Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 313 The way to motivate Sakuragi!

Chapter 313 The way to motivate Sakuragi!

The direction of the competition between Xiangbei High School and Xiangyang High School did not exceed Jinguji Budo's expectations.

Just as Budou had expected at the beginning, the contemptuous Yingmu Huadao and others were soon crushed by Xiangyang.Xiangyang High School, with an average height of over 185cm, has done quite well in defense.

Kiyota Nobunaga did not strictly implement the triangle offensive tactics arranged by Coach Anzai. He missed a three-pointer with the ball, and then relied on his excellent speed to make two strong shots, but was blocked by Xiangyang's inside line down.

The quality of Xiangyang's players is far from comparable to that of a team of Miuradai's level. Kiyota Nobunaga treats his opponents like Miuradai's nonsense, and it is inevitable to suffer.

However, after several rounds of offensive failures in Xiangbei, the players did not seem to have learned their lesson. Sakuragi Hanamichi felt that his strength was better than that of Kiyota Nobunaga, and launched a one-stop solo attack after snatching a backcourt rebound.But it's a pity that his solo quick play was destroyed by everyone in Xiangyang who returned to defense in time.

After several consecutive defeats, Xiangbei did not score a single point.

On the contrary, Xiangyang performed quite calmly on the offensive end, making full use of the height of the players, and using the pick-and-roll to create short-term open shots.

In the 5 minutes of the game, Xiangyang High School once scored a true zero against Xiangbei High School with a score of 12:0.

In the stadium, it was the offensive round of Xiangbei.

Kiyota Nobunaga looked at the 12:0 scoreboard on the sidelines and broke into a cold sweat.He no longer dared to look at the expressions of coach Anxi and Jinguji Budao on the sidelines.

The point difference has been stretched to double digits, and even their Xiangbei is still in a state of zero seals. No matter how slow Kiyota Nobunaga is, he realizes that these first graders are playing off.

"Something is wrong!"

"The point difference is already in double digits, and we haven't been able to make even one offense so far."

"Although I don't know what coach Anxi is doing now, but I also know that he probably has the heart to kill us now."

"Senior Akagi and Mitsui, who have always been in my eyes, didn't say anything. This is the most terrifying thing!"

"This goal must be scored no matter what."

Kiyota Nobunaga slowly took the ball into the frontcourt, glanced at the scoreboard, and immediately observed Xiangyang's defense line, not daring to look at Coach Anxi's face at all.

Although coach Anxi has not reprimanded them so far, and even the captain Mitsui Hisashi has not said much, but Kiyota Nobunaga knows that the more Mitsui Shou and the others do not speak, the more terrifying the anger accumulated in their hearts.

The situation must be restored before the anger of the coaches and seniors can be appeased!
"Rukawa Maple!"

Kiyota Nobunaga rarely called Rukawa Kaede's name, and after entering the frontcourt, he finally gave the ball to Rukawa Kaede.After the basketball shot, Kiyota Nobunaga quickly penetrated into the inside line, and Xiangyang also reacted quickly when he saw this, the defense line shrank, and Kiyota Nobunaga, who realized that there was no chance, quickly left the inside line and went to the left corner.

At the same time, Yingmu Huadao also moved to the left free throw line.With his back against the defender, he reached out to Rukawa Kaede for the ball.

Unlike Qingtian who knew the number in his heart, Yingmu Huadao did not force the number.

But although Sakuragi couldn't recognize himself, Rukawa Kaede was one of the calmest people in this Xiangbei high school.Both he and Katsumi Ichiro were excluded from the offensive sequence in the first and second rounds of attack, while Sakuragi, Kiyota, and Nango's inside offenses were all interfered and intercepted by the Xiangyang coefficient.

Rukawa Feng firmly believes that he is the only one who can break this deadlock!

"After playing for so long, Rukawa Kaede finally has a chance to get the ball."

"I don't know how Xiangbei arranged the offensive tactics. Until now, the ball was given to Rukawa Feng."

