Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 448 A genius who won't lose to anyone!

Chapter 448 A genius who won't lose to anyone!

In the whole game, Sakuragi Hanamichi failed to get the ball a few times. Most of the time on the court was to run back and forth with the players, and then he wrestled with Akagi Takenori at the basket and competed for rebounds.

In this game, the absolute focus of their white team is Hiroshi Mori, a first-year center.

And Hanamichi Sakuragi, a young freshman who had shown his worth in the national competition, became a foil for Hiroshi Mori.

Seeing Hiroshi Mori's glowing inside line, he got the attention of the coaching staff.

Sakuragi Hanamichi, a player with strong self-esteem, also had an unknown fire in his chest. He tried his best to restrain his emotions and focus on the game as much as possible, so that this practice match can be played safely until now.

But now, the bastard Mori Shigehiro not only doesn't understand his consciousness of sacrificing for the team as a "star player", but also mocks him? !
This kind of thing, Yingmu Huadao can't bear it no matter what.

"You bastard! What did you say?!"

"How many good opportunities you, a rookie, wasted on the court, didn't you even count it!?"

"A guy who didn't even enter the national competition, how dare he preach to this genius?"

"Look in the mirror, are you qualified!?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi angrily walked in front of Mori Shigehiro, ignoring Xiandao and the others who had started a fast attack at this time, grabbed Mori Shigehiro by the collar, looked at Mori Shigehiro, and said angrily.

And just when the conflict broke out between the two, Akira Xiando, who had crossed the center line, had already received the pass from Yuzhu, and then quickly moved towards the white team's half. Kenji Fujima, who was assigned to guard Xiandao, came to Xiandao's side shortly after Xiandao crossed the center line and made a steal.

On the way, Xiandao had a dexterous bad luck, easily passed Fujima's defense, and accelerated towards the basket.

Jinguji Budao, who was planning to defend against Immortal Dao, had just approached Immortal Dao when he heard Sakuragi Hanadao's roar.The movement of marching was also subconsciously paused, and he couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of Sakuragi Hanamichi and Morishihiro.

And Xiandao also seized the moment of Jinguji Budao's distraction, quickly crossed the free throw line, took off directly with one-handed ball, gliding and dunking the ball into the basket.

The huge force shook the entire basketball hoop violently.

The moment he fell back to the ground, a gust of sea breeze blew in. Xiandao breathed a sigh of relief, smiled happily and glanced at Jinguji Budou beside him, then turned his head and looked at Sakuragi Hanadao and Morishaga who were in conflict The two people said with a smile:

"It seems that the running-in of the new team is not so easy!"

"It's really a headache for the first grade, Martial Arts."

When Xiandao spoke, the conflict had already shown signs of escalation.

Morishuhiro's collar was caught by Sakuragi Hanamichi, and he had no intention of resisting immediately. He thrust his hands into his trouser pockets, raised his head slightly, looked down at Sakuragi Hanamichi in front of him with lowered eyebrows, and said provocatively:
"You've played the Nationals, so what?"

"Is it me who can't hold the ball? Or you?"

"So far in the game, I seem to have scored 12 points, and got 4 rebounds, 0 turnovers."

"What about you?"

"Aren't you the one who needs to look in the mirror?"

Mori Shigehiro looked indifferent, looking at the angry Sakuragi Hanamichi in front of him, Morishigakaro was not afraid at all, even he was caught by the collar of Sakuragi Hanamichi, he was still abnormally calm, looking at Sakuragi Hanamichi's eyes , it's not like looking at a furious peer at all.

It's like looking at a monkey.

Mori Shigehiro didn't take Yingmu Huadao seriously.

"What did you say!"

Yingmu Huadao said word by word, his eyes were full of anger, and he was about to throw his fist to let the opponent see how powerful he was, when something suddenly occurred to him, and his movements abruptly stopped.

At the same time, Akagi Takenori and Uozumi Jun also walked quickly to their sides, one standing beside Sakuragi and the other standing beside Morishike Hiroshi, for fear that the two would fight.

Akagi saw Yingmu Huadao raised his fist and wanted to hit, but before he stepped forward to stop him, Yingmu Huadao stopped the beating action by himself.

"This bastard is right. Even if I use my fist to let him see the power of this genius, this guy will not take it seriously."

"If it's not on the court to prove that this talent is better than him, everything is meaningless."


"That middle-aged man and this bastard belong to the same team. This genius has no chance to prove himself at all."


Thinking of the end, Yingmu Huadao just cursed angrily, and then pushed Morishigan away.


