Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 341 The No. 1 Newcomer in Xiangbei, Sakuragi Flower Road!

Chapter 341 The No. [-] Rookie in Xiangbei, Sakuragi Flower Road!
The match between Xiangbei High School and Lingnan High School came to the second half. After both teams replaced their trump cards one after another, the match became more intense.

Eight minutes into the second half, the score between Lingnan High School and Xiangbei High School came to 8:78.

The right to the ball fell into the hands of Xiangbei High School.

After Jinguji Budou and Mitsui Shou went off the field, the player who led the attack in Xiangbei was undoubtedly the first-year Kaede Rukawa.

But until now in the second half, the player who scored the most points was not Kaede Rukawa, but
On the court, Nobunaga Kiyota, who quickly entered the frontcourt with the ball, approached the top of the arc. After a breakthrough, he quickly pulled the ball back and passed it sideways to Katsumi Ichiro, who was in the corner. The latter immediately stuck to the three-point line, Shoot directly.

Kenji Fujima is a little shorter than him. In front of Fujima, Kemeiichiro can shoot a three-pointer with a slight gap.His touch today is mediocre, and his shooting percentage is far from as high as in training, but even so, Katsumi Ichiro still chose to shoot. There is no other reason, just because the person who controls the basket now is from Xiangbei High School. !


After a soft sound, Komi Ichiro's three-pointer missed, and the basketball crashed out of the basket.

Uozumi, who was under the basket, saw the rebound and immediately roared to seize the best position, but just as his body moved, Nango Koichiro suddenly sank his center of gravity and resisted Uozumi. .

Nango's center of gravity is very low, and all his strength is used to fight against Yuzhu, and his center of gravity is so low, it also means that Nango Koichiro lost the opportunity to grab rebounds.

"Hmm!" Facing Nango Koichiro who was going all out, even Junichi Uozumi couldn't get past him to snatch the rebound for a while.At this time, the basketball has also begun to fall.

"Damn it, you bastard!"

Uozumi leaned against Nango Koichiro, watched the basketball start to fall slowly, and a red figure not far away quickly rushed towards the basket. When he got to the basket, he jumped up, grabbed the ball in the air with one hand, and dunked the ball into the basket.

The loud sound of the successful slam dunk caused amazing cheers from Xiangbei's bench, and Sakuragi Hanamichi, who made another dunk and scored again, thumped his chest and roared after returning to the ground. Fukuda Jizhao who came was also a little dazed.

It is not the first time that Sakuragi Hanamichi has staged a supplementary deduction in front of Fukuda Yoshio and Uosumi Jun.

Fukuda Yoshio's offensive ability is indeed remarkable, but it is only weaker than the ace player like Xiandao, but in terms of defensive ability, Fukuda Yoshio is far from the ace level, let alone Compared with the all-round ace like Xiandao, Futian's defensive ability is worse than the average player.

His defensive talent is really not very good.

Sakuragi Hanamichi has already practiced the ability to run without the ball in Xiangbei High School. Sakuragi is self-taught in judging the rebounding point. His beast-like intuition can always hit the basket in basketball. In an instant, it is possible to determine which direction the basketball will fall.

On the basis of running without the ball and judging the landing point, combined with Hanamichi Sakuragi's terrifying bounce and terrifying power comparable to that of a center forward, these conditions make Hanamichi Sakuragi the ace card that truly dominates the basket Level board king.

Originally, if Jun Uozumi and Sakuragi were one-on-one, Lingnan High School would not have completely lost control of rebounding.

However, under the influence of Nango Koichiro, Uozu was completely at a disadvantage in the rebound competition. Since the moment Nango Koichiro figured it out and was willing to cover for Sakuragi, Uozu rarely Rebounds come in.

78: 76.

The point difference came to two points. The players on the Shohoku bench cheered loudly for Sakuragi Hanamichi. Mito Yohei and others in the stands looked at each other at this time. I couldn't believe that the person who was active on the court at this time was actually Sakuragi ikebana.

In the practice match of the Xiangbei team, Sakuragi Hanamichi made a lot of fools.Yohei and the others always watch Sakuragi training because they are good friends and brothers of Sakuragi.

On the other hand, because the few of them are really bored, watching Sakuragi make a fool of himself is the greatest joy they can find.

Seeing Sakuragi's outstanding performance at this time, of course there is some joy for him, but more of it is surprise, Sakuragi Hanadao is actually playing in a serious manner, which they did not expect at the beginning .

But after a brief surprise, Yohei also cheered loudly towards the field. Seeing Sakuragi's active appearance, Yohei was happy for Sakuragi from the bottom of his heart.

However, Sakuragi's good friends just cheered on their front feet, and Sakuragi Hanadao started to do things for them on his back feet.

Lingnan attacked.

