Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 97 New students join the club!

Chapter 97 New students join the club!

After Mitsui Shou gave Budao and others the jerseys, he took the three freshmen to the locker room in Xiangbei.

It is said to be a locker room, but it is actually just an empty room in the corridor connecting the basketball hall and the teaching building. The space is not very big, only seven or eight square meters. It's two rows of tin wardrobes.

In addition to a small door lock on the outside of the wardrobe, there are nameplates with the names of the players written on them.

"Budao, this wardrobe will be yours from now on."

Mitsui Shou led Budao and others into the dressing room, then waved at Budao, pointed to a closet by the window and said.There is a small lock with a key hanging on the wardrobe. There are three keys. The lock is also very new. You can tell that it has just been bought.On the small label on the closet door, the name of Jinguji Budao is impressively written.

Although Budo is a freshman this year, Mitsui Shou has already done all the preparations for Budo to join the club.

"Not only the jersey, but also the wardrobe is ready for me?"

"What's the situation with this lock? It's from the previous senior?"

Wu Dao didn't observe carefully, and didn't notice how new or old the lock was.

"The previous senior left the team a long time ago. The lock is newly bought. You take the key yourself."

"All the empty wardrobes have been cleaned and can be used directly."

"Hey!" Mitsui Shou walked to the closet, opened the closet casually, then threw the key to Budao, then pointed to the closet, and gestured towards Budao.

"As for you two freshmen, those wardrobe guys who don't have famous brands can choose at will. As for the lock, you can just buy one yourself at that time."

"Let's change into training clothes here, you guys will join the morning exercise together."

Mitsui Shou said to Miyagi Ryota and Kakuda Satoru. Hearing Mitsui Hisashi's words, Miyagi and Kakuda looked at each other silently, and they both saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

They are also freshmen, the difference in treatment between the two of them and Wu Dao is really too big.Wu Dao is obviously also a freshman, coming to school on the first day, but he already has an official jersey with a number.Although it is a No. 15 jersey, it means that Wu Dao had already put his name on the Xiangbei basketball team before he came to the school.

Now there is even an exclusive wardrobe, and the chain and brand name have been matched. On the other hand, the two of them only have training clothes for their jerseys, and the wardrobe is still fresh. Even a fool can see that Mitsui Shou treats martial arts as well as the two of them. , are treated differently.

"Uh, Senior Mitsui."

"Is it convenient to ask? Did you know Jinguji before?"

Miyagi Ryota was not angry because of Mitsui Hisashi's different treatment, but the curiosity in his heart was completely aroused.


"Oh! He, we knew each other before. Budo is my junior at Wushi Middle School. He used to be on the Wushi basketball team, but he didn't play games for two years because of some things."

"You don't need to mind, he has already told me that he is coming to Xiangbei High School, and you have seen his strength, there is no such thing as going through the back door."

Hearing Miyagi's question, Mitsui Shou thought that Miyagi was thinking too much, so he explained one more sentence.

"It's not that I mind, I'm just curious." Miyagi Ryota looked at Budao, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He thought of the situation when he saw Budao just before, when Mitsui Hisashi's junior came to the arena. Saying "I'm not very good at fighting, add a group", this act of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger really made those seniors in northern Hunan suffer a lot.

"Miyagi, don't call me Jinguji-san from now on, that's too outlandish."

"Everyone will be teammates in the future, you can just call me Martial Arts."

"Kakuda, I'll call you that. You can also call me Budo in the future. Be kinder."

Budo said to Miyagi and Kakuda while taking off his clothes and changing into his training uniform.

"Okay, then you can call me Liangtian from now on."

Miyagi's curiosity was satisfied, and when he heard Budou's words, he nodded in response.Although he and Budo met for the first time today, after playing a game together, Miyagi really felt that the relationship between himself, Budo and Kakuda had become much closer, so he did not reject such a title.

Jinguji Budou quickly changed his clothes. The yellow training clothes fit him well. After all, they were vests and shorts. Won't look small.

After they changed into their training uniforms, they returned to the arena together. When the four of them returned to the arena, Takenori Akagi was leading the Shonhoku players to do warm-up activities. Get ready to go in the active queue.

"Xiangbei High School!"

"I didn't expect that one day I would really come to this school and join the school's basketball team."

