Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 154: CCTV’s first live commentary, packed with people!

Chapter 154: CCTV’s first live commentary, packed with people!
On May 5, the divisional finals of the playoffs finally began. The first was the Eastern Conference Finals, where the Bulls played against the Knicks.

The game between the SuperSonics and the Trail Blazers will be played on the 22nd. It is impossible for the SuperSonics to arrange training the day before the game, so Lu Feng also has time to pay attention to this game.

He clearly remembered that the Knicks and the Bulls had reached a tiebreaker when they met in the second round all over the world, and he wondered if this would still be the case in this lifetime.

The 91-95 season can be said to be the peak of the Knicks in the 90s. In Lu Feng's opinion, the Knicks led by Pat Riley and Ewing can more or less cause a lot of trouble for the Bulls. Can fight fiercely.

Facts have proved that the Knicks are indeed worthy of the support of the fans. In the first game of the Eastern Conference Finals, the Knicks in Chicago won the opening game with 94:89.

This time the Bulls did not lose to the accident, but purely because of their strength. Jordan scored 23 points, 12 rebounds and 31 assists on 6 of 3 shots. He also had 1 steal and 3 blocks. His performance was terrifying.

But the best performer in the game was not Jordan. Ewing was the one who controlled the game. He made 25 of 14 shots, 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists. He also had 1 steal and made Chicago fans talk about it. Changed to 6 blocks!

The Bulls' inner double pillars, Horace Grant and Bill Cartwright, only scored 15 points and 12 rebounds together, which is not enough for Ewing to play alone!
The result is that Jordan and Pippen have to frequently run inside to double-team Ewing, but the effect is still not great. Jordan and Pippen can indeed defend from one to five, but it also depends on who they are defending.

At Ewing's level, the only players who can guard against him are the four and five players who are known for their defense!

The Bulls overturned in the first game. The most controversial after the game was not Jordan, nor the inner twin towers of the Bulls, but their coach "Zen Master" Phil Jackson.

The argument of the fans is very simple. They think that the main reason why the Bulls lost is that Jordan took too few shots...

Zen Master is a coach who is very good at self-management. Although other NBA coaches will also appear on the show, the frequency is far less frequent than him. Zen Master's compliments to the media can be seen with the naked eye.

Because he keeps promoting himself through various channels, everyone now knows that the Bulls are playing the triangle offense. The Bulls’ triangle offense is actually reducing Jordan’s possession of the ball and allowing him to focus more on off-ball and defense. .

After the Bulls won 69 wins in the regular season, Chicago fans praised Phil Jackson's "triangle offense" superstitiously. Even after the best coach award was announced, they still felt unfair about it. He is more qualified to win the best coach than Old Nelson.

But after the start of the playoffs, Phil Jackson's reputation took a turn for the worse, and the attitude of Chicago fans to the "Triangle Offense" also changed from admiration to disgust.

The agreed triangle offense was to make Jordan play more easily. As a result, fans of how the Bulls and Celtics reached the tiebreaker in the second round did not fail to see.

At the critical moment, the Bulls still need Jordan to stand up and score crazy points to win, and once the game is anxious, the Bulls have no choice but to "give the ball to Jordan".

Every time it came to the last quarter, Jordan had to go to play point guard as a guest, and he always held it in his hands. Obviously, even Phil Jackson himself didn't trust the "triangle offense" system he used to fool people.

In the end, the only remaining function of the "triangle offense" is to save Jordan a little energy. When the situation is not open, it can't even save Jordan's energy. of.

Of course, the main reason why fans criticize Phil Jackson so much is that he likes to blame him.

Being dragged into the tiebreaker by the old, weak and sick Celtics, besides Jordan, Phil Jackson also received a lot of doubts, and anyone who is familiar with Zen master knows that he is a coach very similar to Larry Brown , Winning and taking credit to cater to the media, losing is the fault of the players for not listening to instructions.

In the second round of the playoffs, Zen Master once hinted that the Bulls lost because Jordan played too much on the court, which made it fun for the fans.

If it weren't for Jordan's two historic performances, the Bulls would have packed up their bags and gone home to fish. How could Zen Master speak now!
After retiring, Jordan had a bad relationship with Zen Master and Pippen. He only got along with Rodman. There must be a reason. Zen Master must have something real in his belly, but as a coach, Zen Master cares too much about his own public image , it makes people very speechless.

