Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 74 Losing Streak?I will win the chapter!

Chapter 74 Losing Streak?I will win it back!

Lu Feng opened the door, and Jeff Brown and Kate Beckinsale stood outside the door.

Jeff Brown walked in without waiting for Lu Feng's reaction.

"Damn, why is it so cold today, God, I'm almost freezing to death!"

Jeff Brown glanced back at Beckinsale and said, "Come in, Kate, and close the damn door!"

The winter in Seattle is actually not very cold. Generally, the temperature will fluctuate around 3-12 degrees, but there will be some unexpected situations, such as sea breeze or something.

The hottest time in Seattle will not exceed 20°C, and the coldest time will not drop below 3°C.

Of course, compared to California, Seattle is already considered cold, but for Lu Feng, it's actually not bad, he doesn't even need to wear a down jacket.

One of the reasons why he chose Seattle was the climate. Of course, apart from the climate, other aspects of Seattle are very good.

As the economic, educational, technological, medical, and cultural center of the west coast of the United States, Seattle can meet Lu Feng's needs in all aspects.

If it was the Ohrah horse, he would run away immediately after the fight, without even thinking about it.

The only problem is law and order. The law and order in Seattle can only be said to be above average in the United States.

Fortunately, it is still 90 years, and it is still long before the legalization of guns and XX in Washington State...

Lu Feng is not afraid of the cold, but Jeff Brown is different. In Lu Feng's impression, both whites and blacks seem to be quite afraid of the cold, especially the blacks, who scream when they encounter ice water.

Seattle winters are generally not windy, but there are exceptions, like today.

What does it feel like to blow the sea breeze in winter, I can only say that I understand everything...

After the two entered the room, Lu Feng habitually poured two glasses of boiled water for them. Jeff Brown touched the glass with his hand and jumped up instantly.

"What is this? Hot water? God, how can you give me to drink this kind of thing? I knew that you are definitely not human, you must be a demon sent by Satan to destroy the world!"

Jeff Brown picked up the water glass and took a sip, then put the glass down immediately, and said, "Do you still have tea here? It's just the red one. I remember it seems to be placed in..."

Lu Feng covered his head helplessly, he knew that Jeff Brown would definitely have no good coming to him, it was either Huo Huo's own fruit or Huo Huo's tea leaves.

More than 100 pieces of Tieguanyin!
This is 90 yuan in 100!
Jeff Brown turned out the maple leaves, put some in the water cup, and asked Beckinsale, "Kate, do you want it?"

Beckinsale sipped the hot water, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Beckinsale looked a little cautious, but Lu Feng was actually quite embarrassed, and didn't know what to say.

"Sorry, no preparations, I thought Jeff was just joking yesterday..."

Afterwards, they chatted for a while, and Lu Feng also learned something about Beckinsale from the two of them.

Beckinsale is British and a talented girl with excellent academic performance. Many universities in the United States have provided her with invitations to winter camps.

Beckinsale's mother is an actor, and her stepfather is a director. The two are planning to come to the United States to break into Hollywood, and at the same time, they brought Beckinsale who was fine.

However, after arriving in the United States, Beckinsale's parents went to Los Angeles and encountered obstacles everywhere, while she participated in the winter camp of the University of Washington. Jeff Brown and her met at the winter camp.

Jeff Brown has excellent academics, is tall and handsome, and is a white man. It is normal for him to be recruited by the University of Washington as a young man. Lu Feng was dragged to participate in many activities organized by Asian students last year.

Beckinsale knew Lu Feng before, when Lu Feng played in the World Championships in Argentina, he became popular in Europe.

Beckinsale, who participated in the winter camp of the University of Washington, was repeatedly praised as the "chosen son" of Seattle, and soon became a fan of Lu Feng.


"You are actually one month younger than me?" Beckinsale was shocked when she found out that Lu Feng was one month younger than him. She couldn't figure out that Lu Feng could live so successfully in the United States at such a young age , is how to do it.

