Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 373 Mountain King's Tactics, An Unexpected Trend!

Chapter 373 Mountain King's Tactics, An Unexpected Trend!
At 15 minutes into the second half, Sanno Industry couldn't bear the huge pressure brought by Xiangbei High School and called them the last timeout of the game.

The players of both sides returned to their respective rest areas amidst the cheers of the audience.As soon as Budo Jinguji took the field, he was surrounded by the team members in the center. Hisashi Mitsui happily handed Budou Jinguji a towel and a water bottle, and praised:
"Budao, you did a good job, keep it up!"

"Sanno Industry is going to be overwhelmed soon, so many people are defending you, and you are forced to break through and score."

"It won't be long before their own morale will be lost."

Hisashi Mitsui's judgment on the situation was very accurate. In fact, Sanno Industry has only one string left to stretch the game.This pause is their last chance to adjust.

If Sanno Industry cannot play tactical effects after the timeout and stabilize the game situation, then they will usher in a complete collapse next.

"Well, I didn't intend to give them another chance."

"I have already lost interest in them. I thought that the king of the mountain would have some unexpected style of play, but I didn't expect that it was only to this extent."

Bu Dao opened the bottle cap, took a sip of water, rinsed his mouth, and spat it into the trash can.

Turning his head to look at the Sanwang rest area not far away, a smile appeared on his face.

During the timeout, coach Anxi didn't make any tactical arrangements, he simply encouraged Sakuragi and the others, and then sat on the seat with the old god.Not worried about the next game at all.

Seeing such a big lead, the members of the Xiangbei team were very relaxed, and the atmosphere in the entire Xiangbei rest area was cheerful.

On the other hand, in the rest area of ​​Sanno Industry, all the team members gathered around Domoto Goro without saying a word, and the atmosphere was dignified.

Domoto Goro held a tactical board in his hand, and was quickly arranging Sanwang's offensive and defensive tactics.

"On the offensive end, we have been playing very well. Although the red-haired guy in Xiangbei blocked our attacks a few times by chance, overall, our tactics are still fine."

"Avoid Jinguji Budou's defense on the outside line, and attack Masashi Kawada and Mikio Kawada on the inside line."

"Xiangbei High School, it is impossible to stop our attack."

"On this basis, Matsumoto, you have to take on some offensive tasks. Simply relying on the inside offense is too monotonous. You have to play singles with the ball to enrich the team's offense."

"The first grade in Xiangbei shouldn't put you under so much pressure! Why are you so inactive?!"

Domoto Goro glared at Minoru Matsumoto as he spoke, before continuing to the team members:

"The biggest problem now is our defense."

"The personal strength of Jinguji Budo is very strong, very strong!"

"I think you have all experienced this point."

"Our defensive strategy needs to be changed slightly. Two or three double teams may not be able to stop him holding the ball."

"Zebei, Kawada Masashi, the two of you will mark Jinguji Budo all the way, whether he is in the frontcourt or in the backcourt, whether he has the ball or not, the others don't have to worry about it!"

"Attention, it's best to prevent him from getting the ball. Once you let him get the ball, he may break through your defense."

Domoto Goro spoke very fast, and the Sanno players around him listened carefully, nodding their heads non-stop.Speaking of this, Domoto Goro's eyes fell on Fukatsu Kazunari, and continued:

"Fukatsu, your defense needs to make some adjustments. When defending Miyagi Ryota, you deliberately put some water in when appropriate."

"Don't be too defensive, let him have a breakthrough gap, what you have to do is to give him space to shoot after he breaks through, and then go up to interfere when he shoots."

"With a defense like yours, Miyagi Ryota himself can't make a shot. If he doesn't make a shot, he will try to pass the ball to the open space or Jinguji Budo. This may not be a good thing for us Sanwang!"

"Find a way to make him shoot, just put some pressure on him when he shoots!"

"Our chance to counterattack depends on him!"

When Domoto Goro made the plan, he set his target on Miyagi Ryota, hoping to use Miyagi Ryota as a breakthrough point to find the possibility of Sanno Industry's victory.

And Domoto's plan is very tricky. He didn't let the players use the pick-and-roll to create singles opportunities when Sanno attacked, and seized Miyagi's defensive breakthrough.On the contrary, he wants to take advantage of Miyagi's weakness in shooting, and deliberately create some strong shooting opportunities for Miyagi Ryota.

And the Sanwang team members were also taken aback when they heard Domoto Goro's plan. This was the first time they had heard of this style of play.Defensively release water?How to play with water? !
Other teams were afraid that their own players would make some mistakes in defense, but Domoto Goro asked his players to deliberately make some mistakes to give the opponent a chance.

