Basketball: The Chosen Victim

Chapter 9 What is Welcome to the NBA?

Chapter 9 What is Welcome to the NBA?

Although James Jones is a second-round pick, he has now grown into the team's main rotation player in the Heat and can be described as the mainstay.

Even in the second half of last season, he was appointed by Riley and served as the team's starting small forward 6 times.

What I have to say is that, as a second-round pick with the same name as the hot guy, Jones' rise is somewhat legendary.

After the famous Auburn Hills Palace Scramble incident, the Pacers lost a number of main players such as Artest, O'Neal, and Jackson.

Then, Jones, who was the administrator of the drinking fountain at the time, unexpectedly got a lot of playing time, thus showing his extraordinary three-point shooting ability, and won the appreciation of the team boss Reggie Miller with his super high emotional intelligence.

Therefore, he still has a domineering nickname in the circle, the only winner of the Palace of Auburn Hills.

In the past two seasons, Jones' three-point shooting rate of close to 50% ranked first in the league. If Wu Di remembers correctly, Jones will win the All-Star Three-Point Challenge next year!
"What's wrong bro?"

Jones saw Wade, and his tone was slightly flattering. Although he became a starter at the end of last season, Wade had a lot of opinions on his defense, but the problem was not a big one. The Heat's Riley was the one talking.

"Jones, this is our rookie of the year, Di Wu from China!"

Wade pointed to Wu Di who was sitting in the co-pilot, and the two sides greeted each other.

"He also plays small forward, do you dare to play against him?"

Jones glanced at Wu Di's handsome face, and jokingly said:

"Seriously? With this Huaxia nerdy college student?"

Wade was happy, and said loudly:

"Di, he looks down on you, an Asian defender!"

Wu Di raised the wooden cigar box in his hand and said:

"This is a box of Cohiba Century VI worth $3000. Do you dare to bet on a rookie like me?"

Jones sneered when he heard the words. His sneer was not to laugh at Wu Di's overreach. He acted like this just to match the tone of the two of them. After all, with his superb EQ, he had already seen that Wade was leading a newcomer to play.

Even the box of cigars is likely to be empty. It's too easy to guess. After all, during the offseason, when it's time to play, he is also happy to cooperate with the two to perform:

"Then I'll thank you for the cigar first!"

"What about your bet?"

Wade narrowed his eyes, he somewhat disliked Jones' style.

This guy Jones is too smart, he only agreed just now, but didn't mention his bet, but he really didn't necessarily forget it, it might be intentional.

It's not easy to deceive this kind of person, but both he and Wu Di have a strong will to win and lose, so naturally pick the toughest persimmons first.

"If he wins, I'll give him this Rottweiler to look after his home!"

Jones laughed and said, beside him, this excellent looking Rottweiler has been with him for many years. He is majestic, loyal and protects the Lord, and is very popular with his teammates.

"Then I'll fight you!"

Wade gave a middle finger, and continued:
"Don't be kidding, what if you lose? The whole lottery will add to the fun!"

Just as Jones was about to say something, he coughed dryly before asking:

"What rules?"

Wade and Wu Di looked at each other and said:

"Three games, one you set the rules, one set the rules, one American bullfight, two wins out of three."

Jones was overjoyed when he heard the words. The rules are simple and easy to understand, yet interesting, and there seems to be no pitfalls, but there is one key problem:

"It was you who took the initiative to challenge, the one where I set the rules first?"

Wade spat back:
"Then you must at least triple the value of the bet! Stop talking nonsense, just now you said that Di is a nerd!"

Jones rolled his eyes and said, "Okay! Just bet, I'll give you a box of big Lafite!"

Wade frowned slightly when he heard this, because red wine is divided into vintages. A case of Lafite in a good vintage can be worth more than $[-], but a case of Lafite in a poor vintage may not be worth $[-]. .

But with him here, I will go directly to the cellar to move the best box later and I'll be done!
"Okay, open the door and let me in!"

Although Jones is not as rich as Wade, he is a native of Miami, so the villa garden occupies a huge area and is also equipped with a basketball court, which is only half the court.

In the first game, Jones naturally bet on the three-point shot contest. Whoever scored more than ten goals would win.

With plenty of energy and a familiar backyard, Jones hit nine consecutive hits at the start, with a 90% hit rate, which only made Wu Di scratch his head.

Changing to Wu Di, under the "huge" psychological pressure, his shots were a little deformed. The first ball hit the board and missed the shot, and the second ball was even more air ball...

In the end, he was only two out of ten, and the difference with Jones was more than 01:30. The latter suddenly became happy, and the expression on his face was somewhat contemptuous.