"Let those first graders continue to mess around, Xiangbei may not even be able to cross Xiangyang."

In the stands, Yuzumi, who was watching the ball, saw Rukawa Feng holding the ball, and said in a muffled voice.He was really sweating for Xiangbei. According to Xiangbei's previous style of play, this year's national competition, I am afraid there will be no Xiangbei.

"Hehe, Xiangbei just has a few more thorns."

"Xiangyang can't be Xiangbei's opponent. If someone wipes their ass, no matter how much trouble those first graders make, they won't lose to Xiangyang."

"And from my point of view, Xiangyang is not necessarily the opponent of those freshmen."

Kenji Fujima, who came from Xiangyang, didn't have a deep feeling for Xiangyang, a team, and directly expressed his thoughts.

As soon as his words fell, Rukawa Feng in the field quickly moved.

Opposing Rukawa Kaede is the captain of Xiangyang, who is 190cm tall and weighs 81kg. Although he is not as explosive as Rukawa Kaede, his physique is quite good.

Rukawa Kaede, who was holding the ball from outside, dribbled the ball in a slow pace and high center. Just ten seconds after the attack time, Rukawa Kaede suddenly started, shortened his body, and accelerated his breakthrough directly from the right side.

Rukawa Kaede's breakthrough came suddenly, but Hasegawa's reaction was also quite fast. With a horizontal movement, he directly followed Rukawa Kaede's footsteps. Rukawa Kaede's advance was disturbed, and his sideways directly stuck to Hasegawa's chest, slowing down .

Rukawa Kaede, who realized that he couldn't pass the opponent in one step, stopped abruptly, quickly dribbled the ball under his crotch, and changed the direction of attack. After mobilizing Hasegawa's release, he suddenly reversed his luck and passed Hasegawa smoothly in a continuous disguise. Go straight to the inside.


However, Rukawa Kaede, who had just broken through Hasegawa, heard loud shouts from behind. At the same time, the Xiangyang players who guarded the inside line also double-teamed.

"Hmph!" Rukawa Feng glanced at his side from the corner of his eye, seeing that Hasegawa hadn't followed up yet, and the inside line of the supplementary defense was still some distance away from him, so he shot decisively.

While dribbling, he picked the basketball to the basket in a posture of "fishing for the moon in the sea".


"Is it a pass?!"

When the basketball was shot, everyone in Xiangyang was taken aback when they saw this, and turned to look at the basket. They guessed that Rukawa Kaede's posture of throwing the ball should be a pass.At the same time, Xiangyang, who had stepped forward to make up defense, changed his direction and quickly ran towards the basket.



However, there was a soft sound of hitting the board and a crisp sound of the basketball brushing the net, bringing everyone back to reality.

Rukawa Kaede's shooting posture is actually a shooting!


"Shooting?! With that posture? Did he even score?"

The basketball hit the net, and everyone in Xiangyang was stunned. When they came back to their senses, they all looked at Rukawa Feng in disbelief.

And Rukawa Kaede, who successfully scored a goal, looked indifferent. After confirming that the basketball had entered the net, he turned his head back to defend in silence, as if he was used to such goals.

"Scored! Xiangbei scored!!!"

Cheers erupted in the stands after Kaede Rukawa scored, but the cheers were not enthusiastic. Most of the audience were dissatisfied with the performance of Xiangbei High School in this game. Many people shouted for Jinguji Budao and Mitsui Shou Wait for someone to play.

In the eyes of the audience in Kanagawa County, Shonhoku is the top team in the country, and like Lingnan, it is the business card of their high school basketball in Kanagawa County.

They don't allow Shonhoku to play that ugly game and tarnish the reputation of Kanagawa Prefecture.

Xiangbei's double-digit score behind Xiangyang has already angered these audiences. Rukawa Kaede's goal can only change the views of a small number of audiences.

"Huh finally scored."

"I hope the first half can establish the victory. If not, Budao, we have to make some preparations."

