Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 137 Kemp was injured, supersonic inner ghost trouble?

Chapter 137 Kemp was injured, supersonic inner ghost trouble?
The SuperSonics had 16 games in March, all of which were played in the West. The schedule was dense but not difficult.

In the last game of the season against the Trail Blazers, the media before the game were all optimistic that the Sonics would win, but unfortunately, the Sonics lost the game...

But compared to losing the game, Lu Feng cared about another thing - Kemp was injured!

Kemp went to play a field game during the holiday, but he broke his finger due to dunking too hard, and was reimbursed for the rest of the regular season. The playoffs will not return until the Western Conference Finals at the earliest.

The reason for Kemp's injury left the Sonics speechless. There are many NBA players who have been injured playing wild games, but the NBA has never banned this kind of behavior. It is nothing more than to promote the league among ordinary people.

When Lu Feng was free, he would occasionally play wild ball, just for fun, and he could also do a lot of business operations, such as promoting sneakers and sporting goods, along with playing wild ball.

But in any case, the dunk broke the finger, this reason is too outrageous, the Sonics team is extremely speechless to Kemp...

As a well-known dunker in the league, Kemp's mistake this time is definitely a low-level mistake.

122:123, the numbers on the scoreboard show just how hard it was for the Blazers to win this game...

At the same time, the data of Lu Feng's game was displayed on the big screen, 58 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists. The Blazers obviously wanted to tell their home fans what a terrible opponent they defeated.

Kemp's right hand was wrapped with a bandage. Seeing Lu Feng walk off the field with a dissatisfied face, he lowered his head guiltyly, not daring to look at him.

"Luck..." Kemp's lips were bluffing, and finally he could only spit out: "Sorry."

Lu Feng glanced at Kemp, shook his head helplessly, and continued: "It has nothing to do with you. Injuries are part of the game. I didn't play well."

Kemp couldn't say a word, and felt even more guilty about his injury and absence...

In Lu Feng's opinion, Camp's injury is not a big deal. Professional players will always be accompanied by injuries. Except for people like Sampson who are born with physical defects, Lu Feng believes that as long as everyone's movements are standard enough, they should avoid using high-risk moves. Technical actions can effectively reduce the probability of injury.

But at most, it is only a reduction. Everyone may be injured, and luck is also the key. Even if it is a proven iron man in the previous life, Lu Feng does not believe that all of them can continue the experience of the previous life in this life. There must be some people because of various weird reasons. Injuried.

For the fact that someone was injured, Lu Feng had long been mentally prepared, including himself!

Kemp only had a broken finger. Knowing this, Lu Feng felt relieved, because a broken finger had little impact on basketball. At most, it would affect some shooting touch at the beginning, but it was neither too big nor too big. Probably too long.

The biggest impact on shooting is the way of exerting force. Injury to the knee, ankle, meniscus or Achilles tendon will really affect the basketball player's shooting potential.

Lu Feng said that the loss had little to do with Camp, but he said it objectively.

The score difference in this game is not big, but the Sonics failed to seize the opportunity several times, which led to the final loss.

The person with the most fluctuating Supersonic status is Perkins. In the past two seasons, the stability he has shown is even higher than that of Lu Feng.

And at the last moment, it was Lu Feng and Barros who failed to prevent Terry Porter's lore, which caused the Supersonics to lose a point.

At the post-match press conference, the reporter naturally asked about Kemp.

"Luck, do you think you lost this game to the Trail Blazers because of Sean's injury?"

"Sean's absence does have an impact on us, he's an important part of our team, but in my opinion, the loss has nothing to do with it, the Blazers played well, better than us , so they had the last laugh.

I couldn't put down Terry's final at the end, which was the key to the loss.

Sean didn't play this game, the loss had nothing to do with him, it was mainly because of me, I couldn't play better, so we lost, it's that simple! "

Carlisle saw that Lu Feng took the blame, and quickly said: "Luck's performance is not a problem, we can all see it!