Although Jones is a representative of players with high EQ in the NBA, it is a private occasion after all, and there is no need to cover it up. Jones feels that he has given Wu Di the greatest dignity by not speaking out and humiliating.

After throwing the ball, Wu Di lowered his head, like a frost-beaten eggplant, glanced at the cigar box, as if he suddenly realized that the problem was serious, and looked at Jones pleadingly:
"How about... let's forget about today, I lost you one-third of the game, and I will give you ten cigars directly..."

Jones let out a chuckle. He opened the cigar box Wade handed over and counted. There were 25 cigars in one box, and ten cigars already exceeded one-third of the number.

He wanted to agree, but the top-notch eggplant flavor emanating from Cohiba Century VI was so intoxicating that his words turned into a sarcasm:
"Huaxia boy, haven't you learned the word contract?"

Seeing Jones start biting the hook, Wade suppressed his smile, puffed his cheeks to smooth things over and said:
"James, Wu Di will set the rules for the next game, and you may not be able to win. Come here today and bring him to meet the brothers in the team. Why don't you just forget about it!"

But Jones is not willing to do so. The most important thing about a box of top Cohiba cigars is that they are neat and tidy. How can you take pictures and post on Twitter if you take them apart? !

Although the rules of the next game are in favor of Wu Di, those are the basketball rules. Except for the disgusting game of eating basketball, Jones really doesn't believe that a rookie can play well.

Besides, there is an American bullfighting base, the big deal is to loosen his muscles and teach him a lesson, what does it mean to welcome to the NBA!

Seeing this, Wade pretended to stare at Wu Di again, then changed his tone and said:

"Then... Otherwise, you can buy some more things to stimulate the fighting spirit of our rookies. Otherwise, I don't think there is any need to continue this competition."

Jones only had Cohiba Century VI left in his eyes at this time, but he couldn't be blamed for being greedy. If he could blame it, he could blame it during this period of time. The sunspot comment that Wu Di was selected by Riley because of his appearance was too popular on the Internet.

In addition, Jones witnessed with his own eyes today that Wu Di scored two out of ten three-pointers without defense. This performance is really hip...

Jones waved his hand directly and said domineeringly:
"What are you thinking? Even if I give him ten boxes, he can't beat me in the bullfight!"

Wade and Wu Di almost laughed out loud when they heard the words, and pinched their thighs before holding back. After holding back for a long time, they controlled their emotions and said:
"That's what you said. If you lose later, give us ten boxes of Lafite!"

Jones saw the faces of Wade and Wu Di blushing from suppressed laughter, and thought it was embarrassment because of shame, so he agreed again.

The game continued, and in the second game, Wu Di suggested that it would be a slam dunk contest.

He will do three actions in sequence, if Jones can copy successfully, then Jones wins, otherwise Wu Di wins.

Jones smiled crookedly, thinking that if the Asian guard from the NCAA could really be famous, he would have already caused a sensation in the country to be the No.

Agree directly!

Sure enough, for the first ball, Wu Di held the ball for a run-up. Although his movements in the air were quite stretched, he was no more than a 180-degree turn and slam dunk.

Jones chuckled, dribbled for a running run, and easily imitated the success, while Wade was expressionless, not knowing what he was waiting for.

For the second ball, Wu Di held the ball for a run-up again, but directly staged a 360-degree turn in the air to catch the tomahawk buckle under his crotch!

Wade covering his face, Nicolas Cage emoticon package.jpg
Looking at Jones again, this guy has been petrified in place, and his pupil is suffering from a magnitude [-] earthquake...

What the hell is this!

Turn around 360 degrees to pick up the tomahawk buckle under the crotch? ? ?

Is he right?
If it wasn't for the basket in his backyard, he would have used a ruler to measure the height of the basket!
Just now, Wu Di obviously struggled to dunk a 180-degree dunk, why did he suddenly turn around 360 degrees to catch the tomahawk dunk under his crotch when there was a disagreement?
Brother, is the NCAA playing so hard now? !

Jones wants to call the police!
Call 911!

Capture Wu Di, who suddenly turned into a showman!
This can't be blamed on Wu Di's sudden increase in difficulty. It can only be blamed on the fact that the second ball just triggered the flying state. The ability to stay in the air has directly increased by 30%, and the ability to dunk has increased by 15% to reach the super giant range of 92...

For Jones to imitate, this time he didn't dare to dribble, and ran up with the ball, and tried twice.

But it took a lot of effort to turn around 360 degrees, let alone catch the tomahawk buckle under the crotch, and the loss was complete...

Jones' eyelids twitched wildly, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he felt a little relieved when he thought that there would be a third American bullfight.

(End of this chapter)

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