Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 173 Dual-core power, leading at halftime!

Chapter 173 Dual-core power, leading at halftime!
In a head-to-head confrontation, Lu Feng actually had the upper hand. The local Bulls fans in Chicago were stunned...

Since Jordan entered the league in 84, he has always been the league's unique favorite. He has always been the winner in head-to-head confrontations with stars. There has never been a situation where he was suppressed.

Just ask Bulls fans when they have been so angry. What they have always seen in the news is Jordan showing off his power at other people's home courts, and being surpassed by others with even more incredible performances in his own home court. This is the first time!
Jordan was stunned when he heard the trash talk from Lu Feng.

He had been arrogant for so many years, and even in the darkest first few years of his career, he had never considered anyone else in his heart. But when Lu Feng made such a move, he didn't know how to respond.

As one of the most powerful players, Jordan naturally knows how difficult it is to complete the century draw in actual combat. Strength and luck are indispensable. With his pride, he will not attribute the reason to Lu Feng's luck. After all, in a player like Jordan From a human perspective, luck is also a part of strength.

"That's right, boy. I admit it's a good goal, but no matter how good it is, it's only 2 points. As you said, the game isn't over yet. You can win the game first before talking to me!"

Although he was amazed at Lu Feng's strength, it was obviously impossible for Jordan to surrender.

During the timeout, Phil Jackson's face showed a rare trace of panic...

"Michael, can you still suppress that guy...Do you need to make any adjustments? Next, you can focus entirely on the offense. How about this idea?"

Phil Jackson is not so much a coach as he is a businessman. In the early days of the Bulls, he was very self-aware. He would consult Jordan and Pippen before making decisions on all matters in the game. This is unique. Belongs to the trio's acting style.

"No, just keep it as normal. My physical condition is not that bad..."

Jordan blurted out without thinking and patted Pippen on the shoulder next to him.

"Scott, pay more attention to the positions of me and Luck. If that guy Luck passes me, just make up for it!"

Pippen's eyes instantly turned into beady eyes, and he asked doubtfully: "What about Sean Kemp? After all, someone needs to restrain him. We can't only care about Luck."

Jordan snorted disdainfully and said bluntly: "Don't worry, based on Sean Kemp's performance in the first four rounds, he couldn't score 30 points even if he shot casually. You don't really think he is with you." A player of the same level, right?”

It's no wonder that Jordan saw the details of Kemp at a glance. It's because he has played against so-called "geniuses" like Kemp too many times. After simply studying a few video games, it became clear that Kemp's ability to consume the ball is not good. No inside behemoth.

Although Pippen was suspicious in his heart, he did not dare to question Jordan's decision. Although he was tough on Jordan off the court, that was because Jordan had a good temper off the court. Although Jordan was nicknamed "Black Jesus" when he was on the court. , but his character is not like Jesus at all, but like the legendary Satan. Even if his opponents are afraid of him, even his teammates are afraid of him.

Everyone knows about Jordan's bullying of Grant, but they don't know that Pippen's life in the Bulls was actually not much better than Grant's. The reason why Pippen's character is sensitive and afraid of getting into trouble, and he excels every time, is definitely related to his fear of Jordan. .

Although Jordan doesn't like and doesn't talk trash frequently, his ability to torture his teammates is definitely perfect, and the pure pressure is to blame!
Everyone knows that Kwame Brown collapsed after being scolded by Jordan. If Pi Er Ye was not talented enough, I am afraid his end would not be much better. The most special thing about Pi Er Ye is that if he starts well, he He will be superb throughout the whole game. If he doesn't play well at the beginning, he will basically be sleepwalking throughout the game.

After a simple timeout, the game continues.

After Jordan was provoked, he began to take over the ball and decisively started scoring mode, using various skills such as fadeaways, breakthrough layups, gliding dunks, and pull-up three-pointers.

Lu Feng cooperated with others to try to prevent Jordan from scoring. Although the opponent's shots were limited to 16 of 7 at halftime, the effect was not good because Jordan also got 8 free throws through hard work and made 7 of them. indivual!
Jordan's free throws were unstable, and it all depended on who he was. Against a team like the Knicks, who fought with you all the way, his touch was completely destroyed by muscle collisions, and his free throw shooting rate was naturally not high. The SuperSonics' defensive habits are not like the Knicks. Si was so rough that it naturally didn't affect Jordan's free throw touch.

With 23 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist in the half, Jordan's statistics were amazing.

But just when Lu Feng lamented Jordan's terrifying strength, Pippen, who had just left the game, sat down and took a sip of water in his mouth before leaving the game...

