Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 81 Against the Grizzlies

Chapter 81 Against the Grizzlies
Going back to Cleveland with Wu Di, there are hundreds of pairs of AJs.

Basically includes all the shoes from AJ[-] to AJ[-] (AJ[-]).

Wu Di understood what Jordan meant and helped AJ bring the goods for free.

In the previous bullfight, Jordan had fully recognized him, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was in place, but Jordan didn't mention anything about the signing...

Wu Di is also a sensible person, and the control over this matter is obviously no longer in Jordan's hands.

The high probability is the reason for the contract price.

But Wu Di can't back down on this point, after all, it's about increasing his height and wingspan.

A loss of [-] million US dollars means a loss of height by [-] centimeter. Who can bear this?

Besides, Jordan did not ask Wu Di to back down.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can understand the reason.

Although his name is printed on this brand, the big beneficiary is not him.

Jordan's worth is only more than one billion US dollars, but the wealth of the Mayfair-Knight family is more than 300 billion US dollars!

The gap of nearly [-] times shows that Jordan is actually just a wage earner.

He has no conflict of interest with Wu Di at all. Not only is there no conflict of interest, but in fact, if Wu Di can join AJ, it will be of great benefit to him.

After all, Jordan only has the right to dividends. If AJ can sell more products, he can enjoy more dividends.

The person who actually bleeds and risks is Mayfair Knight, so Jordan even wants to help Wu Di earn a little more.

They are all migrant workers, helping each other out!
Having said that, although it is completely voluntary labor for Wu Di to wear AJ to help Jordan bring the goods, he is still very cool. How could he have such treatment in his previous life, wearing AJ for free!

Moreover, Danzi has made great achievements in accompanying practice, and helping to bring the goods just happened to repay Danzi's favor.

What, you can't tell what happened today?

Sorry, I have to practice more!

Called Liz to drive the Cayenne to pick up the goods, and put the second row of seats down before finishing it. The Cayenne was stuffed into a truck by the shoebox.

After returning home, the originally empty shoe wall was instantly filled.

One thing to say, A cone is really handsome!
Among the hundreds of pairs of shoes Jordan gave him, there are a few pairs of shoes that are particularly eye-catching.

The pure black AJ[-] Blackout special edition, the original AJ[-] is one of the most handsome shoes in the A cone, this pair of Blackout is a unique pure black color, and it has never been officially released, it is a special trial version, you can definitely wear it out Sneaker Magazine.

The black and red AJ[-] "Ferrari" was wearing these A cones. In the [-] finals, Danzi broke Karl Malone's ball, knocked down Brian Russell, and made the "last shot", TheLastShot , achieved the sixth crown and created the second Bulls dynasty!

This pair of shoes has not been reproduced yet, and it is definitely a hardcore fan to have.

Others such as the AJ[-] of white cement, the AJ[-] of gray mouse, the AJ[-] of Rukawa maple color, the AJ[-] of carmine, the AJ[-] of Bugs Bunny, and the AJ[-] of flu war are all classics.

Of course, the collection value is counted, and the AJ[-] Chicago signed by Dan Zi is also counted.

Looking at the A cones all over the wall, Wu Di suddenly felt a little moved...

The homonym of his name is "Invincible", which is more domineering than "Flying Man", and more suitable as a brand name!

There is no need to think too much about the logo, it is very beautiful to directly use Chinese brush characters!

Imagining the scene of the Chinese "Invincible" shining in every corner of the world, Wu Di instantly became full of motivation...


November 5 at 9:30 am

Baltimore, Maryland
Under Armour's headquarters, the president's office.

Lydia Hearst handed a stack of photos to a muscular young man.

The young man's name is Kevin Plank, who was the captain of the University of Maryland football team and the founder and president of Under Armour.

The photos in his hand were taken from very hidden angles, but they were exceptionally clear, obviously from professional private investigators.

"So, as a last resort, Nike sent Jordan to recruit Wu."

Plank carefully looked at Wu Di's expression in the photo, he didn't want to miss any details.

"Yes, but our source said there were no further offers from Nike."

Hurst said softly, this is the weirdest part of the whole thing, since such a big battle sent Jordan to recruit Wu Di, there must be a result, right?
But now there is no offer, but AJ who gave Wu Di a car...

I have used the last trick. If I talk about Beng again at this time, I will give AJ, but if I don’t talk about Beng, I don’t even have an offer...

Is it really just to talk about life and relationship?

Impossible, Nike has never been a company that plays the emotional card, as can be seen from their advertising slogan "just doit".

If it wasn't for the fact that the informant had no reason to lie to her, she would have wondered if she had been betrayed.

"Hehe, old fellow Nate!"

