Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 180 The decisive battle has arrived in advance, the top stars face off!

Chapter 180 The decisive battle has arrived in advance, the top stars face off!

It was uncomfortable, and the game had to continue. In the few rounds after Pippen was blocked, he kept looking for opportunities to save face for himself.

What's strange is that in terms of scoring, he really can't compare to Kemp. Pippen's biggest feature is his versatility. In his own words, he is the same type of player as James.

But one thing he can't compare to James is that when James is in good form, his scoring explosiveness is also top-notch. When Pippen encounters topics related to his scoring ability, he basically just laughs. In his early years, he would complain that he scored less because of the ball. He didn't have much power. It wasn't until Jordan came back from retirement that Pippen began to recognize himself and stop grabbing the ball.

Pippen and Kemp fought fiercely, but judging from the final result, Kemp was still slightly better than Pippen. If it weren't for Pippen starting to defend seriously, he might have lost even more miserably.

Kemp and Pippen are similar in strength. In terms of organization and defense, Pippen is indeed stronger than Kemp. But if we compare the scores alone, Kemp is undoubtedly better than Pippen. Pippen is afraid The confrontational "soft-egg" style of play becomes more and more obvious as we enter the playoffs.

The reason why Jordan frequently scored high points in the playoffs, and even if the Bulls won in the end, was only a narrow victory, is because Jordan never had a second-in-command to help him share the scoring. Whether it was Pippen or Kukoc, both of them could The type that scores points but is not consistent enough.

The Bulls' dominance of the game is not as good as that of OK's, because both OK and OK can score steadily, and there are rarely times when both of them are in bad shape. That's why the dominance of the Lakers during OK's period is so terrifying. Of course, this is also for the two of them. The subsequent quarrel was the source of trouble. After all, their jobs were very similar. The only difference was that one was on the outside and the other was on the inside.

Jackson's adjustment ability is notoriously weak, not only in the regular season, but also in the finals.

If it were anyone else, after discovering that Pippen had changed from simply increasing offensive rounds to simply fighting Kemp, he should have stopped the game in time and made adjustments, but Jackson had no such awareness at all.

Unknowingly, more than half of the second quarter has passed, and the score has become 46:40. Relying on the steady performance of Kemp and Harper, the SuperSonics unknowingly expanded their lead to 6 points!
Pippen's mid-range shot missed again, and the SuperSonics switched offense. Lu Feng ran and hit the ground pass to Harper. Armstrong looked bitter and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, when he was really in trouble, Big Brother Jordan came to help defend and helped him with Harper, and successfully prevented Harper from beating Armstrong on a fast break.

In the previous rounds, Harper called out Armstrong very efficiently. Jordan did not dare to let down his guard, and he did not want to see Harper act recklessly at the Bulls' home court.

There is a reason why Armstrong disappeared after leaving the Bulls. As the No. [-] position, his organizational skills are too weak. As the No. [-] position, although his scoring ability is barely passable, he is not tall enough to defend, and even Armstrong is the strongest scorer. , it is not considered top-notch, it must be supported by someone to be great.

No matter how bad Harper's condition is, relying on static talent to crush him, there is still no problem in naming Armstrong.

Although Armstrong's appearance has improved the Bulls' offensive firepower, the defensive loopholes he brought cannot be ignored by the Bulls. This can be seen from the fact that Lu Feng increased the frequency of passing to Harper after Armstrong came on the field.

Jordan didn't want to see Harper name Armstrong again, and Harper didn't want to face Jordan's defense. Ever since he experienced the ups and downs of human relationships in the league, he had long lost the energy to fight with others as he had in the past. Harper He clearly knows his position in the Sonics, and it is not his task to attack.

Harper smiled at Jordan easily, and then turned around and passed the ball. Jordan struggled to reach out his hand, but failed to touch the basketball, and Harper passed the ball.

Lu Feng took the shot directly after receiving the ball, with no defense for the three-pointer. Although the results of the previous three-point attempts were not optimistic, Lu Feng was confident the moment he took the shot. The final result was of course - swish!

49: 40!

The Sonics led by less than 9 points at halftime, but Jordan finally couldn't sit still. Regardless of the reaction of the Zen Master on the sidelines, he directly signaled the referee to call a timeout.

Not only did Jordan know Harper, but they also had some personal relationships. Because both of them were born in normal families, unlike other black players who were born in the same neighborhood, the two had the experience of not being treated well by others in their early years.

But in terms of basketball, Jordan has always looked down on Harper. Even in Harper's most prosperous years, when Harper was called Jordan's opponent, Jordan just laughed.

