Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 133 Trailing by 15 points at halftime, Carlisle has a trick up his sleeve!

Chapter 133 Trailing by 15 points at halftime, Carlisle has a trick up his sleeve!
The Suns are an obvious Western style team, with guards turning forwards, short guys huddled together, fast breaks...  

The Supersonics and the Suns had three wins and one loss last season, and the advantage is obvious.

The main reason is that the Suns last season were too easy to target, more precisely: Kevin Johnson was too easy to target!

As a small guard with a height of only 6 feet (183cm), he has no shooting ability at all, and the average number of three-point shots per game in his career is even less than one time. The only common offensive method is breakthrough.

Although his first step is not slow and he has earned himself the nickname "Lightning", he can't shoot, and experienced coaches and players can always find a way to deal with him.

Iverson is equally difficult to defend, but his shooting is not weak. The mid-range and long-range shots are Iverson's best scoring method, not getting to the basket and layup.

And before Larry Brown became the head coach of the 76ers, Iverson's three-pointers were not low, averaging 5-6 times per game, and his shooting rate remained at about 35%, which was absolutely qualified at the time.

And when Kevin Johnson took so few three-pointers, his shooting percentage was only 20% all the year round or even less than 20% in many seasons. It all depends on luck.

The weak shooting ability is not a problem of Kevin Johnson alone, but a problem of the entire Suns.

The reason is still the coach of the Suns...

Cotton Fitzsimmons, an old antique of the same era as Cardinal Reed Auerbach, started as a head coach at the age of 28, moved to many teams over the years, and served as general manager and coach at the same time .

Since the mid-20s, Cotton Fitzsimmons has been keenly aware of the changes in the atmosphere of the league, knowing that the era of outsiders is about to begin. Mid strong to mid 80s sun.

But on the issue of how to train outside players, Cotton Fitzsimmons, because of the traditional thinking, believes that the offense is to find a way to get close to the basket in order to ensure the hit rate, so he did not pay close attention to his shooting ability, which caused the Suns to fall frequently in the quarter. Halfway through the playoffs.

However, Kevin Johnson's style of play has long been finalized. It is not so easy for him to grasp his shooting ability who has never practiced long-range shooting.

Fortunately, after Cotton Fitzsimmons noticed this, he suddenly discovered that the Suns did not have accurate pitchers...

Jeff Hornacek, this handsome white guy who has been playing hard in the past few seasons, entered the vision of Cotton Fitzsimmons.

Hornacek is not only the best shooter in the sun, but also one of the best shooters in the league. Cotton Fitzsimmons waved his hand and appointed Hornacek to replace Kevin Johnson as the new Suns king!

The results of the adjustment are also very gratifying. The Suns currently have a record of 33 wins and 18 losses. Although they are only ranked fifth in the Western Conference, considering the level of monsters in the Western Conference this season, it is very good to be ranked fifth in the Western Conference.

In the original world, Hornacek was able to replace Jeff Malone alone, relying on the terrifying efficiency he played this season.

Lu Feng is very curious now: If the Suns no longer meet the Jazz in the playoffs, are eliminated by the Jazz for two consecutive years, and Malone, who has killed the Quartet, no longer appears, will Cotton Fitzsimmons forcefully give up on Hornace? Ke chose Fliggy to target Malone.

Hornacek's performance this season is unquestionable, but Cotton Fitzsimmons has not renewed his contract in advance, and he is obviously still struggling.

There are too many big fish in the offseason, and everyone is delicious...Dream, Barkley, no matter which one is much better than Hornacek.

And in the view of Cotton Fitzsimmons, although Hornacek's strength is good, he lacks hard work and has no fighting spirit to move forward.

I gave you unlimited shooting rights, but the result is only 15 shots per game, which is two more than last season. What is this?
Hornacek, can't you just learn from Lu Feng and Jordan and take 30 shots in a game?

Regarding Cotton Fitzsimmons' complaints, Hornacek couldn't tell. 13-18 shots per game is already his limit. If he has more ball possessions, he will suffer from indigestion.

It's not that Hornacek doesn't want to shoot more, but his physical talent determines his upper limit. Throughout the decades of basketball development, many times the team wants to train players. After increasing the ball, the efficiency shown will be lower. This is the reason for the sharp drop.

Adding 13 to 15 shots on the basis of an average of 2 to 3 shots per game is not something everyone can afford.
When a group of people in the league rely on talent for a living, Hornacek has no talent and can only rely on hard work, but basketball is still a sport that pays attention to talent...

