Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 329 Sports performance, a way to surpass oneself!

Chapter 329 Sports performance, a way to surpass oneself!

After the match between Xiangbei High School and Hainan, the match between Lingnan High School and Xiangyang followed, and the result of the match was just as everyone expected. Lingnan won the match with an absolute advantage of 103:66.

So far, Xiangbei and Lingnan have won two victories, while Hainan and Xiangyang have lost two, completely losing their chances of qualifying.

Although Kanagawa County's seat in the national competition has been established, there is still a match between Xiangbei High School and Lingnan, which has touched the hearts of almost all Kanagawa County fans.

Local fans are different from fans in other counties. Fans in other counties may only know one "National Champion Lingnan High School", but local fans in Kanagawa Prefecture know that Shonhoku High School is a super strong school that truly has the ability to challenge the national hegemony.

In the local area, the reputation of Xiangbei High School is not weaker than that of Lingnan High School.

Akita Prefecture, Sanno Industrial Basketball Stadium.

At this time, Sanno Industry is conducting a practice match. The opponent of Sanno Industry is a mixed coalition composed of previous Sanno graduates.

The scoreboard on the sidelines came to 23:21, and the high school students led by Kawada Masashi, Fukatsu Kazunari, and Zebei Eiji took the lead.

"Go up and defend! Stick up and defend!"

"Stop that brat Zebei!"

In the stadium, a senior from Sanwang stood on the inside and directed his teammates loudly.And outside the three-point line, Zebei Eiji, who was holding the ball, accelerated his breakthrough after changing direction in front of a body. At the moment when the defender followed up, he stopped and started quickly, brushing away the opponent in an instant, and then stopped and shot a mid-range jumper shot.

A series of smooth movements made the graduate simply unable to catch up and watch as the basketball flew over his head and fell into the net.

As the basketball hit the net, the graduate put his hands on his hips helplessly, turned his head to look at the position of the basket, and exclaimed:
"The younger brother's offense is really sharp!"

"You're no match for a college star player like me."

"With your strength, you can also directly integrate into college playing directly."

"It's really hard to imagine! Our mountain king is so strong, what kind of school can stop us?"

"Zebei, how about coming to our school after graduation? Our school is one of the best super schools in the country~"

Facing the praise and invitation from the seniors, Zebei Eiji just shook his head lightly and said:
"Thank you, Senior Toriyama, for your support, but I have already decided that after winning the title of No. [-] in the country, I will go to the United States to play."

"I want to go to higher places and hone my skills."

"Senior Toriyama, the world is big, really... big."

When Zebei Eiji said these words again, there was a look of disappointment in his eyes. This disappointment was not for himself, but for the senior who graduated from the mountain king in front of him.

Today, the main reason why Sanwang played a practice match with these graduates was the decision made by coach Domoto after witnessing the games of the two teams in Xiangbei and Lingnan.

After he found these graduates, he specially set some restrictions on these graduates, and tried his best to let these graduates restore some characteristics of Xiangbei High School and Lingnan High School respectively.

In this way, Shenjin, Zebei and others can play a spectacle game, simulating the situation after meeting Lingnan or Xiangbei on the national stage in the future.

But until now, Domoto Goro was surprised to find that it was not the same!

Even if these graduates try their best to imitate Xiangbei, the whole team doesn't feel like Xiangbei High School at all.

The other positions are okay, although there is no Shen Yun, but the skills are somewhat similar.

And the "ace" who imitated Jinguji Budo, who was facing up with Zebei Eiji, looked nothing like it.

This was the first thing Zebei Eiji noticed. After all, he was a direct matchup player. Toriyama-senpai gave him the feeling that he was just a "college student who played well", and Jinguji Budou stood on the court. As far as the sense of terror and oppression conveyed, Toriyama simply doesn't have it.

In terms of technology, Toriyama is very comprehensive. He is a qualified small forward. After all, he is the main scorer of a strong university. Toriyama is not lacking in level.

But Toriyama's skills are still not enough in Zebei's opinion, far from the level of Jinguji Budo.

But it is normal to say that, although Toriyama is a college student and has a height of 191cm, there is still a significant gap between him and Jinguji Budo Shonhoku.

Through a simple counterpoint, Zebei Eiji knew that this senior was far inferior to Jinguji Budo, and couldn't give him the "oppressive feeling" he wanted.

That kind, even sitting on the sidelines, can clearly feel - a sense of oppression.