In the past half a year in the United States, Beckinsale and her parents have not lived well, especially her parents. The continuous blows made them no longer have illusions about the American dream, and they basically gave up working in Hollywood.

She is fine. It is not difficult for her to get into the University of Washington. Not only is it not difficult, but she is also confident that she can get several scholarships.

"Isn't this normal? There should be no shortage of talents like me in the UK, right?"

"I know, I was also a genius since I was a child, but..."

Beckinsale is indeed a genius. She published a collection of poems when she was a child, and her IQ was 6 at the age of 153. But compared with Lu Feng, she suddenly felt that she was a fake genius.

Lu Feng: You are just a genius. Can you be the same as me?

"What are you going to study? Finance? Sociology? Philosophy?"

Beckinsale shook his head and said, "I'm more interested in literature. Originally, I planned to go to Oxford University, but now I'm not so sure..."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "It's not bad. There are many actors who study literature, but I personally recommend that you study finance or sociology, which will be more helpful for you to become an actor in the future."

Staring blankly, Beckinsale said, "I'm not sure I want to be an actor yet, although it does look interesting."

She covered her forehead and said, "My parents are both actors. Roy, my stepfather, is a director. If I choose to be an actor, it will be much easier."

Then she raised her head and asked, "Why finance and society? Literature seems to be closer to performance, after all, both belong to art."

Lu Feng: "Studying finance will keep you from being cheated on the contract. The same goes for economics, sociology..."

Beckinsale shook his head and said, "Will that... be too utilitarian?"

Lu Feng put it in the cup and asked, "Why did your parents come to America?"

Beckinsale was taken aback, and said, "I don't know, but I guess..."

"Don't think about it, the biggest reason must be money. Hollywood has become more and more influential over the years. The most important point is that Hollywood makes more money!"

Beckinsale was taken aback, and asked, "Well, I haven't thought about this, and I've always wondered why so many Europeans immigrated to the United States... So, do you play basketball to make money?"

"Of course money is one of the reasons. I have to make sure I can live a good life first, don't I?"

Jeff Brown took a sip of water, and then said: "So you signed for 6 years and 2000 million, and you also brought player options? Damn, I saw the news and thought you were traded to Cleveland!"

Lu Feng: ...

Lu Feng's team salary this season is 250 million, tied for ninth in the league with Jordan and Robert Parish.

The player with the highest salary in the league is Ewing. Many people know about his third-year contract with a player option. After his rookie period, his salary this season is 425 million.

Jeff Brown would say that he thought Lu Feng was traded to Cleveland because the current Cavaliers are an out-and-out team that took advantage of them.

Among the top ten paid players in the league this season, the Cavaliers accounted for three!
John Williams and Holt Rod Williams, two unattended players, relying on the data of averaging 10 points and 5 rebounds per game, dare to get the top three salaries in the league in the Cavaliers, all of which are 380 million a year , second only to Ewing!

"Jeff, remember your words, don't learn from me when you enter the league."

"How is it possible? The salary cap of the league has been rising, and it's not like I don't know!"

Lu Feng: ...

After hearing what the two said, Beckinsale was stunned and asked, "How can you make money playing basketball? More than actors?"

Lu Feng and Jeff Brown looked at her speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

After Jeff Brown stayed for a while, he left, leaving Lufeng and Beckinsale alone.

After chatting for a while before, Lu Feng and Beckinsale were considered familiar, not as unfamiliar as before. Lu Feng regarded each other as the little girl next door, and analyzed various ways of performing arts for her.

The most important point is that Lu Feng wants to help her avoid pitfalls.

He is well aware of how chaotic Hollywood is in this era, and there are countless cheating directors and producers. Lu Feng can only recommend some people he knows to be reliable to the other party, and ask Beckinsale to tell his parents.

"Luck, can I continue to watch your games in the future?"

"Of course, if you need a ticket, just tell me directly."