"Farke, that kid is so difficult to deal with. Every time he shoots, the ball can fly past my fingertips and can't be blocked at all. The key is that in the end, such a ball can be scored!"

Jordan was also very depressed. His performance in the first half was perfect. He even made 2 of 2 three-pointers. He was absolutely full of firepower. However, judging from the results, he and Lu Feng could only make [-] of [-] three-pointers. It can be called a mutual explosion. He failed to defend his title as the strongest breakup in the league at home.


The most frustrating thing about Jordan is that most of his points in the first quarter came from finishing in the penalty area, while Lu Feng used a lot of mid-range shots to finish. He is obviously the most famous mid-range shooting machine in the league. As a result, Lu Feng The mid-range shot in the game was actually able to beat him!
But in contrast, Jordan also regained some face for himself outside the three-point line. In this game, his three-pointers were much more accurate than Lu Feng's, but from the beginning Lu Feng couldn't make three-pointers against the Bulls. It was within Jordan's expectations and not really a surprise.

No one knows the strength of the Bulls' defense better than Jordan. No one can maintain a normal touch in the Bulls' defense. It's scary enough that Lu Feng's mid-range shot can maintain such a terrifying efficiency. If he makes consecutive three-pointers, If the feel of the distance is not affected, that would be outrageous.

"Hey, Michael..." Pippen looked at the first half statistics and hesitated before opening his mouth.

"Do we really not care about that black bamboo guy? He scored 16 points in the first half. It's not like you said he couldn't score 30 points in the whole game."


Although Jordan played well on the Bulls side and scored 23 points, Pippen, as the second in charge, only scored 10 points at halftime. Fortunately, the Bulls are not like the Sonics who completely design their tactics around two people. There are more people who can score than the Sonics. So we kept the score difference at 2 points.

Although the situation seemed to have gone wrong with Jordan's sentence, Jordan showed no concern after hearing Pippen's question. He shook his head and said without even looking at Pippen:
"It's only 16 points. Believe me, he can only score 10 points at most in the second half. It's impossible to exceed this number...

A person who is over 6 feet 9 inches tall can only score by dunking and shooting, but cannot attack at the basket. How long do you think he can be stable? "

Jordan judged that Kemp would definitely have problems in the second half. As the outside player with the best inside skills in the league, no one knew the importance of inside skills better than him. In the current league that encourages defense, players without inside skills will never go far. What's more, Kemp's taller height means that his physical energy consumption is also higher than others. Although he is thin, he is still an NBA player, so he cannot be light!
On the other side, the Sonics were relaxed when they returned to the lounge, and Lu Feng even joked and pinched Kemp's shoulders.

Although the Sonics' lead was only 2 points, Carlisle, who was familiar with the Bulls, knew that these 2 points might be the key to the Sonics winning the game, and his performance did not look particularly nervous. "We played well in the first half, guys. The effect of our internal and external dual-core looks really good... Damn it, those media who are missing half their brains actually understand the game. My previous worries must be because of their influence. Just because the media thinks we should be like this, I think this must be the wrong answer!
But remember, our battle is not over yet. Before the buzzer sounds at the end of the game, everyone is giving me all the energy to defend, block, rebound... and be ready to catch the ball and shoot it at any time. Get in the damn basket! "

"Don't worry, coach, we can do it. I feel like I'm in great shape. As long as you don't let me off the court, I can score 30 points in this game. I haven't scored 30 points in the playoffs. Now is the time." Broken!"

The most excited person in the locker room was Kemp. Although his 16 points could not compare with Lu Feng's 24 points, Kemp would not compare himself with Lu Feng, he would only compare himself with himself.

So far, his highest score in the playoffs is still 24 points. Kemp is confident that he can break this record in this game. He has every chance to score 30 or even 35 points, breaking the media's doubts about him in the past period.

Since the start of the playoffs, Kemp's image in the media has not been good, because his performance in the playoffs is indeed a level worse than that in the regular season.

But Kemp also has something to say. What kind of monsters are the insiders in the Western Conference? Isn't it normal that he can't play well?

Now that he has reached the finals, he is finally faced with a team that is weak inside. Kemp finally feels as familiar as the regular season. This feeling of overwhelming the inside fascinates him.

Carlisle also smiled when he heard Kemp's words, but soon turned serious and said: "If you can control your number of fouls, of course I won't take you off the field. You need to work hard on your own. No one can help you!"

Kemp almost got 4 fouls in the first half. Fortunately, one of the referees called Perkins to beat Jordan before Kemp, which saved his number of fouls. Otherwise, if Kemp committed 4 fouls in the half, it would be No matter how much Carlisle wanted to reuse him, he would have no choice but to do so.

