Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 54 Melon Going Crazy

Chapter 54 Melon Going Crazy
However, on the Nuggets side, the anger in Anthony's eyes is getting hotter and hotter.

In the live broadcast room, Wu Hei's hearts were shattered when they saw this scene:

"Gah, it's worse than killing me!"

"The Nuggets are too rubbish, let's disband and rebuild on the spot!"

"The melons of other teams, the bitter melons of our own team, alas!"

...But Wu fans are happy like Chinese New Year:
"Where's that person who's running on his head? Hurry up and start the live broadcast!"

"That's right, don't count your words, come out and eat shit!"

"26 points in three quarters, maybe 30+ points in four quarters! There is also a possibility of a triple-double! Wu Huang is invincible!"

"Looking forward to the Cavaliers' first victory in the regular season in the fourth quarter!"


At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the starting lineups of both sides went into battle.

It's time for the bayonet!
The opening game of the new season is of great significance to both teams.

The Nuggets want to rely on this victory to retain the head star again, or leave the best memory.

The Cavaliers want to prove to the outside world that they are definitely not a weak team, and that they not only have the slogan of revenge, but also the strength of revenge!

After experiencing the scene where the DJ praised Wu Di just now, the Nuggets players held their breath and praised their opponent for playing well at home, and he was an Asian rookie, which made them feel very humiliated!
Therefore, when Wu Di held the ball, Billups chose to double-team Wu Di without hesitation.

But Wu Di is no longer a 3D player with a narrow vision. As soon as Billups came to bag him, he seized the opportunity and passed the ball without looking at others, and the ball came to Davis.

Davis moved down, and Martin came to help defend. As the former All-Star Skills Competition champion, he showed off a pass through the crotch, hitting the soul of the audience and passing the ball steadily to Jamison in the low post.

Jamison faced Hilario's block and dunked the ball hard!
74: 73!

Completely alive!

Lao Jia really played in this game. He stretched out his fingers to pay tribute to Wu Di and Davis. He proved that he lived up to Wu Di's time.

Wu Di excitedly ran to bump his chest with him, and maybe he could get 5000 knives a ball with more practice later!

But Jamison was holding his chest and pretending to be in pain. Seeing Wu Di's concerned expression, he opened his thick lips and smiled. He was joking with Wu Di.

Wu Di gave him a hammer, and Lao Jia not only returned to his condition, but also seemed to have a younger mentality.

But this was just an adjustment when Mount Tai was overwhelmed, and Anthony began to go crazy.

He was about to get the ball at the top of the arc, the whites of his eyes rolled up and stared at Wu Di, and after three threatening tentative steps, he made a clean step-back jumper!

3 points into the network!
74: 76!

Anthony's score has reached 26 points, the same as Wu Di.

Wu Di also wanted the ball at the top of the arc. Billups wanted to come over and continue to double-team, but Anthony directly scolded him with "Fuck Off".

Looking at Anthony, who had already fallen into a runaway state in front of him, Wu Di was going to add fire to him again, and called Jordan to come up with a pick-and-roll.

Single defense can also rely on personal talent to make up for it, but the awareness of assisting defense can't be realized in a short time. Anthony was blocked by Jordan in an instant.

Wu Di fought against Hilario, without any fuss, just swayed his shoulders and rushed to the right, instantly throwing the latter half a step away.

Out of the corner of his eye, Hilario chased after him, and he made an emergency stop to connect his crotch and wanted to rush to the left, but Hilario just made a heavy brake and did not fall or lose his position. These Nuggets players are really talented!

But Wu Di already had a plan B, the basket was empty at this time, so he just threw the ball towards the basket!

Jordan Jr. carried Anthony for an air cut dunk!
76:76 level!
"Good shot! This shot is too good!"

"Hey, my God! Is there any way to do this? Anthony! Sure enough, there is no one named Jordan that is simple!"

"Wu Di passed the ball well! The morale of the knights immediately rose, and Anthony exploded in anger! He threw away his hairband!"

Little Jordan was so excited on the court!
While roaring, he hammered his chest fiercely with his right hand!

He never expected that he just buckled Brother Gua!

Wu Di's pancakes are also delicious!

This ball is estimated to be the top ten ball of the week!

But Anthony is so angry!

The hair tie was torn off and I don't know where to throw it!
Damn, he was actually used as a background board by a role player who was just traded? !

It's all Wu Di's fault!
If Wu Di hadn't asked Jordan to pick and roll, he wouldn't have switched defenses with Hilario!

Gua Ge 03, the golden generation, made his debut. He has always been used as his background board by others for seven years of playing, but today he was put together by Wu Di!
The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. After taking off the hairband, veins popped out on his face. He came to the front wing to ask for the ball, and directly tried to push Wu Di to the basket with brute force.