Lu Feng's perception of Zen Master was average. Anyway, he could not accept cooperation with a coach like Zen Master. If there is a big move, don't look at it again. It seems that there is a pure brain problem.

Pippen's scoring in his career has never been stable, and Zen Master is a brainless believer in the triangle offense in regular time. No matter how bad the other two are, he asks Jordan to share part of the ball.

Although the Supersonics now score a lot, everyone in the team knows that if the score is stalemate during the game, Carlisle will definitely give up other options and leave Lu Feng alone.

Carlisle: That's right, isn't it a fool to hold back the big move?

The Bulls lost in the first game, and they still lost at their own home court. They lost home court advantage from the very beginning, which disappointed the fans, so they all turned their attention to the Supersonics on the other side.

"Can we continue to sweep? Of course I hope to continue to sweep, but you also know that the Blazers are not weak.

Jeremy, Terry and Drazen are all very good players.

Well...and Clyde, he is definitely a top role player. In terms of the strength of the team alone, the Blazers are not weaker than us. "

In the Blazers locker room before the game, a group of people were helpless listening to the quarrel between Adelman and Draxler...

"Clyde, it's not that I don't believe you, but this is the best way for us to win."

"Stop it, you just think I'm just a role player, I can't be deceived by you anymore!"

Adelman had no choice but to avoid Lu Feng to deal with the Supersonics. This is the truth that every coach knows, but Draxler is unwilling to listen to him.

Draxler and Lu Feng have played against each other so many times, and every time they have been blown up, each matchup is a new dark history. He can't figure out why Draxler is so persistent in facing up with Lu Feng.

"Then you tell me what to do? Defend, and then, how to prevent you from telling me?"

Adelman's request is actually very simple. Let Draxler reduce the possession of the ball and put more energy on the defensive end. The Blazers belong to him with the strongest athletic ability. He can limit Lu Feng and replace him with others no chance.

Of course, Draxler disagreed with this proposal. He followed Adelman's words to reduce ball possession and offense. As a result, every time the team wins, it is the team's strength. Losing is his problem. Who can stand up to this kind of situation? pressure.

The Princeton system pays attention to "all for one, one for all", but Draxler didn't feel the slightest "all for one", it was all "one for all".

What's more, as an experienced player, Draxler believes that the best tactic to deal with the Sonics is not Princeton, but UCLA air cuts.

The Sonics' defense is tight on the outside and loose on the inside. Kemp, Perkins, and Polynice's defense are not top-notch. The Blazers should seize this point to target the Sonics.

It's a pity that Adelman did not accept Draxler's proposal at all. In his opinion, the reason why Draxler suggested that the team play UCLA air cut is purely selfish.

Let’s not talk about playing UCLA air cuts. Jeremy Kersey and Buck Williams have become tool men. Besides, Terry Porter and Peternovich are not good at outside with air cuts. In the system, Draxler can play comfortably by himself.

So the question is, can the Blazers beat the Sonics with Draxler alone?

Adelman can answer without thinking: Of course not!

Not wanting to continue the meaningless quarrel with Draxler, Adelman looked at Terry Porter and said, "Terry, it's still the same tactics, fight as you want, do your job well! "

In the end, Adelman expressed his decision to Terry Porter. The Blazers' tactics remained unchanged. After all, he was also the coach of the team. In the early 90s, when the power of coaches was slightly greater than that of stars, he did do so. qualifications.

And he also knew in his heart that even if Draxler had opinions in his heart, he would cooperate with his teammates in the end, so he didn't have any worries in his heart.

Terry Porter nodded helplessly. Every time Adelman and Draxler clashed, the most uncomfortable person was him who was caught in the middle. Needless to say, Adelman was because of Adelman's fast break system , he can gain the current popularity.

Draxler is the big brother who brought him out single-handedly. He can grow into what he is now because Draxler doesn't care about grades and spent several years waiting for him to discover his potential.

In the corridor, Lu Feng and Carlisle looked at each other with strange eyes...

The game was ready to start, but the Blazers locker room was still arguing, and the hallway was full of voices.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the NBA, but it still feels strange that it happened to the Trail Blazers, and it should happen to the Trail Blazers, known for their "team".