In other words, all sports require a certain amount of talent, and hard work alone cannot surpass those players who are both talented and hardworking.

In the game against the Suns, the Sonics set up a starting lineup of Barros, Lu Feng, Harper, Kemp, and Perkins.

The reason for such a lineup is not only because this lineup can run, but also because the Suns are too short and the lineup is too tall to defend.

The starting lineup of the Suns is: Kevin Johnson, Jeff Hornacek, Dan Marley, Tim Perry, Mark West.

Mark West, the tallest Suns starter, is only 205 centimeters, and Jeff Hornacek in the second position is only 188 centimeters. If McMillan is not feeling well, I am afraid that Lu Feng will play the third position in the starting lineup!

For Hornacek, the new Sun King, the Supersonics give enough respect, and Lu Feng defends himself!
King against king, general against general, fans are looking forward to seeing the fierce confrontation between the two.

However, after the first quarter, the fans were relieved that the game was different from what they had imagined...

The impression of the game is only one word - iron!

In the first quarter of the game, the Sonics made a total of 26 shots, only scoring 10 goals, and the hit rate was only 40%!

A lot of fast-break open balls were missed by the Supersonics. If only one or two goals were missed, it would be normal, but if four or five open balls were missed, the problem would be a big one!
Supersonic is not a person's iron, but everyone's iron, including Lu Feng!


Lu Feng's low shooting rate has nothing to do with Hornacek's defense. It is purely his own problem. His forearm is sore all day long, and it is normal to have poor shooting touch.

The forearm is sore because someone uses his forearm as a pillow after he falls asleep, and it is very difficult to keep it from being sore.

After the first quarter, the Suns led the Supersonics by 34 points at 25:9. Before the game, Seattle never expected that the first quarter would be like this.

In the first quarter of the game, Lu Feng played very helplessly. He didn't have a shooting touch. He could only score by hitting the basket frequently.

He played so hard, grabbed 4 rebounds, and dished out 2 assists, and the team fell so far behind.

In the first quarter of the game, Hornacek scored 5 points without free throws on 4 of 8 shots. The efficiency is really terrifying.

After Hornacek's possession increased, he would actually use it to practice breakthroughs, which surprised Lu Feng...

Hornacek's breakthrough does not rely on speed but rhythm. He plays like a small forward, making it very uncomfortable to defend.

In the habit of thinking, short defenders can only rely on speed to break through, and rhythm is a move that forwards only play when they are not fast enough. As a result, Hornacek knew that his speed was not enough, so he played crooked moves. Can't get used to it.

His technical characteristics are very similar to Ginobili in the future, wriggling like a catfish, hesitating back and forth for a long time, all fake moves, which is annoying.

Hornacek: Lu Feng, guess whose video I learned from?

That's right, Hornacek learned the moves from the video of Lu Feng playing with his opponents purely technically.

However, unlike Lu Feng, Lu Feng used these techniques purely to show off and play against his opponents. He really wanted to break through with the first burst.

But Hornacek intends to use these footwork skills as conventional weapons. For defenders like him who are not fast enough, these small skills of Lu Feng are simply a blessing for them...

Hornacek: Lu Feng is really a man with eels!
Camp: Eels?What eel?

The most important point is that Hornacek has not given up on outside shooting after he has achieved the effect of breakthrough. The shooting level is still online. Easier.

Lu Feng was busy defending against Lightning Johnson, but the result was that Hornacek opened up this point.

In the second quarter of the game, Lu Feng focused on defending Hornacek alone. As a result, this guy was as steady as an old dog, pulling Lu Feng to the bottom corner to smoke. As long as Lu Feng was with him, he would not miss the ball.

And when Lu Feng couldn't help defending, he either made an air cut or moved, reminding his teammates to get the ball, and make a timely shot when Lu Feng's defense is in place.

In the second quarter, Hornacek only took 3 shots, made 3 of 2 shots and missed free throws, scoring 5 points.

What made Lu Feng even more uncomfortable was that his touch finally recovered a bit. In the second quarter, he scored 7 points on 4 of 12 shots. As a result, his teammates lost even more.

To be precise, the Supersonic's mental state is actually fine, but the hand feel and luck are not very good, and they can't make any shots.

Perkins has a small hook, and the basketball can roll five or six times in the basket, and when it is about to roll in, there is no one else.

