Chapter 37 Struggling UNLV
"Fuck! I didn't admit defeat, I just couldn't catch it, Hunter, remember to pass the ball to me, that guy with a brain full of muscles can't guard me at all!"

Larry Johnson was provoked and yelled loudly!
"Mark your words, Larry, if you can't do it, don't expect me to pass you the ball, and I'm going to get you out of the damn team leader!"

After playing, UNLV completely changed its mental outlook. Anderson Hunter shot after the pick-and-roll, or passed the ball to Larry Johnson and ran wildly...

The same goes for Larry Johnson. He started to ask for the ball more often, and his shots became more decisive... In addition, facing Doug Meekins' defense, he did not give in and attacked the basket again and again...

With the efforts of the two, UNLV successfully resisted the Husky's fierce attack!
However, although Anderson Hunter and Larry Johnson scored many beautiful goals, they still failed to close the gap between the two teams.

36: 16!

Not only did the point difference not get closer, but it got even bigger!

Although the two of UNLV can score, the Huskies' offensive UNLV still can't be limited... The Huskies can't continue the scoring performance with a 100% shooting rate in the opening game, but Hunter and Larry Johnson also missed shots.

Unlike the two who had regained their form, David Butler pushed straight to the end. Facing a black center, he could still comfort himself that the opponent was black, and his IQ was not as good as his...

But in the face of Jeff Brown, this false self-consolation was completely torn apart, and the opponent's "soft guy" after another sentence made David Butler completely lose his temper and completely forgot how to grab rebounds!
Larry Johnson watched the rebounds being accepted by the Huskies time and time again, and felt anxious, but there was nothing he could do!

Doug Meekins, the guy with the muscles in his head, stuck him behind again and again. No matter how he scolded, he would just smile like a fool and finish it off. Larry John wanted to give him a slap in the face fist!
But he was just thinking about it, and he didn't dare to do that at all!

Of course, this is not because he is worried that he will not be able to fight. Larry Johnson has learned boxing, and he thinks he is better than those so-called villains in the NBA...

What he was worried about was that once he was sent off, UNLV would encounter a massacre like the beginning of the game!

A team led by Lu Feng can still talk about martial arts with you?
Larry Johnson has never seen such a person because he scolded and cried people!
Although the Chinese in this era have always been easy to mess with, the Chinese gangsters are also well-known...

But anyway, the Chinese that Larry Johnson knew before can be good-tempered, but Lu Feng is not like that at all!
His quality is not much better than the friends who grew up with him!

As for dirty hands... Larry Johnson dared even less!

As far as Lu Feng's current fame is concerned, Larry Johnson, who is still unknown in comparison, dare not do that at all...

Not to mention the opinions of the outside world, even in the UNLV team, coach Jerry Tarkanian will not let him go.

Although Jerry Tarkanian is the old school of the old school, he scoffs at those "non-basketball moves" on the court. Once he encounters them, he will be furious, and he also prohibits his players from doing dirty hands!
Countless teams in the NBA have invited him, and even Jerry Buss of the Lakers has used high salaries and coaching skyhooks to tempt Jerry Tarkanian, but he remains unmoved.

He rejected a group of NBA bosses with just one sentence - the NBA is not pure enough, that's not the basketball I want to see!
What Larry Johnson hates is why his shooting is so poor. If he had been more serious in training before, maybe the team would not be as difficult as it is now!
Compared with Anderson Hunter, he has more shots and more shots, but the shooting percentage of the two is completely incomparable!

Facing double-teaming, Anderson Hunter only got 6 shots, scored 3 goals and scored 8 points.

Larry Johnson took 11 shots himself, but only scored 3 goals. In addition to 4 of 2 free throws, he only scored 8 points. The efficiency of the two is completely incomparable!

"What's the matter, little man, can't you bear it?"

Larry Johnson looked up and it was Jeff Brown, that disgusting, obnoxious handsome white guy!

"You don't think you are so far behind because of your teammates, do you? Don't be ridiculous, I'm not afraid to tell you that it is our tactic to let you take more shots. The more shots you make, the bigger our lead will be!"

Jeff Brown twitched his lips and said with a smile: "The one I like to deal with most is a self-righteous "tough guy" like you. As long as you can't get to the basket, you are nothing!"

"If you are smarter, go down and rest by yourself, it's too easy, it's too easy to win you!"


During the commercial pause, Larry Johnson bowed his head, and Jeff Brown's taunts were all in his ears...

He whispered in a trembling voice, "Coach, am I terrible? I... I can't make a shot, no matter what the ball is... I can't do it, I can't do it at all!"

"Leave the captain to Hunter... Coach, I'm ashamed to continue being the captain."

Anderson Hunter was drinking water well, but when he heard what Larry Johnson said, he spit it out in one gulp.

"Thank you so much! Thank you so much! Larry, you're serious. You guys, three and four years old, are planning to hide behind and let me go to the front to charge?"

"If you can give me some of your muscles, height and wingspan, I will agree!"

"Okay, wait for me to calm down!"

In the end, it was Jerry Tarkanian who stood up.

"It's not your problem, it's my problem, I didn't let you practice shooting more... Guys, stop thinking about it, it's my responsibility!"

It is true that Jerry Tarkanian is a famous coach, but as a famous coach, he also has his own shortcomings.

He puts too much emphasis on tactics, emphasizing the tacit understanding and cooperation of the players... Therefore, although the players produced by UNLV have good tactical literacy, their basic skills have always been uneven.

Those who practice more will have better basic skills, and those who don't practice more in private will do the opposite.

"Run, guys, run for me!"

"No matter what, don't stop for me, even if you lose, let those guys in Seattle crawl out of the arena foaming at the mouth!"

"Also, it's not like we don't have a chance. Don't forget that the Huskies are only strong in the starting lineup, and their substitutes are much weaker than ours!"

It is recognized that the Huskies have weak substitutes, and even the good media can't argue for them!
And UNLV's bench... With Jerry Tarkanian's prestige, all 4-star high school students have to stand up for him to choose!
"Even Michael Jordan can't play fast breaks for a long time. He also gets tired and suffers from leg cramps. How long do you think the Huskies can last?"

Jerry Tarkanian lay back directly, slumped on the coach's bench, and said: "Next, except for changing players and letting you rest, I will not call a timeout again, show your determination , let me see how you guys do without me!"

Anderson Hunter stood up first and scolded: "Since this is the case, let's run and try to exhaust those huskies to death!"

Larry Johnson also made up his mind and decided to practice shooting more from now on!
He looked at his teammates and said: "Hunter, you take more shots, no matter whether the opportunity is good or not! In addition, after Hunter made a shot, David, you and I should not think about grabbing rebounds, just retreat directly, don't Give them a chance to fight back!"

He stretched out and said loudly, "Come on guys, give me your hand!"

"1! 2! 3! Rebels!"

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(End of this chapter)

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