After Rukawa Kaede scored, Mitsui Shou glanced at the time and said in a deep voice.

"Well, of course, if they can establish a victory, of course it is the best. If not, let them play after we establish a victory."

Budao also nodded when he heard the words. He and Mitsui had the same idea. In fact, when the point difference reached double digits, Budao wanted Coach Anzai to replace them as starters.In the round-robin competition system, if two teams have the same wins, they will compare their points difference.

Although Bu Dao is full of confidence in Xiangbei's current strength, he doesn't want to take too many risks.

However, Coach Anxi pushed them down, intending to let Sakuragi and the others continue to fight.

Budo, Mitsui Shou and others could only accept Coach Anxi's decision.

Rukawa Kaede's goal did not bring a "morale boost" effect to Sakuragi and others.Even if they lag behind by more than ten points, their morale is still strong. In the final analysis, the problem with Sakuragi and the others is not because of lack of morale, but because their morale is so high that they have become arrogant.

The lagging behind by more than ten points only awakened Kiyota, and the concepts of Sakuragi and Nanxiang have not completely changed.

During the transition between offense and defense, Xiangyang made a strong mid-range shot after several passes.Nagano, who was shooting, put the ball into the basket against Kiyota Nobunaga's defense.

Soon, the ball was in the hands of Xiangbei again.

This time, Kiyota Nobunaga still chose to give the ball to Rukawa Kaede, repeating the same trick, running to lead Xiangyang's defense.

Taking the ball again, Rukawa Kaede gave up the high singles, and instead lobbed the ball to Nango Koichiro, who was in the basket.

"Pass the ball?!"

"I just scored a single goal, so it's passed?!"

Rukawa Kaede's shot surprised the audience in the stands. In their opinion, Rukawa Kaede is one of the most reliable players in this Shohoku team on the field. His high-position singles are comparable to Nango Koichiro on the inside. many.

After Rukawa Kaede played the ball, even Nango Koichiro was stunned. Although he wanted to be in position, he never thought that Rukawa Kaede would pass the ball. His more purpose was to contain Xiangyang's inside line.

After a brief moment of surprise, Nanxiang quickly regained his composure and hit back from the low position.

Xiangyang insider, Takano Shoichi in the third grade, is 193cm tall and weighs 85kg, which is not inferior to the first-year Koichiro Nango.

Although Nango is 192cm tall, weighs 89kg, and has a larger tonnage than Takano Shoichi, his bones are not fully developed in the first grade, and his confrontation with Takano Shoichi is just about equal.

Nango didn't get any benefit from two back-to-back hits in a row. Realizing this, he suddenly turned around with the ball on his back, trying to break through Shoichi Takano's blockade.However, his movements were expected by the other party. He moved sideways and raised his arms high, directly sealing Nanxiang to death.

Nan Xiang, who turned to face the basket, saw that his actions were caught by the opponent. Thinking of the few near-basket shots that were interfered by the opponent before, he glanced at the scoreboard on the sidelines, and couldn't help but feel a drum in his heart when he saw the score difference. Glancing at Katsumi Ichiro, who was in a small space at the bottom corner, he chose to play the ball.


Seeing this scene, Akagi Takenori couldn't help cursing in a low voice, a little hated that iron could not be made into steel, he saw Nanxiang's worries.So what if he was expected to hit the breakthrough defense direction? !Nanxiang's explosive power is stronger than the opponent's. It's enough to get stronger after continuous feints. Why do you need to pass the ball? !

What can this timid insider do? !

"It's okay, at least the view is good, isn't it?"

Budou said with a smile. As soon as he finished his words, Komi Ichiro, who caught the ball from the bottom corner, raised his knife and dropped it, and simply made a three-pointer. Ichiro has already shot, and it seems that his shooting ability is quite good.

14: 5.

