What do you think will happen when a leader dislikes you?
After the competition between Kanagawa Prefecture and Aichi Prefecture, Jinguji Budo got a taste of this.After the Kanagawa Prefecture players returned to the hotel that day, coaches Anzai and Tagoka were called away.

The players didn't know what was the reason for Coach Anzai's departure. When Coach Anzai and Coach Taoka came back, they immediately held a "combat meeting."

"Martial arts, you may not have to continue playing in the next games."

In the reception room of the hotel, coaches and players from Kanagawa Prefecture were sitting cross-legged on the tatami. Coach Taoka said this to Jinguji Budo under the gaze of the players.

As soon as he finished speaking, the players' eyes were all focused on Jinguji Martial Arts. No one expected that the combat meeting held by the two coaches would actually be about this thing.

Can’t play Jinguji Martial Arts?I have never heard of such a thing!

"Coach, what does this mean?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi looked at Coach Tianoka with some confusion and asked in confusion.This is the first time for the players to encounter such a situation. They have already entered the selection team of Qiuzhi National Sports. How can such a situation still happen?
"Sakuragi, there's no need to ask any more questions. This matter was not decided by Coach Anzai and I."

"Wudao, what you said in front of the media before was a bit excessive."

"Not letting you play in the game, to a certain extent, is actually protecting you!"

Coach Taoka looked at Jinguji Martial Arts and said seriously.Faced with Coach Tagoka's explanation, before Sakuragi Hanamichi could ask, Shinomiya Tanano asked first:
"Coach, what do you mean by this is that someone above is preventing Jinguji Martial Arts from continuing to participate in the competition?"

"I haven't committed anything, so why can't I suddenly participate in the competition?"

Shinomiya Tano frowned and looked at Coach Taoka.Facing the inquiry from his beloved disciple, Coach Tianoka just shook his head, then took out a document bag from his arms and placed it on the table.

"Martial arts, take a look."

At Coach Tagoka's signal, Jinguji Budo picked up the document bag on the table, opened it and poured out a document.

This document was issued by the "Youth Athletes Management Department". Budo glanced at it briefly, and the general idea was that Jinguji Budo had a vicious incident of beating someone on the field when he was in junior high school, and he made inappropriate remarks in front of the media. According to the remarks, the player's moral character was questionable and he was directly suspended for three games. At the same time, he was not allowed to continue martial arts and continue to represent Kanagawa Prefecture in the Aki no Kuni Sports competition.

To put it simply, Jinguji Martial Arts has been banned.

Looking at this document, Jinguji Budo couldn't help but feel a little speechless. It had been unknown how long it had been since the fight in his junior high school, and he had been fully punished by the suspension. He was now a sophomore in high school. , and actually brought up what happened back then to make trouble. Isn't it too obvious that these little shoes are worn? !

Budo threw the documents in his hands on the table, spread his hands helplessly, then turned his eyes to Coach Anxi and asked:

"Coach Anxi, what's my situation now?"

"The three-game suspension means that I won't be able to participate in the games after the Autumn National Sports, right?"

"Will it affect this year's Winter Selection and subsequent IH?"

For some people's behavior of wearing small shoes, Jinguji Martial Arts has no other good way to fight against "power" except to express disdain.

Although he is a domineering figure in the high school basketball arena, in the final analysis, a player of his level is just a high school player.

Although he has a certain influence in Kanagawa Prefecture, that influence is of no use at all.

Faced with the penalty of suspension, Jinguji Martial Arts had no better way to fight it other than accepting it.

As Jinguji Budo asked this question, the eyes of the other players were focused on Coach Anzai. At this time, both the players from Xiangbei and the players from Lingnan, Hainan and other schools were eager to know this question. Answer.

If it were just the Aki no Kokutai, it would be nothing to Jinguji Martial Arts. After all, the final honor will eventually belong to the Kanagawa Prefecture representative team. With the strength of their team, even without Jinguji Martial Arts, Kanagawa Prefecture Still able to win the national championship.

But the winter trials are different from next year's IH. Jinguji Budo is now a sophomore in high school, and next summer will be his last summer in high school career.

