Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 319 Raise the sails and set sail!

Chapter 319 Raise the sails and set sail! (season finale!)
The James fans were caught in a self-movement and couldn't extricate themselves, but the Heat were stuck in a death spiral and couldn't get out.

G3 of the Eastern Conference Finals comes to the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami.

People in Miami enthusiastically wore uniform support T-shirts and cheered for the Heat non-stop. The cheerleaders even danced until they broke into a sweat!
But it was of no use. 121-103, the Heat were led by the Cavaliers by double digits in the first quarter and were crushed until the end of the game!

If you want to look at the hit rate and some high-end data, it is even worse by more than one level!
"How does it feel to crush the former No. 0 player in the league 3-1?"

At the post-match press conference, a TNT reporter asked Wu Di.

"I do not know."

Wu Di shrugged his shoulders, but his answer caused an uproar on the scene!

"Are you saying that LeBron didn't deserve to be called No. 1 in the league before?"

The reporter just asked quickly.

"That's another question!"

Wu Di spread his hands, then smiled and said:
"0-3 is the Cavaliers' record against the Heat. Winning games has never been my personal credit. Irving's gorgeous singles, Butler's tough defense, Love's conduct and stable scoring across the court, and Jordan's flying escape. The floor's rebounding, Scott's good use of people, etc..."

"These together form the dynasty system of the Knights, and they are also the foundation for the current invincibility of the Knights..."

As soon as Wu Di finished speaking, there was a wave of applause!
Even though this is Miami, Wu Di's words are really touching, especially compared to James' remarks next to him that seem to be praising his opponent, but are actually blaming him:
"The Cavaliers are top-notch in the league. They have the best coach in the league and the most All-Star players..."

I even used the words of the psychiatrist directly:

"As long as we try our best, winning or losing doesn't matter. As long as we go further than last year, can you say this is meaningless?"

James' mentality is so good that it did not affect the Heat's G4 sweep!

In this round of the series, which was described by countless netizens as a "King of Kings" before the game, the biggest point difference happened to be Wu Di's number, 46 points!
With a score difference of 46 points, the Cavaliers players paid tribute to Wu Di's jersey number with actions and also set a record for the largest score difference in the history of the Eastern Conference Finals!
The Cavaliers won the Eastern Conference Finals so easily. Before the players could get carried away, at the Cleveland Eastern Conference Finals venue, owner Gilbert was already doing so:

"The fact that the Cavaliers can achieve such impressive results has little to do with Wu Di!"

The reporters gathered around with joking expressions. Wu Di himself was being humble when he said such things. If Gilbert dared to say such things, his brain was caught in the door, right?
Especially considering that Wu Di is in a contract year this year!

An ESPN reporter quickly asked rhetorically:

"Haha! Don't tease Daniel, it doesn't have much to do with Wu Di, but does it have much to do with you?"

The corner of Gilbert's mouth twitched sharply, this sentence hit him hard!

He is just unbalanced in his heart that Wu Di is being worshiped like a god. He is unbalanced that people cannot see his contribution, so he always gives Wu Di little shoes!
Now in his eyes, the Cavaliers who won the Eastern Conference Finals have passed the most dangerous hurdle. Whether they face the Thunder or the Spurs in the finals, they are just defeated by the Cavaliers. It is not worth mentioning. The Cavaliers basically have zero risk in winning He won the championship, so how could he hold back:
"Haha, if I hadn't decided to take Wu Di in, how could he have the opportunity to express himself like this..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Grant quickly stepped forward to grab Gilbert, but reporters with keen sense of smell were not willing to let go of such an opportunity:

"That's right!"

"Mr. Gilbert, do you want to trade Wu Di away?"

"Daniel, who are you going to replace Wu Di..."

Listening to the reporters' questions, Gilbert was even more excited. This is right, he is the team owner, and the power of Wu Di's life and death rests with him!
However, he is still "awake" and has not been "led into a ditch" by reporters. The reason why he released Wu Di just now is not the decisive factor in winning the game, but because he wants to promote the team culture:
"The key to the Cavaliers achieving such impressive results lies in the Cavaliers' team culture..."

Gilbert made a good calculation, but his words changed when they were transmitted to the Internet:

"The Cavaliers boss angrily criticized Wu Di for causing controversy!" ", "Who knows the grievances of being a worker? Even if you win the MVP, your boss still feels that you have not done enough! ", "What is knight culture?If Wu Di is replaced by James, can he really recreate the legend? 》……

Netizens also discussed it hotly:
"There's something fishy about this. Gilbert is considered a good boss in the league. Why did he suddenly start blaming Wu Di? It must be Wu Di..."

"What do you mean suddenly? Gilbert recruited James before, just because he was unhappy with Wu Di, right? I don't care what the conflict between the two people is. I just want to say that the Hawks are rebuilding, and Wu Di can think about it!"

"Atlanta is too far, Milwaukee consider it!"

"Will Wu Di go to small cities like yours? Come to Boston and rebuild the Green Blood Dynasty..."

