Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 325 Substitute on the field, the Hainan striker showing his murderous intentions!

Chapter 325 Substitute on the field, the Hainan striker showing his murderous intentions!

What Coach Gaotou said to the players in the lounge really gave the players great encouragement.

Originally, many Hainan players lost confidence in the second half of the game. They were already 12 points behind Xiangbei High School when Jinguji Budo didn't make a full shot.It is hard for them to imagine what the situation of the game will look like when Budo Jinguji takes over the offensive ball in the second half.

But the high head coach's argument is to re-establish the confidence of the Hainan players.

yes!Even if you can't prevent Jinguji Budo, what can you do?Aren't they at Xiangbei High School also unable to guard against their first-year star center, Hiroshi Mori?
As long as Hainan can maintain their offensive firepower, the outcome of the game is still two.

Relying on Jinguji Budo's outside projection, will Xiangbei High School be better than their Hainan? !
With such a mentality, Hainan's players suddenly became full of confidence. The substitutes who were a little bit disappointed were all excitedly looking forward to the start of the second half of the game.

Two 10-minute intermission.

For a high school ball game in this era, such a long rest period is enough to allow players to recover most of their fitness.This competition system also allows some teams that are dead on the starting lineup to have room to survive.

Even Hainan High School, once powerful, is now benefiting from such a competition system. After the starters Mu Shenichi, Mori Shigehiro and others have enough rest time, when they return to the court, each of them is in a good state of mind. good.

The first-year Hiroshi Morishige is clearly the most exhausting center forward, taking care of both offense and defense, but after returning to the field, no one else can see even a little fatigue on his face.

"Oh! The mental state of Hainan's players is quite good."

"It seems that the halftime break has been well rested, not only in physical fitness, but also in fighting spirit."

In the rest area of ​​Xiangbei High School, Jinguji Budao stood with the players, waiting for the start of the second half of the game, while observing the state of the Hainan players.

The injured Akagi Takenori has also returned to the court, but he did not appear on the court, but sat in the rest area, preparing to watch the game of his teammates.His foot injury has been properly treated, and the rest is up to him to cultivate himself.

"Of course, the difference is only 12 points, how could Hainan lose fighting spirit like this?"

"In the second half, Hainan will definitely show stronger strength. These guys are definitely not the ones who will easily admit defeat!"

Mitsui Shou said of course that it is not surprising that the Hainan players have such a mental state.

"You're right."

"If that's the case, then I will personally reject the idea of ​​Hainan winning."

Bu Dao moved the muscles of his shoulders and neck, squeezed his neck, and said with a smile.The nearby Xiangbei team members also looked at Jinguji Budao after hearing the words, their eyes full of anticipation.

However, Rukawa Feng didn't show a similar expression on his face. He was different from other Xiangbei players. They could accept being led by Jinguji Budo, but he absolutely couldn't accept it!
On the court, Rukawa Feng absolutely does not allow himself to accept his mediocre self.

In this game, he will also use his own strength to contribute to the victory of Xiangbei High School!

Thinking of this in his mind, Rukawa Feng's aura also changed significantly, becoming eager to win and showing his sharpness.Most of the Xiangbei team members focused their attention on Bu Dao, and only a few people noticed the change in Rukawa Kaede's momentum.

"Rukawa Maple"

"This stinky fox will definitely want to show off by himself, and I will definitely not let him succeed!"

Yingmu Huadao is worthy of being Rukawa Kaede's "old enemy", he immediately noticed the change in Rukawa Kaede's aura, looking at Rukawa Kaede's cold expression, he thought to himself.

"This kid has a lot of fighting spirit!"

"Maybe, I can save some effort, but I'm not sure."

"Speaking of which, since entering Xiangbei, Rukawa Feng doesn't seem to have played a formal game smoothly, has he?"

"Give this kid some space to express himself."

Bu Dao also noticed Rukawa Feng's state, he could feel Rukawa Feng's fighting spirit, and secretly smiled in his heart.

Not long after, the three referees got up from the referee's seat and began to walk towards the stadium. At the same time, a sharp whistle sounded from the sidelines.

Several people from Xiangbei formed a circle before going on the field, and after Qi Qi yelled "Come on", they walked into the field one after another.And this kind of self-encouragement before the game also happened in the rest area of ​​Hainan.Even, the shout of "winning" in Hainan was louder than that in Xiangbei, and the fighting spirit was high.

As the players of the two teams returned to the field, the spectators above the stands also cheered enthusiastically. The two 10-minute break did not dissipate the enthusiasm of the spectators.

The half court was exchanged, the ball was jumped in the middle circle, and Nango Koichiro and Morishi Hiroshi stood on the middle circle, one left and one right.

The rest of the players settled in the middle circle one after another, leaving only the point guards of the two teams standing in their respective halfs, waiting for the jump ball to kick off.