Plank laughed, picked out a photo of Wu Di rubbing his left wrist and said:

"I'm so jealous, but I don't want to raise the price. The older I get, the more treacherous I am!"

Hearst immediately understood when he heard the words, but immediately thought of something and said:
"But if they don't make an offer at this time, Wu Di won't feel their sincerity for a long time. If they choose to cooperate with other brands, wouldn't they lose a lot?"

Plank pondered:

"Well, you have grasped the essence! Wu is actually not very valuable to Nike. They are already the number one brand in the market. There are many active superstars such as James and Kobe under their umbrella, as well as Jordan. The enduring hooligans have no shortage of stars, and if Wu Di is signed, the growth will be very limited."

"So, their core interest is not to let us sign with Wu, instead of signing Wu at a high price!"

Hearst finally realized:

"You mean they deliberately confuse us and delay time?"

Plank nodded and said:
"This year is our first year to challenge them in the basketball market. The longer the time delays, the smaller our offensive momentum will be, and the safer they will be."

"So, they not only delay the time, but also drive up Wu's price!"

Hester frowned:
"Damn, this old guy is really sinister, but if they don't quote, how can they drive up Wu's price?"

Plank coughed lightly and said:

"This is also where this old guy is clever. If there is no accident, he will soon send people to hype up Wu's playing big names, and even cause conflicts within the team!"

Hester frowned:
"I understand, the greater the wind and waves, the higher the price of fish! Black and red are also red, as long as the topic about Wu becomes popular on the Internet, then Wu's signing price will only be higher!"

"But if Wu is carrying black material, even if we sign the contract later, it will be a blow to our brand image..."

Suddenly, her eyes widened:
"We need to sign with Wu Di before this! If we can sign before the hype, we can save everything!"

Plank snapped his fingers:

"That's right, you fly to Cleveland immediately to meet with Wu's agent. You must settle everything within a week, no, within three days. The price is not an issue, but the time must be as soon as possible!"

"You have to run faster than the reporter, so we have a chance!"


Wu Di has no idea how the outside world is changing, because he is now leisurely wandering in Shelby Park in Memphis, Tennessee.

The park has a full 4500 acres, which is five times larger than Central Park in New York.

The late autumn in Memphis is exceptionally quiet, and Shelby Park is full of colorful colors, and the Mississippi River tributary that surrounds the park, the scenery is really beautiful.

This park is a microcosm of Memphis, and Memphis is a microcosm of Tennessee.

Tennessee has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate and fertile land. A generation of legendary singer "Elvis Presley" was born here, and it is also the place where country music singer Taylor Swift grew up.

But here is far from being livable, and it is hardly even listed on the list of livable cities, because it is one of the states with the most serious racial discrimination in the United States.

There were many Indian tribes active here, but now the Indian population is only 1%.

This is the stronghold of white supremacists, where the Ku Klux Klan was founded.

The famous Martin Luther King was shot dead in Memphis.

If you're white, this is the closest place to heaven, but if you're any other color, sorry, the Ku Klux Klan is going to turn this place into hell.

Therefore, when Wu Di walked into the FedEx Arena, home of the Grizzlies, he was booed the most since he entered the NBA.

But it was quickly overshadowed by the cheers of some Cavaliers fans wearing No. 46 jerseys.

The Grizzlies are one of the teams with the worst attendance in the NBA. Many locals don't like this team that defends the league with iron blood because there are too many black players.

This gave Cavaliers fans the opportunity to watch Wu Di's comeback, because the tickets here are very cheap, basically equivalent to the price of the Cavaliers' tickets plus the ticket price for the next trip.

Wu Di kept signing autographs for the fans on the side of the player tunnel. This feeling is so good that I can see so many fans in the away game!

However, as soon as he entered the field to warm up, Wu Di felt two hostile eyes from the Grizzlies.

One is from Xavier Henry, also a member of the lottery area in the 2010 draft, also a swingman, and also a freshman draft.

Henry is 1 meters tall, 98 centimeters taller than Wu Di, and has a wingspan of 2 meters, the same as Wu Di.

The only weak point is strength. The 84 kg bench press can only be pushed 8 times, which is much worse than Wu Di's 15 times.

But during the draft, his technical evaluation was much higher than that of Wu Di!
In the absence of a top bread-feeder like Turner at the University of Kansas, he scored 27 points in his first NCAA game, and then frequently scored 30+ points.

It is such a top player in the NCAA, who was 9 places lower than Wu Di when he entered the NBA, and now he is trying his best to fight for the starting position of the Grizzlies.

Compared with Wu Di, Henry was very unconvinced.

He originally thought that Wu Di's stats in the NCAA were based on his stats, but now that he came to the NBA, not only did he not show his stats, but he even got better in the Cavaliers...