Domoto Goro has been watching the game from the sidelines. After more than ten minutes of the game, Domoto Goro has already felt the problems of the senior team.He originally thought that this group of graduates formed by previous mountain kings could imitate Xiangbei and bring some experience to today's mountain kings.

But the fact is that this mixed coalition army is not as strong as the Xiangbei high school team he has seen.

In other words, these graduates can't imitate Jinguji Budo at all!
On the court, the offense and defense were switched, and the graduate team created a small open opportunity for Toriyama through conduction.

The conduction of the graduate team is very smooth, far above the level of "high school", but the people of Sanwang feel completely violated.

"At the end of the day, seniors are just imitating Jinguji Budo to play, and the style of play engraved in the bones is difficult to change."

"If it is Jinguji Martial Arts, this attack will definitely come by itself, and it will not rely too much on running positions to create gaps for itself."

“Moreover, the level gap is too great”

Although Zebei Eiji let his opponent get a goal in front of his face, his eyebrows were still full of disappointment.

Domoto Goro on the sidelines rubbed his chin, sighed softly, and said to himself:

"Xiangbei can't imitate it. From this point of view, Lingnan High School may not be able to imitate it either."

"The souls of the two teams, Jinguji Budo and Shinomiya Tano, are obviously star players who have surpassed the high school level."

"With Zebei's current strength, he should be able to compete with those two people, right?"

On the court, when Sanno attacked, Eiji Zebei held the ball. Eiji Zebei, who caught the ball outside the three-point line, quickly swept the ball facing the basket. Stepped on the three-point line and sent the ball out of his hands.

"Shua!" There was a soft sound when the basketball entered the net, and Eiji Zebei, who scored the goal, showed a confident smile on his face, and secretly said in his heart:
"Sure enough, that guy's technique isn't that difficult either."

"I can easily reproduce it!"

"My current strength will definitely not be weaker than him!"

Kanagawa Prefecture.

Xiangbei High School finally ushered in a one-week truce after the fierce battle with Hainan.Considering that the game with Lingnan is relatively close, coach Anxi also warned Mitsui Shou not to impose too many training tasks on the players who were selected.

Therefore, the training intensity of the selected players of Xiangbei High School dropped sharply, and most of the time, they did some low-intensity running exercises and ball exercises.The basketball hall is vacant for the players of the second and third teams to train.

In order to maintain the state, the training intensity was reduced, but the players of the second team and the third team did not have this kind of treatment. The relationship between the game and these players was not very great.

What they have to do is to improve their strength on the training ground and become the first-choice players as soon as possible.

Jinguji Budou, who had finished his training early, didn't give himself extra training these days. After the training, he often sat on the sidelines and watched other players' extra training. He didn't speak, just watched quietly.

Unlike the relatively relaxed state of Budo, Rukawa Feng trained even harder after the competition. Even though he knew that he would compete with Lingnan High School, Rukawa Feng still did not relax and practiced late every day.

And Yingmu Huadao, who regards Rukawa Kaede as his biggest opponent, was also involved. After daily training, he will also practice more.

However, the direction of the two additional training is different. Rukawa Feng is more often training to break through memory. There is an imaginary enemy in his mind. When attacking with the ball, he will do some evasive actions according to the opponent's actions in his mind.

Compared with Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi Hanamichi is much purer, shooting, shooting at various points.Sakuragi tried to completely carve the skill of shooting into his muscles, which is very important for someone like him who has a relatively short playing time.

Wu Dao watched the team members practice more, in fact, it was mainly watching Rukawa Feng and Sakuragi Hanamichi.

The bottle of Yingmu Huadao itself is empty. Over the past year, although there is some water in the bottle, there is still a lot of space.

With daily training, Yingmu Huadao's growth can be seen with the naked eye.Bu Dao saw all these in his eyes, and could faintly feel the mood of Coach Anxi when he watched Sakuragi Flower Road.

Compared with Yingmu Huadao, the "bottle" of Rukawa Kaede is almost full, and the improvement of Rukawa Kaede's daily training is actually very small.

Although basketball is a sport that requires accumulation, Budo can't help but mention Rukawa Kaede's training.

One day.

After the training at Xiangbei High School, Rukawa Kaede began to prepare for his own extra practice as usual, but just as he was about to start, Jinguji Budou, who often sat on the sidelines and watched the ball, walked into the stadium and came to In front of Rukawa Feng.

