Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 122 Double kill Peyton!Lu Feng: Sit down and play normally

Chapter 122 Double kill Peyton!Lu Feng: Sit down and play normally
George Karl felt the horror of the Supersonics' perimeter defense, and he knew very well that the Clippers' idea of ​​gaining an advantage through fast breaks and outside shots would not work.

After thinking briefly, George Karl made decisive adjustments, replacing Rivers with Edwards and Ken Norman to increase the Clippers' inside offense.

This adjustment came in a timely manner. The Supersonics have always had weaknesses in their interior defense, which was weaker than the Bulls' interior defense. After returning from a timeout, Danny Manning quickly scored a goal, breaking the Clippers' scoring drought.

However, the hole dug by the Clippers' starting lineup was too big. Although the Clippers' adjustments worked, when the first quarter was over and the score was 20:30, the Clippers were still 10 points behind the Supersonics!
In the second quarter, Lu Feng continued to play. Taking advantage of George Karl's starting position, he scored 4 goals in 3 minutes and scored 8 points, extending the lead to 15 points!
Before halftime, the Sonics led by 15 points. Carlisle felt that the game was stable, so he replaced Lu Feng, who played 16 consecutive minutes.

However, after Lu Feng left the field, the Supersonic's perimeter defense dropped a lot, and the Clippers' strength was able to play normally.

Of course, there is a reason why the Clippers have made so much progress this season. With the luxury of the Clippers lineup, as long as they don't meet an elite defender like Lu Feng, their outside firepower is definitely not weak!

In the remaining 8 minutes of the second quarter, the Clippers fired one after another from the outside, but what is surprising is that the person in the best state of the Clippers will be Payton!
Before Lu Feng left the court, Payton made 5 of 1 shots. After Lu Feng left the court, McMillan, Barros or Avery couldn't guard him, allowing Payton to score 8 two-pointers and 3 three-pointer in 1 minutes. , plus free throws scored 11 points in a row!
Due to Payton's outburst, the midfield score stayed at 50:58, and the point difference was recovered to 8 points.

Payton's fierce performance made George Karl amazed. It turned out that it was not that Payton was not good, but that Lu Feng was too good!
In the past three years, George Karl has been kicked off the shelves this season because he wants to cultivate his body and neither watches the NBA nor the NCAA.

In the end, it was just a simple fiddle, which made the Clippers' record leap, making him think that the current NBA is nothing more than that.

However, the changes brought about by Lu Feng's presence and absence made George Karl clearly feel that the role of stars on the court in this era is not weaker than in the past!
At the same time, the Clippers have just touched the playoff tickets. Compared with a real strong team like the Supersonics, the strength gap is very obvious.

After coming to the Clippers, George Karl discovered an embarrassing point in the Clippers: the Clippers have no real leader!

Payton is the person with the most leadership spirit in the Clippers, but his strength is a little bit worse, and his obsession with defense is also incompatible with the Clippers' style of play.

Doc Rivers, Danny Manning, and Ricky Pierce are strong enough, but all three are veterans, with a weak desire to attack and a lack of hard work.

But seeing that Payton did not lack explosive power when facing ordinary players, George Karl suddenly had an idea in his heart: Let Payton be the main attacker!

"What? I'll score, so who will organize?"

Payton was dumbfounded after hearing this. He has not changed his style of play and still focuses on commanding. His task on the court is to observe and organize.

His personal style doesn't match the team, but he takes up a lot of playing time every game because the Clippers don't have a good organization point.

Doc Rivers was an All-Star guard in the past, and he also had a brilliant record of averaging a double-double in the season, but he is not as good as before, both physically and mentally.

In the past, most of his organization came from his own offensive ability, relying on attracting defenses and breaking through to help his teammates score.

Now that his scoring ability has declined, Rivers' organizational ability has naturally declined a lot.

"The playmaker is still you. What I mean is: when you can still score by yourself, don't pass so many balls, try to take more shots yourself."

"Like Lark?"

"Yes!" George Karl said loudly, "Just learn from Lark, you can fight as he does!"

After learning of George Karl's request, Peyton nodded and agreed.

Although Payton has a hot temper, it is external. He is notoriously good at managing the team. This is the essential difference between him and Miller.

Payton never thought about going against the coach's request. As long as George Karl made a request, no matter how difficult it was, he would try his best to complete it.

I hope that it is one thing to do it, but it is another thing to be able to do it. Payton felt a lot of pressure after understanding his tasks in the second half.

