in the media this summer to help him hype the name of the new head of the Cavaliers.

As a result, on the first day of the training camp of the new season, a rookie came, and was promoted by the management as the "New King of Cavaliers" without even playing a game?
It was literally slapping him in the face!
Standing in the team of players, Williams is undergoing a physical test for the new season, and the more he thinks about it, the more uncomfortable he feels.

"Forget it, today is Scott's first day of coaching, so bear with it."

Williams thinks he still has emotional intelligence. After all, it is the first day. If he stands up to make trouble, he will shoot the first bird. He is not stupid.

Thinking about it, he glanced at Varejao, and found that James' sycophant was also looking at him...

Looking at each other, Williams quickly turned his head away, what a bad luck!


The Cavaliers players took physical tests one by one, and soon the coaches saw the detailed results.

"Wow, Gibson improved so much this summer?"

The first report that assistant coach Chris Genter saw was Gibson's progress, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Gibson is positioned as a 3D player. The key statistic is the number of three-pointers made in 2 minutes. This has directly changed from 20 last year to 25 this year!
You must know that Gibson's data is already a strong point, and it can be increased by another 25%?

Scott smiled knowingly. Wu Di's training with Gibson was cruel, but it also brought about a qualitative improvement. He wanted to discuss with the coaching staff whether to let Gibson start.

But now there are more important things to do, and that is to read Wu Di's report.

He rummaged a few times and finally found it.

In an instant, his expression was shocked!
"Strength: 84kg bench press 20, the maximum bench press is 170kg!

Bounce: Bounce 87cm in situ, 105cm in run-up, 3.77m in run-up!
Three-quarter field sprint: 3.19 seconds!
Mid-range consecutive hits: 51 times!
The number of three-pointers hit in 2 minutes from self-shooting and grabbing: 26 times!

Seeing Scott's expression, Jent also stretched his head to look over:

"Huh? Who put LeBron's last year's report in it... Wait, LeBron's three-pointers are not so accurate..."

"My God, is this Wu Di? Wu Di who was abandoned by the Heat?"

Scott frowned instantly when he heard the words, dissatisfied:
"What does it mean to be abandoned by the Heat! This is our new knight emperor!"

Gent didn't know how to reply. Like other players, he was also puzzled by the management's press conference. Moreover, how could this physical test report belong to Wu Di? !
If Wu Di can reach such a level, how could the Heat management trade him?

After all, the deal at that time was still based on James' wishes, and Wu Di was just a bargaining chip thrown at will to stop the league's mouth.

This is also the reason why the outside world is generally not optimistic about Wu Di. Just like Sun Yue back then, after the Lakers selected him in the draft, he was cut off without a game.

And with Riley's shrewdness, if Wu Di can have this kind of talent, Gent thinks that Haslem, the soul of the Heat team, is more likely to appear here than Wu Di.

Scott shook his head, if the world is right, then Riley should have been punished long ago!

What's more, it's okay for the young players to think that the management is stupid. You, a coach who is out of the circle, still can't figure out why the management is so optimistic about Wu Di?
But it’s okay, he is now missing a chance to stand up:

"Williams, come on!"

Varejao covered his mouth and snickered instantly when he heard the words. It seemed that Scott was not the one who set fire to him first.

Williams looked depressed, afraid of what would happen. Although he didn't know what was going on, but looking at the eyes of Scott and Gent, there must be nothing good.

He slowly stood up from the players' rest bench, and habitually touched the peanut tattoo on his left arm, which was his patron saint and the source of his nickname "Peanut".

So, after seeing Scott call Wu Di over again, he felt ecstatic in his heart. It turned out to be a bullfight between him and Wu Di?

Looks like Peanuts are working again!
"Little Mo, be gentle, don't hurt our new emperor!"

Varejao excitedly yelled at Williams, which immediately aroused the laughter of the others. No one thought that Wu Di could win against Williams.

After all, Williams just made it to the All-Star last year, and won No.3 in the All-Star Skills Challenge.