The referee took the basketball to the center line, and after a whistle, the ball was thrown high into the air.

"I will never lose to you! Fatty from Hainan!!"

The basketball was thrown into the air, and Nango Koichiro's blood surged, he took the lead with a loud shout, and slapped the basketball.


"Dye monkey. The big fool."

However, Nango Koichiro was obviously a little over-excited and wanted to express himself too much. He got up and jumped early, his body reached the highest point, but his hands couldn't reach the basketball at all, and he began to fall.

With such timing, Yingmu Huadao couldn't help but complain.

When Koichiro Nango started to fall, Hiroshi Mori jumped up, easily touched the basketball, and slapped the ball towards Mu Shen in the backcourt.

Without pressure, Hainan easily won the jump ball.



When Nango Koichiro saw the basketball being taken away by the opponent, he hugged his head and shouted angrily, while the others in Xiangbei were already running back on the defensive road.Rukawa Feng even made up the knife and said:
"Get back on defense, you idiot!"

Koichiro Nango heard Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede taunting him one after the other as he was about to open his mouth to fight back, when he saw the huge figure of Mori Shigehiro passing by him, he immediately closed his mouth, quickened his pace, passed Mori Shigekan, and quickly Back to his own basket.

Hainan, which is in control of the ball, has no intention of launching a fast break, and Mu Shenyi, who holds the ball in the backcourt, advances very slowly.

"It's still a positional battle. Is Hainan still planning to fight Mori Shigekan?"

"It was a very sensible decision, and it didn't mess up its sense of proportion because of the difference in points. It is worthy of Hainan, which has been trained by a high-ranking head."

In the stands, coach Tian Gang watched Mu Shenyi's steady progress and Hainan's orderly positioning, and couldn't help but admire.Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that Hainan, led by coach Gao Tou, is an excellent team.

It's just that Hainan doesn't have that kind of national star-level trump card!
As Mu Shen took the ball into the frontcourt, Jinguji Budo's defense immediately came up. The defensive oppression of the two-meter-long man put considerable pressure on Mu Shenyi, making him more than two meters away from the three-point line. position, stopped advancing.

"Amu, what's wrong?"

"Are you planning to hug that first-year's thigh? Do you expect that first-year to lead you to win the game?"

"If that's the case, pass the ball quickly, I will never stop you."

Jinguji Budao saw Mu Shenyi's intention to pass the ball, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said immediately, even retracted his open arms intentionally, with a gesture that really didn't stop you from passing the ball.

Mu Shenyi, who received the verbal provocation, was unmoved at all. After a feint, he directly passed the ball sideways, while Jinguji Budao, who had assumed the posture of not blocking the pass a second ago, suddenly went up to grab the ball. One step, trying to steal.

It's just that Bu Dao was attracted by Mu Shenyi's feint, so he was half a beat too late and missed the ball.

The basketball was also passed sideways smoothly, and it was given to Muto, and it was Ryota Miyagi who was in charge of defending Muto.

Masamu Muto, a third-year high school student in Hainan, is 185cm tall and weighs 75kg. He is a striker.

The most glorious personal achievement is probably leading a group of miscellaneous players from Hainan to defeat Wuyuan High School with ease.

strong?It depends on who you compare it with. If you compare it with the ordinary top 8 teams in Kanagawa Prefecture, Masamu Muto should be very strong.

Although Ryota Miyagi, who is facing him, is the main point guard of Shonhoku High School, he is 168cm tall and weighs 59kg. It is a bit difficult for him to deal with Muto.

Coach Takatou also saw through this, so he replaced Kosuge, who was fairly good defensively, with Masamu Muto, who was more offensively threatening.

His plan is to use Muto as the second ball-holding point besides Mu Shenichi to assist Hiroshi Morishi on the inside to attack!

After receiving the ball, Muto did not just give it to him like Kosuge in the half-court. Instead, he took the ball away from the corner where Budo and Mu Shenyi were after catching the ball at the top of the arc. After a certain distance, it turned out to be From beyond the three-point line, he began to hit Miyagi Ryota with his back.

The huge physical advantage is that Muto Masa took the ball, pierced Miyagi Ryota's defense abruptly, and successfully pressed into the middle distance.And this way, Miyagi Yoshida had no choice but to support the opponent's back and maintain his position as much as possible.

But how could he at 59kg block Masamu Muto, who was 75kg taller than him by half his head?

The height difference of 16 cm and the weight difference of [-] kg cannot be made up for by perseverance and fighting spirit.

After entering the middle distance, Kazuma Takasago also helped with a pick-and-roll, and Masamu Muto also turned around and broke through, and at the same time attracted Hanamichi Sakuragi's defense. However, after Sakuragi's pursuit came up, Masamu Muto directly returned Passed, and the ball was sent to Takasago who was on the pick-and-roll. Takasago pushed the ball one step further and easily completed the shot in front of Ryota Miyagi.

