Chapter 424 A new journey!

The match between Xiangbei High School and the youth training team ended with Xiangbei High School winning the game.

Although the lineup of the youth training team is really very strong, but in front of Jinguji Budo who feels overwhelming, such a lineup is still not enough.

Facing a player like Jinguji Budo, if there are not enough good players and a sufficiently targeted tactical system, it is impossible to let him go.

If you want to win the game under such circumstances, unless it happens that Jinguji Budo is not in good condition, and only in this way, the youth training team will have a little chance of winning.

But it is a pity that Jinguji Budo is in excellent condition today.

It was only 08:30 when the two teams ended the training match, and there was still plenty of time in the morning, and it was hard to get in touch with the youth training team. Coach Anxi didn't want to let go of such an opportunity.

After letting the players take a rest for nearly half an hour, let the players play a warm-up match with the members of the youth training team.

However, in the second match, the players at Xiangbei High School changed greatly. Jinguji Budo did not continue to lead the team, but formed a new team with Kiyota Nobunaga and other first-years to compete against the youth training team.

Coach Otani did not refuse Coach Anzai's invitation to the game, and even generously released Sakuragi Hanamichi, Rukawa Kaede, and Miyagi Ryota back to Shonhoku High School, signaling that the three of them should return to Shonhoku to form a team with Shonhoku.

Seeing Coach Otani put the three players back, Coach Anzai was not polite, and directly changed the lineup, replacing the more tired Nango Koichiro and Kiyota Nobunaga.

Of the two of them, one is the main center who needs to fight Kawada Masashi at the basket, and the other is the main point guard who holds the ball at a high frequency.

The replacement for the two of them is Jinguji Budao, Yingmu Huadao and others who came back from the youth training team.

A stamina monster like Sakuragi Hanamichi is still full of stamina after such a game, and Rukawa Kaede has been playing for a long time, but after such a long rest, he can still play for a while.

As for Miyagi Ryota, he has never played before and is now in his prime.

For the lineup of Xiangbei High School, coach Otani also sent five players from the youth training team. This time, the five players sent were all excellent players selected from other counties. Except for Mike Okita who came back to the court, Kawata and others did not continue to play.

And this second round of competition is less intense than the first one.

Shonhoku High School, headed by Miyagi Ryota, a sophomore, showed great tenacity in this game. However, under the performance of the elites of the youth training team, Miyagi led Shonhoku. After all, they still lost to their opponents by 11 points.

After playing two games in a row, Rukawa Kaede's physical fitness was almost bottomed out, and Sakuragi Hanamichi was also exhausted. After the game, he lay directly on the floor and didn't want to get up at all.

After two consecutive training games, coach Anxi did not intend to let go of the youth training team, and ordered a few more players to let Budao take them to feel the level of the youth training players.

In the third practice match, the teammates equipped for Budo were center Satoru Kakuda, back line Shiozaki and Yasuda, and Oda Ryumasa who played the position of small forward.

In this game, although Budo Jinguji still continued his fiery shooting touch, the back line formed by Yasuharu Yasuda and Shiozaki was too weak.

Jinguji Budo broke free from the opponent's double-team countless times during the game, but these two teammates always missed passing opportunities.

Under the siege and interception of many people, the number of times Jinguji Budo connected the ball became quite small, so that Xiangbei High School lost in the end.

The practice match with the youth training team lasted from morning to noon.

And the weather is getting hotter and hotter as time goes by.

The state of the players has also declined significantly in this hot temperature.

Around eleven o'clock at noon, the training match was finally called off.The players of the youth training team did not stay in Xiangbei High School, and took the bus back to Lufeng High School.

The training ground of the youth training team is at Lufeng High School, a private school with the best facilities in Kanagawa.Even the lunch meals are not comparable to the canteens in northern Hunan.

Although it is summer vacation, the school cafeteria is still open, but there are much fewer open windows than normal.

Although it is a holiday, there are not a lot of students doing club activities during the holiday.

After lunch, Xiangbei did not continue training, but announced its dissolution.


In the afternoon, Budou Jinguji, who had had lunch, lay in the shade of a tree on the school lawn, with his hands behind his head as a pillow, and took a nap.

