Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 358 Point guard Kaede Rukawa!

Chapter 358 Point Guard—Rukawa Kaede!

The first game of Xiangbei High School's national competition can be regarded as without any surprises.

Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi and others led the team to play surprisingly well. Even Fengyu High School, which was rated as an A-level team, was easily defeated by them.

And Xiangbei's strong backup strength also attracted the hearts of Sanno Industry and others.

On the night of the first game day, Domoto Goro, who returned to the hotel, began to review and study the playing style of these first-year players in northern Hunan.

The senior players in Xiangbei played a lot of games, and the game video books that can be used for reference are also very comprehensive. Before the national competition, he had already made sufficient preparations.

But the sudden rise of first graders in Xiangbei was beyond Goro Domoto's expectations. He vaguely felt that these first graders would be the biggest variable that their mountain king would face, so he wanted to hurry up and clear this variable.

At night, the bright moon hangs high.

In the common room of Sanno Industry, the team members surrounded Domoto Goro and watched the TV.At this time, what was broadcast on the TV was the match between Xiangbei High School and Fengyu High School in the morning.

"That red-haired player is called Hanamichi Sakuragi."

"In the first year of Xiangbei High School, I found out that this kid has only played for a little over a year."

"The height is 192cm, and the jumping is very good. Fengyu lost the game so easily, he has 60% of the credit."

"Tell me, what do you think?"

Domoto Goro pressed the remote control, and the camera froze on the moment Sakuragi Hanamichi jumped up to snatch the rebound.Pointing at the Sakuragi flower path in the picture, Domoto Goro turned his head and asked.

"Nobe, you are both in the power forward position, so please tell me first."

For a long time, the Sanno team members all looked at the screen and did not speak for a long time. Domoto Goro directly clicked Masahiro Nobe and asked him to express his opinion.

The players of Sanno Industry are the top players in the country in every position. Nobe at the power forward position will be widely used in any other team, and will also be the cornerstone of the team, the absolute ace!

"He bounces so well, I think the best thing to do is pull him out of the paint."

"I have the middle distance, I think, I can definitely mobilize him out of the paint."

Nobe replied in a deep voice, he also recognized Yingmu Huadao's ability.During the Xiangbei competition in the morning, he discovered Sakuragi's amazing jumping and foot strength, so he also formulated some countermeasures in his heart.

"Well, does anyone else have anything to add?"

Domoto Goro nodded noncommittally, and continued to ask.

"I think it's possible to use the blocking method to prevent this kid from jumping up."

"Nobe's method is certainly good, but it can only be used on the offensive end. If it is on the defensive end, how do you pull the opponent out?"

"My suggestion is to create a physical confrontation, relying on the position, height and wingspan to grab rebounds."

"Not to mention 100% control of the rebound, at least, it can infinitely weaken the opponent's advantage."

"This kid's positioning skills are so-so, and Feng Yu's rookie power forward often has the advantage. Nobe, it's no problem!"

Kishimoto Miri of Toyotama High School has become a rookie in the mouth of Kawada Masashi. However, if this is said by others, it is still a bit controversial, but when Kawada Masashi said it, no one will be surprised.

Masashi Kawada of Sanno Industry can be regarded as the strongest center nowadays. With Masashi Kawada's ability, even if he directly enters college basketball, he can still flourish and become the one that all colleges are vying for. players.

"Listen, Nobe, both offensive and defensive ends, just play like this, mainly to limit his rebounding ability."

"As for his offense, just be on guard properly. Xiangbei's offensive focus will not be on the first-year."

While speaking, Domoto Goro switched the screen, and the TV screen was fixed on Rukawa Kaede who was shooting a basketball, and Domoto's gaze was also on Matsumoto Minoru and Sawakita Eiji.

"What about him?"

Hearing Coach Domoto's question, Zebei Eiji looked at Rukawa Feng and shook his head, saying:

"Excellent, it has the shadow of my first grade."

"But I don't think you need to be too wary."

"His scorers, if Xiangbei is playing against our Shanwang, Jinguji Budao and Mitsui Hisashi will definitely play. These two are the points we should focus on."

"If there were no threats from those two people, both Matsumoto and I would be able to guard against him."

"His mid-range shot is excellent, and his offensive skills are also comprehensive, but his body is relatively thin, so he can just fight up."

When Zebei Eiji said this, his face was a little ugly. When he said the physical confrontation, he seemed to recall some bad memories in his mind, with a bitter look on his face.

"Physical confrontation, you are right."

"After all, you suffered a great loss in this aspect when you were in the first grade. You were educated by Shinomiya Tano in IH last year, and in Akino Kuntai, both Jinguji Budou and Shinomiya Tano took turns attacking your weaknesses. "

"Although your confrontation has come up this year, if you encounter Jinguji Budo during the competition, you still need other players to support you."

