Kamakura coast.

The sky is blue and clear, with few white clouds.

The sandy beach washed by the waves has made the temperature on the coast drop a lot.

Kamakura in September already has the taste of autumn.


"First of all, congratulations, you have successfully passed the first round of selection for our Autumn National Sports Team."

"Being able to pass the first round of the test shows that everyone present more or less has the potential to become an excellent basketball player."

"However... the first stage of the test is just to test your physical fitness."

"To become an excellent basketball player, the road to go is very long!"

"And starting today, in the next half a month, we will test how many roads you have traveled on the road of basketball!"

"It can be said that the selection of players for the Autumn National Sports Team has only really begun now!"

On an open-air basketball court by the sea, the players who successfully passed the first round of selection were called up.Coach Tian Gang from Lingnan High School was teaching the team members at this time.

In front of Coach Tian Gang, two hundred players were divided into ten rows and lined up neatly in front of him.

Looking at these talented young people in front of him, Coach Tian Gang felt extremely happy!
During the proposal stage for the selection method of the second stage, Coach Tian Gang's proposal was approved by Coach Anxi, and he officially became the main person in charge of the second stage selection.

Although it is true that coach Anxi should be leading the selection task of the autumn national sports, but the influence of coach Anxi's age must also be considered.

So far, Coach Tian Gang is in his prime, while Coach Anxi is already old.

"This stadium is the venue you will use to participate in the selection!"

"The method is also very simple, the game!"

"Only on the court can you test your strength!"

"Of course, it's not a simple five-on-five training match. This kind of selection method is too time-consuming, and it may not be able to select the players we want!"

"The competition I'm talking about is a special competition!"

While Coach Tian Gang was speaking, a group of coaches standing on the edge of the court began to place equipment in the court.

"The first item, the layup."

"Have you seen the obstacle in front of you? Cross the obstacle back and forth at the fastest speed, and then make a layup. If the basketball hits the net, it is considered a success. If the layup fails, it is allowed to make a layup until it is made."

"The comparison between you is the time."

"The one that takes less time will be ranked higher, and the one that takes a long time will be ranked lower."

"15 minutes to warm up and then get ready to start."

Coach Tian Gang clapped his hands, and after announcing the content of the assessment, he quietly retreated outside the court.

In the queue, all the players were a little dazed when they saw this "simple" assessment item.

"Crossing obstacles for a layup? What kind of pig brain would come up with such an assessment content? It's too simple, right?"

"How can this kind of assessment content select excellent players? You can't see the level of players at all!"

"Instead of using this method, it is better to compete directly."

The players saw that coach Tian Gang had already walked to the sidelines, and the players who learned about the content of the first round of assessment in the second stage immediately started talking.It's not because the assessment is so difficult, but because the content of the assessment is so simple that the players find it funny.

This is not the physical examination for ordinary high school students in Huaguo, as long as they pass it, it will be fine.

This is the player selected for the Autumn National Sports Team. This kind of foundation is necessary for assessment? !

"Hey, Brother Martial Arts, is this assessment made by the father? Isn't it too stupid?"

When the team is disbanded, players can warm up in the way they like. There are many basketball hoops on the side of the court, which are full of basketballs. Players who want to warm up with balls can take them by themselves.

After Coach Tianoka announced the selection method, Jinguji Budo walked to the sidelines, took a basketball from the basket, dribbled the ball on the spot, and did a simple warm-up.

Xiangbei's team members who passed the first round of auditions also gathered around Budo, learning how to do martial arts, and doing simple warm-up exercises.

During the warm-up, Sakuragi Hanamichi glanced at Coach Tian Gang outside the court, and said to Budo.

Even a guy like Sakuragi who doesn't have a "deep" basketball foundation feels that this assessment method is too simple.

"Don't think about messing around, just focus."

"This assessment method is indeed very simple, but because it is simple, I am even more worried about you."

"Sakuragi, you must be serious and take it seriously."

"And this kind of assessment is probably just the beginning."

"Those who rank low in this assessment will probably be eliminated."

While dribbling the ball, Budo said to Sakuragi beside him.