But Wu Di had expected it a long time ago. Seeing him bumping into him regardless of the consequences, he gritted his teeth and stood still!
He can't hide, if he wants to hide a little bit, then Anthony will carry him up and dunk!

Accompanied by a muffled sound, Wu Di was hit hard and flew out!
Slid out of the bottom line directly from the high position of the elbow area!

The referee whistled and Anthony dribbled the ball into someone!

Offensive foul!

The Cavaliers' players immediately surrounded Anthony, and Jordan even rushed over to cut him.

But he was blocked by the Cavaliers. Wu Di had to suffer such a heavy hit to get the ball. It would not be worth it if he got a T, so Jordan held back.

On Wu Di's side, Ariana was examining him with distressed expression.

The impact just now was too hard, and Wu Di didn't dodge at all, it was very likely that he would break his ribs.

But Wu Di gritted his teeth and shook his head at her, indicating that he was fine. Although he was in pain, he shouldn't be fractured.

Because he had predicted that Anthony would hit him just now, he used his arm to protect him in advance.

He was lying down now just to buy some more rest time for the knight, and admire Ariana's pretty face by the way.

After about a minute and a half, the referee couldn't help but came to inquire about the situation, and Wu Di gritted his teeth and got up with the support of his teammates.

"Damn, is there really no fracture?"

Wu Di squeezed out a smile and said that the Cavaliers players were deeply encouraged by this scene, and Scott even gave him a thumbs up.

However, there were boos and boos on the field, and they shouted "Dive!"

At the critical moment, the fans began to support the home team indiscriminately.

"Do you want to take a break?"

Scott played tricks, he just knew that Wu Di was fine, so he asked this question on purpose.

"No, coach, I can still do it!"

Wu Di resolutely said that the players of the Cavaliers became even more united when they heard the words, and their eyes were full of anger!

"Okay! There are 10 minutes left in the game, let's shut up these goddamn spectators!"

"it is good!"

Back on the court again, Wu Di held the ball at the top of the arc, launched a wing support tactic, passed the ball to Jamison on the left wing, and immediately ran towards him.

At the same time, Gibson, who was near the left bottom corner, also ran towards Jamison. The two crossed each other.

Anthony suddenly collided with the other two defenders, and the Nuggets' defense instantly fell into chaos!
Jamison seized the gap and passed the ball to Wu Di, Wu Di kicked his legs and jumped up, making a jump shot!

79: 76!

"Wu Di is like the god of death coming at this moment, destroying the will of the Nuggets players!"

In the live broadcast room, Su Qun was so excited that he shook his fist.

"29 points, now Wu Di's every point is making history! Friends in front of the TV, we are witnessing history..."

Yang Yi's voice was almost hoarse.

"Wu Di is now 7 of 6 three-pointers. This shooting rate is too good! Who dares to let it go!"

Zhang Weiping's eyes widened. As a veteran who has played professional games, he understands what this hit rate means.

Back on the field, with the 3 dollars rewarded by the system, Wu Di's wealth value is also enough to 100 million dollars.

He added physical strength without hesitation.

Take it easy on saving money!
After all, if he can win this game, the reward will be doubled directly!
Can't bear children, can't catch wolves!
As a cool feeling swept over his body, his physical talent rose to 91.

Later, his physical limit will be higher!

"Attack the kaleidoscope, defend ten thousand pokes!"

When Wu Di faced Anthony again, he responded to his previous trash talk with 29 points, 25 points higher than the 4 points in Lao Zhan's career debut, and more than double the 12 points in Anthony's career debut!

And all this thanks to Anthony's defense!
Anthony almost collapsed!
He fumbled towards the top of his head, but found that he had already shaken off the hair tie just once...

He went straight to the basket for the ball, attacked frantically regardless of physical exertion, and carried Wu Di and Jr. Jordan for a strong layup.

On Wu Di's side, he played steadily. The two teams were clenching the score, but the Nuggets consumed more energy than the Cavaliers. The two teams completely smoothed the gap in energy.

In the last 2 minutes, the Cavaliers led 91:89 by two points, and Wu Di's total score has reached 35 points!
Not only that, the Cavaliers also hold the ball, and the balance of victory gradually began to tilt!

Moreover, Anthony also paid the price for his impulse!

He has counted 5 fouls, and if there is another foul, he will leave the field with six fouls!

 Small mistakes have been corrected, thank you for correcting!
  Please collect and read!

  Follow up and continue to be free next week!

  Try to get 20 words for free!

(End of this chapter)

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