Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 42 One-pass operation

Chapter 42 One-pass operation

What made Wu Di speechless was that the score was finally fixed at 110:91, and the Cavaliers beat the Wizards by 19 points...

Yes, in the next two quarters, Williams and Varejao not only kept the fruits of victory, but also further expanded the score difference to 19 points...

Especially Williams, whose personal score is 1 point higher than him, directly reaching 30 points!
You know, the last game was only 2 points, and this time it directly rushed to 30 points?
Although this force has no bottom line, there are 5 seconds before the end of the game, he shoots there to score points. If he didn't run fast, he would be grabbed and beaten by the Wizards.

But even scored 30 points?
Ma De, don't be too obvious about the suspicion of being bad in the first game!
Varejao's data is also quite explosive, with 14 points, 10 rebounds, 8 assists and 2 blocks, almost a triple-double!
After the game, the two men slammed hard in front of Wu Di:
"We widened the point difference to 19 points! Mu Mu, you are far behind!"

During the Huaxia Games, the fans called Wu Di's name. The two felt that the Chinese pronunciation of "Wu Di" was more like the English Wood (wood), so they gave him a humiliating nickname like "Wood". Privately speaking, Wu Di is now called directly and publicly.

Wu Di sneered and shook his head.

Although these two forces widened the score difference, one is the first two quarters that determine the outcome, and the other is the last two quarters including garbage time. The difference in the gold content of the two teams' data can be seen at a glance.

Furthermore, the Cavaliers scored 56 points in the first two quarters, which is higher than the 54 points in the last two quarters!

Do you still have the face to talk about it?

But these two people not only talked about it, but also felt that they had a lot of face, and suggested that Scott was not aware of the employment, and if they started, the point difference would be even wider!

Gibson wanted to go up to argue with them, but was stopped by Wu Di:
"The grasshopper after autumn has been jumping in a few days!"


At the post-match press conference, there were more reporters gathered in front of Wu Di, almost more than Wall at the home court. This time he finally brought out the enthusiasm of the United States.

By the way, Brother Wall played the whole game for 45 minutes and scored a game-high 32 points, 11 assists and 7 rebounds. In order to have better statistics than Wu Di, he also went all out, and he was almost tired and vomited blood.

The reporters basically asked some questions about performance and feelings, and only one reporter asked questions about the lineup:
"Wu, the starting lineup of the Cavaliers is obviously not your strongest lineup. What do you think of this?"

Wu Di smiled, cast a sloppy eye and said:
"You have to ask Coach Scott."

However, when the reporter turned his head, he realized that Scott had run away early and disappeared.

After Wu Di returned to the hotel, he came to a hidden hotel meeting room. It turned out that Scott was hiding here, as well as the team general manager Grant.

"Hahaha, my God, your method is perfect!"

When Scott and Grant saw Wu Di coming in, they immediately burst out laughing.

That's right, this is exactly the method Wu Di came up with on the last day of the Huaxia trip.

Dividing the team into two teams, A and B, in the preseason will embarrass Williams and Varejao. The outside world sees their competitiveness, and their value as bargaining chips will rise.

Moreover, if it is a team management team with strong observation skills, it can be roughly guessed that the Cavaliers management team wants to deal with it quickly. Trading ideas.

But it is estimated that these two have not changed their strength until now.

Especially Williams, he harassed Wu Di and asked him to hand over his mobile phone number. In fact, the purpose was to test Wu Di's attitude.

If Wu Di handed it over, then he might consider easing the atmosphere. If he didn't hand it over, then he would have a point if he didn't pass the ball. Anyway, the initiative is on their side.

Who knew that Wu Di was so domineering, and 10 minutes before the start of the game, he said "I have him in the starting lineup"...

What's more, Scott actually agreed...

Don't look at these two guys showing off at the end of the game, they may be drinking in a corner now.

"Guess how many teams sent offers tonight?"

As Grant said, he patted three pieces of paper on the table, one from the Clippers, one from the Suns, and one from the Magic!
The Clippers' offer is the actual deal reached by the two teams in the previous life. Williams replaced the Clippers' starting point guard Baron Davis with a beard and an unprotected first-round pick.

In fact, Williams is about the same level as the bearded Davis, but the bearded Davis' salary is $400 million higher than Williams, and there are still three years left.

The owner of the Clippers was still Donald Sterling at this time. This guy is a famous buckle. In order to save money, he sent next year's first-round pick as compensation.

In the end, the Cavaliers used this first-round lottery to win the No. [-] lottery, and then selected Ou Shenxian...

This deal has been ranked at the top of the list of NBA stupid deals in the new century all the year round.

Originally, the deal didn't come until December, but after Wu Di's whole process, the Clippers made an offer in advance.

But Wu Di didn't want Davis with a big beard, because this guy was similar to Williams, and he was also a lone wolf.

And more importantly, what the Cavaliers need most now is the inside line.

After this summer's training, Wu Di can also take on the responsibility of organizing the offense, so the position of point guard is actually far less urgent than the inside line.

It is also worth mentioning that the performance of Brother Wall today inspired Wu Di. Brother Wall became the No. [-] pick in the NBA because of his speed, and another NBA point guard known for his speed is now being sent to the Development League by the Golden State Warriors ...

He is Jeremy Lin!

It is absolutely possible for Grant to replace Shuhao with a bench player!
In this way, the position of point guard is even less urgent, so Williams must be replaced by a strong insider.

They didn't have many chips in the first place, and Williams can exchange for two things, which shows that his chips are still relatively valuable, so they can't exchange for the lower-valued bearded Davis now.

As for the Clippers' first-round pick, Gilbert should be able to exchange for some of the Clippers' bad contracts.

The Sun's offer is Jason Richardson, also known as Jia Fuhao, the Suns' leading shooting guard.

The reason why the Suns want to trade is the same as that of the Clippers. Jia Fuhao also has an annual salary of $400 million higher than Williams, but Jia Fuhao's contract has only one year left, so the Suns didn't send anything else.

The offer from the Magic is Jamison's younger brother, Vince Carter!

And Michael Pietrus, plus next year's first-round pick, and $300 million in cash.

"Magic is a real dog!"

When Wu Di saw the offer, he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

As Jamison's younger brother, Carter is also 33 years old. Although he has changed his playing style of flying and escaping, he still has more control over the ball, unlike Jamison who can play team basketball.

So for the current Cavaliers, the effect of changing Carter is basically negative.

Now that the Magic sent Carter over, it was purely because Warcraft Howard had grown up. He didn't need Carter to attract fans anymore, and by the way, save some salary space.

Regardless of the $300 million in cash sent by the Magic, Carter's salary is $900 million higher than Williams'.

Really good at calculating!
"It would be great if Carter was replaced by a monster!"

Grant murmured, if he could get the monster, the knight would most likely be able to take off instantly.

"Be realistic, Grant."

Scott shook his head. Centers are so popular in the market now. The Magic relied on Warcraft to reach the Eastern Conference finals last season. Who would be willing to change such a young and powerful star?
This is also the dilemma that the Cavaliers are currently facing. A strong center is a rarity in every team, and they all offer it with treasures. It is really not easy for them to strengthen the inside.

"Wu, do you have any other ways to let more teams notice us?"

Grant looked at Wu Di expectantly.

The method of Wu Di's AB team before was so wonderful, not only won the game, but also made Williams and Varejao work hard, and he expected Wu Di to continue to operate.

"Of course there is..."

The corner of Wu Di's mouth raised slightly, isn't it just to let more teams notice us, he is so good at it!

 Ask for tickets for the new year~
(End of this chapter)

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