The point difference finally narrowed to single digits, and the Xiangbei substitutes on the sidelines finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xiangbei was behind by double digits just now, the low air pressure emitted by the seniors of Akagi and Mitsui made everyone hold their breath. At this moment, the atmosphere finally eased a little.

However, the faces of Mitsui Shou and others were still not good-looking.

"It seems that the few of them can finally let go of their contempt, okay" Mitsui Hisashi hadn't finished speaking, Sakuragi Hanamichi on the field was distracted while defending, allowing Xiangyang to successfully fight back.

The reason for distraction is also very simple, just because Haruko from the sidelines said "Come on, Sakuragi!".

God knows what Yingmu Huadao is thinking in his head, and he can be distracted under such circumstances.

And Sakuragi was eager to get back after realizing that he had made a mistake. When Xiangbei was attacking, he actually intercepted Rukawa Kaede's pass to Nango and forced a mid-range shot himself.

Of course, the result is not satisfactory. Sakuragi’s shooting is indeed a little bit, but only a little bit. Under the interference of a tall man like Xiangyang, his shooting is not accurate at all. If Sakuragi is now clear-headed and In the open position, the mid-range may still be able to make it, but.
"Dang~" With the sound of iron striking, the rebound was caught in Xiangyang's arms, and he quickly launched a counterattack.

Although Xiangyang made a quick break and scored a layup, the counterattack horn that Xiangbei had just blew came to an abrupt end.

"Stupid, why are you grabbing my ball!"

"Idiot, wasted a great offensive opportunity."

After serving in the backcourt, Nanxiang quickly entered the frontcourt, chattering endlessly as he passed by Sakuragi.

Sakuragi is also a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Although she knew it was her fault, she closed her ears strangely and couldn't hear Nanxiang's words at all.His gaze was firmly fixed on Qingtian who entered the frontcourt with the ball, and he reached out for the ball without giving up, and even murmured to hypnotize himself:
"I'm a genius! I'm a genius!"

"I am the trump card of Xiangbei's future!"

Sakuragi's attitude made Akagi on the sidelines a little bit uncomfortable, and said to Coach Anzai:

"Coach, I saw that kid Sakuragi sober."

When Coach Anxi heard the words, he just smiled and didn't make any adjustments.

Jinguji Budo looked at Sakuragi Hanamichi in the field, touched his chin, thought for a while, raised his eyebrows, stood up from his seat, and shouted to Sakuragi in the field:

"Come on!"

"Girls like to watch the best slam dunk, let's dunk one!"

Sure enough, Yingmu Huadao, who had closed his ears, opened his ears in an instant, and a idiot-like smile suddenly appeared on that handsome face. Although the smile disappeared instantly, Bu Dao knew that this kid must have heard it.

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who was supposed to be in position, suddenly turned around without the ball, and in the blink of an eye, he passed the defender. His movements were smooth and quick, which caught people off guard.

"Beautiful!" Xiandao, who was watching the ball in the stands, saw Sakuragi's turn, his eyes lit up, and he whispered in his heart.

Kiyota Nobunaga didn't want to deal with Hanamichi Sakuragi at first, but when he saw Sakuragi turn around and make an empty cut without the ball, his body unconsciously moved and threw the ball towards the basket.

Air Relay.

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who successfully invaded the basket, jumped up, grabbed the ball with one hand in the air, and smashed the ball into the net.

The violent slam dunk directly bounced away Takano Shoichi who was trying to stop him, and the basketball hoop shook violently under Sakuragi's huge force, making an overwhelmed creaking sound.

And the audience in the stands who didn't pay much attention to Budo's words, now stared at Yingmu Huadao in a daze.

Some reporters who watched Sakuragi play were the first to react, and after a low cry, they pressed the shutter of their cameras one after another.

"Very good, that's it. Let's cross Xiangyang."

Jinguji Budao smiled knowingly, walked back to his seat silently, sat down, held his head in his hands, and looked comfortable, as if the competition in Xiangbei had nothing to do with him, the main election in Xiangbei.

(End of this chapter)

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