Chapter 64
10 Month 27 Day Afternoon

Cleveland Quicken Loans Center
In the warm-up session before the game, Wu Di was being interviewed by Mengchao.

"I noticed that there are some comments on the Internet accusing you of using illegal drugs, and dozens of media and columnists have jointly suggested that the coalition test you for drugs. What do you think of this matter?"

Meng Chao said a little nervously, although this topic has exploded on the Internet now, but this question is too sensitive, she dare not ask it.

But Wu Di actually agreed before the recording, which was beyond her expectation.

"This is a baseless allegation."

Wu Di replied calmly, joint name, hehe, I don't even look at who the initiator of the joint name is!

That's right, it's Celine!

This was the first step in his plan, and it served two purposes.

First, find out which are the enemy media, so that you can plan targeted counterattack strategies later.

The second is to quickly detonate the topic and increase the pace of communication.

Such a topic of smearing is the most taboo to lengthen the front line. If there is a problem with this one today, it will be picked up and hyped up next month. After a few months of fermentation, the official investigation report will be too late!

The image of the medicine pot is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the truth will appear very pale.

This is also Riley's previous plan.

Just like a high-altitude parabola, it hits you suddenly, making you tired of coping and hard to guard against.

But Wu Di disagreed. It is better to clear the water than to block it. He is going to gather all the dirty water at once, and then turn a corner and rush to Riley!
He paused, then suddenly changed his tone and said seriously:

"Riley traded me. If I play out, it means he has a big problem with his vision, so he wants to use this method to ruin my career."

"There is nothing worth saying, I will lead the Cavaliers to complete the revenge against the Heat this season!"

"Let him swallow the bitter fruit he has sown!"

Wu Di has passed the drug test of the third-party professional organization hired by the team today, but the result has not been announced on purpose.

When the alliance can't withstand the pressure of public opinion and decides to implement a drug test on him, it will directly show the previous drug test reports of its own team, the three parties, and the alliance!

The three-pronged approach thoroughly proved his innocence, smashed the faces of the trolls, and even dragged Riley into the water!


The undercurrent of the public opinion war is surging, and the regular season is also in full swing.

Although Wu Di has been attacked and slandered by the media in the past two days, more than 2 seats in the Quicken Loans Center are still full of spectators.

When Wu Di came out, he blew a kiss with both hands towards the audience, which immediately caused a burst of screams, which has become his signature action.

When it came to the regular season, the attitudes of the audience began to become very different. Those who supported their hometown, the team, and the stars, as well as those who hated the visiting team, and passers-by who came here just for fun...

Just like the screams just now, most of them came from fans wearing the number 46 jersey.

This part of the fans accounted for about one-tenth.

In other words, Wu Di now has almost 2000 diehard fans.

Not many, far from being able to compare with those super giants who have been famous for many years.

Like Anthony, almost half of the Nuggets home crowd wore his jerseys, five times as many.

This is the way Wu Di has to go. Rome was not built in a day. Although he broke the historical record, many people are still waiting and watching.

He needs to continue to prove himself, lead the team to win games, and win more diehard fans!

His eyes looked at the opposite Raptors. Their starting lineup is Jarrett Jack at No. 1, DeMar DeRozan at No. 2, Linas Kleiza at No. 3, and Raymond at No. 4. Gee Evans, Adria Bargnani at No. 5.

DeRozan is still a sophomore, and his rookie season was average, and he didn't even make the second team of the best rookie.

The point of Azan Niubi is that it can continuously evolve.

But his growth cycle is also relatively long, and it took 12 years before he really became the pillar of the Raptors.

The character that the Raptors are now touting is their No. 06 pick in [-], the Italian anti-aircraft gun Adria Bargnani.

Bargnani is 2 meters tall and weighs 13 kilograms. Before coming to the Raptors, he played in the Italian league, won the league championship, and was awarded the MVP.

Last season, he averaged 17.2 points, 6.2 rebounds and 1.2 assists per game. The data on paper is quite luxurious, much better than Nene Hilario of the Nuggets.

The success of the Cavaliers' new king's strategy made the Raptors think about him as the new Dragon King, taking over the vacancy left by Bosh.

Therefore, before the match, it was hyped as a new generation battle between the new emperor and the new dragon king.

Although the two are not aligned.