But Sanno's team members are not fools, and they quickly understood what Domoto Goro meant.

Let Miyagi Ryota, who is not stable in shooting, shoot more. Conversely, isn't it to weaken the offense of Shohoku High School? !
"If our plan goes well, there will be a lot of rebound opportunities."

"Kawada Mikio, Matsumoto, you two need to focus more on rebounding."

"When Shohoku is attacking, Jinguji Budou will try to pull Kawada and Zebei out of the inside line even if he has no chance to hold the ball, and will not give them a chance to support the inside line."

"At this time, the job of guarding the rebounds is up to you!"

"Also, Fukatsu, you are the same, you will also have the opportunity to support the inside and help your teammates control the rebound!"

At this point, Domoto Goro's plan has been fully revealed.In Domoto Goro's presupposition, if his plan works, it only takes up to 10 rounds of offense and defense, and the situation will change dramatically. Within 3 minutes, they are the king of the mountain, and it is possible to complete the reversal.

"Come on, the game is far from over!"

"Don't give up hope of winning, we still have a chance."

Thinking of this, Domoto Goro's voice became high, and he said loudly to the team members.

"Oh!!!" Although Domoto's plan may not be very meticulous, all the Sanwang players felt that Coach Domoto's plan was very feasible.

The team members just deduced a little bit in their hearts, and each of them became excited, and the momentum of Sanno Industry became high.

Pause time passed very quickly.

Domoto Goro had just set up his tactics when the referee blew his whistle.

Players from both sides returned to the court and continued the game.

There were no substitutions on the Xiangbei side, and they were still the players who appeared in the second half. After entering the field, they quickly settled in the Xiangbei half area, waiting for Sanno Industry's attack.

The basketball was sent from Sanno’s backcourt and came into the hands of Fukatsu Kazunari. Fukatsu Kazunari slowly dribbled the ball towards the frontcourt. Before he entered the Shonhoku half, the other Sanno players passed him one after another and entered Shonhoku ahead of time. Settled at halftime.

Kawada Masashi and Kawada Mikio were separated on both sides outside the paint area under the basket.

Minoru Matsumoto and Eiji Sawakita stood at the horns of the three-point line, and after Fukatsu crossed the center line with the ball, he approached the top of the arc.

Kazunari Fukatsu glanced at Budo Jinguji, who was defending Eiji Sawakita in Ushikaku, then turned his head to look at Hanamichi Sakuragi and Koichiro Nango who were on the inside with vigilant faces, and then looked at Minoru Matsumoto. Kemi Ichiro.

That's right, Shenjin Yicheng is about to forget that the person defending Minoru Matsumoto is no longer Mitsui Hisashi from Shonhoku High School, but a little-known first-year rookie.

For a long time, he tried every means to send the ball to the inside and Zebei, accidentally ignoring Minoru Matsumoto.

In fact, Minoru Matsumoto of Sanno Industry is also an excellent offensive player, but he was beaten silent by Mitsui Hisashi in the first half, and Masashi Kawada, Eiji Sawakita, and Miki Kawada on Sanno's side The three men were so conspicuous that Fukatsu ignored the existence of Matsumoto.

In addition, Minoru Matsumoto has a dull personality, so that he has been ignored in the second half.

It wasn't until Goro Domoto reminded at this time that Kazusei Fukatsu remembered that there was such a scorer in their team.Minoru Matsumoto is also an excellent player who can play singles with the ball and can take on the heavy responsibility of breaking through!

Fukatsu Kazin was stunned. After continuous dribbles under the crotch, he pushed the ball with his left hand and suddenly passed the ball to Minoru Matsumoto at the left corner.

Matsumoto took the ball, and Katsumi Ichiro quickly put it up, trying to give the opponent some defensive pressure.If Matsumoto faced his defense before, the first choice would have been to hang to Kawada Masashi inside, but this time, Matsumoto Minoru did not choose to pass the ball at the first time.

"My opponents have changed."

"I have already forgotten that my opponent has changed."

Minoru Matsumoto's gaze was firm, and at the moment Katsumi Ichiro defended, he dribbled the ball under his crotch, his right hand changed into a ball protector, and directly touched Katsumi Ichiro's body. At the same time, he dribbled the ball to accelerate the breakthrough, dropped the ball with his left hand, and rushed towards his left side .


Katsumi Ichiro was a little surprised by Matsumoto Minoru's sudden breakthrough, but without any hesitation in his movements, he quickly caught up with Matsumoto, stretched out his hand, and covered Matsumoto Minoru's face.

Just when Matsumoto broke through to the middle distance, his body suddenly stopped, he quickly changed direction and pulled back, and then instantly turned to a direction to break through.This time, Komiichiro, who needed to readjust his defensive position, was directly thrown away, watching Matsumoto break through towards the inside.

