Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 54 World Championships, that's it?

Chapter 54 World Championships, that's it? (Ask for the first order!!!)

In August 1990, Buenos Aires, Argentina, the venue of the 8th Men's Basketball World Championships... The Chinese team was led by coach Wang Changyou, and a group of people rushed to it.

The starting lineup determined by the pre-match combat meeting is: Lu Feng, Hu Weidong, Ma Jian, Song Ligang, Gong Xiaobin.

This is a very young lineup, and it was also the best lineup in the training match against the Huskies. The five players are not very tall, but because they are all young, they have good athletic ability.

The starting lineup of the national team is not tall, and it is clear at a glance that they will play fast breaks. This is also the correct direction of the national team after studying in the United States for more than half a year.

In the past, when the national team played, it was all about ground-breaking battles, and it was okay to dribble slowly. Many times, they didn't shoot when there was an open space, and each attack took 20 seconds.

If the confrontation is not good enough to fight positional warfare, it is no wonder that the results in the past two years in the original world are not good.

In the original world, the 1990 Men's Basketball World Championships achieved Yugoslavia's prestige and left admirable stories...

In Lu Feng's impression, the level of this World Championship... To be honest, it's pretty average.

In his previous life, he had watched the videos of the World Championships in 90. He had watched the semi-final against Yugoslavia in the US and the final between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union in the final.

It should be said that not only the 90 World Championships, but even the 92 Olympics, except for the US team, the basketball level of other countries is very average.

Apart from the United States, the strongest teams are European teams. At this time, Europe has begun to focus on shooting and can also play fast breaks, but they still have the disadvantages of slow shots and weak outside confrontation.

Europe's internal confrontation is indeed strong, but they all rely on fat and weight. Although they have the ability to protect the basket, their lateral movement speed is very weak, and they all squat under the basket, so they don't guard against pick-and-rolls very much.

In addition, there is another magical point that NBA players at this time are not popular in Europe, and they prefer to use players from their own league.

Since 89, FIBA ​​has canceled the restriction that NBA players cannot participate in FIBA ​​games. Many international players who played in the NBA in the United States participated in the World Championships in 90. As a result, when it comes to the field, not many can play at all, and they are all held down by the coach. bench.

What is even more confusing is that this is a rule change promoted by the United States, but they still sent a group of college students to the 1990 Men's Basketball World Championships, and none of them had ever played in the NBA.

There is only one country willing to use NBA players - Yugoslavia. As a result, everyone knows that they became the final champions.

"I won't talk about anything else. Our goal this time is to get into the group stage. Let's cheer up and train hard. Come on everyone!"

The goal set by coach Wang Changyou for the national team is to reach the group stage, which is the top 8.

Having played countless training games with the Huskies, the confidence of the men's basketball team has almost been shattered now. Even with Lu Feng around, I don't think it will be a good result this time.

Lu Feng looked at the other people's reactions strangely, as if everyone found it quite difficult.

He thinks that this year's national team is actually okay, almost everyone has shots, and it is not a big problem to enter the group stage with good tactics.

On the day of the lottery selection, a group of people from the national team watched the results of the lottery on the spot.

The Chinese team was assigned to Group B, the same group are: Italy, Brazil, Australia.

The moment the lottery was drawn in Group B, a group of people from the national team, except Lu Feng, began to curse...

"Fuck, damn it, what luck is this!"

"It's over, there is no chance!"

Lu Feng was confused in an instant, and asked Song Ligang who was on the side with his elbow.

"Brother Gangzi, what's the matter with you, it's just a lottery, is it worth such a big reaction?"

"Fengzi, you weren't at the meeting before, so I don't know..." Song Ligang said sadly: "These three countries have professional basketball games. They have no shortage of powerful professional players, and there are also players who play college games in the United States like you. better than us."

It was only now that Lu Feng knew why the rest of the national team were so nervous. Their feelings were because they were frightened after studying it for a while.

But even if he knew this, he didn't think it was a big problem.

Before the Dream Team came out, the level of basketball skills in other continents was not much different from that in China. The gap lies in the physical and tactical play.

In the original history, after being abused in the 90 World Championships and the 92 Olympic Games, the men's national team went to the United States for exchange training from 93, and then in 94, the national team, which had only studied in the United States for less than two years, was able to compete in the world. In the competition, they played [-]-[-] with all the powerful players.

