Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 107 23 Things During the Offseason

Chapter 107 Anecdotes of the Offseason

In June, the draft...

During the offseason, Lu Feng did not return to China immediately.

Classes, training, and various activities require him to stay in Seattle. The school has given him a lot of convenience, but it is impossible to approve all leave.

So when the draft started, Lu Feng was still in Seattle and didn't leave. He watched the live broadcast of the draft at home.

In the end, the No. [-] pick was given to the aunt Larry Johnson, the second place Kenny Anderson, and the No. [-] Billy Owens.

The No. [-] pick goes to the Warriors, this is the King's draft pick, and the Warriors traded it in the middle of the season.

But after the pick, the Warriors immediately announced another deal, trading Owens to the Kings in exchange for four draft picks, three in the first round and one in the second round.

After that, the Kings selected Lu Feng's college teammate Doug Meekins and sent him to the Warriors.

In the future, the Sonics will choose Armstrong who suits their own wishes.

When he was selected, Armstrong was still in a daze, unable to believe that he was really selected by the Sonics.

The Sonics contacted Armstrong's college coaches and said they wanted to draft him in the first round.

Whether it was Armstrong's college coaches or Armstrong himself, the call from the Sonics was regarded as a fraud.

Before that, Armstrong was ready to go to play in Europe, but he didn't expect that the Supersonics would give him such a shot.

Uncle Mu was still the fourth pick and was selected by the Nuggets, but in this life his teammates changed from Chris Jackson to Bur Kimbell, which is more suitable for him.

In comparison, Chris Jackson is more suitable for fast breaks, and Bur Kimbell is more suitable for positional warfare.

Uncle Mu is also suitable for playing positional warfare. I believe it won't take long for the Nuggets to rise in the West.

But Lu Feng is confident that in this life, it is impossible for him to let Supersonic be blacked out by the Nuggets again. As long as Uncle Mu is around, he can keep calling names!
During the offseason, Lu Feng mainly trained two things, outside three-pointers and lateral moves.

It's okay to say that the three-pointer is to train muscle memory and speed up the shot.

Lateral movement is the most difficult part to train. It's not because you don't know how to train, but because Lu Feng doesn't dare to practice too much.

He is still growing, and it is impossible for him to affect his career height in order to strengthen his temporary combat power.

After the season ended, Jordan became the most popular person in the league, and Jordan news can be seen everywhere.

Changing a luxury car a day, Danzi can be said to be in high spirits.

I don't know how he will feel after "Jordan Rules" comes out.

During the offseason, every team was holding back their big moves. As soon as the transfer period started, the Sonics announced the deal with the Bullets, for fear that the other team would regret it.

The transaction was completed, and the suspended heart of the Supersonic uniform team finally let go, but some people were very dissatisfied with the Supersonic deal.

Sonics fans of course!
It's a good offseason, it's fine if you don't reinforce it, but in the end you get a glass man!

What did Russell do, did he want to ruin the Sonics!

Russell was extremely wronged. In his opinion, this deal was not a loss at all, not to mention that it was a deal advocated by Lu Feng.

Then, he went to find out who was leading the rhythm...

"Barry, can you take care of the two TV stations you and Rucker have, they've been scolding me!"

Barry Ackley frowned. You called to say that?

"It's okay, let them scold!

The harder you scold, the more money you earn. They even scold Lak, let alone Ni.

Russell, you have to get used to it, the media is like this now, not like we used to..."

Russell frowned, almost wrinkled...

That's right, this can indeed make money, but the problem is, it's not me who makes money!

After the season ended, Lu Feng suddenly didn't have to rush to practice games every day, and the pace of life suddenly slowed down, and Lu Feng was still a little unaccustomed to it.

But the rare freedom also allowed Lu Feng to sweat again and complete his training plan.

Get busy at the beginning of the offseason, the busiest half a month has passed, Lu Feng is completely liberated, and the time is all allocated by himself.

After the draft, Lu Feng also attended Eldridge's wedding.

Eldridge has never been married, and Lu Feng just found out that his children can speak simple words.

Time passed slowly, and time came to July. While Lu Feng was in class, he was also slowly becoming stronger.

During the offseason, Lu Feng didn't have much contact with his teammates. Since Kemp and Avery moved away, Lu Feng's house has become quiet.

Although there is Beckinsale, she is busy with classes, and the two of them don't spend much time together.

Beckinsale is one female student. The goal she set for herself is to study in three majors. The courses are full, except for attending classes.

