Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 128 Consecutive single defense, Ma Long fears the maple like a mouse!

Chapter 128 Consecutive single defense, Ma Long fears the maple like a mouse!
After the half game, the members of the two teams went back to the locker room to rest and discuss the tactics for the second half.

The Jazz's mixed expressions are very interesting. Malone has a pale face, while Jeff Malone and Stockton have relaxed faces, and no fatigue can be seen.

Stockton, Jeff Malone: ​​It was so easy to introduce the game, and I didn't feel it after halftime.

Ma Long felt nauseous. After the game, with the secretion of adrenaline, his sore shoulders have long since disappeared. Now his only feeling is that he is tired, his body is tired, and his heart is even more tired!

26 points in the half, even Malone, is a rare record.

When Ma Long is attacking, he will frequently hit inwards. Even if the efficiency is high, it is not easy. It has nothing to do with the defender, it is purely a matter of his personal style.

Perkins and Kemp frequently double-teamed. Although Malone did not prevent him from scoring, the physical consumption of him was extremely obvious.

For the Supersonics, only Lu Feng and Harper were more tired from playing. Even if Perkins and Kemp have been defending Malone all the time, because they don't need to participate in the offense all the time, the physical consumption is not particularly high.

In the second half, the Jazz used to continue to start in the third quarter, while the Supersonics let the rotation players play first as usual.

In the third quarter of the Supersonics, Lu Feng no longer led the bench, but chose to let Kemp take the lead. In addition, because of the help of Pervis Ellison, the gap between the Supersonics' rotation and the Jazz's starting lineup will not be too big.

Kemp has an obvious offensive advantage against Edwards. The two matchups are at most 6-[-] in terms of rebounding and defense. But in terms of offense alone, Kemp has one more mid-range and long-range shots than Edwards. Relying on the extra part, Kemp lasted [-] minutes without the rest of the starters.

In 6 minutes, the Jazz spent all their energy just to equalize the score, and did not complete the overtake.

When Lu Feng returned to the field again, the score had changed to 68:68.

The backcourt strength of McMillan's partner Barros is still a bit weak. Even if McMillan switches positions to defend Stockton, the effect is not very good.

In a few minutes, Stockton and Jeff Malone bore the brunt of the Jazz's counterattack and tied the score.

Kemp's performance can only be said to be qualified, scoring 4 points on 2 of 4 shots, and his shooting percentage in singles when others can't start the game is not bad.

Surprisingly, the best player in the Sonics rotation will be Pervis Ellison!


Compared with the previous two seasons, although Ellison's data has ushered in an explosion this season, it is quite a wake-up call.

But considering that he was facing the league's top power forward, Karl Malone, and no fans were optimistic about him before the match, Carlisle also had no hope for Ellison, only hoping that he could be a good blue-collar.

Unexpectedly, Ellison singled out Malone, and it turned out to be a good result!

Although the rebounds were robbed by Malone, Ellison provided enough firepower on the offensive end to make up for this deficiency.

Carlisle discovered this and did not replace Perkins in the substitution, but let Ellison stay on the court.

This approach is neither good nor bad.

After the third quarter, the score was still not wide open. Every time the Sonics dared to take the lead, the Jazz immediately recovered the points.

Ellison proved that facing Malone, he can indeed score normally, and his efficiency is not worse than usual.

After all, it is a technical flow of footwork and manual work, as well as the tonnage of the body. As long as the strength is not crushed, the efficiency will not be much lower.

But he did not defend. Malone played against him throughout the third quarter, scoring 7 points on 3 of 10 shots and free throws. The efficiency is not low.

The Supersonics replaced the starting lineup, which means that Jeff Malone and Stockton are not easy to play again. Unknowingly, Malone took over the ball again and continued the fiery state of the first three quarters.

With 36 points in three quarters, Malone was already doing his best, but the point difference was only flat, not widened.

Stockton and Jeff Malone left the semi-open space brought by the pick-and-roll system, and their scoring efficiency was not high. Especially when facing Lu Feng and Harper, almost every strong shot would be disturbed, and the shooting rate was less than 40%.

Stockton, Jeff Malone: ​​Playing against the Supersonics is really hard to defend, and it's really not easy to play.

Lu Feng: Defense?I've obviously been trying to figure out a way to attack!
Ma Long: Stop talking, let me take it easy...

There is still the last quarter of the game, and Lu Feng knows that the next is the critical moment for the Supersonics to win.

Although the body is exhausted, but fortunately it has not bottomed out. The 6 minutes of rest before is the key. As long as you persist in the last quarter, the Supersonics have a high probability of winning the game.

On the other hand, Jerry Sloan also knew that the score was so tight that whoever could persist until the end would win.

