Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 416 Alternating between the old and the new, Dinghai Shenzhen of Xiangbei!

Chapter 416 Alternating between the old and the new, Dinghai Shenzhen of Xiangbei!
After Mitsui Hisashi, Akagi Takenori and other third-year players announced their retirement, with the support of coach Anzai, Jinguji Budo also took up his post smoothly and became the new captain of Shohoku High School.

At the same time, Miyagi Ryota, who was in the second grade with Budo, was also appointed as the vice captain.It's just that Miyagi Ryota, Sakuragi, and Rukawa Kaede went to the youth training camp, and they were not in the arena.

Therefore, for the time being, he has not been in charge yet, and today's training in Xiangbei will be under the sole responsibility of Jinguji Budao.

Today is the first training session after the reorganization of Xiangbei High School. The third-year players announced their retirement one after another. Several players in the first and second grades also participated in the youth training. Therefore, the number of players in the Xiangbei team today is much smaller. .

Beside the arena, Mitsui Hisashi and Akagi Takenori, who were wearing regular uniforms, sat on the benches and watched the training of the Xiangbei players.Coach Anxi also sat with several of their retired players, holding tea in one hand, watching the players train quietly.

"Time flies so fast!"

"In the blink of an eye, our summer is coming to an end!"

Akagi Takenori looked at the Shohoku team members who were sweating profusely in the aura, folded their hands on their chests, and couldn't help but sighed softly.Sitting on the sidelines and watching the training of the juniors is very strange. After the identity change of Akagi Takenori, when watching the players training, for some reason, the body always has a faint urge to start playing.

He still hasn't completely changed his identity.

Akagi's words resonated with Mitsui Hisashi, Kiguro Koyan and others. Although it was a planned thing, when they announced their retirement, they still felt a little bit reluctant.

"Everyone grows, we can't be high school students forever."

"Xiangbei High School will be handed over to Wu Dao and the others. We have our own path to go."

Mitsui Shou sat on the sidelines and watched the team members' training for a while, then picked up his bag and prepared to leave.Seeing that Mitsui Shou was about to leave, Akagi, Mu Mu and others looked at Mitsui Shou strangely.

"Are you leaving so soon?!"

"Don't you want to watch it for a while?!"

"Anyway, you were also the former captain of Xiangbei High School. Don't you want to see if the captain of Martial Arts is qualified?"

"If he doesn't know anything, he can also ask for advice at the side."

Seeing that Mitsui Shou was about to leave, Mu Mugong immediately called out to stop him.

However, Mitsui Shou didn't mean to stop because of Konobu Mugure. He turned his head slightly, looked at the court from the corner of his eye, and then replied to Gongyan Mugure:
"No need, he is not a rookie in martial arts."

"I am relieved that Xiangbei High School is in his hands."

"Besides, isn't Coach Anxi here?!"

"I still have something to do. I will go to the United States in a while. I have to do a lot of preparations."

"At that time, you will come to see me off?"

Mitsui Shou smiled and said to Akagi Takenori, Kiguro Konobu and the others, although Mitsui Shou was smiling all over his face at this time, but his smile was really too bitter.

"Well, it will come!"

"If you went to the United States, can you write a letter with us?"

"We're separated this time, and if we want to see each other again later, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!"

A gentle smile appeared on Mugure Gongyan's face, he also stood up, walked up to Mitsui Shou, and said to Mitsui Shou.

"Well, of course."

"We will have a chance to meet, watch TV!"

Mitsui Shou said with a smile, his tone was full of confidence in himself.

Akagi Takenori heard the words, but he didn't mock Mitsui Shou. He and Mitsui Shou had quarreled for more than two years. When it was time to part, Akagi was also full of thoughts at this moment.

Seeing Mitsui's appearance like this, Akagi Takenori couldn't help but kindly reminded: "It's different over there, Mitsui, you have to take care of yourself."

"Don't be too proud. Maybe you are an ace here, but when you get there, you still have to be humble."

Akagi Takenori, with a steady personality, said earnestly.If Mitsui Shou heard similar words in the past, he would definitely refute Akagi and say "Can you educate me too?!"

But today, after hearing these words, Mitsui Shou nodded and replied, "I will."

"Goodbye, I will come to the arena before I go."

As he said that, Mitsui Shou walked up to Coach Anxi, bowed deeply to Coach Anxi, and said, "Coach Anxi, thanks to you for taking care of me these years."

"I'll take my leave first."

Coach Anxi looked at Shou Mitsui in front of him, with a gentle smile on his old face, and slowly stood up, Coach Anxi patted Shou Mitsui on the arm, and said with a smile: "Well, we must work harder in the future! Mitsui."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you on TV!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter even if you can't do it. Playing basketball, the most important thing is to be happy."

