Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 131 Score 20 points in 27 consecutive games, break the double record and win the championshi

Chapter 131 Score 20 points in 27 consecutive games, break the double record and win the championship!

The first point was 5 of 1 and only scored 1 point. Not to mention the stars, even the fans couldn't help laughing.

At the second point, Lu Feng did not start shooting immediately, but paused for a while, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, adjusting his mentality...

After a few seconds, Lu Feng opened his eyes, his eyes were full of determination.

Then he quickly picked up the ball and shot it directly. The first ball flew halfway, and Lu Feng had already picked up the second ball. He didn't pause at all, and didn't intend to observe the first ball.

Now that the first point is already like that, no matter how bad it is, it is impossible to make it worse. Under the thought of breaking the boat, the pressure on Lu Feng's body dropped sharply.

Swish——Lu Feng made his second three-pointer, and before anyone else could react, the second shot followed: Swish!

Immediately after—


The first four ordinary balls were all hit!
For the last flower ball, Lu Feng didn't change the rhythm just because it was a flower ball. It was still the same way. When the last ball just flew halfway, he grabbed the ball and shot it directly.

After the shot was over, Lu Feng didn't hesitate, and immediately ran to the third point - take the ball and shoot!

The moment he shot... Swish - the second point, all hit!

Lu Feng's shot speed is really too fast, it only takes 8 seconds or less to cast a point!
In the second point, each ball was hollow, and the commentator Maji couldn't help but picked up the microphone and shouted: "Every ball is hollow into the net. Listen to the sound of the goal, it's like a splash of water. It's wonderful!"

Before Jordan could react, Lu Feng shot two points... Ten balls, without exception, all went into the net!

In just a dozen seconds, it seemed like a flash. At one moment, Jordan was fantasizing about Lu Feng breaking his record and being eliminated at the bottom. The next moment, Lu Feng scored 10 goals in a row and scored 13 points!
This is not the end yet, when Jordan realized it, Lu Feng had already shot more than half of the fourth spot...

Swish - the fourth point, all the first four goals have been scored!
The last bouquet... bang!
Finally, after scoring 14 goals in a row, Lu Feng missed one, which was the most critical bouquet.

As soon as Jordan felt a little joy in his heart, he heard another "swish"!
Then, there were four consecutive beeps...the fifth point, all in!

25 of 20, 23 points!
When Lu Feng finished casting all his votes, the time displayed was 18 seconds left!
It took 42 seconds to shoot all five points. This is the result of Lu Feng stopping for a few seconds in the middle. If only the last four points are counted, the total time spent by Lu Feng may not even be 35 seconds!

The commentator was stunned, the fans were stunned, and even Jordan, who played in the finale, was also stunned.

He took 35 three-point shots in 20 seconds, and he also moved to change the shooting point... Lu Feng wants to be so scary, with such efficiency and speed, he is simply inhumane!

When Lu Feng walked off the stage, seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the others, he spread his hands and joked:

"It's a pity to disappoint you, even if I lose a point, I can still enter the final...

Sorry, even if I didn't take the first point seriously, I still scored a goal. Damn it, I obviously didn't think about it! "

Lu Feng took the opportunity to play hard, and the others opened their mouths, but in the end they couldn't say a word.

Although Lu Feng only scored 14 consecutive goals and failed to break Craig Hodges' record of 19 consecutive goals the previous year, 14 consecutive goals was equally terrifying, not to mention that this was Lu Feng's first point and he only made one ordinary goal. After the ball, he threw it with a very fast shot!
Lu Feng scored 20 out of 19 in the last four points, which brought more deterrence than Hodges' 19 consecutive goals!

The key point lies in the word "fast"!

With the remaining four points, Lu Feng's shot speed was too fast, giving people a feeling of ease, so that others had to doubt whether Lu Feng was telling the truth.

The first point, he may not have taken the shot seriously, otherwise it would not explain why Lu Feng only scored one goal.

But Lu Feng has already shot all the balls and scored 23 points, which means that Lu Feng can enter the final of the three-pointer contest no matter what!

In the three-point contest, after all the players have shot in the first round, the top three players will enter the final.

The current situation is: Craig Hodges has 24 points, Lu Feng has 23 points, and Mullin has 22 points... This means that Jordan must score at least 22 points to qualify for the finals. The pressure on him One can imagine.

As the biggest star among the players in this year's three-point shooting contest, Jordan never expected that he would have a day when he would be under a lot of pressure due to the finale.