The basketball goes straight into the net.

Ryota Miyagi couldn't even resist Muto. To defend Kazuma Takasago, who is 191cm tall and weighs 80kg, is even more impossible. He can only watch the basketball hit the net.

After an easy and smooth attack, the Hainan players clapped each other's hands and began to return to defense. Before leaving, Mu Shenyi did not forget to respond to Jinguji Budao's taunt just now.

"Bu Dao, I am indeed not as good as you."

"Search for Rai Wadukana?"

"As long as we in Hainan can win against you in Xiangbei, wouldn't that be enough?!"

As expected of Mu Shenichi, whom Sakuragi calls "middle-aged man", his mentality is very stable, not at all like a 17-year-old young man who is prone to blood rushing.

Wu Dao also smiled when he heard the words, but as soon as Mu Shen left, Wu Dao's face darkened.

Hainan, finally turned its fangs on Miyagi Liangtian!

The strength of Mori Shigehiro made Hainan play inside offense throughout the first half, but after calming down, Hainan finally noticed the real weakness of Xiangbei.

It is actually very easy for Xiangbei High School to make up for this weakness. It only needs to replace Mitsui Hisashi and Miyagi. A simple substitution can naturally make up for this weakness.

But Budo didn't know why Coach Anzai didn't arrange it like this. Maybe, he wanted to continue to experience Miyagi.

Without thinking about it, during the alternation of the ball, everyone in Xiangbei quickly ran towards the frontcourt.

In today's Shonhoku High School, there are no third-year players on the court, and Koichiro Nango, who replaced Takenori Akagi, is also to blame.At the beginning of the second half, there is no need to suppress the number of offensive rounds like in the last minute or so of the first half.

Xiangbei's offensive rhythm was immediately raised.

In just a few seconds, Shohoku had already settled in the frontcourt, and Miyagi Ryota had already dribbled the ball close to the top of the arc.

Before Miyagi Ryota could throw the ball to Jinguji Budo, Rukawa Kaede approached Miyagi quickly from the side, actually helping Miyagi Ryota make a pick-and-roll.

Seeing this, Miyagi, who just wanted to play the ball, was unwilling to give up the opportunity right in front of him, and directly accelerated his breakthrough, following Rukawa Kaede's pick-and-roll direction, and rushed towards the inside.

It's just that Ichiro Shenmune and Muto switched defenses quite quickly, and Miyagi, who broke through, was directly blocked by the 189cm God.

The height difference of 21cm brings a sense of oppression that others can't understand at all.

Miyagi, who was under a sudden increase in pressure, wanted to stage a classic small fight for the audience, when he heard a low cry from behind.


Rukawa Maple!
At this time, Rukawa Kaede had opened up the gap of two statures with Muto who was pursuing him, and asked for the ball from Miyagi.

Nice gap.

Miyagi did not hesitate, and directly sent the ball to Rukawa Kaede's hands accurately.

Rukawa Kaede, who was holding the ball, dropped the ball and made an accelerated breakthrough, while Muto, who was chasing behind, just wanted to stop Rukawa Kaede at this moment, accelerating with all his strength, without stopping.

However, when Muto came to Kaede Rukawa and wanted to block Kaede Rukawa's breakthrough, Kaede Rukawa, who had dropped the ball once, pulled back and stopped suddenly. The next second, he shot a mid-range jumper.

The beautiful feint stopped abruptly, and directly threw off Muto's pursuit.

The basketball flew out of Rukawa Kaede's hands, and with a "swish", it fell directly and precisely into the basket.

"Oh! Such a beautiful shooting posture!"

"Who is that person? Is he also a first-year student in Xiangbei?"

"Rukawa Kaede! That's Rukawa Kaede from Wushi Middle School."

With just one ball, Ruchuanfeng attracted the attention of many spectators. Some of the audience present did not see Ruchuanfeng playing, and they all exclaimed at this moment.

"Good vote, Rukawa Kaede!"


Ryota Miyagi and Kaede Rukawa clapped their hands in celebration, and immediately returned to defense.

Seeing the cooperation between the two, Wu Dao pinched the back of his neck and suddenly laughed.

"This kid silently created an 'open space' and took the initiative to attack."

"Everyone's attention is on me, that kid, are you using me as bait."

"Do you want to devour my ace's possession of the ball on the court!"

Rukawa Kaede's move broke Xiangbei High School's long-standing habit of attacking.

That is all positional offenses. The basketball must pass through Budo's hands before it can be shot.

The appearance of Rukawa Feng broke this habit in Xiangbei.

This is also a different kind of challenge that Rukawa Kaede launched to martial arts!

(End of this chapter)

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