I don't think this game was won and I'm the one most responsible for it!

After Sean was injured, I failed to make adjustments to the team's tactics, which led to Terry scoring 27 points in this game. This is my responsibility that cannot be escaped.

There are players injured for various reasons every season, which is nothing to say, obviously I am not ready for player injuries, my lack of experience is the biggest reason for our loss! "

After Kemp was injured, Carlisle naturally chose Harper to join the starting lineup. Facts have proved that although Harper's defense is not as strong as Kemp's, his scoring and support are not inferior to Kemp's, and his tactical awareness is better than Kemp's.

But this is not a good choice. The biggest problem after Harper's first start is: the Supersonics do not have a qualified sixth man to bring a substitute!
Clifford will play well with several other starters. He will not be targeted so he can play well. Let him serve as the sixth man with a substitute. Everyone knows that he will be the main offensive point of the Sonics rotation players. With preparation He's not efficient enough to be a good sixth man.

Carlisle took it for granted before, thinking that he could be the sixth man if he had the strength, but he forgot that Clifford's high efficiency before was because he had the supersonic four kings to help him draw the opponent's attention, so that he could play that effect.

"Luck, in your opinion, will Sean's injury threaten your No. [-] position in the Western Conference?"

The Sonics' record of 46 wins and 16 losses and the current Warriors' record of 45 wins and 15 losses cannot widen the obvious gap, and they may be overtaken by the opponent at any time.

And even if the Warriors are not mentioned, the gap between the Blazers' 43 wins and 18 losses and the Supersonics is not too big. According to the media, after Kemp was injured, let alone the Warriors, even the Blazers have the possibility of surpassing the Supersonics. !

"Of course, the No. [-] in the West must be ours, and I will not let any team have the opportunity to overtake us!"

In any case, in the remaining 20 games of the Sonics after Kemp was injured, the biggest task has become to defend his No. [-] position in the Western Conference.

But the outside world is not optimistic about the fact that the Supersonics will keep the No. [-] in the West.

Although Lu Feng and Carlisle both said that Kemp's absence had little effect, the others were not fools. Without Kemp's sweep, the Supersonics' defensive problems were visible to the naked eye, both inside and outside.

Lu Feng alone can only guard one side at most. Harper is limited by his physical talent and cannot become a mopping machine like Kemp.

"Sean is indispensable to the Sonics, he is the most important helper around Luck, and the second leader of the Sonics!
We saw that in the first game after his injury, the Sonics lost to the Trail Blazers. You must know that the Sonics won all the previous matches before this game!
And once Sean leaves, the Supersonics' internal strength will obviously weaken by a notch. With Luck alone, the Supersonics obviously cannot beat a team of the Trail Blazers level! "

Lu Feng expected the development of outside public opinion, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

But Lu Feng is serious about keeping the No. [-] spot in the Western Conference. The Supersonics have been No. [-] in the Western Conference for so long this season. It makes no sense that they will be overtaken at the last moment. Lu Feng must defend the home court advantage in the playoffs no matter what. .

On the plane preparing to return to Seattle, Lu Feng quietly brushed up questions to prepare for the end of the semester. When the plane was about to take off, he suddenly found that there was one person missing on the plane...

"What about Sean, he left early?"

The teammates looked at Lu Feng, and then the good old Harper explained: "Sean said last night that he won't leave with us..."

Lu Feng was very speechless, what kind of demon is Camp doing?

"Why, is he staying in Portland for business?"

Harper hesitated, and finally decided to tell the truth: "He said he was embarrassed to see you, and he was embarrassed to fly with us."

"Gift Crab, he's a fool...well, he is!

Falk, I'll give him a call! "

Lu Feng really can't stand Kemp's weird reason for not wanting to take the team's plane. He obviously flew over as a member of the Supersonics when he came here, and he didn't want to take the team because of his own mistakes that caused the team to lose. airplane……

"Shawn, where are you?"