But the arrow is on the string, so I have to send it!

It doesn't matter if the ducks are on the shelf, Jordan walked to the three-point line with a serious face after a brief warm-up.

After Maji introduced Jordan, the fans burst into laughter. The fact that Jordan only scored 4 goals and scored 5 points in the first round of the year before last is still vivid in my mind. Even though he has already proved himself as the champion of the championship, the fans still can’t help it laugh.

But the laughter of the fans did not affect Jordan's state. Compared with Lu Feng, Jordan's three-point shots were much slower, but his hit rate was surprisingly good.

The first point, 5 of 4 shots, but unfortunately the flower ball did not score, the second point, 5 of 4 shots, the flower ball still did not enter...

The third point, 5 out of 4, the fourth point, 5 out of 4...

In the first four points, Jordan only scored 4 goals in each point, but he missed one of the last flower balls.

Because none of the flower balls scored means that Jordan scored 16 goals and only scored 16 points. If he wants to enter the final, he must score all the last points to have a chance!

Jordan's last point... Shua Shua Shua Shua, four ordinary goals, all scored!
Everyone focused on Jordan, looking forward to seeing the results of his last shot.

In 60 seconds, Jordan has spent 55 seconds, and he is using the normal speed of shooting three-pointers.

Jordan picked up the last bouquet, took a deep breath, and waited until there were only 2 seconds left before completing the final shot-shua!

The last point, 5 of 5, with a total score of 22 points, Jordan will play against Mulling to decide the last ticket to the final!

"Sorry guys, I've let you down. I was going to give up all the bouquets, but I didn't."

After Jordan finished his shot, he left the field and said something to the others with a smile.

Lu Feng is speechless, if I give up a point, you will give up the flower ball, right?

Miller was the first who couldn't help it, laughed out loud with a "puchi", and then taunted: "Forget it Michael, do you think we will believe you? You haven't made it to the final yet, so don't be so happy!"

As expected of Miller, no matter how headwind he is, he will always be at the forefront of anti-Joe!

Even if he is eliminated, so what? Does Miller still have a few rounds in the playoffs? Doesn’t he scold Jordan every year?
Jordan chuckled twice, ignored Miller, and gave Mullin a wary look in his eyes...

The fans were very excited. After Maggie's exciting commentary, Jordan's Mullin's extra match officially began!
There are still five points in the extra game, but different from the normal game, the shooting time of the extra game is only 30 seconds, which means that the stars of the extra game can choose two tactics, one is to fight for shooting speed to win by quantity , One is to fight for the shooting percentage, shoot normally, and win by the shooting percentage.

The first player to play was Mullin. He chose to seek stability, did not change his shooting rhythm, and shot normally at every point.

In the first two points, Mullin shot quite well, 10 of 8 and 9 points.

For the third point, seeing that the time was wrong, Mullin decisively accelerated his shooting speed, trying to shoot all the third points...

After the tempo accelerated, Mullin's shooting rate dropped significantly. He only missed two of the first four shots. When he finally picked up the bouquet, Mullin shot the ball under the pressure of time—swish, the bouquet scored!
He took 30 shots in 15 seconds and scored 10 goals. Mulling's score in the extra game was also not low. After watching the video repeatedly, the referee confirmed that Mullin's last goal was not timed out. The extra game score: 13 points!
After Mullin finished his shot, Hardaway and Chris, who were watching the game, high-fived. He happily sat back in his seat, and then watched Jordan enter the game nervously.

It was also 30 seconds, but this time Jordan did not shoot normally like in the first round, but learned from Lu Feng, and his shooting speed became extremely fast. Obviously, Jordan intends to win by quantity!
Most of Jordan's jump shots are double-action shots, but it doesn't mean he can't single-action shots.

In fact, for most professional perimeter players in the basketball field, mastering three or more shooting methods is the most basic requirement. This does not include the balance between left and right hands. To pass the line, at least six shooting methods must be mastered!

The first point, 8 shots in 5 seconds, 5 of 2, only 3 points including flower ball!
Mullin got up, looked at Jordan on the field excitedly, and at the same time kept praying that Jordan would continue to maintain this state!
As a result, on the second point, Jordan gave Mullin a heavy blow. Although the speed dropped a little, it took a total of 10 seconds, but he scored 4 goals including the flower ball and scored 5 points!
With 12 seconds left, Jordan is still 6 points away from surpassing Mullin, and 5 points to continue the extra game!
In the third point, Jordan maintained the shooting speed of the second point, scored all the first 4 goals, and scored 12 points!
Mullin gradually became nervous. If Jordan scored the last ball again, it meant that he would be eliminated and would not be able to enter the final.