For this kind of true genius, Lu Feng wanted to admire him, but he didn't bother him.

On days without competitions, Lu Feng feels very boring, without any passion...

Then, Lu Feng suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.

"By the way, the game!"


"You want to play the Asian Championships?" Gong Luming received the call, and couldn't believe that Lu Feng would find himself for such a trivial matter.

"I haven't played this yet, let's go and play."

Gong Luming thought for a while, and it seemed that only this explanation could make sense.

In the national team's plan, the Asian Championships are used for training. They had never considered bringing Lu Feng before, and they didn't even give a notice.

For Lu Feng's strength, the national team, whether it is a coach or a teammate, absolutely trusts it.

If other people have problems, it is impossible for Lu Feng to do so!

"It's a child after all..."

Lu Feng offered to play in the Asian Championships. Of course, Gong Luming would not refuse, and agreed without hesitation.

But he also made it very clear about the pre-match matters. Lu Feng will not be given too much playing time, and the national team needs to let other people adjust.

Lu Feng doesn't care about his playing time and possession of the ball, all he cares about is the settlement rewards.


Settlement: League level level For A level, there is no reward for settlement.

Lu Feng: ...

After playing in the NBA, only the A-League has rewards?
What a fucking pit!
Lu Feng felt that the system was unreliable for a long time. If he hadn't come here once, he would not have known such a thing.

There is no reminder, and various mechanisms need to be explored by yourself.

The system is indeed a "three noes" product...

Lu Feng's popularity in Japan is not low. He only plays less than 10 minutes in each game, but almost every game is full.

The fact of winning the Asian Championships is not worth mentioning. When the final whistle blew, not to mention Lu Feng, even the others didn't have much mood swings.

After the Asian Championships, Lu Feng went back home to celebrate his coming of age with his family.

After a week of brief rest, Lu Feng returned to Seattle and continued to devote himself to his studies.

Of course, the training did not fall behind. At the end of September, Lu Feng's various statistics have improved a lot...

【Talent System】

Host: Lu Feng

Age: 18 years old

Height: 195cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
[Physique: 94 (99)]

[Offensive Skills: 93 (95)]

[Offensive awareness: 89 (95)]

[Defensive skills: 90 (95)]

[Defensive awareness: 88 (95)]

After several months of training, the effect is very gratifying, the most obvious is Lu Feng's shooting.

Long shot (7.24m-8.5m): 90 (95)

Ultra far (8.5m+): 67 (70)

When Lu Feng is training now, he can score dozens of goals in a row by catching three-pointers. When he is lucky, he has even scored seventy or eighty goals. The actual combat effect has not been tested yet, and the hit rate is definitely not low.

The upper limit of ultra-long shooting is not high, and there is no corresponding talent, but shooting two steps outside the three-point line is not difficult for Lu Feng now, and it is not a pure gamble before.

Not to mention defense...

Traverse speed: 90 (95)

Perimeter defense: 90 (95)

Off-ball defense: 90 (95)

Card slots: 78 (90)

Defensive footwork: 88 (95)

Several ability values ​​related to outside touch have been improved a lot, and the effect of training is visible to the naked eye.

The weight of 85KG is light, but it fits well under the handcheck rule.

Lu Feng plays the first and second positions most of the time, and his weight of 85KG is enough.

When Lu Feng is required to play the third position, his opponent is most likely not a powerful small forward, and it doesn't matter if he is lighter.

Inside the training facility at the University of Washington...

"Luck, did you hear the news?"

"which one?"

Seeing Jeff Brown's serious face, Lu Feng didn't know what he said.

"What else can it be, of course it's Maggie!"


Seeing Lu Feng's expression, Jeff Brown knew that he definitely didn't watch the news this morning.

"Maji has been diagnosed with AIDS, you don't know?"

Lu Feng: ...

Yes, and this.

Lu Feng didn't communicate much with Maji, and he had so many personal affairs that he ignored many things.

As the time for the new season draws near, a major problem that shocked the entire league suddenly broke out.

Maggie has AIDS!

On the day it was just checked out, the entire Lakers team, the owner, the cheerleaders, all the Lakers, and even non-Lakers players had a physical examination.

The Supersonics are no exception. Los Angeles is a fascinating world. When the Supersonics are playing away games, many people from the team will also go out to hang out in nightclubs.

"I don't have AIDS, I just have HIV..."

With a bitter expression on his face, Maji held press conferences again and again, explaining his situation.