Wu Di looked at Little Jordan, who was actually facing the new Dragon King, and found that the latter's facial expression was a little tense, and his eyes glanced at the Raptors from time to time.

"I'm nervous..."

Thinking that Jordan had just been promoted to the starting lineup, Wu Di quickly understood the reason for his nervousness.

Bargnani, as a top player in the European League, has a free throw percentage of over 80% all the year round, flexible footwork, stable mid-range shots, and much more delicate skills than Jordan...

In terms of statistics, Jordan averaged only 4.5 points, 5 rebounds and 0.3 assists per game last season...

One is the No. [-] pick, and the other is a second-round pick. The little bit of confidence that Jordan had just accumulated disappeared without a trace.

"Little Joe!"

Wu Di yelled, and Little Jordan immediately turned his head and ran over with small steps.

"What's the matter, boss?"

Jordan Jr. said that as a player who joined the team halfway, he has no psychological burden and has already called Wu Di the boss.

"Do you want to blow up Bargnani on the opposite side today?"

Wu Di laughed.

"Huh? That's..."

"No but, wait for the pie!"

Wu Di interrupted his bewilderment, patted his shoulder and said:
"Do you want to get a big contract? If you want to get it, just get tough, and you're done!"

Little Jordan's eyes lit up. He doesn't know the technique, but he is an expert in hard work!

With a whistle, the jump ball started, and Bargnani groaned instantly.

Although he is the same height as Jordan, the latter has broad shoulders and long arms, plus he bounces extraordinarily fiercely.

There was a stern look in his eyes. As the No. [-] Italian anti-aircraft gun, he has his own way of dealing with this kind of players!

"Damn it, see if I don't blow you to pieces!"

Bargnani squeezed his fingers and spat, and ran back to the baseline to take his position.

Wu Di received a pass from Davis near the halfway line, and Linas Kleiza, a heavyweight striker from Lithuania, was facing him in front of him.

The 25-year-old Kleiza is also a player from the Europa League, and he only won the Europa League scoring title in the first half of this year.

It is the time when the limelight is picking up.

Kleiza is 2 meters tall and weighs more than 03 kilograms. His static talent is indeed much better than Wu Di.

Wu Di dribbled the ball sideways against him, it felt like he was competing against a wall.

But Wu Di already had a countermeasure. He turned his hips back and forth, his feet widened in an instant, his explosive power was full in an instant, and he rushed to the right!
Keleiza was thrown away instantly!
The next moment, DeRozan made up defense from the low position in the elbow area, and the defense was in place immediately, showing excellent defensive ability.

But Wu Di took a step back and jumped up!

Facing DeRozan's block, he forcibly leaned back and shot...

At the same time, Jordan suddenly sped up and jumped into the air. He could tell that Wu Di was going to feed him the ball!

Basketball hits the net!

"The iconic step-back step-back jumper, from the new emperor of the Cavaliers, Di~Wu!"

Accompanied by the DJ's infectious yelling, there was a burst of applause on the field!
Little Jordan spread his hands at Wu Di and the bears under the basket.

He was very depressed, just now he thought that Wu Di was going to feed him pancakes, his posture was settled, his mouth was opened...

In the end, the cake was baked, but it turned into Wu Di's mouth!

"I have to shoot the basket first, which will help you attract the defense more!"

Wu Di coughed lightly, he really wanted to feed the pancakes, but he jumped in the air and realized, oh, the flying state is activated...

But this cake is really not very delicious, only 5000 knives and 1 point...

Little Qiaodan suddenly realized that there is still so much knowledge in feeding cakes. Anyway, he eats less cakes, so Wu Di can do whatever he says.

 Thanks to book friends 121124051340275, Meteor Date, and Hesika for their rewards!
  This afternoon, the editor notified that the fourth round of pk has begun!
  Thank you guys for following up, next week we will continue to be free!
  In addition, let’s talk about the results of this book. When the book was 8.6 words, it was the first in the category new book list, and it is still the first. In other words, it has been on the list for more than 3 weeks!
  This result belongs to the big brothers. I know my level. After all, the first book still has a lot of room for improvement. The rhythm of the two Lv5 big books in the same period is more mature than mine, but we are still stable. No. [-], so this achievement is all due to the support of the big brothers!
  Brothers, please give me some more comments, let's strive for better results for this book!

(End of this chapter)

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