Jordan picked up the bouquet, didn't pause to adjust, and just picked it up and threw it—swish!

With 14 points, Jordan officially surpassed Mullin and reached the final of the three-point contest!

There are 3 seconds left in the time, but Jordan does not intend to rush to the fourth point, and reaching the final has already achieved his goal.

Mullin stood up, took the lead in applauding Jordan, then put his hands on his hips, and shook his head helplessly...

He never imagined that, with 22 points in the three-point contest and 13 points in overtime, he couldn't make it to the final of the three-point contest!

You know, this is the 7th three-point contest since its inception!
The 7th session has already been like this. What will happen to the future three-point contest? Mullin doesn't dare to think about it... 25 points to enter the final?

A certain bald head: Laughing, if I hadn't changed the rules, Hodges would be the god of the three-point shootout!

The first round of the competition was over, and the fans applauded all the contestants. The intensity of this three-point contest was far beyond the imagination of the fans. The contestants alone were enough to make the fans feel worth the price. The fans competed so hard, the fans who bought the tickets instantly felt that the scene was right!

After a brief break, the three-point contest final officially begins!
The first player to play was Jordan with 22 points in the first round and 14 points in overtime.

Being able to make it to the finals of the three-pointer contest, or reaching the finals in such a highly competitive competition, Jordan's goal of washing himself out of his inability to make three-pointers is still accomplished.

But since they have come here, saying that they don't want to win the championship must be false. Jordan also wants to get a three-pointer to support the scene!
Dare to vote for three rounds, Jordan's hand feels obviously hot, and he is full of momentum as soon as he comes up. The first point...

Swish, swish, swish—five beeps in a row, the first point, all in!
As the time changed back to 1 minute, the time pressure was no longer there, and Jordan returned to his most comfortable way of shooting, and the effect was remarkable!

The second point - Shua, kuangdang, huada, kuangdang, huada...

5 of 3, 4 points!
In the third point, the first four goals were scored in a row, each of which was hollow. Jordan's momentum in the final was extremely fierce!
However, at the end of the ball... the basketball staggered back and forth on the rim a few times before rolling out and failing to fall into the rim.

The first three points, 14 points!
The fourth point, as soon as Jordan came up, he got off to a bad start, and the first one who came up was ordinary and hit the iron—Kang Dang!
However, after this ball, Jordan never missed a single shot, swish swish... all the remaining 9 goals were scored!
25 of 21, 25 points to tie the record!

After the vote, Jordan couldn't control his excitement, he clenched his fists and yelled, his eyes gradually became uncontrollable, showing a kind and ruthless look.

The commentator Maggie was so excited that he couldn't help himself, bragging about Jordan's performance...

"Michael scored 22 points in the first round and 14 points in overtime was enough to surprise me.

But unexpectedly, this was not all he had. He scored 25 of 21 shots in the final, tying the record of 25 points set by his teammate Craig Hoggs two years ago!
You know, but Hoggs scored 25 points in the first round. Before that, the highest score in the three-point contest finals was Larry's 22 points in the first three-point contest!
The pressure in the final was not comparable to that of the preliminaries. What's more, Michael was the first to play in the final, and his first-round score was the lowest among the three.

Except for Larry, no one has scored more than 20 points in the three-point contest finals before!
But Michael told us he could do better than Larry!
He broke Larry's record and raised the highest score in the three-point contest finals to 25 points!
God, is this still the Michael I know?

From now on, don't say that Michael can't shoot three-pointers anymore, he is one of the best three-pointers in the league now, and even this "one" needs to be questioned! "

After retiring, Maji became more and more self-disciplined and officially became a "Joe Chui"!
But different from the previous life, Maji is also a "Lu Chuan". Except for Lu Feng and Jordan, Maji looks down on any guard in the league now!
The most important point is that fans can't say anything about him... After all, Maggie really understands football.

"Luck and Claire must feel the pressure now. If they want to win against Michael, they must at least tie the record. This is not an easy thing to do.

Even if both of them have strength, they can't do this by strength alone, and they need a certain amount of luck. "

Does Lu Feng feel the pressure?
Of course, the impact of Jordan's tying the record is obvious. Lu Feng did not expect that the first three-point contest he participated in would be so difficult.

