Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 59 The Rapper

Chapter 59 The Rapper
To Wu Di's surprise, during the extra training that night, Jamison has returned to the state of a superstar with 5000 knives a goal!
Jamison had been selected to the All-Star twice before, and the most recent one was in 08. At that time, he averaged 21.4 points and 10.2 rebounds per game, and he was one of the three carriages of the Wizards.

However, after the incident this summer, his state of being hopeless for the championship has declined seriously, and his rating by the system has also dropped to the starting level of 3000 dollars per goal.

If it wasn't for Wu Di, he might have no ball to play in two years, and he would never hope to win a championship in this life...

But now, he has experienced a new life and hope!

Jamison practiced the ball, felt the huge change in his hand feeling, and couldn't bear the excitement in his heart anymore.

He left the court, took out a ruby ​​ring in his bag, held it in his palm, and shed hot tears.

Wu Di had heard him tell before that the ring was his talisman, from his beloved and deceased grandmother.

"Thank you, Wu!"

Wu Di stepped forward and hugged his shoulders, paused for a few seconds and said:
"Stop talking nonsense, come and continue practicing!"


Because they have to catch a plane, their extra training time tonight is only one hour.

However, due to the return of Jamieson's state, the rewards have nearly doubled, and the effect of adding money to practice is better than before, and Wu Di has earned another 21 knives.

Coupled with the reward of 24 dollars in the second half of the game, and the additional reward of 75 dollars from the game victory system, his wealth value exceeded 100 million dollars again, reaching a huge 120 million dollars.

If so much money can be made in every game, then by his birthday, he can directly krypton his static talent to be as strong as Durant.

But the reality is not if.

"System, exchange for a drop of recovery essence!"

In an instant, the wealth value was deducted by 100 million dollars, and Wu Di decided to reward himself.

Not for the four golden flowers.

The confrontation in this game was too intense, especially when he collided with Anthony with all his strength, and then he played without a break.

If you don't restore the essence, there is no guarantee that there will be any hidden dangers.

Of course, if you use it, you can also guarantee the experience of the four golden flowers. After all, if you invite people to come to Kecheng from a long distance, you must make clear arrangements.


The four golden flowers are Aniston with straight blond hair, Miranda with curly blond hair, Zivia with curly brown hair, and Enya with straight black hair.

All white girls.

Miranda and Zivia have more lively personalities, and they snatched Wu Di's arm as soon as they met, making him instantly surrounded by nephrite jade and fragrance.

Aniston is a standard American sweetheart and chatterbox, chatting non-stop in the front along the way.

Enya looks aloof, but when driving the car she speaks in a non-stop way, charming when she's bored, and scary when she's not bored.

When Wu Di took them on the plane, it caused an unprecedented sensation in the team!
After all, during the competition, the on-site photographers gave them a lot of shots.

With such a good-looking beauty, you may not be able to see one of them if you walk on the street for a day. The Nuggets showed up at the same time at home, leaving a deep impression on everyone.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, we were really doing extra training just now, and Wu contacted people through Twitter..."

Jamison had some tracheitis. Seeing everyone's scrutiny, he quickly set aside the boundaries.

"Technology changes life! Whoever said it was right!"

Scott said with emotion that, as a teammate who hugged the magician's thigh, not only would he not think this was a problem, but he felt that Wu Di's behavior was really fierce.

"Wu, your handsome face is too lethal to women!"

Only then did the teammates understand Wu Di's good intentions. Compared with Wu Di's superstar performance on the court, Wu Di's performance at the nightclub may only be crazier.

"I've grown up so much, I've never seen someone as arrogant as you!"

Gibson looked shocked. Although the arrival of the four golden flowers made him instantly feel that the girls around him were not good, but he also found the inspiration to write RAP!
No kidding, he actually has a side job as a rapper—

"First Battle"

The three major flower explorations are all special background boards!
FMVP defense counts as an egg!
Logo Shot sent him the last supper!

No matter how sweet the melon is, it will be overwhelmed!
Who can stop the 46-point god from descending to earth!
Is it difficult to break the 50-year record?

But the boss snapped his fingers!

Eating it dry is not enough...

Four golden flowers to take home and treat them to!

In the end, Gua Ge is really miserable!

Take the six criminals angrily!


"Young lady is really talented!"

Wu Di shook his head, laughed and cursed, in ancient times, Cao Zhi made a poem in seven steps, and now Gibson can export it into RAP.

It's just that in this RAP, every bright spot is a pain point for Gua Ge...

"Let the captain hurry up, Melon's missiles may have aimed at this flight..."

Gibson came up with another supplementary knife.

"When will I be as good as you..."

Little Jordan looked enviously at Wu Di. He also met a girl in a nightclub just now, but she didn't want to go to Cleveland with him.

He is only on a second-round rookie contract of more than $80. Excluding the expenses of buying a house in Cleveland, he has to think twice about opening a house in Denver.

"You have to practice free throws first."

Wu Di mused, according to the standard of ordinary starters, Jordan played pretty well today.

A total of 12 points, 16 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 blocks were scored. The rebounds exploded. In addition, there are many bright spots in defense.

But his free throws are very poor, and his shooting percentage is only a poor 20%.

When Little Jordan heard the words, Xiao Zhi nodded as if he was picking rice.

When he came, he knew that it was Wu Di who saw his potential and asked him to start with the Cavaliers.

Although Cleveland is a small ball market compared to Los Angeles, he was allowed to start in the opening game of the new season. The opportunity to play that he dreamed of before is absolutely enough.

In addition, next year is his contract year. If he can perform well this year, then Wu Di will be his nobleman.

Jordan is thinking about how to improve his own strength, and Wu Di is already thinking about how to improve the overall strength of the team.

There is no doubt that today's game exposed a lot of problems for the Cavaliers.

In addition to Jordan's free throws, Davis' turnovers and physical fitness are also big problems.

Also, his own experience needs to be accumulated, and he has to make up for the game video after returning home.

In addition, there are defenses such as Gibson and Hickson, which are all clichés...


During the flight, Wu Di and the four golden flowers read the news together.

Because he led the big team to win the playoffs and broke Chamberlain's record with incredible statistics, Wu Di now occupies the headlines of major sports news.

Such as "The Essence of Human Debut, 46 points, 14 assists, 12 rebounds, 2 steals and 1 block!" ", "The Cavaliers Defeated the Nuggets, the New Emperor Officially Ascended the Throne", "Super Jue Ping, Super Nova" and so on.

Wu Di felt embarrassed when he blew it, but the four golden flowers watched it with gusto.

And the look in Wu Di's eyes became more and more admiration.

To be honest, this look is a little creepy.

But just like the addictive yusheng, if you want to eat the freshest taste, you have to bear some risks.

What Wu Di can do is to get them to sign a non-disclosure agreement and ask Ariana to do a serum test for them, so as to avoid the dog blood incident as much as possible.

Having said that, the news Wu Di really wanted to find was about Riley.

He wants to see reporters ask Riley what he thinks of his performance, or challenge Riley why he traded him.

It's a pity that the Heat's opener will start tomorrow, and Riley has completely avoided the media.

The media that hacked him simply disappeared this time, and it may take a few days to digest it before recovering.

He knew about the situation on the side of Heizi leader Si Lin, because of the bet, he was called Master.

If Wu Di hadn't stopped her, she would have published an apology in the newspaper, and Wu Di's performance completely conquered her.

But Wu Di had other arrangements for her, he just asked her to clean up and wait at home.

 A few bets are enough for a few tickets, okay, veterans

(End of this chapter)

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