The matter of data can be explained with a data brush, but Wu Di's business achievements make him hard to hide his jealousy...

Especially the home court of the Grizzlies has invaded so many fans wearing No. 46 jerseys!

"Hey, don't you just look handsome! See if I don't turn you into shit later!"

Henry stared at Wu Di, muttering something.

Wu Di shook his head, passed the trainer Alexander's defense with one step, and then dunked the ball easily into the basket with a small lever.

Henry is such an unknown person, he has no sense of pleasure in fighting.

Although the draft is only a matter of this summer, his skills have undergone earth-shaking changes, and now Henry is not even qualified to be his background board.

But another hostile gaze made him pay attention.

It's Mike Conley.

The No. 07 pick in the first round of 4 is also from Ohio State University. He is the starting point guard of the Grizzlies and the future "Bear King".

He is not jealous of Wu Di, he is angry.

He felt that Wu Di had been using his alma mater with ulterior motives.

Now there are many negative comments about Ohio State on the Internet, such as the confrontation between Ohio State and North Carolina, the confrontation between Ohio State and LeBron James, a native of Ohio, and so on.

Even the school team coach Old Homan's behavior of taking in Wu Di in summer was criticized as being suspected of conveying benefits.

All this started because of Wu Di, and Wu Di did not bring any honor to Ohio State.

In his year on the school team, Ohio State didn't even make the NCAA Final Four.

Some netizens made even more black-bellied comments. All of this was designed. If they entered the semi-finals, Wu Di and Turner would not be able to collect data.

Wu Di shook his head, he could probably guess what Conley was thinking, but he didn't care anymore.

There are definitely more people who hate him than like him right now, which will definitely have some negative consequences for Ohio State.

Those fans of the Heat, fans of Lao Zhan, will definitely talk about Ohio State.

This is an inevitable process, doomed from the moment Riley abandoned him, and what he can influence now is only the final result.

Only by leading the Cavaliers to avenge the Heat and win the championship can he change everything!

He ran to the top of the arc one step away from the three-point line, steadily received the pass from Alexander, and then jumped high with a stretched posture.

The moment he reached the highest point, his right arm perfectly outlined a 45-degree angle, and then his wrist slid lightly, and the basketball fell through a rounded arc straight to the center of the net.

The warm-up is over, and although he will play again after two weeks, his dialogue with the basket is still tacit.

"WOW! Nice shot!"

TNT's ace host Kenny Smith came to Wu Di with a microphone, and he wanted to interview Wu Di before the game.

"Hey, Wu! How is the recovery from the left wrist injury?"

Wu Di stretched out his left hand and gave him a high-five, and said with a smile:
"Hey Smith, what do you think?"

Smith felt the strength in Wu Di's hand, and made a surprised expression to the camera:
"I feel like new lol!"

He paused and smiled again:
"Wu, although this is the home stadium of the Grizzlies, many fans have traveled thousands of miles to buy tickets to support you. Even Megan Fox flew over from Hollywood. Do you have anything to say to the fans?"

Wu Di couldn't believe his ears, he blinked and confirmed:
"Who? Megan Fox from Transformers? Are you sure she's my fan?"

Smith said with a look of jealousy:

"It should be. Although she is from Tennessee, she has never shown up at the FedEx Center before. Besides, if she is a fan of Randolph, it will be a disaster."

Wu Di immediately looked around, and sure enough, he saw a beautiful black-haired beauty sitting on the sidelines, with black silk feet swinging in rivet high-heeled shoes.

She deserves to be the first woman in the ranking of "[-] Sexiest Women in the World" published by "FHM", she is simply too ecstatic!
Wu Di looked away with difficulty and said:
"WOW, this is amazing!"

Smith laughed and joked:
"Is it your fans that are awesome, or Fox is awesome?"

"Haha! Thanks to the fans for their support, their presence makes me more motivated!"

Wu Di smiled and covered up this question. Fox came here to watch him play?

He didn't believe it, unless Fox told him himself!

Smith made a really cunning expression of your kid, and then quickly asked after changing the tone:
"The last question. At the beginning of the season, you said you were a championship team, but now after ten games, your record is only 4 wins and 6 losses. You may not even make it to the playoffs. How do you feel now?"

Wu Di nodded, and after a little thought, he replied:
"Man, even though it's my rookie season, it's normal in the NBA to use the first 10 games to work out our roster?"

Smith gave a thumbs up and said:

"Di, you are so cool! If you are an ordinary rookie, you may say that it is because they did not play, but you did not. You have shown the potential of a leader. I look forward to your performance later!"

 For details on Megan Fox, see the Easter Egg Chapter later!

(End of this chapter)

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