"We went to watch the finals of the Kanagawa competition. Although Jinguji Budo hasn't played for long, I can see that his strength is more than a step stronger than last year."

Hearing this, Domoto Goro nodded, and the topic shifted from Rukawa Kaede to Jinguji Budo.He agrees with Zebei's words, if Xiangbei meets their mountain king, the main attack will definitely be the ace Jinguji martial arts.

After a simple analysis, Domoto pressed the remote control in his hand, and the screen jumped to Nango, Katsumi Ichiro, Kiyota Nobunaga and others in sequence.As the screen jumps, Sanno's team members are also talking about the corresponding coping methods. Compared with the seriousness when dealing with Sakuragi and Rukawa, when talking about the rest of the first graders in Xiangbei, these team members have relaxed.

It can be seen that in the first grade in Xiangbei, the only ones who can really attract their attention are Yingmu Huadao and Rukawa Kaede.

After replaying the first-year match in Shohoku, Domoto Goro didn't waste time, and emphasized to the players the key points to pay attention to when playing against Shohoku.

Domoto Goro attaches great importance to the game the day after tomorrow. He knows very well that Xiangbei High School, which has a lower rating than Sanwang, is a sleeping tiger. When Sanno Industry stands in front of Xiangbei, this tiger will definitely wake up.

At night, the bright moon hangs high.

Under the same night sky, the team members of Xiangbei are also gathering in the common room at this time, replaying the game of Sanno Industry. The video of the game is the final in Akita Prefecture.

However, this video does not have much reference value, because the strength gap between Sanwang and their opponents is too great, and the point difference between the two teams once reached 40 points.

However, this kind of crushing situation can still see some things. Combining with Shanwang's video last year, we can also get a lot of useful information.

"Sanno Industry lost to Lingnan last year."

"I have analyzed the characteristics of their team before. If Eiji Zebei gets rid of his bad playing habits, Sanno will be one of the strongest challengers we will face."

"To be honest, our internal strength is not as good as the opponent's."

"Budo, Mitsui, if you don't feel good in the game the day after tomorrow, you should reduce your outside shots and use more breakthroughs to pull their defense."

Coach Anxi looked at the video on the TV and emphasized again.But as soon as he finished speaking, Sakuragi Hanamichi flashed directly to Coach Anxi's side, hugged Coach Anxi's shoulder, and kept dragging Coach Anxi's chin with his palm.

"Now, father, how can you say that?"

"How can our internal strength be inferior to the mountain king? With me, the talented rebounding king, we have a big advantage inside!"

Although Yingmu Huadao is tall and burly, but the name of coach Anxi is the name that kindergarten children are used to. (In the early years, the teachers in kindergarten classes in Japan were called father and mother, and they would only change it when they grew up.)
"Hey, bastard, don't be rude to Anzai-sensei!" Seeing this, Mitsui Hisashi's forehead suddenly twitched, and he quickly came behind Sakuragi, hugged Sakuragi Hanamichi from behind, and dragged him away from Anzai's side.

"Hoohoo." Coach Anxi didn't care about Sakuragi's actions at all, and said with a smile:

"Oh! In that case, Xiangbei's basket will be left to you, Sakuragi."

Coach Anzai's words made Hanamichi Sakuragi's confidence soar. He stood up and got rid of Mitsui Shou's restraint. He patted his chest and promised:
"Don't worry, Dad, I will never lose!"

"I'm the rebounding king, Hanamichi Sakuragi!"

Sakuragi's swearing appearance made Budou feel a headache when he saw this single cell, coach Anzai had tightly controlled him.It's not that this is bad, but Sakuragi is really easy to guess. If Sanwang knows Sakuragi, it is really easy to target.

Motivated Sakuragi, Coach Anzai still looked at Jinguji Budo, pushed his glasses, and continued:
"Budao, your mission is still the most important in this game."

"Destroy the offensive weapon of the mountain king, this is what you have to do!"

While Coach Anxi was speaking, the camera on the TV happened to be on the scene of Zebei Eiji scoring a slam dunk.Although the trump card of Sanno Industry has been trained by the Budo military, there is no doubt that he is the super trump card of the first echelon under Jinguji Budo.There is no doubt about personal strength.

"Okay, I actually hope to meet some interesting opponents."

"Zebei is actually pretty good."

As the night deepened, the lights in the Xiangbei public room went out.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, the second day of the national competition started in full swing.

In the knockout stage, the first round of competition is divided into two days. There are many participating teams, but there are not many competition venues.In consideration of allowing more spectators to watch more games, the General Assembly only uses one venue.