After the players entered the arena, the key arena was full. Because the fans were so enthusiastic about watching the game, the Sonics had to remove some stools to ensure that enough fans could see the ball on the spot.

At the same time, the sidelines of the Key Arena are also full of stars, including wealthy businessmen, politicians, and celebrities.

"Xiaolu, kill them, come on!"

This time, CCTV boldly chose to let the commentators travel across the ocean to broadcast the NBA Western Conference Finals live. However, unlike the future commentary sitting in the commentary room, the NBA commentators during this period are all sitting on the sidelines for commentary.

Moreover, in order to cater to the Asian market, Akley specially invited many Asian stars to watch the game live. Lu Feng believes that Akley will be able to develop this business into a fee-based service in the near future.

Needless to say, Japan and South Korea are some of the most popular fried chickens after fierce competition.

In China, however, this opportunity was regarded as a publicity opportunity, and the hottest production crew of the Red Chamber was directly sent over.

The only one that can compete with the Red Chamber crew is the Journey to the West crew, but after thinking about it, the propaganda department of course chose the Red Chamber crew with more handsome men and women.

As the first live broadcast commentary, of course Lu Feng had to go in front of the camera to say hello. Kemp also got up and went to the camera and said hello in broken Chinese, becoming Kaihe No.1.

Lu Feng has no doubt that if the NBA accepts mail-in votes for Chinese All-Stars in the future, Kemp will be able to overwhelm Jordan's ever-popular ugly star.

"Sister Qi, how is the discussion of "Three Kingdoms" going? Has the investment been secured yet?"

"Hey, someone else is calling me sister? Don't worry, the talk is over, you are really willing to spend money, this drama actually costs [-] million!"

Not to mention "Red Mansion" and "Journey to the West" which have no chance, of course Lu Feng of the old Three Kingdoms can vote, at least to ensure that there is no castration, and shoot more.

Chen Xiaoxu who was on the side smiled and asked, "Qiqi, what does Xiaolu call you in private?"

Seeing this situation, Lu Feng resolutely chose to run away... There is no way, shame!
"Docking table, loading table, audience friends in front of the TV, what you are watching is our live broadcast for you in Seattle, USA, the Western Conference finals of the NBA playoffs, the Seattle SuperSonics and Porter Blazers game..."

"We can see that Lu Feng, a Chinese player who is known as the 'No. 23 Mr. Basketball in Asia', is warming up in light green No. [-] jersey..."

"Huh, throwing such a long shot, you can make it half the court! Lu Feng is in very good condition, and the Sonics have a good chance to win the game!"

The voice of commentary came from Lu Feng's ear. I have to say that the sports commentary at this time is so simple, but as the person involved, this kind of commentary is too festive and embarrassing, so it doesn't feel like other people can't understand it.

After the warm-up, the two teams started their debut.

Supersonic starters: Barros, Lu Feng, Kemp, Perkins, Polynice.

Trail Blazers starters: Terry Porter, Peternovich, Draxler, Jeremy Kersey, Buck Williams.

"The game has begun! The Supersonics got the ball, and the one who won the jump ball was the No. 40 Sean Kemp of the Supersonics. Sean Kemp dunked and exploded. He was called the 'ruler' by the fans, and he was also Lu Feng The most important helper in the Sonics."

"Pass the ball to Lu Feng, let's see what he does... just shoot!
It's not shooting, it's passing!

Lu Feng passed the ball to Sean Kemp and assisted the opponent to dunk. This is a classic two-man connection of the Sonics. Kemp's dunk is pleasing to the eye, and his dunk level is definitely world-class! "

Kemp heard his name, looked towards the camera, stretched out his thumb and grinned, showing his frosty white teeth to the camera.

"It's the Blazers' turn to fight back, let's see how they fight back...

The Trail Blazers star Draxler is about to get the ball. It seems that he is going to single Lu Feng. Let's see if Lu Feng can defend the opponent's attack this time! "

At this time on the basketball court, Lu Feng couldn't help smiling when he saw that Draxler wanted the ball to single him at the beginning of the game.

"Clyde, didn't Terry tell you that as a role player, don't single out the opponent's star?"

Draxler's eyes were burning, and Lu Feng knew what he was thinking without opening his mouth: You are the role player, and your whole family are role players!
 It's still Calvin, his mind is completely messed up after the exam, let's wait until tomorrow to see if he can feel better.

(End of this chapter)

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