Chapter 66 The NBA's No. [-] Evil

On Twitter, the topic of "recommended drug testing" has become the top 3 hot searches on the homepage, and netizens have reposted and discussed it:

"Little Jordan is right. How could he take medicine to organize an offense!"

"Riley wouldn't be so stupid as to really think there are memory breads in this world!"

"It's not about organizing attacks, it's about changing the speed of power a bit outrageous, not in line with science..."

"Stop arguing, it's useless, the alliance's drug test is just a urine test, even if a wooden man uses growth hormone, he won't be able to detect it."

"I just want to say that Huaxia people are not made to play guards at all!"

"It's outrageous! The drug test has not yet started and has refused to admit the result. What a hatred for the Heat fans!"

"Yeah, that's right, poached the head star of the Cavaliers, and don't want him!"

"Riley is also dirty enough to use such indiscriminate tricks!"

"The two teams are completely deadly enemies..."

"Luoer Deng actually scored 40 points tonight, here we recommend drug testing!"

"Griffin also has a triple-double, plus one for the drug test!"


But this time, netizens' attitude towards Wu Di is no longer one-sided. Some people began to support him and ridicule other stars.

Wu Di didn't say anything, but took advantage of the wave of enthusiasm to bring the goods several times in a row, and directly got a promotional cooperation fee of 15 knives.

The Nuggets have $20 left in that game, the Raptors got $36 in that game, plus Jamison's extra training of $30, this is $101 million.

However, they also spent a lot on the four golden flowers of the Nuggets. They spent 3000 dollars on first-class air tickets to go back, and bought four iPhones for exclusive contact with 4000 dollars.

This is not the big head, the big head is some high-end clothes and bags as gifts.

The total cost was about 75000 knives.

Earn more and spend faster, which is why many NBA players go bankrupt quickly after retiring.

But to Wu Di, this is a small amount of money, compared to a million talent points, it's just a drizzle.

In short, his current wealth value is almost 935000 dollars, and he is still 65000 dollars short of a talent point.

On the afternoon of October 10, when the Cavaliers were preparing for tomorrow's away game against the Bucks in the training hall, they suffered a surprise drug test from all members of the league.

"Hey, the doping incident is finally coming to an end!"

Wu Di said excitedly.

The test results will be released tomorrow, that is to say, he can complete the second step at tomorrow's post-match press conference, so that Riley can't get off the stage.

In the evening, Turner called:

"Damn it, why didn't anyone suggest that I go for a drug test, even though I did well."

He just scored 18 points and 8 rebounds against the Wizards in only 26 minutes of playing time.

"You reincarnate, choose a yellow skin to start, and you are guaranteed to be recommended for drug testing every day."

Wu Di teased that racial discrimination is still prevalent in some rural areas in the United States, and he still vividly remembers the Thunder's boos.

"Ham, don't care about those bastards, they are all red necks!"

Turner paused, and continued:

"By the way, Wu, your former agent, Jeff Schwartz, actually asked someone to give me a watch in order for me to pass on a message to you!"

"What watch did he give you?"

Wu Di was also speechless. Schwartz's face is really thick enough. Now that his business value has increased rapidly, he still engages in such a thing.

"Omega Seamaster."

Turner's tone was joking, the price of this watch can't even reach 5000 US dollars, unless it is a brand endorsement, which NBA player would wear it.

"...This person is too condescending!"

Wu Di disliked it, you know, his sneaker contract offer has reached 3000 million!
If he continues to receive 15% of the agent's share, he will be given 450 million points. In order to re-cooperate, the gift he gave is less than 5000 dollars...

It's almost buckled!
"I'm not racist when I say that. You know, this may be the characteristic of that ethnic group. Otherwise, it would not be possible to do such a weird thing before..."

Turner said with a smile that Schwartz is very good in business and has helped many big-name NBA players get big contracts, but the buckle is also buckled to the bone.

"Okay, what do you think are the characteristics of us Chinese people?"

Wu Di asked on a whim.