High school students in this country attach great importance to IH. It can be said that some children's dream when they were young was to win the IH championship.

This kind of honor belongs to both the team and the individual players. It is a game that everyone attaches great importance to.

If this suspension affects Jinguji Martial Arts' IH competition next year, then this suspension will ruin the entire senior year of Jinguji Martial Arts.

At least this is the concept of Kamizou Ichiro and others.

"This suspension is a ban from a national competition."

"After we defeated Aichi Prefecture, we became the top eight, and then our opponent was Miyagi Prefecture in the same group."

"If everything goes well, the 8-to-4 game, the 4-to-2 game, and the finals, these three games will be the ones you are banned from."

"Generally speaking, I just ban you from competing in the Autumn Kingdom."

"The subsequent winter games and next year's IH will not be affected at present."

"Of course, provided you don't continue to make so-called 'inappropriate remarks'."

Faced with Jinguji Martial Arts’ inquiry, Coach Anxi replied expressionlessly. After speaking, Coach Anxi raised his head slightly and looked at Jinguji Martial Arts. He pushed up his glasses and looked at Jinguji Martial Arts quietly. A martial expression.

"is it?"

"Aren't you going to continue making inappropriate remarks?"

"Then you really think highly of me. Do you think my 'inappropriate remarks' can affect some people?"

"Haha, doesn't this mean that I can be considered a celebrity even though I'm not big or small?"

Faced with the explanation given by Coach Anzai, Jinguji Budo did not show any anger. Instead, he laughed and laughed at himself. It seemed that his emotions were not affected at all.

Coach Anzai observed Jinguji Budo's expression carefully, and was a little surprised to see that Jinguji Budo accepted the answer he gave so easily.

"Coach Anxi, then for the next game, I will..." Before Jinguji Budo could finish speaking, Coach Anxi shook his head and interrupted:

"In the next games, you will still be with the team."

"You don't need to play on the court, just off the court and share the honor of your teammates."

Coach Anzai felt that the strength of Jinguji Martial Arts should be faked. How could a young man of this age accept such unfair treatment so easily?
Keeping Jinguji Budo in the team is also to take care of Jinguji Budo's mood, and he doesn't want Jinguji Budo to feel that he was kicked out of the team.

At least, sitting under the court, this feeling is not very strong.

However, in the face of Coach Anzai's kindness, Jinguji Budo had no intention of accepting it: "Forget it, Coach Anzai, since he has been suspended, there is no point in staying on the team."

"I will witness it from the stands during the next game."

With that said, Jinguji Budo stood up and left the public living room of the hotel.

"Hey! Martial Arts!"

Coach Tian Gang shouted from behind Jinguji Martial Arts, but at this time Martial Arts could no longer hear these words.The temporary hotel where we stayed was located near the arena where the match was held. It was just after dinner. If we left now, we could still catch the last train. "Brother Martial Arts!"

When Sakuragi Hanamichi saw Jinguji Martial Arts stand up and leave, he was a little worried about Jinguji Martial Arts, but Coach Anzai pulled Sakuragi, shook his head towards Sakuragi Hanamichi, and said:
"Give him some time alone. Now, let's not disturb him."

"Due to Wu Dao being forced to miss the competition, there will inevitably be some changes in our subsequent competition arrangements."

"Tomorrow's game is Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede, and Miyagi. The three of you can calm down for the time being."

"Shinomiya Tanoh, Sendō, Morishigehiro, Amu, and Naito Tetsuya, you guys, as the starting players, come on to the game."

"Mike, Ichiro Kamisou, be prepared to serve as substitutes."

In the living room, Coach Anzai was making personnel adjustments. After arranging the players to play, Coach Anzai began to play the Miyagi Prefecture game video to the players and started preparations before the game.

While Coach Anzai was giving the players a meeting, Jinguji Budo had already returned to his room, packed his things, and left the hotel with his backpack on his back.

There is a saying that Jinguji Budo lied, and he will not waste time watching the next game.He is full of confidence in the strength of Kanagawa County. Under the leadership of Shinomiya Tanoh and others, Kanagawa County's combat effectiveness is the strongest. This year's opponents, no one can cross the high mountain of Kanagawa County.