Yingmu Huadao glanced at Mu Shenyi with a gloomy face, then glanced at the players on the court at this time, silently left the basket, stood on the side of the mid-range paint area, and then looked at his own half .


"Sakura, what are you doing?"

Akagi Takenori saw that Sakuragi Flower Road seemed to have managed to control his emotions, and secretly sighed in confusion.However, he did not completely let go of his heart, but silently walked to Yingmu Huadao's side.

On the one hand, he was on guard against Sakuragi and doing something out of the ordinary, and on the other hand, he was able to guard against Sakuragi immediately after the game continued.

In the backcourt of the white team, Takenori Akagi and Jun Uozumi seem to have stopped the conflict, walked to the sidelines, picked up the basketball, and threw the ball to Mu Shenichi.

After Mu Shenyi got the basketball, he glanced at Sakuragi Hanamichi and Mori Shigekan, hesitated for a moment, and asked Budao:

"Do you want to stagger the two players, Sakuragi and Hiroshi?"

"Either let Mike Okita come up and play power forward for a while? Let Sakuragi play center."

"I think Ah Kuan is obviously tired. Taking this opportunity, let him rest for a while?"

"If they are all placed on the court, conflicts may still occur."

Although Mu Shenyi had already devoted himself to the defense and investigation just now, he more or less heard part of the conversation between Sakuragi Hanamichi and Morishi Hiroshi.

Relying on the small part he heard, Mu Shenyi can roughly restore the truth of the matter.Judging that the two players quarreled, it was mostly because Hanamichi Sakuragi felt that the distribution of the ball was uneven.

Mu Shenben thought that Jinguji Budao, the super ace, had no objections, and that there would be no problem with his distribution of the ball.Unexpectedly, Yingmu Huadao, who has always played a blue-collar role in Xiangbei, is also a person with strong self-esteem and eager for ball rights.

Mu Shenyi took care of Budao's emotions, but he didn't take care of Yingmu Huadao's emotions.

In the final analysis, the conflict between Sakuragi and Mori Shigehiro was caused by the mishandling of Mu Shenichi, a defender.

Seeing that conflicts broke out among the team, Mu Shenyi wanted to make up for it. At this time, of course, it was impossible to propose that Yingmu Huadao should rest.

This is equivalent to quarreling between your own children and other children. As a parent, most of the time, you will favor other children a little.

The same is true now, Mu Shenyi tried to get Mori Shigekan to rest and ease the conflict within the team.

Faced with Mu Shenyi's question, Jinguji Budao shook his head disapprovingly, and said without much concern: "Let's continue like this."

"On the road of player growth, you will meet all kinds of players."

"People will always get along with people they don't like, and basketball is the same."

"Always play with teammates that don't match up."

"If it is so easy to be provoked, it will be difficult to go on the road ahead."

"It doesn't matter whether it's for Sakuragi or for Hiroshi Morishi, it's the same."

"Amu, there is no need to change your style of play in the first half."

"Players want to be respected by others, and it's no use relying on incompetence and rage."

"There is only one way to gain respect from others!"

"Talk with the ball!"

While speaking, Jinguji Budao was already trotting towards the front field. Mu Shen took a look at Budao's back and couldn't help but sighed with a smile: "He's really a strict captain!"

As he spoke, Mu Shenyi slowly dribbled the ball towards the frontcourt.

Although Budo said so, Mu Shenyi couldn't do what Budo said. Jinguji Budo is the captain of Xiangbei and a senior of Yingmu Huadao's team. It doesn't matter.

After all, Jinguji Budo has great prestige in Sakuragi's mind.

But as a person from another school, Mu Shenyi couldn't help but care about the emotions of the players.

After approaching the three-point line, Mushenichi Sakuragi began to break through on his own. After opening some distance with Kaede Rukawa, Mushenichi chose to pass the ball to Hanamichi Sakuragi who was in the middle distance.


When the basketball started, Sakuragi's face showed a little surprise, and then he immediately became excited.


After a low growl, Sakuragi Hanamichi quickly swept the ball frame. Akagi Takenori saw that Sakuragi Hanamichi was taking the ball, but there was no one there and he meant to release water, so he immediately posted it up, covering Sakuragi's head with his hands.

After a simple feint, Sakuragi Hanamichi dropped the ball on the right side, and then directly tapped to start. After a quick translation, Sakuragi Hanamichi made an emergency stop jumper at the middle distance.

Although Akagi Takenori's defense followed up in time, but his lateral movement speed was not as fast as Sakuragi's, and his raised hand could not stop Sakuragi's shot, watching the basketball pass over his head, towards Fly to the basket.