"I had some stereotypes before, but since I got to know you, I found that you are still very worthwhile to be friends with. You are kind, hardworking, and very tenacious..."

Turner said with a smile, if it was an ordinary person, he might be ruined if he was traded to a bad team like the Cavaliers, but Wu Di just stood up from the ruins.

"I love to hear that. If you have the opportunity to go to Huaxia, you will change even more!"


On the afternoon of October 10, the Cavaliers took a special plane to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to challenge the Bucks.

Although it belongs to the Great Lakes region, Milwaukee is much colder than Cleveland.

It's only one day before November, and it's already snowing here...

It is hard to imagine the mood of a Cantonese from the United Arab Emirates when he came to Milwaukee.

From a place full of stockings to a place full of long johns in an instant.

I'm afraid it won't all freeze.

The Bradley Center, the home court of the Bucks at this time, is one of the most shabby venues in the NBA. Not only is it small, but it doesn't even have a sponsor's title.

The changing room is also small and run down.

Although the Cavaliers' locker room is not big, at least it is quite luxurious, with a large color TV and leather seats, while the Bucks only have a pitiful small TV.

Even so, Wu Di is very happy, because today he can beat dogs with pay.

Wu Di came to the court to warm up. On the Bucks side, a big man with a very wild face caught his attention instantly.

This is the effect of the dog standing on the crowd.

The NBA's No. [-] villain, No. [-] pick Bogoute.

Bogoute suffered serious injuries such as shoulder injuries and palm fractures last season, and was reimbursed in the playoffs, causing the Bucks to be blinded by the Eagles in the first round.

Alas, may the injury defeat Bogoute as soon as possible.

Bogoute obviously didn't understand the reason that biting dogs don't bark. When he saw the Cavaliers in red uniforms coming, he first shouted at Little Jordan, causing everyone to be puzzled:

"Although your name is Jordan, this is my no-fly zone!"

After shouting, he leaned over to Wu Di and barked:

"Yellow medicine pot, you are not welcome here!"

Wu Di ignored him at all, if the mad dog bites you, can you bite the mad dog back?

Absolutely not!
What if this thing has rabies!
Don't worry, I'll beat you back with a stick later!

Wu Di picked up the ball and started warming up.

"Oh, so you don't understand English!"

Seeing that Wu Di ignored him, Bogoute began to mock him again.

"Did you hear the dog barking?"

Wu Di asked Jordan, and the latter understood immediately, pointing to Bogoute and saying to the staff on the sidelines:
"Damn it, your dog is not on a leash!"

This made Bogut very angry. In his opinion, Wu Di was only a first-year rookie, and Jordan was just a second-round pick who hadn't played in two years, and he was the No. [-] pick!

The Bucks champion in 05!

He lectured the two of them because he thought highly of them!
"Damn it, why don't you have any comprehension, I'm the champion!"

"Get lost! I'm the number one pick!"

Little Jordan scolded, since the last game against the Raptors, his confidence has completely risen, what's the number one pick, I'm still Jordan!
It was as if Bogut's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he was about to explode, not only because of Jordan, but also because Wu Di never said a word to him from the beginning to the end!
The rest of the Cavaliers also looked at him with a look of disgust, and they didn't want to talk to him. They looked at him like they were looking at a mad dog.

But Bogut is no different. His weight is only 114 kilograms, which is different from Jordan's 120 kilograms. Moreover, this is the area of ​​the Cavaliers. He must be the one who dares to provoke and get beaten.

"Williams, was he like this before?"

Scott asked Williams, pointing to the back of Bogut who left in despair. The two were starting partners in the Bucks before.

"Well, he's not very talkative...but he's actually a nice guy, with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart! By the way, he's a very good passer!"

Williams laughed, but he saw someone on the Internet suggesting that he and the Clippers' first-round pick be traded to the Bucks for Bogut.

When he returned to his old club, he could still get someone who was against Wu Di in exchange. He suddenly felt that the deal was a good deal.

(End of this chapter)

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