Knowing that Kemp was still in the hotel and couldn't make it to the plane, Lu Feng scolded the other party, emphasizing that no matter what the reason, as long as everyone is still a teammate, it shouldn't be like this.

"If you still think of yourself as a member of the Sonics, don't do it again next time, don't care what the damn media say, what's damn you is yours, don't forget that we are a team!"

Lu Feng thought that this was the end of the matter, but when he returned to Seattle the next day, a large group of reporters came after Lu Feng as soon as he left the airport...

"Luck, did you really refuse to let Sean get on the plane after losing?"

Lu Feng:? ? ?
After Lu Feng explained and returned to the hotel, he didn't know what happened.

Because the supersonic plane left first, Kemp bought the plane ticket for people to take pictures of, so the reporter believed that Lu Feng was absent because of Kemp's injury and the team lost the game, bullying Kemp and not allowing him to board the plane.

Although Lu Feng, Kemp, and others explained, the news was like a drop of water falling into the sea, without a single ripple.

Inexplicably, Lu Feng became a tyrant like Jordan, and Lu Feng almost laughed at him.

He is indeed not a good person, but compared to Jordan, he is clearly a saint, okay?

He also has a bad temper, not to mention strict training. This is something that every team leader in the NBA will do, and any team leader with self-motivation will have such a requirement.

But in terms of off-court affairs, Lu Feng will not interfere with anyone's private life. At most, he will ask his teammates not to touch banned drugs, because those things will hurt both the body and the brain, and will affect the performance of the game. There are sufficient reasons.

The period from the 70s to the 90s was the most intense period of drug control in the United States. Lu Feng asked his teammates so much that he would not arouse his teammates' resentment.

No one dares to mess around in nightclubs or whatever, if Moji's example is the first.

And the Supersonics are rich enough to go to nightclubs casually, just Perkins, Kemp and Harper. Kemp is obsessed with models and can't help himself. Condoms that will touch holes are not a big problem.

For teammates, those who can get along should be friends, and those who can't get along should be colleagues.

I thought this was just nonsense from the media, and wanted to use Lu Feng to compete with Jordan, and the team tyrant was the same.

No one knows better than Lu Feng what is going on in Ugly Media. No matter it is now or 30 years later, most of the media make a living by eating human blood.

In the Ugly Country entertainment circle where the problem is most frequent, countless stars are forced to curse and even commit suicide. Lu Feng now mixes sports and entertainment, who will the media not write about him?
As a result, Carlisle approached Lu Feng seriously two days later and told Lu Feng that it was not that simple.

Logically speaking, after the entire Sonics team explained the situation, there shouldn't be so many topics raised, and the media shouldn't be so determined.

The reason why the major media insisted that Lu Feng was bullying Kemp was because the Supersonics themselves had a problem.

To put it simply, there is an inner ghost in the supersonic speed!
CBS, NBC and ABC insisted on this matter because they got what they thought was the "real" situation from the insider.

Carlisle found Lu Feng because the Supersonic management had been investigating this matter for the past two days. The most important point was that the insider had been found out—Peves Ellison!
This tool guy who Lu Feng proposed to be traded, thought it would be profitable when the news first came out, so he took the initiative to find the reporter. Xuancheng himself had the "truth" after the Supersonics beat the Trail Blazers.

The only problem is that Pervis Ellison obviously doesn't pay much attention to business news, unaware that Lu Feng is also the owner of TNT and ESPN.

In addition to the three major sports media, Pervis Ellison will not let go of these small media!

TNT and ESPN were dumbfounded when they got the call from Pervis Ellison, we black bosses still need news from you?
What's more, these two media want Lu Feng's black material, and they directly ask for it from themselves. They want to get it for free, but you don't want to keep the news, but you even charge for it. What's the reason for that!
Knowing that the ghost is Pervis Ellison, Lu Feng is not surprised, because the other party is a hopeless person who lives for pleasure, as long as he can fight, Lu Feng will not be surprised by anything he does.