Lu Feng has a quota of 2-3 front-row tickets for each game, so there is no need to use them for nothing, since he has no friends to call anyway.

Jeff Brown doesn't like to watch games. Hill and Penny are arena rats, not to mention good reporters. They have their own media tickets.

Lu Feng had a good impression of Beckinsale. The other party was indeed very smart, but his experience was a bit lacking.

He likes such friends, and wants to try to see if he can be tricked into working for him, just like Cheng Qi.

What's so good about being an actor, it's better to work part-time!

What Lu Feng didn't expect was that the next day, Beckinsale came to him again, and the reason why she came to Lu Feng was...

"Luck, it's snowing, come out and watch the snow with me!"

There is not much snow in Seattle, but every winter, there are still two or three moderate snowfalls.

Lu Feng looked at Feixue, and his memory went back to the day when his previous life ended...

That day was Lu Feng's friend's wedding, and the venue was in a remote village. Lu Feng drank some wine, and it happened to be snowing, so he planned to take a walk in the countryside and enjoy the wind.

Then, Lu Feng was struck by lightning, in the true sense of the word.

Moreover, not one, not two, not... ahem, well, two!
When he was struck by the first lightning bolt, Lu Feng was still conscious, but he couldn't move his body, but before he could react, the second lightning bolt fell!

When he opened his eyes again, Lu Feng found that he had turned back into a baby...

"Luck, what are you thinking?"

"I'm wondering if I'm dreaming now, if one day I wake up suddenly and find that nothing has changed."

"How about it, do you feel the pain? Pain is not a dream."

Lu Feng: ...

With a smile on her face, Beckinsale did not forget to grab the snow on the ground while speaking, and continued to wrap it into a ball.

"Hahaha...don't...stop, stop, I'm so cold...YES!"


The next day...

"Luck Love Exposure! "

"That snow that day, Lark..."

"Today, Lark Girls Are All Crying! "

"who is she? "

Lu Feng looked at the headlines in the newspapers and didn't know what to say.

Not just newspapers, Lu Feng turned on the TV, and all of these...

On the other side, Beckinsale heard his parents call him, and went to the communication room nervously to pick up the receiver.

"Judy, listen to me, I..."

"Honey, do you like him, the one, Ruck?"

The voice of Beckinsale's mother came from the other end of the phone. Hearing the other party's question, Beckinsale didn't know what to say for a while.

"I don't... Sorry, I don't know, it should be, a little bit?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Beckinsale was at a loss and said "Hello" several times.

"Well, I know there will be such a day sooner or later. I'm glad you have been quiet for 17 years. How about that child?"

"Luck he... I mean, we're not actually in that relationship."

"Jesus Christ, you all live together, and you tell me now that you are not in that relationship?"

Beckinsale: ? ? ?
"Who did you hear, we met twice, and I didn't either... In short, we are just ordinary friends now!"

"Really? But I'm obviously on TV..."

Beckinsale: ...

No wonder Lu Feng was so dismissive when he talked about the media, it seemed to be the case.

Fake, all fake, fake news!

"Judy, I'm afraid to go to Luke now, I don't know how to face him, sorry, I've been worried that he will be angry, what should I do?"

"Go to him, dear, you can..."


Lu Feng looked at Beckinsale who was bending over with his hands on his knees in front of him, and said speechlessly, "You came here just to say that?"

Lu Feng never expected that Beckinsale would come here to apologize to himself because of the unscrupulous media's scribbling of gossip.

"Actually, you don't need to apologize. As long as you understand a little bit, you will find that this kind of thing is very common in the United States."

"So you're not mad at me anymore?"

Lu Feng: ...

"I'm not angry, well, I can't be angry because of those flies, it's not worth it."

"Then can I still watch your games in the future?"

Lu Feng: ...

"Of course, this is your freedom. How are your parents? Do you want me to help? I have a few friends in Hollywood."