Not only that, as the incident unfolded, sources broke the news that Wu Di illegally purchased Clippers shares!

Billionaire Ballmer's purchase of the Clippers for a whopping US$16.5 billion has been a hotly debated news recently, but I didn't expect that Wu Di was also involved!

Now the fans are even more excited:

"The NBA has always not allowed active players to hold shares in the team. Even after the players retire, it is difficult. So far, only 5 people can do it!"

Fans with conspicuous bags list the top five famous bosses:

"Admiral David Robinson owns 1.88% of the Spurs, Penny Hardaway owns 2.65% of the Grizzlies, Shaquille O'Neal owns 3% of the Kings, and Magic Johnson He holds 4.5% of the shares of the Lakers, but sold them last year, and Michael Jordan holds 90% of the shares of the Hornets!"

"By the way, Jordan once held 5% of the shares of the Wizards, but when he came back in 01, in order to comply with the NBA's regulations that do not allow active players to hold shares, Jordan temporarily sold the shares to the Wizards owner and agreed to retire again. Then he bought it back at the original price, and everyone knew the result later. When Jordan retired again in 03, the Wizards owner stopped selling his shares, and Jordan was tricked into crying again..."

"I don't know if the news that Wu Di purchased Clippers shares is true, but if it is true, it must be against the rules!"

"It's definitely true. Wu Di is so rich and the Clippers are a Los Angeles team. This kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime. If I were to retire, I would buy it!"

"16.5 billion U.S. dollars! Such a high price is equivalent to a disguised price increase. Once approved, the value of all teams will skyrocket, and it will be completely bound to a traffic pool. Who would disagree with the change?"

"Sure enough, the rules are restricted to ordinary people. When you reach the level of being as strong as Wu Di, the decision-makers will even help you cover up the fact that you violated the rules!"

"But having said that, the Cavaliers boss is so nervous. As long as Wu Di is not stupid, he will prepare a way out in advance!"

"That's right, it's a huge departure! The Cavaliers' victory has little to do with Wu Di? Even Di Hei dared not say that! If it weren't for Wu Di's sudden rise, it's not certain whether the Cavaliers would have gotten tickets to the playoffs!"

"Isn't this forcing Wu Di to leave? I didn't want to leave at first, but after hearing this, I don't want to stay anymore!"

"Who knows why Gilbert went crazy? Maybe he was afraid that Wu Di would leave and was deliberately testing him?"

"It's possible, testing + paving the way, your results are not because of you, but because of the culture of my team. Without you, anyone else can create a dynasty!"

Netizens continued to discuss it, but NBA officials did not stand up to clarify.

When Wu Di purchased the Clippers, he used a shell company to avoid it. As long as Wu Di doesn't come forward and admit it, it will be difficult for the NBA to tell clearly who is Ballmer's partner.

After all, some methods of back adjustment cannot be put on the table. It is one thing to know internally, but it is another thing to inform the public!
NBA team owners also declined to comment on the matter.

It denies that Wu Di bought the Clippers shares, which goes against the facts. It admits that Wu Di bought the Clippers shares, so why does he not comply with the regulations?

Bosses will not be too full to respond to this kind of trouble that makes them unhappy.

In the heated discussion among netizens, Plank, the founder of Under Armor, felt that it was not lively enough and took the opportunity to throw dirty water on Wu Di, saying that the thing he regretted most in his life was signing Wu Di!
Although Under Armor's stock price has increased five times since signing the contract with Wu Di, and is still more than twice as high now, he still regrets it!
After all, this is a brand that he spent more than ten years building with painstaking efforts and invested too much emotion into...

Of course, at the negotiation table, if you translate Plank's words, it must be "more money has to be added"!
When Goldman Sachs saw the news about Wu Di's acquisition of the Clippers, he expected that his capital pressure would have increased a lot, and some of the conditions that he had to let go of were not relaxed, that is, going against JPMorgan Chase.

JPMorgan Chase was very angry about this. They and Goldman Sachs are the two most powerful investment banks on Wall Street. They are often opponents and are very familiar with each other's temperament. They know that they must not show weakness at this time, and the negotiations have once again reached a stalemate!

On the other side, the Western Conference Finals also came to an end, with the Spurs defeating the Thunder 2-4.

Before the second round of horseback riding, the Cavaliers, who were in the whirlpool of public opinion, deliberately kept a low profile and avoided the media, but the Spurs were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. Even Duncan publicly spoke harshly to the media:
"This time is different! I promise, this time is different!"

This time is indeed different. At 6 pm on June 5th, at the AT&T Center Arena in San Antonio, G7 of the Finals was staged. Wu Di only started for 1 minute before being replaced by Scott!
Although Irving played very well, the Cavaliers were still defeated by the Spurs 97-114 and won the playoffs!

Scott was hotly searched by angry Cavaliers fans. Wu Di, the absolute core of the team, only played for 1 minute without any injuries. He was out of his mind to arrange his troops like this!
However, at the post-game press conference, Scott’s speech confirmed that there was another hidden story behind the matter:

"I was asked by the team management to reduce Wu Di's influence on the team, and they also said that if I didn't do this, I would not be able to renew my contract with the team next season..."