"Boy, I gave you the chance to break the record, so work hard!"

Just as Lu Feng felt the heavy pressure coming towards him, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Jordan hurried over with a provocative smile.

The first player scored 25 points, Jordan was so excited that he wanted to run back to the locker room and smoke a cigar to celebrate.

He didn't think that Lu Feng or Hodges had a chance to score 26 points and surpass him, let alone surpass him, even scoring 25 points to tie with him was impossible!

Three-point shot contest champion - success!
Lu Feng was quite nervous at first, but being ridiculed by Jordan in such a way, his emotions instantly overwhelmed his nervousness.

Danzi is really a good person, seeing that I am nervous, I came here to help!
"Thank you for your help, Michael..." Lu Feng said meaningfully to Jordan. Seeing that Jordan's eyes became more and more confused, he immediately went on the stage and stopped interacting with him.

Jordan:? ? ?
What does Lu Feng mean? He doesn't really think he can break the record, does he? This is the final of the three-point contest!
Impossible, absolutely impossible!
If Lu Feng breaks the record and wins the championship in the final, I, Michael Jordan, will take this basketball on the spot...

The staff arranged the basketball, and after Maji gave a warm introduction, Lu Feng played second in the final.

As the sound of the start sounded, Lu Feng picked up the first ball, raised the ball, bent his knees, and kicked his legs—swish!

The first ball was scored steadily, followed by the second ball... Bang Dang—the basketball bounced out with a little more force.

Lu Feng cursed inwardly, then picked up the third ball, adjusted it and shot it—pang pong pong...

The ball bounced back and forth in the basket, and finally rolled out hesitantly, but still missed!

Lu Feng: ...

Seeing that Lu Feng scored only 3 goal from 1 shots, Jordan smiled and shook his head, lamenting that he really thought too much before.

In the three-point shooting competition, in addition to looking at the proficiency of the three-point shooting, it also depends on the mentality of the players.

Lu Feng found that he shot normally, without the decisiveness in the usual games, the gain outweighed the loss.

In the first round, he broke the boat after a bad start, and made every shot with determination, so he was able to complete the comeback.

In the three-point contest, he doesn't need to make any changes to his shots. He should shoot the way he shoots in training and games!
Lu Feng recalled what it was like to shoot a three-pointer normally.

Then, when Lu Feng picked up the fourth ball, he raised his head and aimed at the basket, without any pause, he picked it up and shot it, and then ignored the result of this ball, and quickly set his sights on the next ball.

Lu Feng has always advocated the speed of shooting. Too long preparation time has always been the thing he fears the most. For him, as long as he has a vague idea of ​​the position of the basket, he can shoot directly. This is the most correct way to shoot!
Then Lu Feng picked up the bouquet, and without waiting for the last goal to be scored, he shot directly!

The moment the flower ball was shot, the fourth ball was just scored, and Lu Feng quickly recovered the state of shooting three-pointers.

Then, he rushed to the next point, and dared to lift the ball up, when he heard the sound of brushing the net brought by the flower ball entering the basket-shua!

After regaining his form, Lu Feng's hands became more and more fiery, and his shooting speed became faster and faster...


The consecutive goals made people overwhelmed. The fans felt that it didn't take long for Lu Feng to hit the third point.

When Lu Feng was halfway through the third point, Jordan realized that since the fourth ball, Lu Feng had never missed a shot again!

After the third point is cast, it is still all in!
Jordan straightened his body and paid attention to the game on the field. Lu Feng seemed to be no weaker than him at all. Maybe it was possible to equal or even surpass his 25 points!
The main problem was that Lu Feng shot too fast, and Jordan didn't have time to count Lu Feng's points in his heart, so he watched Lu Feng finish throwing the balls one by one, and his heart became more and more panicked.

Jordan: Damn, it's not like you didn't win the championship with 25 points, right?

After Jordan finished thinking, Lu Feng had already hit the flower ball at the fourth point. He had scored 14 goals in a row, and each ball was hollow!
The flower ball at the fourth point... Shua, there is still it!

Jordan began to get nervous. Judging from his momentum, Lu Feng was much more aggressive than him!
Lu Feng scored 17 goals in a row, and some fans couldn't control their excitement and exclaimed.

At this time, the three-point shooting contest is not as serious as it will be in the future. Anyone can speak out on the spot, and anyone can shout or shout at will.