Except for the dream team, which everyone couldn't beat, the gap between the national team and European teams at that time was not that big, and the point difference between losses was in single digits.

[Ding, it is detected that the host has officially opened the B-level league (1990 FIBA ​​World Championship)! 】

Season Mode Introduction: The season is used as a unit. After the season is over, the season rewards will be settled according to the host's personal performance and team performance!
Host: Lu Feng

Current league: 1990 FIBA ​​World Championship

League level: B level

Current season: 1990

Status: Season in progress (unsettled)

Lu Feng: "..."

Okay, sure, the current FIBA ​​is still B-level, which is similar to NCAA.

He guessed that the highest level of the league should be only A level, there is no so-called S level, and the FIBA ​​after 2000 should be able to be at the same level as the NBA, which is still far behind.

The Chinese team's first game is against Australia in Oceania.

At the pre-match meeting, the head coach Wang Changyou kept encouraging the players: "Comrades, as long as we win this game, we still have a chance. Remember to run, pass when there is an open spot, and don't shoot if you get the ball." People, I will never be polite to you guys!"

"In addition, everyone must pay attention to protecting their bodies, especially you, Fengzi. If you really can't beat it, don't be aggressive. At worst, wait until we win it back in 92."


Then, just 3 minutes into the second half of the game between China and Australia, Wang Changyou couldn't help but change all the starters.

There is no other way if you don't change it, if you continue to fight, you will get angry.

76:41, this is only the result of 23 minutes of the game, the lead is not Australia, but the Chinese team.

In order to win, Wang Changyou let the national team press from the Huskies from the very beginning, intending to fight to the end.

The result of how to do it is... Australia can't even dribble!
Lu Feng, Hu Weidong, and Ma Jian completely locked down Australia's malnourished back line, and the ball can only be dribbled by inside players.

Although Song Ligang and Gong Xiaobin are short and thin, and their interior rebounds are completely blown, they can sneak up on Australia's two fat and slow interiors and steal the ball from them time and time again.

10 minutes before the first half, the Chinese team beat Australia 34:17.

Luke Longley was going crazy. He was a blue-collar center in Stanford University, but he became a big ball-handling center in the national team. What is this?
Before the game, he kept reminding his coaches and teammates that the Chinese team was difficult to deal with. When others asked him why, he said that the Chinese team had Lu Feng.

Then he was laughed at, laughing that he went to the United States to study for three years, but he was afraid of a 17-year-old child.

Then he and everyone else in Australia were slapped in the face. The others were slapped because Lu Feng was really good. Luke Langley was slapped in the face because the Chinese team not only had Lu Feng, but also 3 backcourt villains. Han and 2 old 6s who like to sneak up on him from every direction.

Wang Changyou was also confused. Aren't there professional players in Australia? Why are they so weak?
After leading by 10 points in 17 minutes, he asked the players on the field to release water. As a result, the difference in water release continued to widen...

The anger in Australia was getting bigger and bigger. Three minutes into the second half, Wang Changyou reacted and quickly replaced the starter.

In the end, the score was 122:86, and the Chinese team beat Australia by 36 points!
Australia: I just want to lose less, is it so difficult!

The Chinese team's 36-point victory over Australia caused an uproar among the teams...

You must know that the Chinese team only has Lu Feng as a professional player, and even he has not been on the professional stage yet, but Australia has sent a group of professional players!
At this time, although Europe knew about the NBA, they didn't know anything about the NCAA. After all, they also had their own league.

In the game against Australia, Lu Feng played 23 minutes, 22 of 17 shots, 9 of 7 three-pointers, 5 of 5 free throws, 46 points, 2 rebounds and 6 assists.
Countless European reporters rushed towards the Chinese national team like sharks smelling blood.

Wang Changyou scratched his head anxiously for this. How could the national team have encountered such a situation before?
But before that, he still has another thing to do—to pass the news back to China!

The 1990 Men's Basketball World Championship was not broadcast live or recorded in China, because in the pre-match evaluation, the national team's performance this time will be very poor...

But after the first game, a group of people in the national team suddenly discovered that other countries are not too tough. Although there are professional players, they are far behind the Huskies!
Of course, no matter how popular the Chinese team is, it cannot be compared to the real traffic team, the US team.

Hearing the reporter mentioned Lu Feng in the interview, Gary Payton waved his hand unceremoniously: "It's just winning against a weak team, what's the point?"

