Chapter 91 Water~ (Two in One)

Mitsui's accidental injury did not affect the training plan of the Xiangbei High School basketball team for the new semester. Of course, this so-called training plan was just a training plan that Anzai Koyoshi made at will in his spare time.

As a big team in the county, Xiangbei High School's training intensity is quite low. Most of the players participating in the training just play basketball as an after-school pastime.As for what it means to achieve results and dominate the country, these things are unrealistic for ordinary players.

Although Mitsui's foot injury is not serious, but after the plaster cast, Mitsui will not be able to participate in team training with the team. Usually, when the team is training, Mitsui sits on the side of the court, slapping the basketball in his hands bored , watching the players train.

It is worth mentioning that Akagi Takenori's physical condition seems to have made coach Anzai Koyoshi a little interested in coaching. In the previous training at Shohoku High School, Anzai Koyoshi watched more from the side of the court. Most of the time Nor will it guide the players what to do.

However, since Akagi Takenori joined the team, Anzai Koyoshi has more or less paid attention to Akagi Takenori. After the group training is over, Anzai Koyoshi will call Akagi Takenori to his front, speaking softly Talk to Akagi Takenori about Akagi's problems during training.

Although Anzai Koyoshi obviously has a preference for Akagi, but that's all. He won't take free time to stay alone to guide Akagi.

As for Mitsui Kouyoshi, Anzai Koyoshi only gave a few simple words of comfort after learning about Mitsui Kotoshi's injury. Afterwards, during training, Anzai Koyoshi just asked Mitsui Kotoshi to sit beside him and watch the players train together.There are actually not many exchanges between coaches and players, and Coach Anzai did not give Mitsui Shou special care.

However, because of the injury, Mitsui Shou's mind became somewhat more sensitive. During training, Mitsui Shou often saw Akagi Takenori receiving coach Anzai's guidance, but he himself could only sit on the sidelines.Mitsui Totoshi, who was full of longing for Anzai Koyoshi, at this moment, felt somewhat jealous towards Akagi in his heart.

This also made Mitsui Shou even more eager and eager to play the game.

Mitsui Shou eagerly hopes to show his strength in front of Coach Anzai, and desperately hopes that he can be favored by Coach Anzai.

In such a mood, after Mitsui Shou endured for four weeks, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After four weeks of recuperation, Mitsui Shou can no longer feel the pain in his knees, and all the plaster casts on his legs have been removed, and Mitsui Shou is able to walk normally.

However, during the re-examination, the doctor saw that Mitsui Shou's injury had not fully recovered from the film, and suggested that Mitsui Shou continue to practice for a few more weeks, so that the injury is completely healed before training.But at this time, Mitsui Shou, how could he be patient.

Therefore, during training on Friday, Mitsui Shou appeared on the court and trained with his teammates.

On the day Mitsui Shou was injured and went to the hospital, Coach Anzai did not accompany him. Coach Anzai only learned about Mitsui Shou's injury from Chiba Oishi.The news he knew was that Mitsui Hisashi's injury was not very serious, and he only needed to recuperate for a while. As for how long he would need to recuperate, Anzai Koyoshi didn't know.

Therefore, when Mitsui Shou came to Anzai Koyoshi and said that he had recovered and wanted to participate in training, Anzai Koyoshi didn't think about it, and put Mitsui Shou into the training team with a smile.

The weekly training of Xiangbei High School is regular and can be simply divided into three stages.Monday's training is generally physical training. Tuesday to Thursday is basic training such as layups, passing and catching, running positions, etc. As for Friday, it is five-on-five confrontation practice within the team. As for weekends, there are no training tasks.

The basketball team in Xiangbei has a daily practice, that is, it needs training after school, and there is no training task at other times.In terms of training intensity alone, the training intensity of Xiangbei High School is not even as good as Wushi Middle School, which practices three times a day. Among all the basketball teams in Kanagawa County, Xiangbei's training volume is also the lowest.

Mitsui Shou actually had this kind of thought in his heart. He felt that the training volume of Xiangbei High School was not very low, and his knee no longer felt pain. Therefore, he felt that participating in a low-intensity team practice match like Xiangbei would be a good idea. nothing.

However, fate is also a thing of inertia. Even if Mitsui Shou's junior high school career has undergone tremendous changes due to the existence of martial arts, he still cannot avoid the arrangement of fate.

Due to the second contusion of the knee joint, Mitsui Shoumoto, who participated in the training game, had a slight deviation in his landing posture after a shot. It was this deviation that directly caused Mitsui Shoutou to lose his center of gravity and twist his foot. Once again, the unhealed knee made close contact with the floor.

