Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 390 Ace decisive victory, the attack of the apex!

Chapter 390 Ace decisive victory, the attack of the apex!
The offensive methods of Xiangbei High School and Lingnan High School's trump cards are completely different, but at the same time, it allows the audience to see how the strongest high school students in the country play.

In today's game, not only basketball fans gathered in the stadium to watch the game between Xiangbei and Lingnan, but also many high school players from all over the country and other high schools were also watching this game games.

The match between Xiangbei and Lingnan is called an early final.This is a game between two favorite teams to win the championship, and it is also a game where the strongest high school students go head-to-head.

"It's really scary! Whether it's Jinguji Budo or Shinomiya Tanno, it's completely beyond the category of high school students."

"Watching the two of them play is like watching a professional game on TV."

"Really, it's so strong!"

Some spectators looked at the Lingnan people who had begun to return to the venue, and praised softly.If he hadn't seen the performance of Jinguji Budo and Shinomiya Tano with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that the offensive ability of high school players would be so terrifying.

On the court, the ball has been given to Xiangbei High School.

Akagi Takenori served from the baseline and put the basketball into the hands of Rukawa Kaede, who quickly dribbled the ball towards the frontcourt.Lingnan High School still maintained the previous defensive method, and did not make adjustments to Jinguji Budo's terrifying offensive ability.

As Rukawa Kaede dribbled the ball into the court, Rukawa Kaede, who was just about to break through, saw Sakuragi Hanamichi standing in the middle distance on the left.

"This idiot, don't you know how much trouble your position has caused to others?!"


Rukawa Feng cursed inwardly, his dribbling movements were not slack at all, he turned his head and glanced at Gongji Budao, just as he was about to pass the ball, he saw Shinomiya Tianye took a step forward, directly blocking Jinguji Budao Behind him, Wu Dao was not allowed to take the ball.

In this regard, Jinguji Budao did not run out again. Instead, he quickly cut towards the inside after swaying without the ball.

The opponents Shinomiya Tianno and Jinguji Budao have encountered in the past are different. If they are facing other people, Jinguji Budao will not care about the opponent's defense at all. He will go to the three-point line Pull it out a little, and then catch the ball and start a breakthrough.

But when the opponent is Shinomiya Tianno, Jinguji Budo will not adopt such a way of receiving the ball.

Because when the opponent is weak, Jinguji Budo can easily break through even if he catches the ball on the center line, and then enters his most comfortable offensive area to complete the score.

But when the opponent is a player of Shinomiya Tano's level, Budo needs to shorten the distance between himself and the basket as much as possible.Because only in this way, he can use as little rhythm change as possible when breaking through, or even break through the opponent without rhythm change.

In this way, his physical energy consumed by each attack can be as little as possible.

Save energy, for those high-intensity games, it is very heavy.

"An off-ball cut, like the previous shot, is he going to use the pick-and-roll to create opportunities for himself to play in singles?"

Shinomiya Tiano saw Jinguji Budao cutting towards the inside, and after glancing at Rukawa Kaede who was outside, his heart sank.

To be honest, if Xiangbei High School is determined to stare at Fujima and attack frantically, there is really no good way for them to stop Lingnan.

Apart from filling as many seats as possible, the rest can only be resigned to fate.

Sure enough, Jinguji Budao was the same as before, he didn't mean to stay in the paint at all, he left as soon as he touched it, and immediately ran towards Rukawa Feng's direction.

"Flower shape!"

While chasing Jinguji Budou, Shinomiya Tano yelled at Hanakato on the side of the free throw line. He asked about the position, but he didn't dare to let Sakuragi's seat open. When filling the seat, he obviously had some scruples in his heart, and he didn't chase very closely.

But if Rukawa Kaede breaks through, Shinomiya Tianye can ignore Rukawa Kaede and directly stare at Shijinguji Budo. As for Rukawa Kaede, Hanakata can make up for it.

As for such a defense, it will empty Sakuragi Hanamichi.
From Shinomiya Tianye's point of view, it is more useful and urgent to defend Jinguji Budo and Rukawa Kaede.Sakuragi Flower Road. It should be released when it should be released.

But this time, Rukawa Kaede didn't wait for Jinguji Budou's pick-and-roll to be in place at all. After a feint, he passed the ball sideways and gave it to Jinguji Budao who had just run to the free throw line at this time.

Hanakata and Shinomiya Tano looked at it, and rushed towards Jinguji Budo directly, completing the double-team in an instant.