"Also, Mitsui, you must not ignore the training of basic skills. This is the foundation, the foundation of everything!"

"If you are unfamiliar with the place, communicate with your teammates more. European and American players have an outgoing personality. When encountering problems, you don't have to be patient and humble. On the basketball court, strength is everything."

Coach Anxi was originally a taciturn character, but at this moment, looking at the tall Mitsui Totoshi standing in front of him, he also involuntarily became talkative.

Coach Anxi vaguely remembered that when he first met Mitsui Shou, his impression of Mitsui Shou was just a boy with a beautiful shooting posture, nothing more.

Mitsui Shou, who first entered Xiangbei, was only a little over 170cm tall, but now, Mitsui Shou is over 190cm tall.

Coach Anzai wanted to pat Mitsui on the shoulder, but found that the other party had grown a lot taller.

Obviously, all these years, he has watched Mitsui Shou grow up, but until now, coach Anxi has not realized that Mitsui Shou has become so tall.

The feeling of a child growing up is really strange.

"Well, I'll remember."

"Goodbye, Coach Anxi."

Hisashi Mitsui nodded, said goodbye to Coach Anzai again, and walked towards the entrance of the arena after speaking.

On the court, Jinguji Budao, who was arranging players for a two-on-one attack, also noticed that Mitsui Shou seemed to be about to leave.

He looked up at Mitsui Shou.

Sensing Budo's sight, Mitsui Hisashi didn't mean to disturb Budo, he waved to Budo with a smile, and then left the arena.

Not long after Mitsui Hisashi left, Akagi Takenori, Kigure Koyan and others also sat for a long time before leaving the arena.

As Mitsui Shou said, they can't be high school students forever, and they have to look forward.

Both Mugure Gongyan and Chiba Oishi plan to take the college entrance examination route, and the pressure to enter a higher education is actually very heavy. Starting from this summer vacation, they need to start seriously preparing for the entrance examination.

Even Mu Mu and Chiba have enrolled in the so-called remedial classes and sprint classes outside the school.

As for Akagi, his brain is already quite easy to use. Although he is a player on the basketball team, Akagi Takenori's academic performance is also very good. Whether it is taking the physical or literary route, Akagi is not vain.

He can be regarded as a third grade with less pressure.

The departure of the third-year players did not attract much attention. Most of the first-year and second-year players in the arena have not realized that it may be difficult for them to play and train with Mitsui Shou and the others in the future. .

Compared with the third grade team members, the first and second graders are still very immature.

It was August.

The midsummer sun tore the coat of the earth, and the greenery and vegetation in the Xiangbei campus were all killed by the scorching sun.

In the afternoon, the arena in Xiangbei was like a steamer. Even though all the windows and transoms of the arena had been opened, the environment inside the arena was still quite "stuffy".


The sound of sneakers rubbing against the floor kept coming from the arena. On such a hot summer day, the players of Xiangbei High School were still carrying out heavy training.

The retreat of the third-year players did not cause any ups and downs in the state of the Xiangbei players.

On the contrary, because of the departure of the third-year players, the training of the first- and second-year players in Xiangbei has become even harder.

What does it mean for a senior player to retire? !It means that there is a positive selection position vacant!
This is an opportunity for those first and second-year players who have almost no chance to play!

In the Xiangbei Arena, a practice match within the team is going on.

Wearing yellow training uniforms is the team led by Nobunaga Kiyoda. Besides him, there are first-year Ryumasa Oda, second-year Satoru Kakuda, second-year Tetsushi Shiozaki, and first-year Kentaro Ishii.

As for their opponents, it was the team led by Nango Koichiro and Katsumi Ichiro. The team's point guard was second-year Yasuda Yasuharu, and the players in other positions were all second-year players from Shonhoku.

Among the second-year players in Xiangbei, the only really outstanding players are Jinguji Budao and Miyagi Ryota.

The level of the rest of the players actually does not match the title of "National Overlord".These first-year players are talented, but obviously, these people are still too immature.

During the team's daily training, Jinguji Budo can clearly feel that the team's strength has dropped!
"Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"

On the field, Nobunaga Kiyota, who quickly entered the front and rear with the ball, quickly passed the ball to Tetsushi Shiozaki on the side after getting close to the three-point line. The philosopher shouted loudly.

Tetsushi Shiozaki's ball speed is a bit slow. He and Nobunaga Kiyota did not cooperate very well. Nobunaga Kiyota had already entered the basket, and Tetsushi Shiozaki passed the basketball.

While Kiyota slowed down to catch the ball, there was no room to choose the attacking method. Looking up at the basket, Nango Koichiro's big hand had already covered Kiyota's face.