The breeze blew past, making the sweaty Jinguji Budao feel a burst of coolness, the breath of green grass entered his nose, listening to the cicadas on the tree, Budao fell into a deep sleep.

The hot summer really makes people lazy no matter what they do.

After the training in the morning, none of the players planned to practice in the arena in the afternoon.

In the evening, as the sun shifted, the shade of the tree where Wu Dao was lying moved to another place.Wu Dao, who was woken up by the heat, stood up dizzy, and after washing his head with cold water, he finally felt more sober.

Back in the arena, looking at the empty arena, Wu Dao couldn't help but sigh inwardly:
"Although the weather is relatively hot, after all the team members have experienced the national competition, they are a little slack after all."

"Last year now, when Xiaosan and the others were still on the team, how could there be no one in this time period?"

Bu Dao said, took off his shirt, walked into the arena, went to the sidelines to pick up a basketball, and then walked towards the basket.

"Because for most people, basketball is just a club activity."

"The national championship may be their goal. Now that the national championship has been won, for those players with mediocre talents, training or not training has become less important!"

"After all, there are only a few people who plan to take the road of basketball."

"The vast majority of the team members are just... they can only be ordinary people."

Just when Bu Dao was about to start his own training, at the gate of the arena, a figure blocked the sunlight from entering the arena.

Hearing the voice, Budo turned his head and saw Mitsui Hisashi wearing a loose sportswear, standing at the entrance of the arena, and said to Budo with a smile.

"Little San? Why are you here?"

Seeing Mitsui Kotobuki, a smile appeared on Jinguji Budao's face, and he greeted him.

"It's a bit boring to be alone at home, come to the arena to have a look."

"I didn't expect it to be just you."

Mitsui Shou raised his eyes and looked around the arena, sighing softly.

"As you said, those who take the basketball road are a minority after all."

"Besides, the weather is indeed hot, and it's normal not to want to train."

"We just played against the youth training team in the morning, and the training intensity is not low."

Although Wu Dao felt that the atmosphere of the team had deteriorated, he could also understand the psychology of ordinary players and helped explain.

He himself is a hardworking person, but he also respects the choices of others and will not ask others to work as hard as he does.But for those players who want to become stronger, Budo will not be stingy with his own experience, and will also give some guidance to the opponent.

But so far, there are not many players with this kind of self-motivation.

"Youth training team?"

"So you met Sakuragi and the others?"

"How are those boys doing in the youth training team? Has there been any progress?"

Hearing this, Mitsui Shou asked curiously. In fact, before confirming to play in the United States, Mitsui Shou also yearned for the youth training team, but now that he has a higher goal, the youth training team is not so attractive to him.

At this time, I heard that Budo has already fought against Sakuragi and others who are in the youth training, and I am a little curious about the strength of Sakuragi and others.

Human beings are like this, like the current Mitsui Shou, who has decided to go to the United States to study and play basketball. In his heart, he actually expects to hear words like "progress is so-so" from Budou's mouth.

In this way, Mitsui Shou will have more confidence in the choices he makes.

"It's not bad. Whether it's Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede, or Miyagi Ryota, they've made great progress."

"Rukawa Kaede has completely changed his way of thinking about playing basketball. Although Sakuragi's personality has not changed much, he is much more reliable than before on the court."

"There are fewer mistakes."

"For Miyagi, he seems to be developing the three-point shot during this period, and his long-range shooting ability has become stronger, but he still needs to work hard."

"Overall, the effect of youth training is immediate."

Bu Dao's words caused Mitsui Shou to fall into silence. After a long time, Mitsui Shou nodded and said with a smile, "Really?!"

"That's really good!"

"I don't know if I can make such a huge improvement if I go?!"

When Mitsui Shou heard that Sakuragi and the others had made progress, he was still happy for them after all, and at the same time, he couldn't help thinking about something.


"It's hard. Their thinking on the court is not mature enough. If someone guides them, they will improve immediately after they figure it out."

"But for someone like you, it's simply impossible to rely on others to give you a huge improvement."