It is true that his performance of 13 points and 3 assists in the halftime is not bad, but there is still a big gap compared with Lu Feng's 14+10 halftime double-double.

Lu Feng focuses on organization and defense, but he can still take care of his offense and maintain the vitality of the All-Star level, but Payton is not sure to do that.

But in the end, we still have to give it a try. In the 6th minute of the third quarter, the two teams started and returned to the field, and Payton hit one by himself as soon as he came up.

Lu Feng thought that he had to help defend at any time, so he didn't follow Payton too closely. The ball didn't interfere much with Payton. The ball bounced a few times on the basket and then rolled in.

After Payton scored this goal, Lu Feng didn't immediately become vigilant. In his impression, Payton was a selfless star from the beginning to the end. What's more, Payton's offense is not yet at his peak.

However, in the next round, Lu Feng gave Peyton a lot of confrontation and harassment, but Peyton still resolutely chose to complete the end by himself-shua!

Payton scored a layup after confronting the basket, and at the same time made Kemp a foul, and there was an additional penalty!

55:60, only 5 points left!
Payton scored 5 points in a row, and his personal score has surpassed Lu Feng by 4 points.

It was just one goal, and it could be said to be an unexpected situation, but it was the same for both goals. Lu Feng already knew Payton's plan.

Payton is taking advantage of his good form and wants to win the game with his personal ability?

It's just that Lu Feng never thought of a situation before, that Payton would have a day when he could rely on his personal ability to play.

But... is Peyton serious about scoring against himself?

Lu Feng didn't participate in the team's offense in the last goal, so naturally he didn't score. So far, he still scored 14 points.

Only 14 points were scored halfway through three quarters, which is definitely not enough for Lu Feng!

But the lack of scoring is not because Lu Feng's hand feeling is not good, but because he puts more energy on organization and defense. Since Payton wants to score, then Lu Feng will be generous once to let the opponent know what a real scorer looks like!
When it was the Supersonics' turn to attack, Lu Feng dribbled the ball to the frontcourt. Instead of sorting out and directing the team's offense like in the previous game, he gestured for his teammates to pull away!

Seeing Lu Feng's actions, George Karl's heart skipped a beat. Lu Feng's singles time is coming!

George Karl prayed in his heart that Payton and the others in the Clippers would withstand Lu Feng's firepower, and even prayed in a low voice for this...

So can the Clippers withstand Lu Feng's singles?
Of course I can't stand it!
Lu Feng has slept and eaten well these few days. He neither needs to participate in business activities nor fly around, and his energy is at its peak!
In 6 minutes, Lu Feng took 7 strong shots, scored 4 goals, 1 three-pointer, and 2 free throws!
At the same time, in the rest of the third quarter, Lu Feng strengthened his one-on-one defense, allowing Payton to score only one goal in the remaining minutes...

80:88, the Sonics lead back to 10 points!

After three quarters, Payton scored 20 points and 4 assists, which is definitely considered an extraordinary performance, but compared with Lu Feng, it is still not enough.

George Karl shook his head, understanding that there is still a big gap between Payton and Lu Feng...

Patting his forehead, George Karl deeply felt that he was unfamiliar with temporary adjustments, and he didn't even think about it. No matter how strong Payton's personal ability is, can he be stronger than Lu Feng?
George Karl thought that the gap between the two in the second half of the third quarter was considered too big, but he didn't expect...

"Gary, do you know how stars score? Watch it, I'll show you one more time."

In the last quarter, Lu Feng strongly demanded to continue playing, in order to hit Peyton to death!

After the third quarter, Payton was still a little unconvinced, and chose to continue playing in the fourth quarter... In addition, the 8-point difference in a single quarter could not make him give up the game.

But Lu Feng continued to leave the station, and the torture of Peyton not only did not have any intention of stopping, but became more and more fierce!
Payton wanted to bring the team back, but in the last quarter he missed a shot and was blocked by Lu Feng on his only layup. The more he played, the more cautious he became, so that he only took 5 shots before losing the shot. Confidence.

On the other hand, the road fee on the opposite side, with 11 points in the third half of the quarter as a foreshadowing, in the last quarter, Lu Feng's offensive firepower rose instead of falling, and the feeling became more and more fiery!

First, in the first round after kick-off, Lu Feng faced Payton's defense and made a strong long shot.

After that, Payton made some adjustments, and defended directly against Lu Feng.

The adjustment effect is very obvious. Lu Feng's first ball was almost intercepted by Peyton. During an accelerated breakthrough, Peyton reached out and directly hit the ball.