Scott said with a face full of hatred:
"In fact, this directive has been around for a long time, and I have been suppressing it, but since the last "team culture" incident, I feel that there is no need to help them cover it up..."

"Wu Di should get the respect he deserves! I can say with certainty that he is the only one irreplaceable in this team. I can be replaced, but not Wu Di!"

"If we lose the finals, all responsibility lies with the team management!"

The target of the attack was suddenly directed at the Cavaliers management. The angry fans overwhelmed the Cavaliers officials. Only then did Gilbert suddenly wake up. He had far underestimated Wu Di's revenge methods!
What Scott said is true, but it is definitely a twisted truth!

No matter how stupid he or any other management team is, they will never issue such an order before the finals. The key is that Scott's "this order has been around for a long time"!
Not to mention it was before the finals, Gilbert even suspected that he said this casually when Wu Di was injured one time, but it was written down by Scott!

Gilbert couldn't argue, so he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach!

At such a critical time point, such an important game, and such a speechless defeat, the fans became emotional, and any explanation he gave would be regarded as a cover-up!
The key is that after Wu Di bought a stake in the Clippers, Gilbert no longer had the backing to control Scott. If Scott was unhappy, he could go to the Clippers next season without any worries!

So if they get entangled, who knows what shocking news Scott will reveal?
This is the core of the problem. Gilbert can no longer rely on his boss's power to bully others!
If everyone is like Scott and Wu Di, how can we lead this team?
Gilbert was furious, but what made him even more furious was that some media broke the news that he had met James privately in Miami!
Although there are no photos, the time and place are very detailed, and the conversation is described in great detail. The general idea is that James is the real son of Ohio. Now the Cavaliers have the conditions to take James back. If the Heat do not approve the transaction, James will be killed in the offseason. Will also join as a free agent, etc...

The Cavaliers fans haven't exploded yet, the Heat fans have exploded first!

Join the Cavaliers as a free agent?
Didn’t you say that you should get up from where you fell?
Wait, it seems that James did fall from the Cavaliers!

Back thorn, Chi Guoguo's back thorn!
Everyone in Miami is feeling numb, and Riley was even revealed to have issued an ultimatum to James' team, requiring a reply within 48 hours on the signing issue!
Wade, who just took a salary cut and renewed his contract, said bluntly to the media:
"Players who truly belong to the team should face difficulties instead of escaping. Only by persevering can real achievements be achieved!"

The Cavaliers were in hot water, and everyone in the Spurs was laughing, especially Popovich. The old man with a white beard would wake up laughing in bed in the middle of the night while dreaming!

Competitive sports only focus on results. Who cares how the Cavaliers lost, as long as the Spurs win!
The old god Popovich was there, but when it came to G2, the Cavaliers' performance gave him a blow!

The Cavaliers beat the Spurs away from home!

As soon as the game started, the situation on the court couldn't be better for the Spurs, because Scott went crazy and asked Wu Di to come on the bench!
However, the Spurs were only happy for 3 minutes when Wu Di came on the field and played the whole game in one breath!

At the post-game press conference, when asked about Scott's arrangements for Wu Di's playing time, Popovich was unusually angry:

"Cunning Scott! We will not be fooled by his self-directed drama again!"

Seeing his mentor's state of mind being so unbalanced, Duncan shouted like a stone Buddha:

"All Spurs players are excited for the opportunity to make up for the loss from a year ago! We will be at our best in G3!"

However, excitement and being in the best condition are one thing, and whether you can win is another thing entirely!

101-105, the Spurs tried their best to push the Cavaliers at home to the edge of the cliff, but that was all, it would be difficult to go further!
The Cavaliers are not the Heat. The Spurs' team basketball cannot restrain the Cavaliers' space-based play at all!
Is Xiaoka’s death coil scary?

It’s not a hairy crab, there’s nothing scary about it!

Popovich, who had lost two games in a row, was completely awakened. Farke, the Spurs had little chance of winning, but he was so arrogant!

"Although we lost in G3, it's not a big deal. After all, Wu Di is an epoch-making player!"

At the post-game press conference, Popovich subconsciously touched his rosacea and continued:
"It's a pity for Wu Di. He has given so much to Cleveland, but is not recognized by some people..."

Popovich's words instantly made the Cleveland reporters at the scene dizzy!

The bad old man is so evil that he secretly seizes the opportunity to stir up dissension within the knights!
Not to mention Wu Di, even the other Cavaliers players felt uncomfortable after hearing these words!
Wu Di won at least two championships for the Cavaliers, one of which was the first in team history, but he only received the salary of his rookie contract every year!
If such contributions are not big, then what are they?
However, they did not publicly criticize the management. It was not because they did not want to or did not dare, but because Wu Di stopped them in advance:
"Guys, I have reason to be more outraged than any of you! But so far, I have never publicly contradicted that person!"