Kenji Fujima, who was holding the ball, took advantage of the high center of gravity Katsumi Ichiro who changed direction in front of his body and easily broke through, and went directly to the inside.Facing Fujima, Kemei's speed on the defensive end is not fast enough, and Fujima's dribbling frequency is very fast, Kemei's footsteps can't keep up.

If Miyagi Ryota came to defend Fujima, it would not be so easy for Fujima to break through. It is more likely that Fujima would choose to pull out to shoot.

Facing the different characteristics of different defensive players, Fujima can easily find out the opponent's weaknesses and use them as a breakthrough to attack. This is one of the reasons why Fujima can appear as the ace of Lingnan's back line.

Kenji Fujima, who rushed into the inside line, quickly met Sakuragi Hanamichi's defense, but it was just a simple obeisance, and Sakuragi Hanamichi rushed towards Fujima without hesitation. "Go up.

It's just that Sakuragi's defense was overtaken by Fujima with a light turn, and Sakuragi himself had a close contact with the floor.

The appearance of grabbing the ground with the head made the audience laugh.

Fujima, who crossed Sakuragi, entered the basket, looked back at the moon, glanced at Sakuragi on the ground, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and then scored a layup.


"That sissy, how dare you play tricks on me!"

Yingmu Huadao got up from the ground and cursed in a low voice with his mouth pursed, his face full of indignation.Wu Dao, who was watching the game from the sidelines, couldn't help covering his head when he saw this, feeling a big headache.

Budou has already felt Sakuragi's focus and enthusiasm in the game, but Sakuragi on the court gave Budou a feeling of using too much force. I ran to my death.

The distribution of physical energy and the enthusiasm that cannot be freely retracted are Sakuragi's biggest problems at the moment.

If you face a strong enough enemy, Sakuragi's style of play will not be able to win the whole game.

While thinking, Bu Dao stood up from his seat.At this time, Hanamichi Sakuragi felt humiliated by Kenji Fujima, regardless of whether the speed of Katsumi Ichiro who was dribbling the ball was fast or slow, he rushed towards the front court at a fast speed, looking at him, as if he was about to catch up Hitting vines is exactly the same.


"The ball is still in the backcourt, why are you running so fast?!"

"Running should match the rhythm of teammates, and there is no fast break. What are you doing so far ahead?!"

Budo's shout made Sakuragi involuntarily stop, and at the same time calmed down a little, turned to look at Katsumi Ichiro and other teammates.

It was discovered that Kiyota Nobunaga was running towards the front court not long after receiving the ball in the backcourt at this time, and Rukawa Kaede and Katsumi Ichiro were only a little happier than Kiyota, and their positions were not much different.

Nanxiang was faster than the back line, but not too much faster. At this time, he had just crossed the center line.

As for Yingmu Huadao, he ran into the front court early alone. If Wu Dao hadn't called him to stop him, he would have already crossed the three-point line and entered the basket.

From Lingnan scoring to Sakuragi running into the frontcourt, Sakuragi Huadao didn't stop for a moment during the period.

The other players in Xiangbei continued their physical fitness by jogging.

"You bastards! Why don't you run faster today!"

"Didn't you hear that Martial Dao brother is already urging you? Idiots, hurry up and keep up with the footsteps of this genius!!"

After hearing Budo's words, Yingmu Huadao turned his head instead of self-reflection immediately, and shouted directly at Rukawa Feng and others.His words stunned everyone in Lingnan who had already taken their seats, and Ruchuanfeng couldn't help but cursed "Idiot" when he heard the words.

Kiyota Nobunaga was even more angry and cursed: "Idiot! The martial arts senior asked you to match our rhythm. Lingnan has already settled down, so we will fight!"

"You are on the top, don't affect our offensive rhythm!"

After all, Kiyota Nobunaga is the same kind of Sakuragi Hanamichi, and he instantly understood Sakuragi Hanamichi's mind.

When Sakuragi heard this, he snorted softly, as if he didn't hear it, he didn't go to clear the fields, and ran into the inside line on his own, and came to the edge of the paint area.

Although Sakuragi seemed a little dissatisfied, his running pace was indeed a little slower.

"Although there is still a lot of room for improvement, it is not bad now."

"According to the current fighting situation, Lingnan may be overturned in the hands of these first graders."

"Air supremacy, hey!"

"Yuzhu can't hold back Nango and Sakuragi!"

Jinguji Budou looked at Hanamichi Sakuragi who had calmed down a little, with a smile on his face. Coach Anzai's on-the-spot arrangements seemed to have had an unexpected effect.

Unexpectedly, coach Tian Gang in Lingnan would be angry and send out rotation players. Although there are still a few main players on the field, the guys like Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede are not easy to get along with!

In the stadium, Kiyota Nobunaga, who brought the ball into the front court, quickly passed the ball to Katsumi Ichiro. After the latter took the ball, he just glanced in the direction of Rukawa Kaede. Insider.