Basketball is not a one-on-one competitive sport like table tennis. If it is a table tennis selection, then it is very simple. All players play one-on-one and play a wave of matches, and the strengths and weaknesses are directly determined.

But basketball is a team sport, and each position has a different function.

No need to think too much, Wu Dao knows that this assessment is just the beginning. Coach Tian Gang just said that it will take half a month to select and assess. This time, there may be many, many items to be assessed!
While Budo and Sakuragi were chatting, some team members approached Coach Tianoka in private.

I don't know why those players went to coach Tian Gang, but Budao noticed that after communicating with coach Tian Gang, those people were obviously relieved and their mentality improved a lot.

Soon, the 15-minute warm-up time passed.

The assessment officially begins.

The order of the assessment is based on the ranking in the first round, that is to say, Jinguji Budo is the first to participate in the assessment.

The starting point of the layup around the obstacle is the bottom line on one side of the court. From this end of the court, take the ball to the other end of the court, and it is considered complete if the ball is successfully scored.

After the whistle of the assessment coach, Jinguji Budao immediately rushed out with the ball.

Budo's dribbling speed is very fast. When there is an obstacle in front of him, Budo doesn't mean to slow down, or change direction in front of his body, or turn around and cross.

In just a few seconds, Jinguji Budao quickly came to the basket, then jumped up, and dunked the ball into the basket.

The stopwatch in the coach's hand was cut off at the moment when Wu Dao dunked into the net, looked at the time on the stopwatch, raised his eyebrows, and then shouted to the recorder at the side;

"Such a tall player is so fast?!"

"And the movement of dribbling over obstacles is too smooth. The speed of travel has not decreased at all."

After successfully scoring a goal, Bu Dao casually threw the ball towards the basket on the sidelines and walked slowly to the sidelines.After taking a deep look at Jinguji Budao, Coach Tian Gang shouted at the coach: "Next!"

"Shinomiya Field!"

"Give me a signal when you're ready, and after the whistle blows, the timer will start."

Under the urging of the coach, Shinomiya Tianye took a basketball, walked beyond the baseline, and then nodded towards the coach.

"Beep——" After a whistle, Shinomiya Tianye jumped out quickly with the ball. When he encountered the first obstacle, Sinomiya Tianye paused slightly, changed direction with the ball, and then encountered other opponents on the way. The obstacle either changed direction or turned around, and soon came to the basket.

Like Jinguji Budo, Shinomiya Tianno didn't use the layup method. In order to improve his score to the highest level, the efficiency of the slam dunk is obviously higher than that of the layup!


With a loud noise, Shinomiya's test was completed. The coach also stopped the stopwatch. After looking up at Shinomiya, he shouted to the recorder:

When Shinomiya Tianye heard his result, he frowned slightly, and walked to the sidelines in silence.Seeing Shinomiya Tianye's depressed face, Budao also smiled and said:
"Not bad, Tianye, it's very efficient."

"It's just a little slower when changing direction, which is very good!"

Bu Dao said with a smile, seemingly comforting, but actually stimulating Shinomiya Tianye.

But Shinomiya Tianye didn't care about this kind of test at all, glanced at Budao, and sat down on the sidelines.

Not far away, Coach Tian Gang slapped his lips when he heard that Shinomiya Tianye's test results were not as good as martial arts.He turned his head and shouted to the rest of the team members:
"It doesn't matter if you are not satisfied with your results in the first round of tests."

"After everyone's tests are completed, there will be a second round of tests, with two scores, and the best one will be taken!"

"The third one is Hainan, Morishihiro!"

Coach Tian Gang looked down at the list in his hand, and then shouted.

As soon as the words fell, a burly man stood on the baseline holding the ball in one hand.Seeing the appearance of Mori Shigehiro, Bu Dao's eyes also fell on the other party, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

Except for him and Shinomiya Tianye, Hiroshi Mori is the player with the best physical test data in this selection.His [-]-meter sprint speed is very good, but I don't know how the basic skills of dribbling are.

"Come on, Kuan."

"It doesn't matter if the speed is slower, the most important thing is not to make mistakes."

"You can learn the same way as the two seniors before, and score goals with a slam dunk. In this way, the time spent can be shorter."