However, Jinguji Budou simply gave the two a chance to double-team defense. The moment the basketball started, Jinguji Budao dropped the ball once, took an extra step in the direction of the three-point line, then turned over and threw the ball.

The decisive shot, strong bounce, and extremely high shot point all made the defensive Shinomiya Tianno helpless. He could only straighten his arms as much as possible to block the sight of Jinguji Budo, hoping to affect Jinguji Martial arts hit rate.

But this kind of turning and leaning back has long been engraved in the bones of Jinguji Budao. For this kind of shooting, as long as he confirms his position in the court, even if he shoots with his eyes closed, he can have a good hit rate.


In the next second, the basketball went straight into the net with a crisp sound.

"Oh! Goal, what a great shot!"

"Very decisively, Shinomiya Tanno's hand was about to poke Jinguji Budou's eyes, but he still let him score the ball!"

"It's such a terrifying attack power, it can't be stopped at all!"

Jinguji Budao's exaggerated goal immediately aroused cheers from the audience above the stands. Some young children, seeing Jinguji Budao's wanton and chic shooting posture, even imitated it in their seats. Among them, he brought himself into the position of Jinguji Budo, and imagined what he would look like playing in the future.

"A great shot!"

"I will definitely play like him in the future!"

In the corner of the stand, a purple-haired primary school student clenched his fists excitedly, his eyes were full of light.

The chic posture of Jinguji Budo's backward shooting has been engraved in the young mind of the boy.

Sitting on both sides of the primary school student were his parents who brought him to watch the game. When the child's father heard what the boy said, he also smiled and patted the boy's head, encouraging him:
"Our Ada can definitely do it."

On the court, Budou Jinguji clapped his hands after the goal and called his teammates back to defense.The players in Lingnan did not lose their minds because of the two goals, and everyone in Lingnan of the Shinomiya Tianye team was already immune to the word "surprise".

Between offense and defense, the players in Lingnan pressed the Xiangbei half.

Shinomiya Tianye obviously also knew that Jinguji Budo was different from other opponents he had encountered. He no longer caught the ball outside the three-point line, and relied on strong strength to sit and hit Jinguji Budo.

Shinomiya Tianye also has the awareness of distributing physical energy. After entering the frontcourt, he did not stay on the three-point line and cut directly to the inside.

Seeing the opponent's movement, Budou didn't rush to chase after him. Instead, he looked at Fujima who was holding the ball at the top of the arc at this time. While trotting and following Shinomiya Tianye, he consciously strangled the possibility of internal and external connections .

Jinguji Budou himself knew very well that if Shinomiya Tianye received the ball, it would be difficult to defend the opponent. The best way is to prevent the opponent from getting the basketball as much as possible.

What Jinguji Budao can see, of course the team members in Lingnan can also see it.Seeing that Shinomiya Tano had no chance to get the ball under Jinguji Budo's pursuit, Uozumi on the inside immediately gave a wink to Shinomiya Tano who was running, and the latter understood and quickly inserted into the inside lane.

And when Budo passed through the paint area and wanted to continue to block the passing route of Fujima and Shinomiya Tano, Jun Uozumi moved his footsteps slightly, seemingly inadvertently stuck in Budo Jinguji's position.

The quality of Yuzhu's cover is so-so, but Shinomiya Tianye got a good gap.However, under Rukawa Kaede's defense, Fujima, who was holding the ball from the outside, couldn't complete the ball at the moment when Shinomiya Tianye was open.

Rukawa Kaede turned his back to the basket, just observing Fujima's eyes and expression, he actually judged the opponent's possible passing intention, and directly raised his arms high, blocking Fujima's sight.

"This freshman in Xiangbei is really difficult!" Seeing that the opportunity was missed, Fujima's expression darkened, and while the ball accelerated to break through, he quickly passed the ball back to Xiandao on the side.

Teng really hit the ball very suddenly, and the goal of the ball was Xiandao, which was beyond some people's expectations.

However, Xiandao didn't intend to play by himself at all at this moment. The moment the basketball started, he raised the ball and shot a fake shot, and then quickly hit the ground to Shinomiya Tianye who had just run near the free throw line at this time.

It was almost exactly the same position as Jinguji Budo's ball just now.

However, Tano Shinomiya's handling of the ball is completely different from the previous Jinguji Budo. After a pause, Tano Shinomiya quickly turned around and swept the ball basket. Go inside.

Jinguji Budao was deceived by the opponent's shooting fake, and when the opponent broke through, he was half a body behind the opponent.