"We should discuss dissatisfaction after leaving! This is a principle that we professional players have always followed, but why is there this principle?"

“Because actions speak louder than words, and results speak louder than anything else!”

"We all know that that person no longer cares about the results. In fact, he doesn't want to see us achieve three consecutive championships, because then the fans will have less to look forward to!"

"This is why we have to focus more on the game! If we don't fight, the villain will sit back and enjoy the results!"

"Historically, whether it's the Lakers' Show Time dynasty, the Bulls' bloody dynasty, or the Lakers' OK dynasty, when they reach the third championship, which team is not going crazy?"

"But all accidents turned into stories after the dynasty was cast!"

"If we win this battle, we will be a dynasty and a legend! If we lose, it means we are not yet ready!"

"There are rumors about me and I have to confess to you now that I will be leaving next year."

"Yes, it's time to call it a day. Life is often like this. No matter how lively the party is, there will be a moment when it ends!"

"I sincerely hope that each of us can seize this moment! Yes, this moment now! We will have countless time in the future to recall the days when we played together. Our ending may not be perfect, but it is absolutely successful. !”

"Forget everything about the outside world, let us focus on the game itself, and finally enjoy a showdown on the highest stage! The Spurs are a respectable team, and we are lucky to have them as our opponents!"


June 6, Finals G12, Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland.

The score was 2-1, and the whole country was packed with people, all paying attention to this focused battle.

If the Cavaliers win, it will basically seal the finals, but if the Spurs can turn defeat and take the series to Tianwang Mountain, then it's really hard to say!
After all, the Spurs' progress this season is visible to the naked eye, and Duncan's winning rate in the finals so far has reached a terrifying 80%, and his dominance is more than one level better than some little losers.

The lights dimmed and the entrance ceremony began:
"Champion player, two-time All-Star! No~2! Kyrie~Irving!"

With the live DJ's loud microphone shouting, Irving ran into the field, and cheers resounded throughout the Quicken Loans Arena!

Then came Butler, Love, DeAndre Jordan, and then Wu Di:

"Ladies and gentlemen, all stand!"

The DJ first used a winding tune that was raised an octave to stir up the atmosphere, followed by an explosive announcement:
"From Ohio State University! Four-time All-Star! Defensive Player of the Year! Three-time scoring champion! Three-time regular season MVP! Three-time Finals MVP! Individual Olympic gold medalist! No~46, Wu~Di!"

Wu Di trotted onto the field, high-fiving and chest-bumping his teammates who were lined up in a human wall, and finally gathered around and shouted the slogan:
"Last Ride! (The last parade!)"

The pillar of fire rising into the sky reflected the crazy jumping and cheering fans at the scene. They all wore the No. 46 jersey in unison, and no one wore the Cavaliers playoff jersey!

Gilbert's attitude obviously does not represent the fans in Cleveland, which is why Wu Di continues to fight!

When the jump ball whistle sounded, Jordan jumped up hard and put the ball into Irving's hands before Duncan!
Irving dribbled the ball across half court, and Parker came up to defend. Irving slowed down a step and then suddenly accelerated. With Parker's center of gravity, he made a decisive change of direction and headed straight into the Spurs penalty area!

Parker hurried to chase, but he could only hold on to half of his body. Leonard, who was closer, quickly made up the defense. Irving flicked his arm and the basketball flew from behind his head to Wu Di who was running outside the three-point line!
This is where Irving has made the most progress this season. His vision is always focused on Wu Di's position, and he is willing to serve as Wu Di's auxiliary point guard, rarely playing alone!
Wu Di took action decisively and his posture was almost perfect!
Danny Green, who rushed to block the shot, was a step too late. The basketball drew a beautiful arc and made a brilliant splash in the air!


The cheers flooded the Quicken Loans Arena like a boiling heat wave. Popovich held up his forehead. Woody's hand was so good at the beginning. Could it be that he was not affected by his dirty tricks at all?

However, the next goal proved to him that it still had an impact, but in the opposite direction!

When Xiaoka ran out of position and wanted to catch the ball and cut in, Wu Di suddenly burst out and intercepted the ball!
Kawhi hurriedly braked and immediately returned to defend and intercept, and Parker immediately double-teamed him, but Wu Di grabbed the ball fiercely and threw it around his waist!
The basketball hit the ground hard, and the next second it bounced off the right spot and fell into the hands of Irving who was running a fast break!

Irving took two steps and made a small hook in the air!

Easy to score!


Popovich crossed his arms and watched every move on the court with evil eyes. Not only were the Cavaliers not affected by him today, they were in a hot state!
It’s hard to beat!
Duncan stood up in time, took Parker's pass with a slow beat, ran over Jordan in the paint and scored with a hook, 2-5!

The Spurs clenched tightly, but they could only cling tightly. By the end of the first half, the game had reached 45-55!

It's a familiar script again, and the familiar time is running out for the Spurs. At the beginning of the second half, Ginobili unsheathed his magic knife, seized the flaw in the Cavaliers' penalty area, and succeeded in a one-stop dunk!