Lu Feng came to the last point. Before that, he had made 20 of 18 shots and scored 22 points. In the last point, he only needed to score 3 points to tie the record of 25 points. If he scored another 4 points, he could break the record!
For the first ball, Lu Feng maintained the rhythm of his shots, and the speed was extremely fast-shua!

18 consecutive goals, 23 points!
There was no pause, no relaxation, Lu Feng seemed to be unable to hear any sound, and was immersed in his own world. He ignored the second ball flying in the air, took the third ball directly, and shot without any adjustments!

Second ball, third ball...


20 goals in a row, 25 points!
Lu Feng broke Hodges' record of 19 consecutive three-pointers and tied the opponent's record of 25 points!
More importantly, Lu Feng still has two balls to throw!

No matter which goal is scored, Lu Feng can win the championship and rewrite the record of the three-pointer contest!
The fourth ball - bang!
After scoring 20 goals in a row, Lu Feng finally experienced fluctuations in his state and failed to continue scoring.

Looking up, he found that there were still 20 seconds left. Lu Feng rubbed his hands, raised his hand to signal to the stands, and then pointed at Jordan provocatively, and then slowly took the last flower ball.

Jordan: Forget it, Lu Feng scored 25 points, which is already a record...Huh?What is he doing, provoking Lao Tzu?

After picking up the ball, Luffy twirled the ball in the air in his hands, just like others do when they make free throws, and then aimed at the basket and shot the ball.

Swish - the flower ball scored!
27 points!
Lu Feng broke the 25-point record shared by Craig Hodges and Jordan!
He made 25 of 22 shots, did not miss a flower ball, and scored 20 goals in a row...

The first time he participated in the three-point contest, Lu Feng set many records, which made people sigh.

Jordan: I...

Jordan felt that he was beeping the dog, and he didn't win the championship by 25 points in the final. He suddenly wanted to call Barkley and beat Lu Feng together!
"Luck! It's him!
He surpassed Michael Jordan and scored 27 points!
Fans and friends, believe me, Luck created an unshakable record. He made 25 of 22 shots in the final, scored 20 goals in a row, and scored 27 points in the three-point contest final...

God, his hands must have been kissed by the basketball god!
I'm pretty sure that Luck is the best three-pointer in the world right now, not one of them!

If you ask who can break Luke's record in the future, it must be him. Only Luke can beat Luke! "

A certain bald head: Really?I do not believe!
The last player to play was the two-time winner of the three-point contest. He obviously failed to withstand the pressure. In the final, he only scored 25 points on 15 of 17 shots, and missed the honor of being the three-point champion in a row.

The three-point contest is all about mentality. Hodges' mentality is not stable, which is actually normal. After all, Lu Feng and Jordan, one with 27 points and the other with 25 points, no one can stand it!
After the final, Lu Feng won the three-point shot contest without any dispute, and won the three-point shot contest championship trophy from David Stern.

After the dunk king, Lu Feng became the three-point king again!

After receiving the award, Lu Feng said with a smile: "To be honest, in my opinion, the three-point contest is more interesting than the slam dunk contest!
After all, I have already scored full marks in the slam dunk contest, but not in the three-point contest...

Therefore, I decided to sign up for next year's three-point shooting contest in advance. Everyone in the league is welcome to come and challenge! "

Lu Feng paused for a moment, and then continued: "I have already won the dunk contest and the three-point contest, but this is not enough!

I'm a championship collector and I want to win all the championships. Now I'm short of three championships, the Olympic championship, the world championship championship and the NBA championship...

In addition, there is the billboard championship, well, this does not count. "

Both the fans and David Stern were amused by Lu Feng. Lu Feng did reach the top of the Billboard chart for a short time, but it was a pity that he was kicked off by Michael Jackson after the release of his three-year-old album "Dangerous".

"So next, my biggest focus will be on the playoffs. I beat Michael in the three-point contest, but this is just the beginning. The finals are the real battlefield for me and him!
If I can't win the championship this season, I will give this three-pointer championship trophy to Michael. Compared with him, he also scored 25 points, but luck is not as good as mine!

Michael, take a bet, you only need to pay $1 to participate. "

With a deep expression on his face, Qiao Dan wiped his throat at Lu Feng and turned away...

"Michael, that kid won't be able to dance for long. My legs can last the season... but I'm afraid I'll have to rest for a while."

Michael looked at Hodges beside him, nodded and said, "Craig, you can rest as long as you want, and I will help you solve the team's problems.

I have only one request: I hope you can show up for the finals on time! "

(End of this chapter)

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