But this time, Mitsui Shou was not so lucky.

Mitsui Shou was sent to the hospital again, this time his injury needed 3-6 months to recuperate.Such a long recuperation time also meant that Mitsui Shou completely missed the summer prefectural trials.

By the time Jinguji Budao knew the news of Mitsui Shou's injury, it was already several months later.

July [-]st.

The basketball hall of the Kanagawa County Stadium was full of people, and the surrounding grandstands were full of spectators who came to watch the game.Today was a rest day, and it happened to be the start of the county competition, so the basketball hall, which was usually deserted in the past, became extremely lively on this day.

Jinguji Budao arrived at the arena early, took a seat in the front row, casually put his backpack by his feet, then took out a teacup full of goji berries from the bag, a big bag of hand Shredded beef.Adjusted a comfortable sitting posture, half lying on the chair, watching the players of the two teams gathering in the stadium.

Budao, who was free, came to watch the Xiangbei game today. In order to cheer for Xiaosan, Jinguji Budao didn't even go to Rukawa Kaede's game.In Budo's mind, Mitsui's status is always slightly higher than Rukawa Feng's.

"Hey, why isn't Xiaosan in Xiangbei's team?"

"Did you take a shit?"

Jinguji Budao casually opened the package of the shredded beef, took a piece of jerky and chewed it in his mouth, and at the same time scanned the court back and forth. It was strange that Budao didn't find Mitsui Shou in the Xiangbei High School team. .

Xiangbei High School's opponent today is Awata High School, which is not very famous, but in the high school competitions over the years, it has often entered the top 16 teams. A big mountain in front of Xiangbei.

Budo didn't pay attention to the players of Awata High School at all. He had been looking for Mitsui Shou in the Xiangbei team, but it was a pity that Budo didn't find Mitsui Shou in the Xiangbei team.

After the warm-up period, the starting players of the two teams stood on the middle circle, ready to jump the ball, but Budo still did not see Mitsui Shou.

"It's already about to jump the ball, but there is still no sign of Xiaosan, what is this guy doing?"

"Did it fall into the toilet and can't come back up?"

Bu Dao scratched his head, feeling strange in his heart, but he didn't take it to heart either, watching the game while eating and drinking tea.

Among the starting team members of Shonhoku High School, Budo only knew two people, one was Chiba Oishi who went out of Takeishi Middle School, and the other was Akagi Takenori.The other three Xiangbei starters in martial arts did not know each other.Akagi Takenori wears the red No. 11 jersey, while Chiba Oishi wears the red No. [-] jersey.

Both of them are tall and tall, and they can be seen at a glance when standing in the crowd.Takenori Akagi, standing in the middle of the middle circle, is jumping the ball from the Xiangbei side. He is a head taller than the opponent's center forward.

"Did Xiaosan not play? Was it delayed by something, or did Coach Anxi not arrange for Mitsui Shou to play?"

"With these players, can Xiangbei win Awata?"

Budao looked at the starting players in Xiangbei, gave up searching for Mitsui Shou, and began to watch the game.He is also quite curious about the combat effectiveness of Xiangbei High School at this stage.

Among the players standing on the court in Xiangbei, several of them are teammates who played together after Budo entered high school, such as Chiba Oishi and Akagi Takenori, who are all freshmen in the first grade. After Budo enters high school, this The two of them are only sophomores in high school.

Soon, the referee blew his whistle and the game officially started.

The center forwards of the two teams jumped the ball, and Akagi Takenori, who had an absolute height advantage, easily grabbed the basketball before the opponent. After the No. 7 of Shonhoku got the basketball, he directed the players to attack, and he took the ball and moved towards the frontcourt. Advance quickly.

Awata adopted a man-to-man tactic. After Akagi and Chiba Oishi entered the inside line, Awata's two defenders also quickly entered the inside line. For a while, the entire inside line became quite crowded.

Although the center forward Awata defending Takenori Akagi is much taller than Akagi, the opponent has more basketball experience than Akagi. Although the height is inferior, the opponent cleverly adopts the way of defending around the front. Wrestling on the blue line, but using his own pace, constantly changing positions, stuck with Akagi, and did not give Akagi a chance to catch the ball.

On the other hand, Akagi, facing the opponent's defense, will only use force to try to push the opponent away and create space for himself to receive the ball.