And why he made up false news about Lu Feng, Lu Feng can probably guess some of the reasons.

First of all, it must be for money, which is nothing to say.

On the other hand, it's mostly because of jealousy...

Before Lu Feng, Pervis Ellison was the most watched basketball player in the United States. The whole United States was looking forward to what he would be like after entering the NBA, and the popularity was not lower than that of Lu Feng.

But the development of the two after entering the NBA is very different. It is natural for Pervis Ellison to feel unbalanced in his heart. As a child who grew up in a slum, his IQ is very low and his EQ is also very low...

Ahem, with Pervis Ellison's poor brain capacity, it is nonsense to want him to find problems from himself, and it is normal to be jealous of Lu Feng.

But normal is normal, and acceptance is absolutely unacceptable!
Moreover, the matter of Pervis Ellison is not as simple as a whistleblower. He is completely fabricating false news, which not only hurts Lu Feng, but also hurts the rest of the team!
In the training class, all the supersonics were present, and Russell directly announced the investigation results of this incident, and finally said directly: "Peves, this will be your last season in the supersonics. After the season is over, we will Will trade you, but I hope you can apologize to your teammates and we can choose not to announce this."

Seeing that he was caught, Pervis Ellison simply smashed it and said: "Sorry, why do you apologize?
Why can Luck take 20 or even 30 shots at will in a game, but I have to play as a substitute most of the time, am I worse than him?

The NBA is just a job. My task is to play well and participate in training. It is my freedom to do other things. You have no right to interfere with me! "

Pervis Ellison's speech stunned everyone in the room. There are not no whistleblowers in the NBA. Generally speaking, such people want to apologize to their teammates, and the deal is over after the game.

As a result, Pervis Ellison is not afraid of boiling water, and he is so tough after doing something wrong.

Seeing that Pervis Ellison is so shameless, Russell can't be messed with at once. He has never met such a weird person.

Seeing that Pervis Ellison was unwilling to apologize, Lu Feng said directly: "Are you sure you want to do this? Pervis, if you don't want to apologize here, then I have means to make you speak in other places. Are you sure you want to apologize?" Tear your face?"

Pervis Ellison spread his hands indifferently and said, "Don't you just let me play, do you think I care?

Don't trade me if you have the ability, you can get paid for unfair work, I am happy to do this! "

Lu Feng: ...

Well, as far as Pervis Ellison is concerned, he shouldn't have said so much to the other party...

After this internal meeting, Lu Feng did what he said and asked Pervis Ellison to apologize to him elsewhere.

Go directly to the legal process and sue the other party for defamation. Lu Feng asked Pervis Ellison to apologize publicly to him.

It doesn't matter what the compensation is, and Lu Feng doesn't care about the money, he directly stated that there is no need for compensation, and at the same time, he knows in his heart that if he really wants to mention it, Pervis Ellison cannot afford it.

Because of the sufficient evidence, Pervis Ellison knew that he had no way to refute it, so he held a press conference to explain the matter before the trial, and other teams enjoyed eating melons.

Afterwards, Pervis Ellison did whatever he wanted, without showing any trace of regret.

But Lu Feng knows that the opponent has reached the end in the NBA. No matter whether he works hard or not in the future, the upper limit is at most a rotation substitute. It is impossible for a team to train him to be the team leader now.

At the same time, the sneaker contract that Pevis Ellison has been thinking about is likely to be in vain. If such a thing happens, no sports company will dare to sign him.

However, although Supersonic caught the inner ghost, Lu Feng's image has not improved. His "tyrant" image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After knowing the truth, several mainstream sports media did not make any big moves. They don't want to be as overwhelming as before. Issue a press release.

Lu Feng didn't even think about clearing his impression in the eyes of the fans with just a press conference. As the saying goes, spreading rumors and refusing rumors will ruin his legs. Since this incident has little negative impact on Lu Feng, then he The big deal is next!

(End of this chapter)

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