But it was this half position that gave Shinomiya Tianye a gap to attack.

At the free throw line, Sigong just dribbled the ball once, and then directly joined the ball. After two steps, he jumped up and glided towards the basket.

Akagi Takenori, who was defending under the basket, sensed Tano Shinomiya's movements and jumped up high to try to block Tano Shinomiya, but the moment his body hit Tano Shinomiya in mid-air, his body couldn't stop Those who lived began to retreat, completely giving way to the defensive position.

"Crack!" After a physical confrontation, a light layup, Shinomiya Tianye hooked the ball with his left hand, sent the ball to the backboard and hit the net.

Shinomiya Tianye landed on the ground, his feet firmly on the ground.However, Akagi Takenori, who was fighting against him, staggered when he landed, and took three or four steps back before he stood firm and did not fall.

Seeing that Akagi stood firm, Shinomiya also raised his eyebrows, and praised with a smile: "Not bad, you actually stood firm."

"The power is very good!"

Although it was a compliment, Akagi Takenori heard it quite harshly, and he was not happy at all.

Yuzumi passed Akagi's side when returning to defense, and said in a deep sneer: "You are overestimated, who do you think you are? Can you block Tian Ye's attack?"

"There is no foul, you can only count your luck."

After finishing speaking, Jun Uozumi trotted towards his own half, ignoring Takenori Akagi whose expression changed.

"Tch!" Akagi Takenori curled his lips, a little unconvinced, but also a little helpless.

Someone else playing a small forward actually crushed him, a center forward, in a physical confrontation. For Akagi, this is indeed a humiliation.

"Good defense, Akagi."

"make persistent efforts."

Jinguji Budo encouraged Akagi, and then quickly ran towards the front court.

The offensive performances of Jinguji Budo and Shinomiya Tano have pushed the enthusiasm of the audience to the peak.Cheers poured into the stadium like a wave.

With the cheers of the audience, Jinguji Budou and Shinomiya Tano both maintained a fairly high level of offensive ability. Between you and me, the first half of the game lasted to 7 minutes.

The score of the two teams also came to 16:17, with only one point difference.

Xiangbei High School has a one-point lead, and at the same time, Xiangbei High School still holds the ball.Indeed, under the leadership of Shinomiya Tianye, Lingnan High School's offensive efficiency is very high, and the offense led by Shinomiya Tianye rarely misses.

However, the offensive efficiency of Xiangbei High School is not low, but Lingnan is indeed strong, and the shooting rate of Jinguji Budo is far lower than that of those weak teams before. Therefore, they played 7 minutes, and they only scored 17 points in Xiangbei.

If he hadn't scored two three-pointers, Xiangbei High School might not have such a leading edge.

"Defense! Defense! Defense!"

The team fell behind, and Lingnan's players sitting on the bench cheered loudly for the players on the field.

There were rhythmic cheering sounds, as the Xiangbei players dribbled the ball slowly into the frontcourt and passed into the court.

After Rukawa Kaede dribbled the ball into the frontcourt, Mitsui quickly pulled it from the bottom line to the top of the arc, and made a pick-and-roll for Rukawa Kaede. With Mitsui Hisashi's pick-and-roll, Rukawa Kaede quickly dropped the ball and broke through.

At this time, Xiandao and Fujima Kenji of Lingnan also quickly switched defenses.

However, the direction of Rukawa Kaede's breakthrough did not break through to the inside line. Instead, it followed the three-point line and quickly moved towards the horn on the right.

When he came to Budao's side, he quickly handed the ball to Jinguji Budao, and at the same time quickly ran to the bottom corner.

Shinomiya Tianye hurriedly glanced at Rukawa Kaede who was running towards the bottom corner, but did not choose to defend.Seeing this, Xiandao was also forced to chase Rukawa Feng at the bottom corner.

Budo didn't hit this ball by himself, he pretended to make a breakthrough and passed it back to Mitsui Shou at the top of the arc.

The latter took the ball, stuck it directly to the three-point line, and shot it upside down.

With such a shooting speed, even if Fujima, who was more than a dozen centimeters shorter than him, could react, he would not have time to jump up to block it.


With a crisp sound of brushing the net as the net flipped, the scoreboard on the sidelines also came to 16:20.

The point difference between the two teams came to 4 points.

It was the first time Lingnan High School faced such a backward situation in the national competition this year.

There is no doubt that for the fans of Lingnan, Lingnan has already encountered a big crisis right now!
(End of this chapter)

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