Seeing Ma Long panting like a dog, Jerry Sloan opened his mouth: "Carl, can you continue, we are going to overtake soon."

Malone: ​​...

Overtake?Coach, are you serious?
"Coach, I..." Ma Long opened his mouth hesitantly, not knowing how to express himself tactfully.

Malone: ​​I've played 36 minutes!
"I knew you could do it, come on Carl!"

Malone: ​​...

come on?What oil to add?Did I talk and you just let me cheer?

The short timeout ended quickly, the players returned to the court, and the Jazz kicked off.

When Stockton came up, faced with Lu Feng's letting go, several attempts to break through were seen through, so he had no choice but to stop the ball and looked at Ma Long in his heart.

Seeing Stockton looking at him, Malone gradually became numb.

Malone: ​​I didn't even ask for the ball, Stockton, wouldn't you look at others first?

Sighing helplessly, Malone obediently ran to the perimeter and set a pick-and-roll for Stockton.

Seeing that Stockton used the pick-and-roll to break away from Lu Feng, and Ma Long didn't cut inside, but waited outside the penalty area with his hips on his hips. He really didn't have the energy to attack again.

Unexpectedly, Stockton only took two steps, turned around to catch the moon, and passed the ball back to Malone.

Before Lu Feng started chasing and defending, Stockton passed the ball to Ma Long, which stunned him for a moment.

In the Jazz's pick-and-roll system, Malone cuts inside most of the time. Although he occasionally rolls outside, the frequency is far from comparable to inside cuts.

The main reason is that Malone's CIC is unstable.

Although Malone has developed some shooting ability since the middle of his career, compared with Malone's other offensive methods, his shooting level is not much better than role players, or even worse than role players.

Lu Feng half-turned towards Ma Long, and focused his attention on every detail of Ma Long's body, thinking that this was a special adjustment made by the Jazz to make Ma Long dislocate and single him.

To defend against Ma Long alone, Lu Feng felt somewhat guilty. Ma Long was the most famous muscle monster in the 90s. Ma Long's breakthrough was said to hit people like a truck, which is not nonsense.

Lu Feng has self-knowledge, knowing that the two are incomparable in terms of tonnage and strength, and the effect of defending Ma Long alone will not be very good.

But now that they are matched, Lu Feng will not show weakness... It's still the same sentence, if you can't fight, you have to fight to know!
Ma Long also realized that this was a good time for misplaced singles. Although his physical fitness had bottomed out, it was not easy to deal with a mere Lu Feng?

In the face-to-face confrontation, Ma Long took a deep breath and his eyes became firmer.

However, the biggest problem he faces at this moment is not adjustment, but controlling the ball without making mistakes.

After a brief observation, Lu Feng also discovered Ma Long's biggest problem in singles - dribbling!
Ma Long gave Lu Feng only one feeling when holding the ball: rough!

That's right, rough!
Ma Long's basic skills of luck fit Lu Feng's impression of him very well. Lu Feng doesn't need to do anything, just move his eyes and lean his body forward to disrupt Ma Long's dribbling rhythm.

Both Malone and Jordan are players with a very high assist rate. Jordan is because he is good, and Malone is because he is used to not dribbling when attacking.

The biggest reason is that his dribbling ability is not good. Even at the end of his career, Malone has always had this problem.

Dribbling ability requires nothing more than basic dribbling skills, confrontation and reaction speed.

Ma Long only had one confrontation, and the other two problems were not small. Lu Feng realized that this was an opportunity for him to defend Ma Long alone.

Malone dribbled the ball for a long time without moving, and he was a little embarrassed. Seeing that time was running out, the Jazz had less and less time to attack, so they had to be forced to attack.

He bent his knees slightly, accelerated directly towards Lu Feng, and charged like a bull.

At the moment when he started to move, Lu Feng advanced instead of retreating, and rushed towards Ma Long...

Seeing Lu Feng rushing towards him, a momentary panic appeared on Ma Long's face. Lu Feng didn't do anything, and his footsteps began to mess up.

Ma Long wanted to stop the ball, but before he finished protecting the ball, Lu Feng saw the opportunity, tilted his body forward to the left, and took the ball with his left hand from Ma Long's right hand.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Feng exerted force on his ankle and knee at the same time, and changed direction to the right. Before Ma Long had time to react, Lu Feng picked up the ball one position ahead of him, and then accelerated with the ball to start a counterattack.

Ma Long stretched out his hand struggling, but he didn't even touch the corner of Lu Feng's clothes. When he accelerated to chase, he could only watch Lu Feng get farther and farther away from him.

The Jazz were overwhelmed by 2 points, and they couldn't catch up anyway.