"Although Yingmu Huadao and Rukawa Kaede haven't come to Xiangbei yet, there are already familiar partners in this team!"

Wu Dao absently followed the team to prepare for activities, his eyes looked left and right, although it was not the first time he came to this arena, but at that time he was just a guest who sneaked in, and from now on, he is this The owner of the arena.

The Xiangbei morning exercise program is physical training, and the main subjects are sprints and full-court turn-back layups.It's not a high-level training subject, it focuses on the foundation of the players.

This kind of training arrangement is actually related to the coaching characteristics of coach Anxi. This former national player pays the most attention to the foundation of the players.

The boring training did not dampen the enthusiasm of Budo. On the contrary, practicing with these people in Xiangbei, Budo is very enjoyable.

The official morning training in Xiangbei is not long, only an hour and a half in the morning. After the training, Budo changed back to his regular clothes, and went to the teaching building through the corridor.

His class is one class a year, on the first floor of the teaching building.Along the corridor, Wu Dao quickly found his class. When he opened the door to enter, the class was already full of people, and the only vacant seat was a seat in front of the podium table.

On the podium, there are piles of new books, and a short old man with eyes is distributing textbooks to the students.

"Hello, teacher~" Wu Dao stood at the door, knocked on the door lightly, and greeted the old man.

"You are... Jinguji Budao!" The old man turned his head to look at Jinguji Budao, pushed his glasses, and said affirmatively.

It's getting late now. If today is not the first day of school, the first class would have already started at this time.

Budo chatted with Mitsui Hisata for a while at the end of the team's training, which was delayed for some time, and it took some time to find a classroom for the first time, so he was a little late when he came to this classroom.

At this moment, the teacher had already called the roll call, and he knew who hadn't arrived.

"Yes." Wu Dao nodded, and when he looked at the teacher, he did not forget to glance at the other students in the class from the corner of his eyes.

As a freshman, you are always curious about who your classmates are.

Soon, a girl came into Wu Dao's sight.It was a young girl sitting in the second row, with a dark face and slightly thick lips, but her facial features were exquisite and coordinated, and she was very beautiful.

With long curly hair, although he is wearing a student uniform, it gives people a fashionable and sexy feeling, not like a high school student at all.Inoue Caizi did not focus on the teacher who was handing out books on the podium, but tilted her head slightly and looked out of the window.

"Ayako Inoue? Are you in the same class as me?"

Bu Dao recognized the other party at a glance. Seeing the other party, Bu Dao's attention was directly attracted by the other party, not because the other party was so good-looking or attractive, but just because the other party was Ayako Inoue, someone who was familiar with Bu Dao.

What Budao didn't notice was that when Budao was staring at Ayako Inoue, there was a beautiful girl at the back of the class, with her mouth slightly pursed, staring at Budao sullenly.

The girl's hands were flat on the desk, and her fists were clenched tightly, as if she would strike hard in the next second.

"Student Jinguji Budao, this desk is yours. Move the desk and sit over there."

The little old man on the podium pointed to an empty table not far in front of him, then pointed to the corner at the back of the classroom near the window, and said to Bu Dao.

"As expected, it's the last row of the class again!"

"There are many advantages to being tall, but the disadvantages are also not small!"

Bu Dao sighed secretly in his heart, looked away from Cai Zi, nodded silently, walked into the classroom, picked up the empty desk, and walked towards the back of the class.

He was not dissatisfied with the teacher's arrangement. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, with his height, if he sat in the front row, the students in the back would not even be able to see the blackboard.

"Eh? Longzi? Are you also in this class?" Bu Dao moved the small table and walked towards the back of the class. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in his eyes.Takako Fujima was actually a student in this class, and she was still sitting in the last row by the window.



Takako Fujima didn't respond to Budao, but raised his head silently, snorted softly, glanced coldly at Budao, then lowered his head, ignoring Budao.


"What's the matter with her? Did you come to relatives?"

Bu Dao was very surprised by Takako Fujima's attitude, moved the table and put it down behind Takako Fujima, put the bag in his hand on the table, went back to the front and moved the stool back, and then sat down on the seat.

Looking at Takako Fujima's back, Budou scratched his head, not knowing why.

Ever since he became a teacher of Shinichi Fujima, he and Takako Fujima have often met. Takako Fujima is the same age as Budo, they are the same age, and they are both practicing judo. Naturally, there is a lot of communication, and the relationship between the two is also Not too bad, at least Budo thinks so.