Lu Feng felt nothing. Maji's condition was not serious, and he was discovered just after being infected with HIV.

To be precise, Maji is only infected with HIV, not AIDS. The virus is alive and needs to reproduce, and the disease will occur after a certain number of reproductions.

In the original world, Maji used cocktail therapy, spent 6 years to clean up the HIV in his blood, and then came back after obtaining the permission of the league.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, Maji has never had AIDS, but is only a carrier of the virus.

Obviously, Maggie didn't want to retire, and kept explaining that he was not an AIDS patient.

But the official did not make any official statement. Many stars in the league expressed protest against Maggie's unwillingness to retire.

Lu Feng also felt that Maji should retire. Although he does not have AIDS, he is really carrying HIV.

In other words, during the competition, if the wound comes into contact with Maji's blood, there is a certain chance of HIV infection.

Lu Feng didn't intend to suffer and engage in some kind of cocktail therapy. He didn't choose to stand on any side for the reporter's interview questions.

The stars kept protesting, but the league kept silent. When the two sides were in a stalemate, the American people played their traditional arts...

Protests, speeches, vandalism...

The air of freedom permeated every corner of Los Angeles. Maggie finally couldn't resist the pressure and chose to retire.

"Maggie announced today that he is going to retire. Bird expressed regret and hinted at the possibility of his retirement in the interview. An era is coming to an end!"

Maji's retirement announced the end of the era of Demon Bird Contest.

Who does the next era belong to?

This is the most topical question in the NBA right now.

The names mentioned in the media discussion included Jordan who had just been crowned, as well as Lu Feng and other challengers.

"The next era will undoubtedly belong to me!"

After Maggie retired, Drexler was the happiest man in the league.

In his opinion, the Bulls' championship was stolen, and the Blazers and the Bulls had a fair fight, and the Blazers should be the stronger team.

When Maggie was still debating whether to retire, he was the toughest anti-Maggie pioneer in the league.

Speaking of which, Drexler's reason for opposing Maggie to play as needed is not that he is afraid of the Lakers, but that he wants to enter the Dream Team.

Since the U.S. team suffered Waterloo in the World Series one after another, there has been a trend of forming a dream team in the United States.

At the beginning, the American Basketball Association and the NBA were arguing and planned the list at 6:6, with half NBA stars and half college students.

Although the NBA is the largest basketball league in the United States, the biggest force in the American Basketball Association is the NCAA.

But as Jordan and other superstars announced that they would join the Dream Team, the 6:6 quota is obviously not enough.

As one after another top superstars announced their desire to join the Dream Team in a high-profile manner, slowly, joining the Dream Team became a symbol for NBA stars to prove their status.

To Drexler's embarrassment, he wasn't included in the initial simulation.

This made him feel very ashamed. He had obviously achieved good results, but no matter fans or officials, when discussing the strength of stars, he would be ignored.

So, after Maggie announced his retirement, Drexler's first reaction in an interview was: "Am I going to join the Dream Team?"

Lu Feng smiled and watched the various local American stars acting as monsters...

During the interview, Lu Feng was also more optimistic about the news of Maji's retirement.

"This is regrettable news. Maggie is a worthy opponent. I look forward to seeing him overcome the disease and return to the game one day."

The new season is about to start, and the team has also held a season training camp.

What made Lu Feng happy was that his teammates looked very normal, none of them were out of shape, on the contrary they were a little stronger.

Kemp, who he is most worried about, has turned into a devilish muscular man after returning from the offseason, full of deterrence.

For the new season, the Sonics roster is...

Guards: Avery Johnson, Dana Barros, Darrell Armstrong, Lu Feng.

Forwards: Ron Harper, Shawn Kemp, Sam Perkins, Pervis Ellison.

Centers: Alden Polynes, Ralph Sampson, Clifford Robinson, Michael Cage.

There are only 12 people on the big list, but only 9 people are actually available.

Relying on Seattle's medical conditions, Sampson is recovering well, showing some signs of recovery.

But he has accumulated too many injuries in the past, and KC Jones dare not use him. If the injury continues, Sampson will really be disabled.

Armstrong's strength really stretches his hips. After all, basketball, which he only came into contact with in his sophomore year, is still an outside line. He has a lot of basic skills problems and basically can't play.

There is nothing wrong with Michael Cage, it is simply that he is weak, and most of the time he will end up in garbage time.

Obviously, the Sonics will not have too many rotations next season, and every rookie will have a lot of opportunities to exercise.

 one more chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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