"?" Rukawa Feng saw Budao walking into the court, raised his head in doubt, and looked at Budao in puzzlement.

"Rukawa Feng, the help you can give you with training like this is already very small."

"This kind of training that gets twice the result with half the effort needs to be changed."

Rukawafeng heard the words, the doubts on his face disappeared instantly, and turned to a serious face, without refuting, quietly waiting for the next step of the martial arts.On the other side, Sakuragi Hanamichi, who was also preparing to practice shooting, also heard this, walked to Budao's side in a few steps, looked at Rukawa Kaede, and looked at Jinguji Budou.

"Rukawa Kaede, what do you think an excellent player needs to have?"

At this moment, Wu Dao was in a hurry and didn't directly say his adjustment plan.

"I know I know!"

Before Rukawa Kaede could speak, Sakuragi immediately jumped to talk.Wu Dao also turned his head to look at Sakuragi when he heard the words, and gave him an encouraging look.

"Talent! Absolute talent!"

"Only a genius like me can become a good player!"

Sakuragi's answer made Rukawa Kaede couldn't help cursing "big idiot" in a low voice, expecting Sakuragi's answer, and Rukawa Kaede was indeed wrong.

But unexpectedly, Wu Dao at this time nodded his head and said affirmatively:
"That's right, talent!"

"Absolute talent is what it takes to be a good player."

"So, what can be called talent?"

"Soft touch, excellent shooting skills? Or proficient breakthrough skills? Or, height?"

"Which one of the things I said is considered a talent and which one is not a talent? Relying on these, can you become an outstanding player?"

"I'm afraid it's not enough!"

"Rukawa Kaede, basketball is nothing special, it's just a sport."

"But all sports are composed of two aspects, generally speaking, 'technical' and 'physical'."

"Skills are skills. Shooting, breakthroughs, feints, court vision, conduction, etc. are all skills."

"Then what is the body?"

"Physical! Height, weight, wingspan, strength, explosive power, agility, etc. belong to the physical body."

"Rukawa Feng, in my opinion, your skills are already very comprehensive. It is necessary to continue to cultivate your skills, but at your age, you need to start focusing on the cultivation of 'body'."

"A strong body is essential."

While Budo was speaking, he patted Rukawa Feng's arm. Rukawa Feng's height is almost 188cm now, but the weight of the previous physical test was 76kg.

At this time, Wu Dao slapped Rukawa Feng's arm, and he could clearly feel the thinness of Rukawa Feng's body.

At this time, Yingmu Huadao, who was standing beside him, had already weighed 86kg. Looking at his figure alone, Sakuragi couldn't actually tell that he was "fat".With 20 catties more meat than Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi Hanamichi's figure is also well-proportioned, and his explosive power, speed, and physical fitness may be better than Rukawa Kaede's.

Rukawa Feng couldn't grasp what Budo was going to say at the beginning, but when it came to this, if Rukawa Feng didn't know what the other party was going to say, then all his years of playing the game would be for nothing.

Physical exercise!
Now that I think about it, Rukawa Feng really didn't have a specific ability to exercise a certain aspect of the body. Physical training is something like physical training.

Since Rukawa Kaede played, he seems to have been practicing skills most of the time.

Thinking of this, Rukawa Kaede shifted his eyes to Sakuragi. Among the first-year students, if you want to say that the body is the best, there is no doubt that Sakuragi Hanamichi and Nango Koichiro are two, and Sakuragi's body is even better. And unlike Nango, Sakuragi didn't play ball since he was a child, but why did Hanamichi Sakuragi have such a body?
Sakuragi himself doesn't know this point, but martial arts knows it. Sakuragi himself is a person with extraordinary talents, and with "perennial fighting", his physical fitness will naturally not be bad, and "fighting" training requires a lot of training. Much more comprehensive.

In Budo, he also specially practices judo in order to strengthen his physique, and many of the special training are very helpful for playing.

"how should I do?!"

The things Budo said actually have a systematic professional term called "sports performance" in later generations. People in this era have never been exposed to such things. It is normal for Rukawa Kaede to not know how to start.

Rukawa Feng would not foolishly think that running and lifting dumbbells would make him stronger. If he could become stronger like this, Akagi would have been invincible long ago.

"After the match with Lingnan, Rukawa Feng, you can train with me!"

"Sakuragi, you are the same, with your talent, there is still room for development!"

(End of this chapter)

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