The reason why Jordan thinks this way is very simple, because in his opinion, Harper is a dunker, nothing but dunks. Who would have thought that after a serious injury, Harper not only practiced shooting, but also practiced shooting in the past half-bowl. Shui's organization and passing have been practiced very well, and now even Jordan has a hard time catching the flaws in his passing.

In the original world, when Harper joined the Bulls, it was Jordan who helped recruit him. Later, the conflict between the two was mainly due to Jordan's unilateral dislike of Harper and his belief that the other party lacked fighting spirit.

As for why Jordan thinks Harper lacks fighting spirit...

It may be a bit outrageous to say that Jordan mainly couldn't understand that Harper liked to play with a smile. Speaking of players who like to laugh, the most famous ones are of course Moji and the Smiling Assassin Thomas, but in fact, compared to the two of them, Harper was better in the 80s. The popularity in the middle and late stages is also not low. The three of them are all stars known for their "laughing".

Jordan hated players who loved to smile very much, whether they were opponents or teammates. Thomas would not say that. Even when he met Moji, who had a good personal relationship with him, Jordan would always kill him without giving him any face. Thomas himself What he did was a sin, but it was his good brother Moji who suffered first. It was only natural that the two would turn against each other in the future. They were assassins after all, so a backstab was considered a kind of stab, right?

Seeing Jordan call a timeout, Harper couldn't help but smile at the other party, and then said: "Michael, what's going on with you? Luck hasn't even started to exert force yet, you have called so many timeouts, your timeouts are enough." Is it useful? Do you want us to give it to you two?"

Kemp heard this and came over to add fuel to the fire: "A guy who looks down on himself actually imitated Luck and played the No. [-] position. Harper, have you counted how many assists Michael got this time...

2?Or 3?Thanks to him, we are so far ahead!

I have a hunch that we can take a break after three quarters in this game, and the same goes for Luck...

Is this the finals? It was so easy! "

Lu Feng played well, but as soon as he came over, he heard Kemp and Harper provoking Jordan. When he heard that, he knew that something was going to happen. Jordan's current mental state was not right. The two of them added to the anger, wasn't it? Are you trying to seduce Jordan?
"You guys are very good. I hope you can guard me next time. Listen up, kid, my shots won't be missed like your fists!"

Kemp's most famous scene this season is that after he had a conflict with his aunt, he punched three times in a row, but all of them missed. In the end, he was only awarded a technical foul by the referee.Big Mom was a boxing veteran, but she didn't even have to lower her head when dodging Kemp's punch. Kemp himself didn't swing the punch in the right place, which was the most embarrassing thing Kemp himself didn't want to mention.

After Kemp heard Jordan's reply, not only was he not nervous, but he even said carelessly: "It's none of my business. I'm not defending you. Luck will teach your bald old gangster a lesson for me!"

After finishing speaking, Kemp did not forget to turn around and ask Lu Feng: "Lark, you should be able to guard against this guy. You were just in bad shape in the last game. I believe you can do it!"

Lu Feng, who was lying on the gun inexplicably, really didn't know what to say now. Kemp really didn't say hello when he tried to trick him, that is, when he met him, if OK were to come over alone, maybe he would How to criticize Kemp.

Not to mention the two of them, Lu Feng estimated that even if he asked the executive deputy goat to come over, Kemp would probably have to change teams. How could the second master cheat the big master and not take it seriously!

Having said that, even though he knew that Jordan was likely to exert his strength, Lu Feng was still confident in winning the game. The SuperSonics now had a nine-point lead. As long as the SuperSonics did not stretch their hips, they could not let the Bulls catch up. ?

"Lark, are you ready? You will need to exert your strength next. When you have the opportunity, shoot by yourself and bring the game to your own rhythm. Sean, too. Your task next is no longer to attack, but to defend for me. , protect every one of our backcourt rebounds!”

Kemp has already scored 19 points. Carlisle is still frightened by the experience of the last game. He is worried that if Kemp is not restricted, the opponent will once again give away the advantage that the Sonics finally got in vain, even if Kemp still has some points before leaving the game. After a good performance, Carlisle did not dare to continue to let the opponent mess around.

Although Carlisle's request seemed abrupt at this time, fortunately the opponent was Kemp. Kemp had no resistance to the fact that his identity was suddenly changing from a main attacker to a blue-collar worker, so he easily agreed without any grudges in his heart. , let alone go on strike and refuse to play.