Although the Supersonic's physical condition is not much better, the 2-point difference has been maintained here, and the psychological pressure is much lower than that of the Jazz.

In the 5th minute of the last quarter, the Jazz made an offensive round. Seeing that Stockton was not locked by Lu Feng, Malone had no choice but to step forward to help the opponent pick and roll.

After the pick-and-roll, Malone stayed on the outside without making an air cut, just like last time.

He felt that after a few minutes of the game, Stockton would choose to play alone after his body warmed up.

Stockton really wanted to play alone at the beginning, but when he turned around, he found that Lu Feng was chasing after him. He was afraid that he would be guarded again, so he quickly passed the ball back to the three-pointer who was standing outside the three-point line. Malone.

Everything happened within a few seconds. When Stockton passed the ball, Harper was about to double-team the opponent, and it was too late to run back to defend Malone.

Lu Feng glanced at Harper's position, and knew that this time he could only come by himself, so he quickly took a big step to make up for Ma Long.

Ma Long first looked at the basketball in his hand, and then at Lu Feng who was waiting in front of him. Thinking of what happened before, he was full of hesitation.

After simple thinking, Ma Long came up with what he thought was the best way-back attack!
As long as he hits with his upper back, he can slowly squeeze into his heart with all his strength. When he gets to the basket, Lu Feng has nothing to do with him!
As soon as he thought of it, Ma Long put down the ball and turned his back under Lu Feng's speechless eyes...

bang bang bang-

As Ma Long expected, although his back is not easy to exert force, he can easily enter and fight inward with the strength of crushing Lu Feng.

Although the speed was slower, the sufficient attack time gave Ma Long confidence that he would be able to succeed in singles this time!

Lu Feng really couldn't handle Ma Long's inhuman power, even if he put his hand on Ma Long's waist, it would be useless.

But Lu Feng doesn't intend to give up at this point, since he can't defend against head-to-head, then he will find another way!
After carrying it a few times, Lu Feng became familiar with the rhythm of Ma Long's back, and predicted that the moment Ma Long was about to come up again, Lu Feng gritted his teeth and retreated, and came to withdraw the stool!

Caught off guard, Malone didn't stop at once. Although he didn't fall directly to the ground, he needed to concentrate just to stabilize his body, and he didn't have extra energy to control the ball.

Lu Feng seized the opportunity, jumped forward immediately after withdrawing the stool, sliced ​​the ball down with one hand, and then took advantage of Malone's unbalanced body to start a fast break.

This time the fast break was worse than last time. At least there was Malone chasing and defending hard last time. Although he didn't catch up, the experience was extremely exciting.

This time it was Lu Feng's turn to complete a misplaced steal and start a fast break. No one on the Jazz team could help Malone catch up and defend. The Jazz team watched Lu Feng perform a fast break dunk performance.

The two matchups against Malone completed steals, and the point difference was opened to 4 points!
However, after the goal was scored, it was the Jazz's turn to attack. Ma Long found Lu Feng in a misplaced position and raised his hand to get the ball!

Ma Long was very upset when he was so embarrassed by Lu Feng's defense on the ball...

In his opinion, if he hadn't been too tired and lacked concentration, it would be impossible for Lu Feng to remove the stool. It was a coincidence that he played the ball!
After getting upset, Ma Long decided to fight Lu Feng alone no matter what!
After getting the ball, Ma Long turned his back again and continued to open the singles mode.

Having gained experience this time, Ma Long didn't use all his strength to hit Lu Feng with his back.

However, Lu Feng himself knew that it was impossible to use the trick of removing the stool twice, but Ma Long put in his strength, and he naturally discovered this. It was so difficult before lifting it up, and he still had the energy to do other things, which also gave Lu Feng a lot of opportunities.

After the collision with Ma Long again, because Ma Long's strength was not as strong as before, Lu Feng's body did not lose his balance. He gritted his teeth, and at the moment Ma Long withdrew his body, he ventured out from the side of Ma Long, and before Ma Long could react, he slapped him vigorously. The ball was cut hard.

Ma Long was taken aback, and at the moment the ball was cut, he stretched out his hand and pushed Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was twisted and twisted by Ma Long's sneak attack. He gritted his teeth and controlled the ball before falling to the ground.

The referee didn't blow his whistle and the game continued...

After controlling the ball, Lu Feng saw a light green figure out of the corner of his eyes, no matter who it was, he directly threw the ball towards the front court and fell to the ground.

The person who reacted was Harper. He ran to the frontcourt to pick up the ball, and relied on Jeff Malone to score the key 2+1. The point difference reached 7 points in an instant!
The point difference came to 7 points. Although there was still half a quarter in the game, the Jazz had already begun to panic.