"46 points? As long as I make more shots, I can take it casually!"

When Gary Payton was speaking, the old K behind him patted his forehead helplessly.

That's right, the US team in the 1990 World Championships was led by old K!

In his previous life, old K was well-known all over the world, whether in FIBA ​​or NCAA, but the 1990 Men's Basketball World Championship defeat that forced the dream team was actually led by him, which is rarely known.

First, he used a humiliating defeat to force out the Dream Team, and then took over Larry Brown, who messed up everything, and revived the glory of the Dream Team. It can only be said that he is worthy of the old K. He loves the Dream Team so deeply !
Old K: As expected of me, plan to pass!
On the second day after he finished speaking, Gary Payton fulfilled his promise and did increase his shots... 17 of 3 shots, 3 of 0 three-pointers, 4 of 2 free throws, 8 points, 2 rebounds and 5 assists .

Led by Gary Payton, the US team lost to Yugoslavia 91-99.

The teammates are all confused, even if it is iron, it can't be so bottomless, right?

"I'm not going to make any changes, everyone has a bad day, it's just an accident!"

Old K: Tired, destroy it...

Speaking of the Chinese team, although the first game won a surprising victory, neither the coach nor the players relaxed because of it.

The next opponent of the Chinese team is the Brazilian team. At the combat meeting of the national team, Wang Changyou pointed out one person in particular-Oscar Schmidt.

"Oscar Schmidt is the most powerful player in the Brazilian team, and he is the only one in Brazil. As long as we can exhaust his energy, we can win. Come on everyone!"

Oscar Schmidt, this person Lu Feng knows, is not one of the greatest basketball players in Brazilian history.

He has been playing in the European League, and he is known as the "Holy Hand", "King", and "San Ma'o" and is well-known in European basketball.

The NBA invited him, but due to various reasons, he has never played in the NBA.

Many domestic fans only know him from Kobe, because Oscar Schmidt is Kobe's first basketball idol.

In the 30 years of Oscar Schmidt's career, he has relied on his own strength to keep the Brazilian men's basketball team standing in the top four in the world. There are countless NBA stars who have been defeated by him.

Consuming Oscar Schmidt is indeed the best way to deal with Brazil. After all, he is 32 years old. His opponent was Zhang Weiping at the beginning. Now that the Chinese national team has changed two groups, he is still the Brazilian team.

However, Lu Feng remembered that despite being constantly targeted, Oscar Schmidt still averaged 90 points per game in the 35.5 World Championships and became the scoring leader. He led Brazil to lose to Yugoslavia and the United States, and only got No.4.

In the 92 Olympic Games, the 34-year-old Oscar Schmidt was still the scoring leader, suppressing all the stars of the Dream Team including Jordan and Barkley. fourth.

Lu Feng shook his head and turned his gaze back to watching the video.

Lu Feng and the national team watched Oscar Schmidt's game video for a long time, but in the end they couldn't come up with any good solution, including Lu Feng.

Oscar Schmidt's skills are beyond the times. Just watching the video, Lu Feng can't tell that he is a 32-year-old antique.

His shooting posture is very similar to the future James Harden, his shots are high and fast, and what's more frightening is that he is also accurate!
In addition, his basic skills are not flawed, and his dribbling is no worse than the All-Star guards in the NBA. It is completely impossible to limit him. Indeed, the only way is to play and consume.

On the second day of the game, the arena was full of people, far more than the Chinese team played in Australia.

In addition to the Brazilian fans, there are Spanish fans and Italian fans, all fans who came to support Oscar Schmidt.

Before the game started, Oscar Schmidt walked up to Lu Feng, smiled and said, "Lu Feng, what's your name, right..."

Lu Feng was taken aback, he didn't expect Oscar Schmidt to know him: "Hello, Oscar, I've heard of you, 'King', 'San Mayor', I hope that one day I can become like you Such a great player."

"I believe you can..." Oscar Schmidt smiled, then put his hands on Lu Feng's shoulders, and said with a serious expression:

"Lu, I know you're going to play in the NBA soon, remember, don't, don't touch those contraband!"

"In my country fathers sold their daughters and husbands sold their wives because of the proliferation of contraband and so did the children. I've seen too many children ruined by drugs. Listen to the children. If you want to be China's Oscar Schmidt, you must not touch those contraband, and don't trust those American friends you don't know!"

Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Oscar Schmidt came to him to talk about this.

However, after reacting, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm Chinese. If you know the history of China, you know that I will never touch those things!"

Oscar Schmidt smiled, he patted Lu Feng on the back, and said: "Yes, you might really be able to do something I can't do... The competition is about to start, I will use a Get ready for failure as a gift of knowing, boy."

The match between the Chinese team and Brazil started. As the core player of the Brazilian team, Oscar Schmidt used various means to score frequently under the siege of the Chinese team.

As for the Chinese team, Lu Feng can easily single-play Brazil's No. 1 position, and he can also shoot when encountering double-teams.

In the face of siege, Lu Feng can also pass the ball to his teammates. The shooting level of the rest of the Chinese team is not low.

The score of the two teams at halftime was 61:54, with the Chinese team leading by 7 points.

In the second half, Lu Feng, who had rested for 5 minutes, appeared again, and Oscar Schmidt defended him.

Facing Oscar Schmidt's defense, Lu Feng demonstrated the various techniques he mastered one by one.

When the American media mentions Lu Feng, they will mention his dunks, dribbles, and precise shots... And what's more, Lu Feng looks good!

The reason why it looks good is rarely explored by the media, but anyone who has fought against Lu Feng in person knows that it is because Lu Feng is full of fake moves when holding the ball!

The most difficult thing for Lu Feng to deal with was actually his footsteps.

Lu Feng has a very strong physical fitness, but he rarely crushes directly with his body in the game, unless the physical difference between the two is too great.

Most of the time, Lu Feng relies on his footwork skills to complete all kinds of singles, except for falling steps, cross steps, hesitant steps, tentative steps... Lu Feng's playing is full of various deceptions and fake moves, which is why he can always Reasons to easily complete singles.

Lu Feng was able to play at full capacity for 40 minutes because he would use various body and footwork movements to save a lot of physical strength. For defenders, defending Lu Feng is a double torture of physical strength and mental strength.

Oscar Schmidt is like this. He led the defense against Lu Feng. Let’s not talk about whether to defend against him or not, but the double consumption of physical strength and spirit made him miserable. After 5 minutes in the second half, the score came to 73:61, and the Chinese team took the lead. 12 points!
In the 5th minute of the second half, Wang Changyou replaced Lu Feng. The 12-point lead was not so safe. He wanted to ensure that Lu Feng could stay on the court with full energy in the last 10 minutes.

Lu Feng: "..."

Like Lynn Nance at the beginning, Wang Changyou didn't trust Lu Feng's physical ability so much considering his age.

In the last 10 minutes of the game, at 84:76, the Chinese team led by 8 points.

In the first 5 minutes, Oscar Schmidt tried to lead Brazil to launch a counterattack, but every time he scored a goal with difficulty, Lu Feng always responded immediately with an understated mid-range shot. Oscar Schmidt felt the change in his physical fitness , more and more desperate.

In the last 5 minutes, Oscar Schmidt's shooting accuracy began to decline. He could only hold the ball and rush to the basket again and again, scoring with his back, but even so, he failed to stabilize the declining physical strength and touch.

With 5 minutes left, the Chinese team scored consecutive goals and quickly extended their lead from 8 points to 15 points. Seeing that there was no hope of a comeback, Brazil replaced the starter.

In the end, the Chinese team defeated Brazil 106:95 and locked the group stage tickets in advance!

Lu Feng played 28 minutes and scored easily. He easily scored 42 points and won the game. Oscar Schmidt played 38 minutes and scored 51 points, but finally fell into nothing.

After the game, Lu Feng walked to the Brazilian bench, hugged Oscar Schmidt, and said: "In Chinese culture, we pay attention to respecting the old and loving the young. You are older than me, so this gift is still up to me." Come give it to you."

Oscar Schmidt laughed uncontrollably when he heard the words, and finally shook his head helplessly.

I heard that Lu Feng likes to talk trash, it seems that it is true.

But so what if he loses the game, he has long been used to failure like today...

The last opponent of the Chinese team in Group B is Italy.

Who is the most famous and powerful football player in Italy?Fans answer: Oscar Schmidt!
Wrong answer, he is Brazilian!

Italian fans: NO!

 I don't know how to do VIP chapters, so it's a bit slower...

(End of this chapter)

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