But that's all. Without Wu Di or Irving taking action, Love suddenly exerted his strength and hit consecutive three-pointers from outside the three-point line. Not only did he repel the Spurs' attack, but he also further widened the point difference!
The Spurs fans watching the live broadcast were almost emo, what a fight, the Cavaliers were so strong that they committed a foul!
Spurs fans are going to be emo watching it, Cavaliers fans are having a blast watching it!

It’s so invincible, it’s so invincible!
In the end, the game was settled at 99-112!

The Spurs are already playing very well, and Popovich has exhausted all his tricks, but the Cavaliers are hot enough!

Clevelanders couldn't be more excited!

Victory is around the corner, the championship is around the corner, and the dynasty is around the corner!

But Popovich has a different opinion:

"The game is not over yet, we want to be the first team in history to reverse 3-1 in the finals!"

The entire Spurs team was unwilling to lose. They were in such good shape, even better than last season, and the Cavaliers were in such a mess. The result was 3-1? !
But it's useless to be unwilling. When Wu Di twists all his teammates into a rope, the Cavaliers' three consecutive championships are enough!


San Antonians witnessed a miracle with their own eyes, but the miracle belonged to Clevelanders!


Three consecutive!
A legend is born!

In the huge stadium, ribbons were flying, and with three championships in four years, the Cavaliers had become an undisputed dynasty!
Scott was so excited that he cried. Not only him, more than a dozen Cavaliers players hugged each other tightly, feeling the rare victory!

Despite the odds, they won!
Winning is so unreal!
But as Wu Di said, they will have a long, long time to recall this moment!
Wu Di was selected as the finals MVP again!

With four FMVPs, Wu Di is second only to Jordan in terms of the number of FMVPs he has won. If we talk about four consecutive FMVPs, Wu Di is still the first player to achieve this achievement!

The once humiliating loser FMVP has now become the best footnote to the legend!

Although it had been predicted for a long time, the news of the new Cavaliers dynasty swept the entire league like a tsunami!
Unlike other dynasties, the Cavaliers' main players are too young, young enough to make other teams in the league crazy:
"The Cavaliers will win at least eight championships!"

Pacers general manager Larry Bird, who was a guest on the live show, said.

"No team in the league can stop the Cavaliers, unless a player like Wu Di appears immediately!"

Eagles general manager Schlenk shook his head and sighed to the media.

However, their envy, jealousy and hatred for knights are not as great as those of a Roaring Dragon King:
"Recruiting James is a stain on my life that I will never be able to wash away!"

Riley yelled to the media with bulging veins. Another 48 hours passed by the 48-hour deadline, but James was not even willing to give a verbal promise to stay with the Heat!

What will this guy choose in the offseason? The answer is self-evident!

"Gilbert, Grant! Give me back Wu Di, or you will die for the rest of your life!"

Seeing Riley's somewhat crazy expression on the screen, Gilbert, who was lying in the boss's chair and enjoying a champagne cigar, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth crazily!

This is why he dared to challenge Wu Di!

Both Wu Di and James have four-year contracts, but James will be a complete free agent after his contract expires. Wu Di is a restricted free agent because he is on a rookie contract!

In other words, even if Wu Di wants to leave in the new season, he must first become a bargaining chip for the Cavaliers!

Otherwise there is no way to leave!
In terms of Wu Di's trading value, it would be a loss to get a popular All-Star starter!

With the new All-Star starters, plus Irving, Love, DeAndre Jordan, and James, the Cavaliers have five All-Stars, so why worry about not winning the championship?
And Wu Di, the biggest variable?
Just trade Wu Di to the Hornets!

"No, wait! The Hornets' winning rate is still 46.3%. A team with Wu Di can go from second to last in the league to the finals. We must not give him another chance to turn around!"

Gilbert snorted coldly, took out the record ranking list, and looked directly at the Bucks, who were last in the league and had a winning rate of only 18.3%!
"Haha, let Grant wipe out the Bucks then! Huh? The Bucks don't even have an All-Star? It's not a big problem, just add a third-party team..."

"Wait a minute, the Heat are pretty good! Doesn't Riley want Wu Di? I'll send it to you right now, but you have to send Wade to me, plus a few young guys with potential from the Bucks, tsk tsk , that guy named Antetokounmpo is pretty good..."

"I want to see if Wu Di can beat five with one!"

"When the Cavaliers win four consecutive championships and Wu Di's team doesn't even have a ticket to the playoffs, fans will definitely understand who is the real operator of the dynasty hahaha... burp!"

Thinking of this, Gilbert laughed like a pig, but the door was knocked open with a bang!
It’s Grant, the team’s general manager:

"Boss, big big... something bad is happening!"

Gilbert frowned fiercely:
"Why are you panicking? You don't have the demeanor of a general manager of Dynasty!"

Grant pointed to the news headlines on his phone and was so panicked that he couldn't speak. Gilbert read out the contents:

"For many years, NBA player Wu Di has been doing charity anonymously. According to reporters, Wu Di has donated billions of dollars worth of charity and has helped hundreds of thousands of people based on an efficient charity organization. People improve their lives…”

This is exactly the task reward given to Wu Di by the system for three consecutive championships!
Gilbert was stunned on the spot, doing charity anonymously?