The same stadium, from 8 am to 8 pm, never stops.

Normally, the teams in the first round of the national competition will not be very strong, and the seeded teams are basically byes. Some A-level teams are matched with opponents, usually C-level, B-level, and two A-level teams. In fact, there are not many collisions.

It has to be said that the ratings of the magazine still have a certain reference value. After the two-day match in the first round, the weak defeated the strong, and there were not many successful teams in the next round.

After watching the game for a day, Bu Dao didn't think which teams were worth noting, so in the afternoon, he left the arena without interest.

Coach Anxi didn't say anything about Budo's behavior. He knew that Jinguji Budo's vision no longer valued such low-level battles.

Back at the hotel, Jinguji Budo was not idle either. He did some training in the hotel's gym to keep his body from becoming stiff.

For a person like him who exercises all the year round, as long as he doesn't exercise for a day, he will feel something is wrong with his body, just like a person who stays at home all the year round, if he suddenly goes to the playground for a few laps, he will feel "something wrong" all over his body.

"This year's biggest opponent is probably Lingnan."

"Most of the contestants in the national competition are not a threat to me."

"After IH, we still have to focus on training. It doesn't matter whether we play low-intensity games or not."

In the United States, martial arts are played 365 days a year, maybe 300 days, and even if it is an intra-team practice match, the intensity is higher than most competitions in national competitions.

But the competition is after all an "examination" to verify the training results. If you want to increase your strength, training is the most important thing.

At this stage of martial arts, the accumulation of competition experience is very important, but the most important thing is the development of physical talent. Compared with endless competitions, down-to-earth training is the most important thing for him right now.

In the evening, the Xiangbei players who were watching the game also returned to the hotel one after another. When they saw Wu Dao training in the gym, they also joined in one after another, in order to prepare themselves for tomorrow's game in the best condition.

The next day.

[Now please, Group A, Xiangbei High School.Players from Sanno Industries enter the arena! 】

As soon as the host's voice fell, the Hiroshima Center Arena erupted into astonishing cheers.


Amidst the cheers of the audience, the player channels at both ends of the basketball court were opened.

The third day of the national competition competition day.

In the second round of the knockout round, the first match of Group A, Shonhoku High School, who had crushed Fengyu High School, faced Sanno Industry, which had a bye in the first round.

This game attracted much attention. In the stands, there was a sea of ​​people, and the circle outside the stadium was full of reporters and media people who came to watch the game.

And with the opening of the player channel, the cheers of the audience became even more enthusiastic.

"Xianbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!"

Xiangbei High School has accumulated a good popularity for a long time. As the Xiangbei players entered the stadium through the player tunnel, the audience, led by De Nan and others, shouted Xiangbei's name in unison.

The bright red "Flame Man" flag fluttered in the stands, even attracting the attention of a media, and the flashing lights flashed, and the scene was photographed.

The Xiangbei players entered the stadium, and the cameras of the reporters focused on everyone in Xiangbei, and the reporters introduced the Xiangbei players one by one in front of the camera.

"Here we come, Xiangbei."

"We will definitely win the victory, and then, we will challenge Lingnan High School on the throne!"

Not long after the Xiangbei players entered the field, the players of Sanno Industry also entered the field through the player tunnel.Zebei Eiji in the team glanced at the people in Xiangbei from a distance, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Dress up and warm up in the rest area.

Three to ten minutes after the players of the two teams entered the field, the first ten players stood on the middle circle, ready to jump the ball.

This time, Shohoku no longer hides its strength. The starting five players are center Akagi, power forward Sakuragi Hanamichi, small forward Jinguji Budou, and point guard Hisashi Mitsui. The role of point guard is actually Kaede Rukawa!
In contrast, Sanno's players are center Masashi Kawada, power forward Masahiro Nobe, small forward Eiji Sawakita, point guard Minoru Matsumoto, and point guard Kazunari Fukatsu.

Domoto Goro was stunned when Xiangbei and his group entered the field. He never thought that Kaede Rukawa would be placed in the backcourt, acting like a point guard.

"Xiangbei. What is this going to do?!"

"Rukawa Kaede is very good, but he seems to have never played a point guard, right? And this guy was a lone wolf in the practice match with us before, can he also play a point guard?"

In the stands, Aida Yanyi exclaimed in bewilderment when he saw Xiangbei's position.

"Hehe. Poor imitation."

"Shohoku probably feels that Miyagi and Kiyota are not enough to deal with Fukatsu Kazunari, but"

"Rukawa Feng is not immortal, he is very talented, but there is still a gap between him and immortal!"

Coach Tian Gang commented with a smile that he did not see this "trick" played by Xiangbei.

(End of this chapter)

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