Helpless, Kiyota could only pass the ball back to the outside line, but his pass was seen through by Katsumi Ichiro and was directly intercepted by Katsumi.


"You pass the ball like this, why don't you just give the ball to me!"

Katsumi Ichiro sneered, and then quickly dribbled the ball towards the frontcourt. Kiyota Nobunaga didn't care about throwing the blame at this moment, and hurriedly chased Katsumi Ichiro.

However, the place where he activated it was too deep, and Nanxiang also saw Kiyota Nobunaga's intentions, and deliberately blocked him.

When Komi Ichiro made a quick counterattack, Kiyota Nobunaga couldn't organize an effective defense at all.The other members of his team couldn't catch up with Kemeiichiro at all.

With Komiichiro scoring a layup, the score of the yellow and blue teams came to 16:33.

The yellow team led by Kiyota Nobunaga was overwhelmed by the blue team led by Katsumi Ichiro and Nango.


Kiyota Nobunaga saw the opponent score again, scratched his hair annoyedly, and adjusted the headband. Kiyota Nobunaga ran to the baseline, picked up the ball and served it, and said to Tetsushi Shiozaki who came late:
"Senior Shiozaki, can you play the ball faster and be more decisive."

"Give me some advance. If I get the ball near the free throw line, I can observe the opponent's defense."

"With the ball at the basket, the offensive intention is easily seen by the opponent."

"The Dyeing Monkey is taller than me, so I can't fight him!"

"Our center is not as good as the opponent, we have to fight and run!"

Kiyota Nobunaga had no self-awareness of his junior, and sent the ball while talking. After entering the field, Tetsushi Shiozaki passed the ball back to Kiyota Nobunaga, nodded silently, and ran towards the front court.

Tetsushi Shiozaki had no rebuttal to Kiyota Nobunaga, but others did.

The center forward of the yellow team is Ryumasa Oda. At this time, he heard that Nobunaga Kiyota blamed him, and said in a displeased tone:
"What does it mean that a center forward is inferior to the opponent?!"

"Which center can grab a rebound with your wild shots?!"

"Nobunaga Kiyota, you've been holding the ball for too long!"

"Pass the ball to me more, I get the ball, and our team's score will naturally be higher!"

"It's not very difficult for me to pass through Nango Koichiro's defense. At least, it's much better than you blindly attacking with the ball!"

Oda Ryumasa said angrily, he didn't give Kiyota face at all.

Maybe it's because of the hotter weather. The players were much more irritable when they were playing. Nobunaga Kiyota had a bad temper. Now he is hot and tired, and the score is still being suppressed by the opponent. Belly fire.

At this time, when I heard that the "marginal man" Oda Ryumasa dared to talk back, he was furious immediately:
"You are a center, don't know what you should do?!"

"The game is up to now, how many rebounds have you grabbed for our team?!"

"Can I count them with one hand?!"

Saying that, Kiyota Nobunaga stretched out his left hand and gestured to the other party with five fingers.

Ryumasa Oda didn't answer, and said to himself: "It's because you wasted the opportunity! I have several vacancies, why don't you pass it on?!"

Kiyota Nobunaga became even more angry when he heard this, and said angrily: "Empty seat? Yours is also called empty seat?!"

"You're not as good at shooting as I am. Do you think your mid-range shooting percentage can be higher than mine?!"

"Even if I shoot against the defense, my shooting percentage is higher than yours!"

"You have figured out your positioning, are you also worthy of taking the ball in the middle distance?!"

The young man was very angry, Kiyota Nobunaga and Oda had already become tense with their swords in a few words, and other players on the field also looked at the two of them at this moment.

Training was suspended.

Just as Oda was about to retort, Jinguji Budo's voice came from the sidelines.

"Shut up!"

"You're fighting like shit and you still have the guts to quarrel?!"

"Is there a difference between shit and shit?!"

"You two, rest."

"Go flush the water, let your minds calm down, and think about your own problems! Think clearly before training."

"Now, come down immediately!"

Kiyota Nobunaga and Oda Ryumasa both closed their mouths subconsciously when they heard Jinguji Budo's voice, looked at each other, and walked off the court bitterly.Ryumasa Oda went to the rest area and sat down on the bench. Nobunaga Kiyota walked out of the arena directly and went outside to take a shower.

After changing two players, Jinguji Budou glanced outside the door, then glanced at Ryumasa Oda, ignored the two and continued training.

When the old and the new alternate, there will always be problems of one kind or another.

Fortunately, Jinguji Budo has enough prestige and ability to overwhelm all players. Under his leadership, Xiangbei will not be chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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