How many years have you been doing this?

And spent billions of dollars?

Is he right?
Could it be that DC comics have always been based on real people and there really is a Batman in this world?

After confirming it several times, Gilbert still couldn't believe his eyes, but it was written in the headlines of major media. Time magazine said that Wu Di was elected as the cover person of the year, the United Nations said that it would award Wu Di the title of Goodwill Ambassador, etc. …

There were too many media outlets that broke the news, squeezing out the news about the Cavaliers winning three consecutive championships and establishing a dynasty. Gilbert couldn't help but not believe it!

"I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in exchange was alienation. Stop pretending. I am the billionaire and superhero Batman. I show my cards..."

Gilbert slumped in the chair, imagining Wu Di's various mocking words in his mind, and fell into silence as if he had lost his soul.

He was wrong, he was wrong from the beginning!

He and Wu Di are not on the same level at all. Why is he jealous? They are like ants competing with the bright moon!

Now, in front of Wu Di's huge influence, he looks like a clown jumping up and down!

It can be expected that if he dares to dig a hole for such a person, then people will bury him without blinking an eye!

"The original plan is cancelled!"

Gilbert waved his hand at Grant distractedly:
"We can't sign James!"

Grant seemed unable to believe his ears:

"What? Did I hear you correctly? James is joining as a free agent. We have no reason..."

Gilbert frowned:
"Idiot, can't you see the situation clearly now?"

"Quick! Have someone bring the Rolls-Royce over. We have to pick up Wu Di at the airport. If we get there late, we'll be doomed..."

Gilbert and Grant greeted him at the airport anxiously. To be honest, they had never seen such a battle before!

Not only was it a sea of ​​people, it was a sea of ​​people!

There are still 4 hours before the team's plane lands, but the airport is already surrounded by enthusiastic fans!
There were so many people, and the passengers were unwilling to leave after landing that the Cleveland Airport had to conduct air traffic control to give priority to the Cavaliers' special plane to land!

After finally waiting for the plane to land, Gilbert and Grant wanted to bring flowers to welcome them, but they were squeezed further and further away from the fans!
"Hey guys, this is crazy!"

Gilbert was stunned, but his originally anxious mood suddenly became enlightened:
"Wu Di's traffic is so turbulent. If I no longer accept James and lower my head to admit my mistake to him, wouldn't it be a blessing in disguise..."

However, Wu Di's next action told him that he was overthinking!
Wu Di walked straight to a press conference, first paid tribute to the fans, teammates, and coaches, and then announced to the reporters in a high-profile manner:

"Some recent conflicts with the team management have made me mentally and physically exhausted..."

"After careful consideration, I decided to retire and devote my limited energy to unlimited charity..."

Gilbert was confused!

Wu Di is retiring? !

Before he could react, a fan punched him in the eye:
"You bastard! It's all your fault, Batman is leaving us!"

Grant reacted quickly and quickly protected Gilbert and shouted to the bodyguards:

"Protect the boss and get in the car!"

Gilbert got into the Rolls-Royce as dejected as a street rat!

Bang bang bang...!
The Rolls-Royce was smashed into pieces by the angry crowd like a prison car.

Gilbert's face turned pale, obviously frightened:

"Damn it, why did I recruit James, a loser? He's so obsessed..."

Wu Di actually announced his retirement on the grounds of doing charity. For this, the NBA could only agree, bless and punish him three times.

I agree that the blessings are all for Wu Di, and the punishment is for the knights!

"Madefak! The NBA can't even get enough of Wu Di's tsunami-like traffic!"

Stern, who had already retreated to the second line, could not withstand the anger of the major bosses, so he had to come back and temporarily take over Xiao Hua's position.

And the first thing he did when he came back was to fine the Cavaliers the full amount for illegally recruiting James. He was fined $1000 million and deprived of his second-round draft pick, as a warning to others!

Gilbert's heart was bleeding. Wu Di's worthless bargaining chip was gone, and the league was going to fine him a huge sum of money!
If I knew this earlier, why did it happen in the first place!

As the impact of Wu Di's retirement slowly dissipated, the sports goods giant Nike was also ready to make a move. It released advertisements carefully shot for James one after another, secretly trying to match James' decision 2.0!

Gilbert also gradually realized that he was a self-made entrepreneur after all. Under the words of James' agent Rich Paul, he quickly realized it!

His reputation has been ruined and he has become a street rat in Cleveland, but it all depends on man, and he still has a chance to reverse this decline!

The only way to reverse this decline is to achieve four consecutive championships or even a fifth championship and prove yourself again!

Although Wu Di left the Cavaliers, there was no bargaining chip left for him, only a small forward vacancy was left, but fortunately there is James!

James is a free agent. After Wu Di left the league, James was definitely the top player in the league. He was equivalent to bargain hunting!
Gilbert suddenly realized that although many Cavaliers fans publicly expressed resistance, he still resolutely signed James!