There is no need for martial arts to witness a must-win match.

This would only be a waste of his time.

The evening wind tonight is very noisy.

Jinguji Budo was walking on the bustling street with his bag on his shoulder. Pedestrians were coming and going, but Budo suddenly felt a little out of place among the neon lights.

No matter where you are, it is full of people of all kinds.

Jinguji Budo walked towards the sparsely populated seaside, leaving the bustling streets and bright neon lights behind.


The sea breeze was blowing and the temperature was a bit low. Jinguji Budo wore the jacket of the county representative team and walked to a station on the seaside and sat on a stool.

With the dim light shining on him, listening to the sound of the waves, and feeling the blowing sea breeze, Jinguji Budo's heart gradually calmed down.

Did the suspension really have no impact on his mood at all?This is of course impossible. Martial Arts is also a normal human being. He is unable to resist such unfair treatment. How could his mood not be affected?

However, Jinguji Budo's ability to control emotions is good after all, and such difficulties will not make him lose his temper too much.

He has seen many similar things, but this time it happened to him.

"bad people."

"I'm going to slap you people in the face one day!"

With a whisper, Jinguji Budo slowly stood up. At this time, the tram happened to be arriving at the station, and the vibration of the train covered up the murmur of Jinguji Budo.

After a while, the tram drove away, and the figure of Jinguji Martial Arts was no longer on the platform.

The last bus was empty, and there were no other passengers except the driver and Jinguji Budo.The lights in the car were dim, and Wu Dao sat by the window, quietly looking at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, silent for a long time.

The Autumn National Sports schedule will not stop because of missing anyone.

The next day.

When the match between Kanagawa Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture was about to begin, all the spectators looked eagerly towards the Kanagawa Prefecture players' tunnel, waiting for the Kanagawa Prefecture players to enter.

In yesterday's match, the performance of Jinguji Martial Arts was too strong, which made some of the "anti-fans" of Jinguji Martial Arts want to see how Martial Arts performed in today's match.

Miyagi Prefecture and Aichi Prefecture are both strong basketball prefectures, and they are somewhat different from Aichi Prefecture. Among the participating players from Miyagi Prefecture this year, several are players from youth training clubs.

The audience wanted to see how Jinguji Martial Arts could perform against those youth training players.

Soon, the player channel opened.

Players from both teams began to enter the field.

As the audience cheered and poured into the stadium, Kanagawa Prefecture players also walked out of the player tunnel one after another.

However, as the players from Kanagawa Prefecture entered the field, the cheers in the stands slowly dropped.

"Not there? Not in the team?"

"Jinguji Budo is not in the team. They only have 11 people on the team today?"

"Where are the people? Where are the martial arts masters from Jinguji Temple?"

Not seeing Jinguji Martial Arts, the audience shouted with dissatisfaction. Many people came to watch the game just to watch Jinguji Martial Arts play. Now that no one is here, how can this part of the audience accept it?
As noisy questions came from the stands, the cameras on the side of the court also turned to focus on the players of the Kanagawa Prefecture team.

Some reporters who are nosy have even sneaked to the side of the rest area in Kanagawa Prefecture, preparing to inquire for information.

Some of the bold ones went directly to Coach Anxi, intending to stop him and ask him to explain to them.

There was no need for reporters to bother. After hearing the shouts from the audience, Sakuragi Hanamichi walked directly to the front of the stands and shouted to the audience in the front row:

"Stop shouting!"

"Brother Martial Arts is suspended!"

"Because of inappropriate remarks!"

Sakuragi's shout was so loud that the audience in the front row could still hear it clearly even in such a noisy environment. Even the reporters who ran over to block Coach Anzai heard this and started shouting. I was surprised, and then I smelled the big news.

"Suspended? Banned!"

"Jinguji Budo has banned you from the competition for making inappropriate remarks!"

Amid the exclamations of the audience in the front row, the news spread quickly, and before long, almost all the audience heard the news.

Some people gloated, some felt sorry, and many fans who watched Jinguji Martial Arts’ journey began to curse angrily:

"RNM, refund the money!"

The already noisy venue was filled with people.

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