When Mori Shigekuan walked to the bottom line, Mu Shenyi made a point beside him.Mori Shigehiro is a first-year player, and he hasn't played for a long time, and he is different from players like Budo and Shinomiya Tianno who play backline and small forward positions.

Hiroshi Morishige is a center forward. When he is on the court, he rarely has the chance to play a fast break alone. Usually, Hiroshi Morishige's training content is mainly based on basket skills and shooting skills.

Dribble?How could this kind of thing be practiced by a center forward! ?

"En!" Mori Shigekan nodded towards Mu Shen, then looked at the coach beside him, and said in a deep voice, "I'm ready."

Not long after Hiroshi Mori finished speaking, the coach next to him blew his whistle.

At the moment of the whistle, a black shadow flashed directly in front of the coach, Morishigakaro's huge body quickly rushed into the field, and in the blink of an eye, he had already come to the first obstacle.

However, when Mori Shigekan encountered the first obstacle, his speed dropped sharply, and after a high center of gravity change, he crossed the obstacle, and then ran towards the second obstacle.

Unlike Jinguji Budo and Shinomiya Tano's smoothness when they crossed obstacles, it can be seen that Morishihiro's dribbling skills are very rough, and his speed cannot be raised at all under the obstruction of continuous obstacles.

By the time Hiroshi Mori entered the basket, more than 9 seconds had passed. When Hiroshi Mori scored the ball and took off, raised his hand for a slam dunk, the stopwatch in the referee's hand had just passed ten seconds.


The referee outside the baseline pinched the stopwatch at the same time that Hiroshi Mori had a successful slam dunk, and then reported some Hiroshi Mori's results to the scorer beside him.

Differs greatly
From the data alone, the gap between Hiroshi Mori and the two tested before can be clearly seen.

"Well, although there is a big gap with Jinguji Budo and Tianye."

"But with the kid's system and position on the pitch, it's pretty good."

"The explosive power at the start is very strong, and the acceleration is fast, but the speed is slow when passing obstacles. For a center, it is not a problem."

Coach Tian Gang watched Mori Shigehiro walk off the court, silently appraised in his heart, and then recorded something on the data in his hand.

After that, the players took part in the test one after another.

When these players started testing, people realized how terrifying it was to be able to get stuck in Jinguji Budo at the beginning of 6 seconds, and the time was almost a second behind Jinguji Budo's Shinomiya Dano's score, It is far from what ordinary people can compare.

After testing more than a dozen players in a row, they were all around ten seconds, and there were very few players who successfully ran to eight seconds.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's performance is not bad, 8.24, is also at the upper-middle level among the players, Budou did not expect that Sakuragi, this guy, has already practiced well in disguise, and most people are not as fast as him!
However, as the test progressed, players with slightly lower physical test data began to participate in the assessment.

It is clear that after the 100th place, the overall performance of the players has improved significantly.

This is largely due to the fact that the average height of the players has begun to decline, and most of the players who will participate in the assessment later are back line players.

The fastest defender has already run in eight seconds.

Like Ryota Miyagi, he got a good score of 7.46. If he hadn't been able to slam dunk, and there was some delay in layup, it would not be impossible to reach seven seconds.

Of course, it is impossible for all players to perform stably.

Among the players who passed the first round, many of them did not have much basketball foundation. For those players, their scores were all within a dozen seconds. Several brothers even made mistakes in dribbling. The basketball hit the obstacle and rolled to the sidelines. , After they picked up the ball and made a layup, the stopwatch in the coach's hand had jumped to 30 seconds away.

After everyone completed this assessment, Coach Tian Gang clapped his hands, and after attracting the players' attention, he announced with a smile:
"In this assessment, we will rank according to your position, the previous physical test, and the results of this round of layup assessment. For the bottom 50% of the players in the same position, your follow-up assessment location will not be here. !"

"After I counted the results, you follow this coach and go up the mountain!"

Coach Tian Gang said, pointing to a mountain not far away, and said with a smile.

The stratification of players has already begun from now on.

Players with weak fundamentals have something they need to practice!

Those who stay will have to carry out a cruel elimination plan!

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