"I have realized my mistake. I swear that I will rise again in my city and I will bring a championship to this city..."

During the ceremony to return to the Cavaliers, although people in the audience were throwing drink cans and banana peels, James still said with excitement.

Sitting on a championship team, and Wu Di is not in the league, James predicts that the next season will be the closest he gets to a championship!
Throughout the off-season, James turned into a dog licker, licking the Cavaliers veteran crazily. After licking Irving, he licked Love, after licking Love, he licked DeAndre Jordan, after he licked DeAndre Jordan, he licked Butler, after he licked Butler, he licked Thomas, and after he licked Thomas, he licked Thomas. Green...even the old doorman and the aunt who cleans the stadium want to lick it!

The low posture of the licking and the force of the licking directly made James see a psychiatrist many times!
He was reluctant to use his data and spent more than 100 million US dollars just on various gifts!

Well, although it is still very small compared to his income, it is the first time it has happened!

But the effect didn't seem to be very good. He couldn't find Irving, Jordan threw the Rolex he gave him directly into the trash can, Love treated him as an airman, and Butler even tweeted to ridicule...even the man who cleaned the court Even the aunts despise him for being ugly!
Faced with this situation, Gilbert hired a new head coach, David Blatt, hoping that Blatt could establish the new core status of James' team in the training camp...

James is licking wildly, Los Angeles on the West Coast, and Wu Di is enjoying the California sunshine.

Since his identity as "Batman" was exposed, the Under Armor acquisition has been advancing rapidly. Goldman Sachs was also afraid that if they dared to raise conditions again, angry investors would eat them alive, so they sold Plank directly and agreed to $260 billion. acquisition request.

But JPMorgan Chase's appetite is no longer limited to this. They directly stopped the acquisition invitation according to the situation!
After all, Wu Di has retired, and he doesn’t know how long he will retire. He may retire permanently. Then there is no possibility for Under Armor to turn around again!

Shareholders also realized this, and they all sold out after Under Armour's resumption of trading. Under Armour's market value plummeted, and it only stopped when it fell to 130 billion U.S. dollars!
Plank's net worth shrank sharply, and it was only then that he suddenly realized that Wu Di was his bread and butter!

But fortunately, it's not too late. He fired Goldman Sachs and personally restarted acquisition negotiations with JPMorgan Chase, planning to sell Under Armor at a good price...

In the end, the amount negotiated was US$160 billion, for which Plank was extremely grateful!

US$260 billion seems cheap, but US$160 billion feels like a huge profit. The situation always changes faster than people expect!
Chris Paul also had this emotion. Originally, he was thriving in the Clippers, but who knew that Woody suddenly became the boss, and his "grudge" Scott became the boss of the Clippers. Coach and General Manager!
Yes, in the new season, Scott has been upgraded!
Scott couldn't help but chuckle every time he sat in the Clippers general manager's office!

His choice of Wu Di was indeed right!
Now he has not only become the first person in history to have a double dynasty of player and coach, he has also got his wish and sat on the throne of the team's coach and general manager!

What's even more gratifying is that Ballmer, who came from a major Internet company, doesn't interfere much in team affairs, giving him full authority!
But who rewarded him with food? The one Scott picked up was a clear one. He didn't dare to blame him. The first thing he did after taking office was to follow Wu Di's advice and select a player with the Clippers' first-round pick No. 28. The fat guy from Europe, Nikola Jokic.

The second thing is to put Paul, Varejao and others on the shelves!

This move was instantly coveted by major teams. After all, Paul is only 29 years old and at the peak of his career!
Among the many trade proposals, Wu Di picked out the one from the Heat:
Dwyane Wade and Mario Chalmers trade for Chris Paul, Varejao Riley doesn't like it!

Driving around in a daze, before Wade could react, Riley sold him!
But as soon as he got off the plane, he saw Wu Di driving a McLaren P1!
"You bitch, if you don't pay back the cigars you owe me with interest, you won't be able to play in the new season!"

Wu Di laughed and cursed, Wade also laughed, and the misunderstanding between the two was instantly resolved!
In the 2014~2015 season, before a game was played, the league's structure was already in chaos!

James returned to the Cavaliers in "Decision 2.0". The Heat and Clippers reached an epic deal to exchange their respective stars, and Riley used his sharp tongue to convince Bosh, who was also a free agent, to enter the palace for the second time and join Paul. Formed a double giant.

The Lakers said they were hurt, but there was nothing they could do. Bosh was brainwashed by Riley's revenge plan and wanted to return to the Heat to fight the Cavaliers!

The Heat's Big Three, who were once so prosperous, turned out to be Bosh!

In the endless lamentation of the fans, the league's new season and the Cavaliers' heartbreaking season have begun!

James had difficulty integrating into the team and lost to his old rivals the Spurs, Thunder, and Heat one after another!
Not only did the fans angrily criticize James, but even the substitute Green was openly angry:

"We were champions before you came!"