But Lu Feng, relying on his reaction and judgment different from ordinary people, immediately turned his head to get the ball back the moment it was hit, took advantage of Payton's loss of position to grab the ball, and instantly accelerated to the basket. Basket scored!
Knowing that Payton is good at defending, Lu Feng chose to face the difficulties and choose to break through Payton next time.

Payton's lateral movement speed is not fast, and his defense relies more on his inhuman wingspan. Stealing is a small probability event after all, and it cannot happen every time.

This time Lu Feng broke through Payton without any interference. After a confrontation with Danny Manning at the basket, Danny Manning caused a thug foul. The basket hit the ball and made a strong 2+1!

After scoring 5 points in a row, Payton was frightened by Lu Feng's terrifying breakthrough ability, and the defense became timid, and he did not dare to press close as before.

But Lu Feng's touch has already improved, and Payton actually refuses to let go, so he will follow the opponent's wishes and solve the problem with shooting!
And what Lu Feng wants to shoot is not two points, but three points!

As Payton changed his defensive strategy, Lu Feng made three strong shots from outside the three-point line and scored two goals!

But even so, Lu Feng did not stop. Before the official timeout came, he made another mid-range shot and one long-range shot, scoring all of them and scoring 1 points in the half quarter!
George Karl was really convinced by Lu Feng this time.

Who would have thought that Lu Feng, who scored 14 points in the middle of the third quarter, would score 40 points in the middle of the fourth quarter.

Calculated in this way, didn't Lu Feng score 26 points in a single quarter?
And Payton, who was extremely fierce when Lu Feng was not on the court, only had 9 points and 4 assists during the matchup with Lu Feng... Both points and assists were far inferior to Lu Feng.

George Karl wanted to ask Peyton: Who gave you the courage to compare with yourself and Lu Feng?
Relying on Lu Feng's explosion in the final quarter, the Supersonics beat the Clippers by 7 points in the half quarter, and the point difference came to 15 points.

After the official timeout came back, George Karl directly replaced the substitute lineup and announced the white flag of surrender.

Lu Feng didn't expect that it would be a match where Kemp showed his power, but it turned into his own performance because of Peyton's death.


Although Payton broke out in the middle of the game, he only had 20 points and 6 assists after the game, and the scoring and assists were only half of Lu Feng's, which is completely incomparable!
And Payton is not the best performer except Lu Feng. The second best performer is Kemp, with 22 points and 10 rebounds. The Clippers' forward defense is indeed a cash machine for Kemp.

Lu Fengkamp scored 62 points, which was 62 points in three and a half quarters. It is conceivable that the Supersonics did not play hard in this game.

"Gary, you played very well in this game. You scored 20 points and 6 assists. However, we found that Luck has twice as many points and assists as you. Does this mean that your current basketball level is comparable to that of Luck? half of?"

Payton blushed from holding back, and in the end he just came up with a sentence: "The stats generated are also counted as stats, and 20 points is not my real strength!"

One of Peyton's traditional arts: crazy words and curses during the season!

Peyton's traditional art skill [-]: Crazy words and curses after the game!

No matter before or after the game, whether he wins or loses, Payton is always the same Payton, the league's most dedicated!

"20 points isn't Gary's true strength?

Not bad, after all he only played 36 minutes didn't he!
If you give him more time, maybe you can get a few more points, 22 points or 24 points are possible! "

What Lu Feng said makes sense. 20 points is indeed not Payton's true level, so why doesn't he stay a little longer?
Of course it was because the Clippers collapsed before the game was over!
Who can blame this?Not to blame Payton!
At the same time, Lu Feng scored an assist and doubled Payton, but he only played 28 minutes, 8 minutes less than Payton!

20 points is not Payton's true strength, and 40 points is not Lu Feng's true strength!
"Luck, your points and assists in this game happened to be twice as high as Gary's. Did you do that on purpose?"

Lu Feng: Is there such a thing?

"Ahem...Of course not!
Isn't it normal for me to get twice the stats of Gary?

Not being able to get it is the problem, I'm just playing normally! "

What Lu Feng said was the truth, he really thought so in his heart...

As far as Payton, who has not yet accomplished his magic, he feels that any outside star who comes here is better than Payton.

...well, except for that semi-crippled Isaiah Thomas!

Lu Feng can say whatever he thinks, regardless of whether Payton can accept it or not.

Can Payton accept it?Of course not!
Later, Peyton yelled out the classic ending to Lu Feng: I will be back!
Reporter: Come back, how many times is this the first time?
(End of this chapter)

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