But Wu Dao didn't expect that when he saw Takako Fujima today, the other party acted as if he didn't know him.

After Wu Dao sat down on the seat, the teacher continued to distribute the book, and the students below the podium were whispering to each other. Not long after the start of school, some students who are good at communication already have new partners.

"Takako, Takako?" Bu Dao wondered why Takako Fujima's attitude was so cold, and couldn't help poking Takako Fujima's back lightly, wanting to ask what's wrong with him.

However, no matter how Budao poked, Takako Fujima didn't seem to feel it, and just didn't look back at Budao. This attitude made Budao couldn't help but increase his strength.


"what are you doing?!"

Takako Fujima, who was sitting in the front row of Budao, suddenly turned his head and asked in a low voice. Although the voice was not loud, Budao could still hear the suppressed anger in the other party's heart.

"Uh, I want to ask you if something is wrong, why don't you talk?" Seeing Takako Fujima's sullen face, Bu Dao asked in a low voice.

"Oh! Noticed me now?"

"I'm not sick, don't worry about it!"

After Takako Fujima finished speaking, he quickly turned his head away, ignoring Budao, and Budao was stunned by that angry look.

"You have menopause at a young age, this world is so magical." Wu Dao was speechless, sighed inwardly, dragged his chin with one hand, and looked out the window.

At this time, it is spring, the sun is shining brightly, and the spring breeze brings warmth.Wu Dao sat on the seat, narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt the long-awaited campus scenery with his heart.

There were no classes on the first day of school. After distributing the books, the little old man briefly talked about the school rules and curriculum arrangements, and then announced that the students would be allowed to move freely.

It is said to be free activities, but in fact it also allows freshmen to have time to choose and find the club they want to join. This is the most important thing for freshmen on the first day of school.

After class, Budou Jinguji picked up his backpack and quickly left the classroom, heading towards the arena.

Takako Fujima, who was sitting in front of Budao, was about to say something to Budao when the get out of class was over. When she turned her head, she only saw the back of Budao leaving the classroom.

"That bastard, slipping so fast?!"

The recruiting work of the Xiangbei basketball team is proceeding in an orderly manner. When Budo came to the gymnasium, he found that Mitsui Shou and Akagi were busy recruiting new things, and the training had not started.

The Xiangbei players who came to the arena were playing three-on-three ball games with nothing to do.

"Seniors, add one, add one!"

Wu Dao saw that no one was training, and saw the seniors who were playing, he ran over to say hello with a smile, and wanted to play together, but this time, his request was ruthlessly rejected.

"It's full, no more people."

"Go, go, go practice the ball by yourself, no more, no more."

Although there are also teams that have the intention of bringing martial arts together, when they express such intentions, they are directly cut off by other teams.

Playing basketball, no one wants to be abused. They have already experienced the ability of martial arts.

Wu Dao, who had no way to join the three-on-three practice, could only dribble the ball idly, and sighed softly as he watched the seniors playing happily.

This situation did not change until the afternoon.

Hisashi Mitsui and Takenori Akagi came to this venue with a group of new team members.


"Next, we will have a freshman practice match! The purpose is to test the combat effectiveness of the new recruits, and at the same time, to see if the veteran players have slacked off during this holiday."

"The practice match is divided into two teams, one team for the second and third graders, and one team for all the first-year freshmen."

"The order of the players will be arranged by him, Gongyan Mugure."

"Everyone, 15 minutes of warm-up time, and then the game!"

Mitsui Shou announced to everyone that when he announced, Coach Anzai was sitting on the edge of the court, watching the freshmen in the court.

"Finally able to play the game, seniors, you have to work hard!"

When Jinguji Budao heard the news that there was going to be a practice match, he suddenly became energetic. He glanced at the seniors who refused him to "add one" before, and smiled maliciously.

"Hmph! Kid, don't be too crazy, the half-court is different from the whole court, don't get tired later!" Some seniors were dissatisfied and retorted when they heard Wu Dao's words.

"This time, I must make this kid look good!"

Akagi Takenori, Mitsui Hisashi, and Chiba Oishi all looked at Jinguji Budo at the same time, their expressions full of determination.

(End of this chapter)

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