Minoru Matsumoto's physical coordination ability is also quite powerful without slowing down and changing direction!

Neither Sakuragi nor Nango at the basket thought that Minoru Matsumoto, who was like an invisible man on the offensive end, would make a strong breakthrough with the ball.It was too late to make up the defense, so he watched Matsumoto score a layup.

Sanno Industries' scoreboard jumped as the basketball hit the net, adding two points.

"Well done! Matsumoto!"

"Good job, Matsumoto-senpai!"

The Shanwang substitutes on the sidelines immediately cheered loudly when they saw the players on the field score a goal.

Sakuragi and Nanxiang under the basket looked at each other, and they both blamed each other.

"Dyeing Monkey, are you blind? Didn't you notice the opponent's breakthrough? Why didn't you go up to defend!"

"Ah??? Red-haired monkey, what stupid things are you talking about? Isn't it because you are closer?"

"Hmph, today I'm going to guard that ape-man, how can I leave the inside line so easily!"

"Huh? What stupid things are you talking about? If you go to fill in, I will naturally fill in for you."

"No, you can't beat that ape-man, it takes half a day!"

The two chatted with each other, and even after Nanxiang sent the ball, when they went to the frontcourt with Sakuragi, the two were still throwing blame at each other.When passing by Kemei Ichiro, he didn't even look at Kemei Ichiro, as if this matter had nothing to do with Kemei.

Although neither Sakuragi nor Nango blamed Katsumi Ichiro, this ignoring attitude was the most irritating.

Katsumi Ichiro, who ran to the front field, stared at Minoru Matsumoto. If eyes could kill, Minoru Matsumoto would have died countless times right now.

"Don't worry, we will play steadily and take the next goal first!"

Miyagi Ryota dribbled the ball towards the frontcourt while observing Sanno's defense.

Miyagi noticed that there were two people guarding Jinguji Budou, and Jinguji Budou didn't continue to stand still waiting for the ball, but started to move around, but for a while, Jinguji Budou didn't see him. Good chance to catch the ball.

Miyagi's gaze shifted to Sakuragi, and at this time, Sakuragi Flower Road stood in the middle distance again, in an empty position.Just when Miyagi was about to pass the ball, he found that Fukatsu Kazunari's defense was very inside.

There was a distance of one and a half meters between the two. When Fukatsu was defending, he kept glancing at Sakuragi who was not far behind him. His intention to defend was very obvious!

"Shan Wang, are you underestimating me?!"

"Me too, with the ability to score!"

Ryota Miyagi was close to the three-point line, suddenly looked at the basket with the ball together, paused slightly, and after making some adjustments, he shot.

At the moment of Miyagi's shot, Fukatsu Kazunari rushed forward. Although Fukatsu knew that it was impossible to block the shot with his own bounce, he was still imposing at this time.

Miyagi Ryota was inevitably affected by the opponent's fierce defensive posture when shooting, and the strength of the shot was a little off.

"Dang~" Miyagi's three-pointer was interfered by Fukatsu, and it went straight out of the frame.

"Rebound!" Miyagi whispered, reminding.And at this moment, Fukatsu Kazunari had already rushed into the inside line. Although he couldn't squeeze into the basket, Fukatsu's arrival still attracted Sakuragi's attention, and Fukatsu was given priority when standing.

The basketball started to fall, and luckily, it landed where Mikio Kawata was.Nango Koichiro saw clearly where the basketball landed, but no matter how he pushed Mikio Kawada, he couldn't push the opponent. He could only watch Mikio Kawada put the ball in his arms.

"Hey hey hey!"


Kawada Mikio threw the ball to Fukatsu with a smile, intending to let Fukatsu organize a counterattack.However, at this moment, a sudden change loomed, and a tall figure suddenly jumped out from Fukatsu Kazunari's side, blocking the basketball with one hand.

In the next second, Fukatsu Kazunari only saw a red figure rushing into the air after a dribble, grabbed the ball in mid-air with one hand, poured the ball into the basket, and made a loud noise.

Looking up, Fukatsu saw the familiar figure:

"Jinguji Martial Arts?!!!"

"Why is he here?!"

At this time, Jinguji Budao grabbed the basket with one hand, shaking slightly.After stabilizing his body slightly, Bu Dao fell back to the ground, looked at the astonished Fukatsu Kazunari, grinned and said:

"Why am I here?"

"Of course it's for rebounding!"

 During the intermission, I coded for my brothers. I really worked so hard, and I was so moved that I cried, selling fakes, selling fakes!
(End of this chapter)

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