"Don't worry, Sean. If Scott and Michael still double-team me in the second half, you will have no problem scoring 30 points. My passing will be on call!"

The person who played the hardest for the SuperSonics in the first half was none other than Lu Feng. Although it seemed that he and Kemp had 90% of the SuperSonics' ball possessions in the first half, the real situation was that no one was better than the one in the first half. Lu Feng, who didn't rest for minutes, knew better.

Kemp scored more points, but the ball rights absorbed were not that terrible. On the contrary, Lu Feng himself definitely consumed more than 70% of the ball rights in the first half, which was even more exaggerated than Big Dream!
You can see from Lu Feng's 19 shots in the half how unrestrained he played. Basically, he hit one ball, Jordan hit one ball, and he hit another ball...

However, the Bulls' defense was indeed frantic. By halftime, the color of Lu Feng's hands almost turned from yellow to red. All kinds of bumps and knocks made his hands sore.

Fortunately, Lu Feng's own touch condition was explosive enough today. Although the three-pointers were a little too high, he frequently scored in various mid-range shots against the defense!

In addition to always having the ball in his hands, Lu Feng had 19 assists in addition to 6 shots in the half, most of which were assists for Kemp's scores. The two of them worked together to give the SuperSonics a 2-point lead. Lu Feng responded to this Very satisfied.

When they came back in the second half, the Bulls fans no longer cared about cheering for the main team. Everyone's face was full of nervousness. Obviously, these loyal Bulls fans could also see that the game situation on the field was very important to the Bulls. Not exactly optimistic.

Lu Feng originally thought that Jordan, who had been bickering with him throughout the first half, would immediately talk trash to him with a bad face when he came back. However, he didn't expect that the other party's expression looked very relaxed, and he didn't want to fall behind at all. Lu Feng Very surprised.

"Lark, why are you looking at me like that? You are already very good. You led us by 2 points at halftime, much better than the Trail Blazers...

Although you are destined to lose to us in the end, at least you have proven yourself, right? "

Although Jordan didn't put on a bad face, his trash talk didn't sound like he meant to give in at all. Lu Feng was confused. After hearing what Jordan meant, could it be that the Bulls hadn't exerted their strength in the first half?
Lu Feng soon denied this speculation. Although the Bulls did exert their strength in the third quarter during the previous three championships, their full-court press and half-court press definitely made other teams in the league tremble, but Lu Feng From all aspects, there is no possibility that the Bulls' unique defense will be available in advance. Besides, even if the Bulls use a full-court press and a half-court press, the current Bulls lineup does not support that, and the intensity will not be too high.

On the first pitch, the Bulls kicked off. Pippen made a free throw and hit a long two-pointer that stepped on the three-point line. But as the saying goes, stupid people are lucky, and Pippen was in good shape in this game. , the nerve knife was drawn to the front...

Pippen scored 2 points and successfully increased his scoring data to double digits.

10 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists. Although his shooting percentage was only 10 of 4, Pi Erye's versatility was fully demonstrated in this game. He won the trust of Jackson and Jordan and did not become the sixth man of the Sonics.

Kemp was still thinking about double-teaming Jordan at any time. When Pippen took action, he was completely unprepared. He just jumped based on his body's instinct, but obviously failed to cause effective interference.

Kemp, who dared to come up and was attacked by Pippen, was very angry and felt that he was being played. So when it was the Sonics' turn to attack, he raised his hand to pick up the ball before Lu Feng could pass it to him.

Lu Feng glanced at Jordan in front of him and saw that the opponent had no intention of double-teaming Kemp, so he passed the ball directly to Kemp.

He didn't think too much. Kemp was in good shape in this game. Although Pippen's one-on-one defense was strong, Kemp had a physical advantage after all. He had the upper hand one-on-one. It was nothing to let the opponent fight in singles. Lu Feng was still happy to relax. .

After Kemp caught the ball, he leaned against Pippen. However, with his strength, he couldn't push Pippen away, so Kemp directly made a turn-over jumper.

Although Pippen's defense is fine, because Kemp's shooting point is too high, the interference of this ball is actually very limited, but...

Bang bang bang... The basketball bounced back and forth stubbornly on the rim a few times, and finally it bounced out and was grabbed by the Bulls.

Kemp raised his hands and apologized: "Sorry, this ball is mine!"

It's just that he didn't score a goal, and in Lu Feng's opinion, Kemp just missed it because of bad luck, so he comforted him: "Don't worry about Sean, it's just a little bit of luck. Come back after the next ball."

 The exam is over and will be updated at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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