At this moment, Hanamichi Sakuragi was standing outside the paint area. Seeing Katsumi Ichiro's eyes sweeping over him, he quickly turned around and stuck Fukuda Yoshio behind him, raising his hand for the ball.

Without hesitation, Katsumi Ichiro immediately lobbed the ball and passed it towards Sakuragi.

Starting with the basketball, Hanamichi Sakuragi, who was holding the basketball, looked serious, quickly turned to face the basket with the ball, and then raised his hand to shoot a feint. At the moment when Fukuda Yoshio raised his center of gravity, Hanamichi Sakuragi dropped the ball and rushed directly from Fukuda Yoshioka's shot. He passed by sideways and rushed towards the inside line.

"Little devil! Don't be so arrogant!"

When Uozumi saw that Sakuragi Hanamichi was actually rushing towards the inside line, he immediately chose to let go of Nango Koichiro, shouted violently and rushed towards Sakuragi Hanamichi, and Sakuragi watched Uozumi rushing towards him , the speed slowed down a little, he directly joined the ball to gain momentum, and after two steps, he jumped up.

Hanamichi Sakuragi held the basketball high in both hands, as if he was about to dunk in front of Junji Uozumi.

"How dare you underestimate me!"

Uozumi was furious in his heart, fixed his eyes on the basketball in Sakuragi's hands, raised his arms high, jumped up, and slammed the basketball in Sakuragi Hanamichi's hands.

"Don't attack, Sakuragi, pass it on!"

"Idiot, you're going to be blocked! Hurry up and get the ball."

Katsumi Ichiro and Kiyota Nobunaga saw Sakuragi Hanamichi attacking the basket guarded by Uozumi, and immediately let out a low cry.

Seeing that Uozuki was about to finish blocking Sakuragi Hanamichi, Sakuragi Hanamichi, who was holding the basketball high, suddenly curled up in the air, grabbed the ball with both hands, and suddenly shrank towards his arms.

The hat that the fish lived in was immediately emptied.


Yingmu Hanamichi's figure flew past Yuzumi's eyes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he was directly under the basket. Yinggi Hanadao, who avoided Yuzumi's block, raised his head at this moment, looked at the basket with a solemn expression.


"I can see his movements very clearly!"

Whispering, Sakuragi Hanamichi hooked the ball with a backhand, and the spinning basketball rose rapidly. After touching the lower edge of the backboard, it spun directly against the backboard.



After a soft sound of hitting the board, the basketball actually spun into the basket, making a faint sound of swishing the net.


Sakuragi fell to the ground, and the basketball fell to the ground immediately, making a soft "bang bang" sound.At this moment, all the players in the stadium looked at Hanamichi Sakuragi, Kiyota Nobunaga and Nango were full of disbelief, and Katsumi Ichiro was also slightly stunned.

"Not bad job, idiot."

Rukawa Feng looked at Hanamichi Sakuragi who scored the goal, wiped the sweat off his chin, murmured, and turned back to defend.

"Goal scored!!!"

"That red-haired first grader actually scored in front of Yuzu!"

"Pull the rod, that kid can still pull the rod!"

After a long time, the audience above the stands burst into cheers.Some Xiangbei fans also pointed to Sakuragi Hanadao and shouted excitedly. The performance of Sakuragi Hanadao still exceeded their expectations of Sakuragi.I thought that Sakuragi was just a blue-collar guy who could grab rebounds, bounce well, and shoot empty baskets.

Unexpectedly, people like Sakuragi actually have this kind of "technology".

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who scored the goal, also seemed to be somewhat disbelieving what he had done. He lowered his head and looked at his palms. After a little daze, Sakuragi clenched his fists excitedly.


"I'm a genius!"

After murmuring, Sakuragi turned his head to look at Yuzumi, and provocatively said:

"Hey, Boss Monkey, come and block me before I try!"

"I am! I am the strongest rookie in Xiangbei - the genius Sakuragi!"

Yingmu Huadao gave himself a thumbs up, looking arrogantly, Yuzhu pure blue veins twitched.

After finishing speaking, Sakuragi Hanamichi turned around and ran towards his own half, maintaining a serious look for less than five seconds, and on the way back to the field, he happily waved his hands in Haruko's direction, shouting "Haruko, you Have you seen the performance of this genius? Hahaha." Similar words.

The jumping appearance made Lingnan's substitutes confused for a while what kind of player Sakuragi Hanamichi was.

"It's impossible to go on like this!"

"We have to find a way to suppress this kid."

Coach Tian Gang on the sidelines finally noticed the player Sakuragi Hanamichi. Looking at Sakuragi's back, Coach Tian Gang touched the stubble of his chin with his hand, and a trace of solemnity flashed between his brows.

Until now, Coach Tian Gang has really started to face up to the fledgling freshman in Xiangbei.

(End of this chapter)

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