Blatter had been coaching in the European Championship before. He was appointed as the head coach because he and Scott came from the same Princeton system. He had very little experience in dealing with such conflicts with NBA players and was basically helpless.

Gilbert quickly fired him and replaced him with James' puppet Tyronn Lue!

Tyronn Lue's thinking is quite clear. He decided to rebuild the team with James as the core, and classify Irving, DeAndre Jordan, Green and others who have become the team's "thorns" into players suitable for James' system. , such as Irving, Love, and Butler, Xiaozhi used his emotions to move them for profit, while others such as DeAndre Jordan and Green who were not suitable for James suggested that they should be traded as soon as possible.

This plan won the support of James and Gilbert, and a three-party transaction soon surfaced.

The Cavaliers sent out DeAndre Jordan and Green to get Varejao and TT Thompson. The Clippers sent out Varejao, Barnes, and Hollins to get DeAndre Jordan. The Warriors sent out TT Thompson to get Green, Barnes, and Hollins!

With the assistance of Varejao and Thompson, James finally gained a foothold in the Cavaliers. With Tyronn Lue sorting out, the Cavaliers began to have a chemical reaction and ushered in a wave of winning streak!
But Wu Di is sitting firmly on Diaoyutai!

In the West, a team is quietly rising!
It's the Golden State Warriors!

With Green's Warriors and the addition of Cole, the Warriors, who were ready to take off at any time, directly rushed to the first place in the Western Conference!
Entering 2015, James is in an increasingly happy mood. Although Irving is still dissatisfied with him, and Love is even more disgusted with him and has detoured, the Cavaliers' record has improved significantly!

February 2th was another All-Star. Although Wu Di retired and Jordan was traded, the Cavaliers still managed to put together four All-Stars!
They are Irving, Love, Butler, and James!

The James fans don't know why, but they feel so proud to see James "leading" the heroes!
Even for Butler's first All-Star selection, it can be said that this is a reflection of James' influence!

As for the Cavaliers' record, which has declined, no, they have risen to second place in the Eastern Conference, which is even more proud!
After all, relatively speaking, James' Heat last year was only third last year. Now, just halfway through the season, the Cavaliers are already second. By the end of the season, it is not impossible to reach first!
The Cavaliers were already first in the Eastern Conference last year?
How can it be compared like this?
What they are comparing is the performance of the players!
Entering the playoffs, the Jamies are so proud that they can't stop the car!

Because James actually led the Cavaliers all the way to the finals!
Only the Heat gave the Cavaliers some pain in the Eastern Conference Finals 2-4, and the other teams swept them all 4-0!
The Jamies had a collective orgasm again!
Especially when you see that the Warriors opposite are just a new team with no experience in the finals!
However, the reality gave them a blow!
In G1 of the finals, the Cavaliers lost to the Warriors 100-108!
"If James were replaced by Wu Di, we would have no chance of winning!"

Cole's remarks at the post-game press conference were so heartbreaking that the James fans angrily complained that Cole didn't understand the game!
James himself didn't have so many ideas. After all, he knew very well that what Cole said was the truth, but the championship he dreamed of was so close in front of him, he couldn't help but show his strongest state to fight against it!
James still has some strength, especially against the current inexperienced Warriors, so the Cavaliers overturned two games in a row and evened the score to 2-1!

But just when he thought he had a chance to win, the Warriors showed a tenacity that a team-building expert like him could not understand!
22 of 7 shots, Iguodala defended James until he shut down!


The Warriors defeated the Cavaliers in G4 away from home, dragging the score to 2-2 and ushering in Tianwang Mountain!

In the battle of Tianwang Mountain, although James had a whistle to protect his body, Curry relied on 13 of 7 unanswerable three-pointers to win the key battle 91-104!
In G6, James, who was lagging behind by a big score, was already numb and in no condition. Curry and Thompson, the splash brothers, successfully performed a hat trick, 2-4!

The Warriors won the NBA 2014~2015 season championship!
Although the people in Cleveland had expected this result, they only realized the preciousness of Wu Di more deeply when the failure came!

James was infinitely disappointed and worried that he would not be able to face the Jamies, but the Jameses had already thought of a way to make amends for him:
"We stopped in the Eastern Conference finals last year and reached the finals this year. This is visible progress!"

"That's right, Emperor James, calm down...wait a minute!"

"Huge gift crab, Wu Di actually announced his comeback!"

"Damn it, the league actually issued new rules that allow players to hold shares in the team!"

"Irving, Butler, and Love requested a trade. Why don't they want to stay in the Cavaliers!"

"Oh my god, James will never win a championship in this life..."

"It's over, it's over..."

Los Angeles, Staples Center media room, Wu Di took the Clippers' No. 46 jersey and announced to the media:
"I'm Back! (The Return of the King!)"

The Clippers don't have a championship yet, and a new legendary chapter is about to begin!
(End of the book!)
 The rest is too invincible. I don’t want to repeat the routine, so I’ll just write it here!

  Thank you readers for your company, and I’m done spreading flowers~
(End of this chapter)

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