Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

In Chapter 11, the secret of the sewer appeared!

Chapter 11 Appeared—Sewer Mysteries!

"They both wear No. 23, and they are also off-the-ball scorers. Look at the movement of the fadeaway jumper. It is so similar. Just like I said, he is Michael Jordan who is one size smaller!"

Albert yelled excitedly.

He saw Lu Feng's physical test report before, and the Huskies No. 23 jersey Lu Feng was wearing, so he said that Lu Feng was a smaller Jordan at the beginning of the game.

But this was just a commentary he thought casually at the time, but he didn't expect that Lu Feng's style of play was so similar to Jordan's.

"Michael Jordan who is one size smaller", this statement will appear in a large number of newspapers, magazines and TV programs tomorrow. If Lu Feng does not fall in the future, his commentary will be mentioned countless times.

Lu Feng, who was resting off the court, didn't know how the NBC commentary was touting the Huskies and himself.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't be surprised. Competitive sports are like this, the winner is the king and the loser, the winner is the king, and winning is everything.

Regarding the fact that his shooting is like Jordan, even if a reporter asks him, he will not deny it like a snake. With his 18cm height and wingspan difference, the only shooting moves he can seriously refer to are Jordan and Durant.

Durant's shooting speed is not fast, and at the same time it is very laborious. The reason why Durant's shooting is so threatening is his monster-like height and wingspan.

Lu Feng's height is only 183 cm. Learning Durant's shooting action is to find a cap, and Lu Feng's height and wingspan are also doomed to make him unable to become a fast shooter like Curry and Ray Allen, so he chose Jordan's as a matter of course. Shooting action.

Fighting again in the second half, Lu Feng found that Lynn Nance was a little tricky. He really likes to play long rotations!
Lynn Nance, while an old-school coach, is nothing like Larry Brown.

Among the old-school coaches, there are academic coaches and non-academic coaches.

Academic coaches are a group of coaches headed by the Larry Brown faction. Academic coaches pay more attention to defense and are more willing to believe in the "basketball truth" that "the closer to the basket, the easier it is to shoot". to the basket, while also preferring short rotations of 7-9 players.

Non-academic coaches, most of them are coaches under Auerbach's Celtic faction. They emphasize the balance of offense and defense, and the offense is more about speed and fluency. They will set up a dedicated sixth man on the team and like to play long rotations with more than 10 players. .

Lynn Nance is a standard non-academic old-school coach who said he would play a 12-man rotation, so he would play a 12-man rotation.

Lu Feng has a physical attribute of 80 and a recovery attribute of 75. He knows very well that he can maintain a high state for 35 minutes in the NCAA, as long as he is allowed to rest for 5 minutes in the middle.

Even if he is allowed to play for 40 minutes, although his state will fluctuate, it is not impossible.

But Lynn Nance didn't consider doing so at all. At the beginning of the second half, only Brent Merritt stayed on the field and was responsible for bringing the bench in the starting lineup.

Brent Merritt came off the bench for 3 minutes and was replaced by Doug Meekins, who played another 3 minutes.

In 6 minutes, UCLA directly beat the Huskies 15:6, from 11 points behind to catching up with only 2 points left, and Lu Feng was speechless.

Lynn Nance saw that the point difference between the two teams was getting closer and closer, and he stood off the court and roared wildly, but he just didn't make substitutions, hey, he was just playing!

Damn, so you're the real mole, aren't you, Coach Lynn?
Lu Feng's blood pressure soared as he watched off the court, and he was almost dying of anxiety. Finally, UCLA scored in the mid-range shot, 58:58, and the score between the two teams was officially equalized. Lynn Nance called a timeout.

He first scolded the players who came off the field, and then looked at the bench.

"Lu, ER, Jeff, have you rested, can you play?"

Lu Feng: "..."

"Of course, let's go, Coach!"

Eldridge said something excited, and Jeff Brown yelled, "I can't wait to kick their asses!"

Well, the two of them didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong, as if they were used to this kind of scene.

Among the old-school coaches, whether they are academic or non-academic, they all have a common shortcoming - stubbornness!
This is why basketball coaches will become younger and younger later on. When these old coaches are ghosts, they are really not ordinary pitfalls!
Fortunately, after the Huskies started with three players, they quickly stabilized the scene.

As soon as they came up, Lu Feng and Jeff Brown had an inside and outside pick-and-roll.

Jeff Brown ran out to pick and roll Lu Feng. After the pick and roll, Lu Feng forced himself inside and attracted the help defense. He passed the ball behind his head to Jeff Brown who was standing outside the 3-point line.

Jeff Brown raises his hand and shoots—swish!

Jeff Brown opened the first three-pointer of the day, 58:61, and the Huskies took the lead again!
UCLA coach Jim Harrick watched Jeff Brown hit a [-]-pointer and his eyes nearly popped out.

Damn, where are the huskies dug from!

Jim Harrick has been pursuing big players who can shoot from long distances, but even so, he doesn't have one every year.

And Lynn Nance did nothing, didn't even have time to recruit talented high school students, and the result?

A strong Lu Feng, who is against the sky, and Jeff Brown, who is 206 cm long and can shoot long distances, both of them made his mouth water.

Such two people, who were so rare to Jim Harrick, were sent to Lynn Nance by themselves, how could he not be angry?
At this moment, Lynn Nance just sighed slightly when he saw the ball.

Jeff Brown is here again, a center actually ran outside to shoot, really fucking soft!

No, Jeff has already lost weight... Damn it, without that fat body, wouldn't he not even be called soft?

Although Lynn Nance doesn't like Jeff Brown's style of play, it's still not easy to replace him.

The two backup centers of the Huskies are equally happy. Lynn Nance thinks it makes no difference to switch. In addition, Lu Feng and Jeff Brown have a good relationship. After Eldridge and Lu Feng have a good relationship, Ai Wu and Wu also have a relationship with Jeff Brown gets along well.

Although the NCAA is the world of coaches, as a new coach, his prestige in the Huskies is far less than that of Eldridge.

What's more... Lynn Nance felt that Jeff Brown was unlucky today, and he made all the shots. He had no reason to change if he wanted to.

But in fact, Eldridge has a good relationship with Jeff Brown, not because of Lu Feng, but because he feels that with Jeff Brown on the court, he plays more comfortably.

What about Lu Feng?
He knows all too well how comfortable a stretch interior guard like Jeff Brown is.

Does not take up space under the basket, can pick and roll to catch the ball and cut inside or shoot, and can consciously get stuck on the rebound!

So even if Eldridge doesn't know the reason, he will compete with Lu Feng for Jeff Brown in the team match.

UCLA had a hard time tying the score. As a result, the Big Three of the Huskies made a three-pointer as soon as they came on the court, and they vented it in one breath.

Lu Feng seized the opportunity and of course chose to beat the dog in the water!

"Jeff, Mark, get me under the basket!"

Go straight to the sewer!
The two of them didn't find anything wrong, so they opened their mouths and agreed.

Then, the Huskies fans at the scene were very excited to find that after Lu Feng came on the field, his fighting spirit seemed to be higher than in the first half.

"It seems that Lu is very excited about winning his first game. He is not only a super scorer, but also a master rebounder!"

Albert yelled excitedly, scratched his nose slightly, wondering, why did he smell like a sewer just now?
At the end of the game, Lu Feng looked at his stats...

41 points, 12 rebounds and 6 assists...

Damn, triple-double seems a bit difficult!
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(End of this chapter)

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