But in the remaining few minutes, Ma Long took the ball frequently and scored consecutively. There was only one minute left in the time, and the point difference was only 1 points!
With 2+1 scoring, Ma Long's score also reached 50 points!
The score was 101:105. The Jazz only scored 101 points, and Malone scored 50 of them. Now he is tired and uncomfortable, but his willpower is really strong.

When it was the Supersonic's turn to attack, the Jazz did not use foul tactics, but planned to rely on their strength to defend against the Supersonic's attack.

Lu Feng forcibly missed a long-range shot under the interference of the two, and Ma Long grabbed the key rebound against Kemp and Ellison!
After grabbing the rebound, Jerry Sloan immediately called a timeout, not to arrange tactics, but to let Malone take a breather.

Tactics are impossible to arrange tactics. The Jazz have always played their cards, and Jerry Sloan himself knows this.

After returning from the timeout, the Jazz still used the familiar pick-and-roll tactics. Malone picked and rolled Stockton to break through, and Malone cut Stockton to pass the ball.

In the first half, the two executed well by relying on tacit understanding. Seeing that the tactics were about to be completed, but when Stockton passed the ball, Lu Feng risked letting go of Ma Long and tried to steal the pass.

Lu Feng pounced on the basketball, but his speed was still a bit slower and he couldn't intercept the ball.

But he was not without gains. Although he failed to steal successfully, Lu Feng successfully touched the basketball with his hand, which changed the trajectory of the basketball.

The ball flew into the air, and Malone had to stop cutting inside, withdrew from the inside and jumped to receive the basketball first.

By the time he landed, Lu Feng had already returned to the defensive position, and stood up in front of him.

With a few successful defenses, Lu Feng was no longer afraid of defending Ma Long alone, and took the initiative to find him.

Ma Long swallowed, the shadow brought to him by the previous few defenses was still there, he didn't want to single out Lu Feng.

However, observing a circle of teammates, Ma Long found that each of his teammates was locked by the supersonic chase and defense, and there was no chance to pass the ball...

This is not a question of whether you want to play or not, Ma Long can only choose to single Lu Feng in this game!

Ma Long seemed to be trying to hit Lu Feng single-handedly, but just leaned against him for a second time, and saw a hand stretched out beside him, Ma Long kicked his legs and withdrew out on a conditioned reflex.

Lu Feng didn't expect that he failed to steal and didn't lose his position. Once Ma Long was bitten by a snake, he was afraid of well ropes for ten years, but now he is afraid when he sees Lu Feng stretching out his hand.

Although he gave up his position, Mr. Ma did not regret it, but heaved a sigh of relief.

He knew in his heart that with the little physical strength he had now, Lu Feng might fail to steal once, but he would not fail every time. Now his reaction is much slower!

Ma Long turned around and singled Lu Feng head-on, preparing for a violent breakthrough. As soon as the center of gravity dropped, Lu Feng rushed forward again. Ma Long subconsciously dribbled the ball first to avoid the rhythm of the breakthrough...

The Seattle fans were stunned. Now Ma Long doesn't even have the guts to single out Lu Feng. What does this mean?
It means that Lu Feng has conquered Ma Long!
What's the use of scoring 50 points? It's because Ma Long didn't match up with Lu Feng before!
A few balls against Lu Feng, not to mention scoring the ball, Ma Long couldn't even control the ball!
What's more, now Ma Long has reached the point where he is afraid of seeing Lu Feng. If he doesn't see Ma Long coming in and out, is there nothing he can do with Lu Feng all the time?

Ma Long, who is unsolvable in the entire league, encountered Lu Feng playing like this, why don't the officials hurry up and express it to a DPOY?
Ma Long failed to attack several times and became more and more irritable.

The big question: The Jazz's shot clock is coming up!

At the last moment, Ma Long had no choice but to face Lu Feng and force a long shot...

Malone's mid-range shots are not stable, let alone long-range shots, and this is Malone who played 46 minutes in the final quarter.

The result of this ball is naturally-kuang!

Malone missed the shot and Kemp grabbed the rebound. This time the Jazz had no worries and immediately used the foul!
Swish, swish——

101:107, the Sonics lead by 6 points!
Kemp made two free throws and broke the Jazz's last hope.

At the end of the game, 106:111, the Sonics defeated the Jazz by 5 points at home and won their 30th victory of the season!
"I'm not Malone and I don't know why he did that.

But I guess it's because of fear, hehe, you know.

How many points did he score in this game? 54 points, not bad...

But when I played against him, I didn't let him score even one point, and most importantly, I won this game! "

(End of this chapter)

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