This group of people laughed happily, and Jamison and Gibson laughed even more happily, especially Jamison, who was about to laugh out his big teeth.

If there is no Wu Di, I am afraid that Williams is challenging him now, and he may not be able to fight.

But after this summer, he doesn't have to worry!

You only need to wait for Wu Di to abuse the food to get angry, and he can still show the appearance of a worldly expert!

Anyway, as long as he doesn't tell, and Gibson doesn't tell, no one should know that he was abused by Wu Di, right?

What, Wu Di might say?


It seems that I have to find a time to invite Wu Di to have a meal and have a good time!

Wu Di wanted to refuse, he didn't want to be a pawn for Scott, and he didn't want to hurt Williams' self-confidence in front of all his teammates.

After all, no matter what, this is the absolute main point guard of the Cavaliers.

If this guy loses his confidence, then Scott can only put on the jersey again.

"Stop the ink, Huaxia boy, let me see how you are better than the man in the chair!"

Williams sneered, but this sentence instantly made Wu Di's eyes cold, because he thought of some unpleasant memories of being a fan in his previous life.

When this guy was playing point guard for the Bucks, he refused to pass the ball to Yi Jianlian, which caused the UAE to fail to achieve results. He sat on the bench early and was later traded to multiple teams.

Therefore, this guy is also jokingly called "No Passer". As a point guard, he doesn't pass the ball, how ridiculous!
This time, today is the time for him to come back instead of Ah Lian!

Wu Di threw the ball to him:
"you first!"

Williams thought he had misheard. How dare this rookie give up the initiative to him?

But then he narrowed his eyes, Ma De, crazy!
Do you really think you are the new knight emperor?

"Don't cry later, Huaxia guy!"

Williams sneered, then clung to the ball to the top of the arc.

In fact, he has studied Wu Di's scouting report before. After all, he used to be the leader of the team, and the Cavaliers really need more combat power this season. Take this new guy.

Therefore, he is still very impressed with Wu Di's strengths and weaknesses. He plays with his body, has average speed, weak ball control, but good defense.

But no matter how strong the defense is, it is only at the NCAA level. He has participated in the All-Star Skills Challenge!
Hehe, in short, this newcomer must correct his position!

Wu Di looked at the disdain on Williams' face and shook his head lightly. He is going to make a quick decision in this game!

Just step forward and press the defense!
Anger flashed across Williams' eyes, and then he took a quick tentative step to guide Wu Di's footsteps into disorder and look for breakthrough opportunities.

But Wu Di's over 80 defense and steals are just for display. Not only is it as stable as Mount Tai, but a quick, accurate and ruthless ball-out action will push the ball out of Williams' hands!
However, Williams also reacted quickly, and picked up the ball from Wu Di's position. Regardless of the suspicion of switching the ball in the bullfight, he seized the opportunity to dribble past Wu Di!

"A rookie is a rookie, just sell any flaws and you will be fooled!"

Williams was secretly delighted, he kept moving his feet, three steps and two and a half steps, a gorgeous lever in the air, and the basketball flew towards the top of the basket!

But he was still too naive, the moment the ball flew up, a black shadow flew out from behind him!
Cover up the sky!

The basketball was heavily nailed to the top of the backboard by a big hand!


The onlookers were so shocked by the brutality of the block that they swear!

Varejao wiped the cold sweat off his face, he just bounced off the bench in fright!

But looking at all his teammates standing up and watching, he is not going to sit down:
"Damn it, with this physical quality... no wonder Lao Dan made him the new emperor of the knight, this is the real number two of the Chosen One!"

He thought of the "the chosen 2" tattoo on his back, and subconsciously shrunk his neck.

Gent swallowed, it seems that Wu Di's data is true, the game is over...

Williams' mind went blank, WTF, what just happened?
If Jamieson hadn't reminded him that he was the second ball, he would have forgotten the rules of the American bullfight...

But looking at the expression of Jamison, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, it doesn't look like a kind reminder...

(End of this chapter)

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