In the fast-break battle, the Supersonics only scored 25 points in the first quarter, and their shooting percentage was already low enough. As a result, in the second quarter, the Supersonics' score did not increase but decreased, and they only scored 24 points!
Nearly 50 shots were taken in the halftime and only 49 points were scored. The Supersonics are outrageous!
The Suns have already scored 64 points with two fewer shots than the Supersonics. The Supersonics trailed by 15 points at halftime!
Sometimes winning and losing come so suddenly... The weak team suddenly explodes, the strong team suddenly suffers from bad luck, everything is possible.

Halftime, in the Sonics locker room...

Carlisle was having a headache holding the data recorder. He really didn't expect that the Supersonics were so far behind when they beat the solar, which was worse than the Warriors who broke out.

Logically speaking, when playing against the Warriors and the Suns, every team had to score points hard. As a result, the Supersonics didn't score well. After pulling it to the end, no one performed normally except Lu Feng.

Carlisle asked himself: How should we play in the second half?
Hand the ball to Lu Feng and let Lu Feng attack?

No, the Supersonics can't do this every time, not to mention that Lu Feng's touch in this game is also not good.

And in the current situation, scoring alone cannot solve the problem.

"Guys, we played defense in the second half, everyone used my body, I need you to use contact and press defense!
If the problem cannot be solved by offense, then use defense to complete it! "

Carlisle glanced at Lu Feng with a slight hesitation in his eyes. After a moment of hesitation, he turned to look at Avery Johnson and continued:

"Avery, you're playing the [-]st position, defending Kevin has to keep fighting him, making him uncomfortable.

Once Kevin gets the ball, you have to let go of him immediately, take two steps back to defend, and force him to shoot as much as possible on the outside. If you still can't prevent him, force him in the direction of your teammates. "

Then, Carlisle looked at Armstrong.

"Darrell, I have only one request for you as the second position: Confrontation!

Keep confronting that disgusting gay clown on the opposite side, don't let him catch the ball and shoot comfortably!
Don't worry about fouls, as long as it is not technical fouls and malicious fouls are acceptable, I would rather let him make free throws one by one, and don't let him have a good time! "

"Luck... you're the most important one, I want you to play small forward.

I will let Ron and Sean help you get in position. In the second half, you will be responsible for our rebounding. Not only defensive rebounds, but also offensive rebounds!
In addition to protecting the basket, you also need to complete all defensive sweeping tasks within the circle of the free throw line. Once Avery and Darrell are broken through, you must immediately go up to help defend.

Offensively, Avery and Darrell's organization is not as good as yours, so you still need to take care of the team's organization, and your personal offense can't fall behind..."

Carlisle paused, and said helplessly, "Sorry, did I talk too much..."

Lu Feng smiled easily, waved his hand and said: "No... Believe me, these are not difficult for me.

But Rick, in fact, you can simply introduce it as: I need to be Jordan and Pippen of the Sonics at the same time, and one person does the work of two people.

In this way, it will be much easier for us to understand. "

Seeing that Lu Feng could still laugh, Carlisle heaved a sigh of relief. He was a role player a few years ago. He didn't know the real strength of the star. He was worried that assigning too much work to Lu Feng would overwhelm him.

But... the Sonics' Jordan plus Pippen?
This statement is indeed accurate enough, but at the same time, Lu Feng also reminded himself that Jordan and Pippen can only do so much work on the field. The Supersonic is only Lu Feng, and it is very good as Carlisle simulated in his mind. Do these work?
"The last thing, if the Suns don't let the starters play directly in the third quarter, you can play as much as you want, Rucker, and you can play as you want, even if you shoot three-pointers directly in the midfield like during training!"

Back in the second half of the game, the Sonics lineup is: Avery Johnson, Darrell Armstrong, Lu Feng, Harper, Kemp.

The Suns are... a group of substitutes!
Hornacek and Kyle Johnson sat on the sidelines, chatting happily without even looking at the field...

"Have the Sonics given up? What lineup are they playing, Luck at small forward?

Darrell Armstrong, a rookie who averaged only 6 points in 1.1 minutes per game, the Sonics haven't given up on him yet?
Looks like Rucker is going to struggle a bit more, but it's clear coach Rick Carlisle isn't backing him up! "

Seeing that Sun didn't let the starting lineup play directly, Lu Feng took a deep breath, looked at Carlisle off the court, and nodded slightly.

Lu Feng: Since the Suns are not going to start, then I will make them come up!
(End of this chapter)

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