Bu Dao shook his head, directly vetoing Dao, while chatting with Mitsui Shou, he started shooting training.

If you want to ensure your hit rate, training is absolutely indispensable.

"Yeah." Mitsui Shou nodded, watched Budo start training, and didn't bother him any more, found a seat on the sidelines and sat down, quietly watching Jinguji Budo practice shooting.

After watching for a few minutes, Mitsui Shou stood up, moved his body briefly, found a ball on the sidelines, and went to the other half of the court to practice shooting by himself.

Watching the martial arts practice, Mitsui Shou also felt that it was a bit unseemly for him to sit and watch like that, so he also joined the practice.

For a while, the arena was filled with the sound of brushing nets and hammering irons, until the sun set.

It was six o'clock in the evening, and the sky was still bright.

Jinguji Budo, who had finished training, took a shower by the pool, then returned to the arena and looked at Mitsui Toshiro who was still training and asked loudly:

"Hey, little San, I'm getting ready to go, are you still practicing?!"

"Go to dinner together? I treat you as a reward for thanking you for practicing with me!"

This is the case with basketball. Although Budo and Mitsui Shou practiced themselves, they didn't say much.But as long as you practice on one court, you won't feel lonely.

At the beginning of martial arts, I thank Mitsui Shou for practicing with me.

"I just don't want to waste time."

"I don't mean to practice with you."

The three-pointer shot was shot, and the basketball went straight into the net.Mitsui Shou was covered in sweat, stopped training, put his hands on his knees, panting heavily.

"But you can invite me for dinner."

Looking back at Jinguji Budo standing at the door, Mitsui Shou suddenly laughed.

"Let's go."

The sun is setting and the sky is full of sunset.

Jinguji Budao and Mitsui Shou walked towards the outside of the school.

Suddenly, there was a howl in the sky, and Mitsui Shou looked up, and happened to see a plane flying over the two of them, leaving a white cloud mark in the sky.

"Budao, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow."

"I contacted a private high school in the United States, and I plan to study for a year and a half."

"In addition to the school year in the second half of this year, I have to play a senior year of high school."

"In a short time, I'm afraid I won't come back."

Mitsui Shou looked up at the plane gradually disappearing from sight, and suddenly said in a deep voice.

Jinguji Budao didn't reply, he walked side by side with Mitsui Shou in silence, and after a long time, he replied lightly: "En."

"Leaving this time, I don't know how long it will take to see you."

"I hope there will be opportunities to play together in the future."

Mitsui Shou turned his head to look at Budao's side face, and continued.

"There will be."

Hearing the news that Mitsui Hisashi was going to leave, although Budao knew about it a long time ago, when the other party really wanted to leave, Budao still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He has been playing with Mitsui since middle school, and now that Mitsui is leaving, he is really not used to it.

Although there is no banquet in the world that never ends, but when the banquet is over, loss is inevitable.

During dinner, Jinguji Budao's mood seemed to recover a bit, and while eating with Mitsui Shou, he chatted about the past.

Mitsui Shou talked about his first impression when he saw Budao back then. When he said that he thought Budao was a pervert who sneaked into Wudao High School outside the school, Budao couldn't help but chuckled.

The two of them ate this meal for a long time and talked a lot. It wasn't until the moon was on the branches and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road that the two of them talked less.

The street outside the window began to darken, and there were fewer and fewer guests in the restaurant. Bu Dao and Mitsui Shou looked at each other, and finally fell silent.

In the end, it was Mitsui Shou who broke the calm, stood up from his seat, and said with a smile:


Bu Dao didn't respond to Mitsui Shou, and remained silent in his seat.Mitsui Shou could feel Budo's loss, patted Budo's shoulder, and left the restaurant after paying the bill at the bar.

Walking on the way home, Mitsui Shou could no longer hold back his emotions, and covered his cheek with one hand, tears streaming down from between his fingers.

The parting of the young people is warm and subtle.

Every young person will eventually progress and grow in gathering and separation.

a few days later.

Everyone from Xiangbei High School bid farewell to Mitsui Shou at the international airport, and after this day, Xiangbei High School officially entered a new journey.

(End of this chapter)

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