With a soft sound, Sakuragi Hanamichi waved his arms, let out a low growl in excitement, then glared at Morishikihiro on the inside line, quickly turned around and ran towards his backcourt.

Shinomiya Tianye, Xiandao and others also looked at Sakuragi for a while, and said with a smile: "The first grade in Xiangbei is getting more and more mature."

"The pull-up jump shot is very stable."

When Xiandao praised Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede had just received a pass from his teammates in the backcourt, and began to drive the ball towards the frontcourt. When he came behind Xiandao and Shinomiya Tianye, he heard Xiandao's words.

A little bit of disdain curled his lips and let out a light snort: "Tch"

Xiandao and Shinomiya Tianye looked at each other, smiled, then quickened their pace and ran to the front field.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's activity seems to have stimulated Rukawa Kaede a little. He had been playing balls for Uozumi and Akagi Takenori on the inside. At this moment, he didn't pass the ball to his teammates anymore and started his own offensive performance.

Under Mu Shenyi's defense, Rukawa Kaede changed direction continuously at a fast pace. Without being able to deceive Mu Shenyi, Rukawa Feng clung to the three-point line and shot the ball.

Rukawa Kaede's jump shot is very stable, but Mu Shenyi is not a vegetarian. He is about the same height as Rukawa Kaede. Rukawa Feng couldn't get rid of him completely, so he can follow up and defend in time with this kind of dry pull.

Although he failed to block the ball, he could easily interfere with Rukawa Kaede's shooting.


The basketball hit the edge of the frame and bounced straight out. Sakuragi Hanamichi was stuck behind by Akagi Takenori, and Rukawa Kaede's ball made the ball bounce farther away, but Sakuragi who was farther away from the basket Mu Huadao took advantage and grabbed the ball in his hand.

"it is good!"

When the basketball started, Sakuragi let out a roar of excitement, and then did not pass the ball to Mu Shenyi, and quickly charged towards the frontcourt with the ball.

Seeing this, Rukawa Feng didn't care about Mu Shenyi, who was already running towards his backcourt, but stuck towards Yingmu Huadao when Sakuragi crossed the three-point line.

"Bastard, go away, stinky fox!"

Sakuragi Hanamichi dribbled towards the frontcourt, just crossed the three-point line in his own half, and before he approached the center line, Rukawa Kaede posted it.

Couldn't help cursing in a low voice, Yingmu Huadao also slowed down under Rukawa Feng's interception.

Sakuragi Hanamichi's ability to dribble is more or less a little bit, but his dribbling attack is only limited to the half-court area, and Sakuragi's breakthrough ability is only available near the basket. The ball crosses half court.

Sakuragi is really not very good at it.

A half-court breakthrough and a full-court dribble require completely different abilities!
Soon, under Rukawa Kaede's pressure, Sakuragi Hanamichi was forced to stop the ball. At this time, Sakuragi hadn't even passed the halftime yet.

Fortunately, seeing Sakuragi's embarrassment in Jinguji Budao, he immediately returned to help, giving Yingmu Huadao a passer.

After getting the basketball, Budou Jinguji quickly approached the three-point line with the ball. After a drag step, he quickly changed direction and rushed forward.

Perhaps because he hadn't touched the ball for a long time, Bu Dao's shot was also inaccurate, and the basketball collapsed out of the basket.

Under the basket, under the double-teaming of Takenori Akagi and Jun Uozumi, Hiroshi Morishi still had no possibility of grabbing a rebound. As the basketball popped out, Takenori Akagi jumped lightly like holding the ball in the hands.

However, at this moment, the figure of Sakuragi Hanamichi rose rapidly from behind Takenori Akagi, grabbed the basketball before Takenori Akagi got it, and directly tapped on the basketball.

"Huh?!" After a light hey, Takenori Akagi fell back to the ground, looked at the basketball still in the air, and jumped up immediately, wanting to hold the ball in his hands.

Without waiting for him to take off, Yingmu Huadao had already taken off for the second time, directly holding the ball in his hand.

Akagi sensed Hanamichi Sakuragi behind him, turned around quickly, and just happened to see Hanamichi Sakuragi raised the ball with both hands and was about to shoot when it fell back to the ground.

However, at the moment when Akagi made a move, Sakuragi was actually short, dropped the ball and broke through, passed Akagi Takenori and rushed directly to the basket, and then there was a powerful dunk with both hands.

Excellent athletic ability, powerful jumping, beautiful fake moves.

With just one ball, Yingmu Huadao showed his talent to the fullest!

"This genius will never lose to anyone!"

"Bastard, wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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