Seeing that Kemp accepted the change of identity without any persuasion, Lu Feng was relieved. His previous dissatisfaction with Kemp suddenly disappeared. Kemp was really different from Mr. Pi. He really didn't value individuals. Performance.

Although Kemp is a little stupid, he is not as difficult to deal with as others. He plays to compete. Honors, ball rights, status, etc. are better, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't have them. He will not be like other stars who are both dominant and independent. You need salary and team status.

Carlisle hesitated for a moment, looked at Lu Feng and asked: "Lark, do you think we need to let Ron come down and take a rest? What about Ron, do you need to take a rest?"

Seeing that Harper said it was okay, Lu Feng said directly: "Let Ron stay, Michael will definitely increase his attacks next. I admit that I can't kill him by myself, Ron, please help me pay attention to Michael's movements. "

There is nothing shameful about being unable to guard your opponent. Of course, you don’t have to be consistent in front of the media and in front of your teammates. Rodman is unwilling to double-team David Robinson because the Rockets also have Robert Horry and Dray. Klers, but the Rockets double-teamed the whole time when defending Robinson, Horry and Dream came together.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people and the media, Robinson was defeated by Dameng in the 95 Western Conference Finals, Dameng himself admitted in an interview that the Rockets had sacrificed everything to defend Robinson. The key to the failure of the inside to win was Rhodes. Mann can no longer score after leaving the Pistons.

Jordan's defense is very strong, but when facing Draxler and Lightning Kevin Johnson, he can double-team whenever he can without feeling embarrassed.

Forget it in the regular season, in the playoffs or even the finals, who will play 1V1 with you?

Isn't it natural for the main attacker to be double-teamed by default? Even Lu Feng himself did the same. He didn't believe that after he played a few goals, the Bulls would continue to have Jordan guard him alone.

Although he felt a little sorry for Barros, Lu Feng believed that it was absolutely right to let Harper continue to play!

The most embarrassing people for the two teams in the finals are undoubtedly BJ Armstrong and Dana Burrows. The two have similar styles and are capable, but they are indeed not suitable for this round of the series. After one round of the finals, the two of them will definitely They will be questioned, and they are brothers in distress.

Armstrong's defensive problems will definitely be magnified against the Bulls. Even if Lu Feng, Kemp and Harper can't wipe his ass, to put it bluntly, even Darrell Armstrong will be better in the finals. He is easy to use. Although Darrell is not strong, he is willing to work hard on the defensive end and is willing to do the dirty work.

Carlisle is not as rigid in employing people as KC Jones. He doesn't use them if they are not suitable. Unlike Zen Master, who played until the second game and steadily gave Armstrong playing time. Of course, Lu Feng did not care about brotherhood in order to win at this time. He didn't want to Give the Bulls any opportunity to take advantage of, and it's best to hold on to the advantage until the end of the game!
Barros was a little depressed after knowing that he still couldn't play. He felt that he was almost an assistant coach now. Even if he played, he could only play some garbage time to let the main team rest more. Even he couldn't understand the so-called sixth man. Clifford also played better than him during the rotation.

But this is sports competition. No matter how high the sportsmanship is, this is still a competition. Talent is the key to determining height. Compared with others, Barros can only be regarded as an "ordinary person", so naturally he will not be valued by Carlisle. .

Real ordinary people like Stockton can reach his height by practicing various skills to the extreme and doing everything they can on the court.

Burrows's skills are not 01:30 worse than Stockton's. Even Jordan and Lu Feng are not as good as Stockton's technically.

The so-called "ordinary person" Iverson is even more ridiculous. He is top-notch in everything except his height. Not to mention his monster dynamic talent, let's talk about his wingspan, palm length, body proportions, and shoulder height. Width, length of Achilles tendon... Which of these static talents is not top-notch?
The combination of insufficient talent and conflicting playing styles naturally created two unlucky guys, Burrows and Armstrong.

It can also be seen from the personnel after returning from the timeout that although the game is not half over, the Bulls are ready for a decisive battle with the SuperSonics in advance.

Bulls five: Paxson, Jordan, Pippen, Grant, Cartwright.

SuperSonics: Harper, Lu Feng, Kemp, Perkins, Polynis.

But obviously, the Sonics didn't make much concessions. The Sonics, who successfully predicted the Bulls' adjustment, also sent out their strongest facelift, and even chose Harper as the No. [-] position in order to strengthen defense.

Lu Feng and Jordan returned to the second position at the same time, and the message they brought was even more obvious. Next will be a head-to-head time between the leading stars. The two will start a head-on showdown on both offense and defense!
(End of this chapter)

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