"The gorilla was really not good at playing basketball in his freshman year of high school! Although he started playing basketball in elementary school, it can be seen that he has not received formal and strict basketball training, and his foundation is very poor."

When Mitsui Shou didn't play, Budo focused his attention on Chiba Oishi and Akagi Takenori. Seeing Akagi's clumsiness when he was stuck, Budo couldn't help shaking his head, feeling a little hot.

Xiangbei's No. [-] didn't find a chance to pass the ball to the inside line, so he sank his focus and started playing singles by himself.I don't know if it's because of the tense relationship or the poor foundation. Xiangbei No. [-] dribbled the ball on his instep when he dribbled and broke through, and the basketball rolled out of bounds.


"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

Wu Dao looked at the scene that happened on the field at this time, after a brief moment of surprise, he couldn't help covering his mouth with his hands, and let out a goose cry with laughter.

In the transition between offense and defense, Awata High School's offense was much smoother than that of Shonhoku. After several rounds of conduction, Awata High School's small forward made a mid-range shot and successfully scored the first two points for Awata after the opening.

And his two points officially kicked off the game.

Shonhoku High School is very weak, even with Akagi Takenori and Chiba Oishi on the court at this time, Shonhoku High School is still very weak.This weakness is especially evident on the back line.

Xiangbei High School's offense was not smooth. The No. [-] of Xiangbei High School was a bit unsteady when the ball was defended by Awata High School, and he stumbled forward.The poor back line also caused the entire team's offensive connection to be not smooth, and the scoring efficiency was very low.

On the defensive end, Shohoku High School's ability to protect the frame is not bad, and it often gets a lot of rebounds. Although Akagi and Chiba Oishi are not against each other, they are both very focused when defending. Therefore, although Shohoku's scoring efficiency is low, However, Awata did not pull away too many points.

At 11 minutes into the first half, Xiangbei fell behind by seven points at 14:21.Awata's coach saw that the score could not be opened for a long time, so he called a timeout and rearranged the tactics.

After coming back from the timeout, Awata High School's style of play has undergone some small changes, the most important thing is in terms of defense. Awata High School has shrunk the inner line of defense. The players defending Akagi and Chiba Oishi suddenly changed from two players to one. four.

For the long-distance defense, Awata High School directly withdrew it, and let Xiangbei shoot the three-pointer casually, without even defending it.

It is such a wonderful defensive formation, but it is surprisingly easy to use against Shonhoku. Only 2 minutes after returning from the timeout, Awata High School directly played Shonhoku with a 7:0 spurt, directly expanding the difference between the two teams to 14 points.

Coach Anxi, who was sitting off the court, couldn't sit still anymore, called a timeout, and began to arrange tactics for the Xiangbei players.Bu Dao didn't know what tactics Coach Anxi had arranged for Xiangbei. He only knew that after returning from the timeout, Xiangbei High School's offense was still unable to open, and the point difference continued to widen.

Before the first half was over, the point difference between the two teams exceeded [-] points.

At this point in the "emmmm" game, Budou no longer has the idea of ​​continuing to watch the game. Shonhoku's back line is too stretched, and those backs are so bad that they can't even pass the ball to Akagi's hands.

Seeing the point difference between the two teams, Wu Dao no longer has the interest to continue watching the game.

"Xiao San didn't play, did something happen?"

"Could it be that"

Bu Dao packed his things and was about to leave the arena, but when he thought that he didn't see Mitsui Shou in this match, an ominous premonition rose in his heart for no reason.

His eyes subconsciously swept to the surrounding stands, looking for the figure of Mitsui Shou.

"Hope it's not what I think it is."

The more you are afraid of something, the more you will come. When Wu Dao glanced over the north stand, on the top of the stand, Wu Dao saw a familiar figure. That person was leaning on crutches. Although Wu Dao was far away, he couldn't see the other person's expression. , but from the low air pressure emanating from the opponent, Bu Dao could feel the loneliness of the opponent at this time.

"Little San. Injured?!"

Budo found Mitsui Shou, but not on the court, but in the stands.Looking at Mitsui Shou, who was leaning on a strange length, Bu Dao quickly packed his things, picked up his bag and walked towards Mitsui Shou.

In the stands, Mitsui Shou stood in front of the railing and watched the Xiangbei game in the stadium. His handsome face was full of loneliness. After watching for a long time, Mitsui Shou silently lowered his head, turned around with his cane, and was about to leave through the passage.

"Are you ashamed to run away?"

"Little San!"

"Seeing the struggle of my teammates, I felt my own incompetence, so are you going to run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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