Beckinsale shook his head and said, "Thank you, Roy has received the invitation, and so has Judy."

Lu Feng nodded. He guessed that it was because of him. Beckinsale's identity is not difficult to find out.

"What about you, have you also accepted the script?"

Beckinsale didn't keep up with Lu Feng's brain circuit, his eyes turned into circles, and he murmured: "Roy didn't say that this is not England, and he wanted me to make the away game not so easy...I mean, I have already decided Yes, it is the University of Washington, and I will come over next year!"

Lu Feng nodded. Since the producer didn't want Beckinsale to participate, it seemed that it was just a show of favor, not just a joke.


The night after meeting with Beckinsale, Lu Feng flew to Orlando with the team. The next opponent of the Supersonics was the Magic.

This is the second and last game of the season between the Sonics and the Magic.

The head star of the Magic is Hank Geithers, and his current average of 20+10+4 per game is very good, and this is only because he only played 32 minutes per game!
In previous years, Gaithers would definitely be a strong contender for the best rookie, but now he probably won't think about it.

It's not surprising that Hank Geithers became a team right away. After all, the Magic is only a second-year team, and the current batch of players are all picked up from garbage.

Chamberlain came to the scene specially for this game, and had been brainwashing Kemp in various ways before the game, telling him to beat Gaithers.

He didn't hate Gaithers, what he hated was the head coach of the Magic and his former teammate Matt Guokas Jr.

Matt Guocas Jr. once brought back a championship for the Philadelphia 76ers with Chamberlain, but the relationship between the two was not good.

In other words, Chamberlain didn't have a good relationship with most of his teammates during the Philadelphia 76ers period. He can be said to be a friend in the league, only Russell.

Of course, the main reason is that Matt Guocas Jr. said before the game: "Hank will become a great player like Chamberlain. I know he can do it!"

Lu Feng felt that Chamberlain was completely overwhelmed. With the configuration of the Magic team there, as long as the Supersonics are not unlucky, it is basically impossible to lose.

The only problem is that Kemp is not good at collecting statistics, and his CIC cannot be improved with a sentence or two.

Magic coach Matt Guocas Jr.'s coaching ability is not bad. He designed an old-school system for the Magic-Princeton.

The biggest function of this system is to allow Gaithus to collect statistics. Although Gaithus is a core player, but the others are too weak. The current record of the Magic is only 4 wins and 10 losses.

And because Gaethes has a heart condition, he can only play 30 minutes per game. When he rests, the team will be in chaos.

To be honest, Matt Guocas Jr.'s coaching ability is actually not bad, and he doesn't take the blame for the team's record.

Matt Guocas Jr. was actually quite unlucky. Before he came to the Magic, he was the coach of the 76ers.

In the three years he led the team, the record of the 76ers was getting worse year by year, so the 76ers management decisively removed him.

Matt Guocas Jr. was stunned, what team was the 76ers when I first came?
Moses Malone played pretty well, but you sold him in exchange for a few pieces of rubbish, then Dr. J stopped playing, the team's record was not good, you actually said it was my problem?

In the first quarter of the game, the Sonics shot from inside and outside, making more points, and got a 4-point lead in the first quarter.

Kemp took 9 shots in the first quarter and hit 5 goals. In addition to free throws, he scored 12 points and 3 rebounds in the first quarter. He is in good form today, and the dice rolled to 6.

Gaithers played like a fish in water in the Princeton system. He is not a rough guy who can only play inside. As a short four, his handwork is also excellent.


In the second quarter, Jones decisively returned to the Sonics' fifth junior and asked Kemp to play the core fifth position. Kemp scored 8 points and 12 rebounds in 4 minutes.

With 24 points and 7 rebounds in the half, everyone in the Supersonics knew at a glance that Kemp had a chance to score data.

After the start of the second half, the supersonic inside meat shield tacitly began to help Kemp make a card position, and Kemp blasted 7 rebounds in a single quarter!

It's a pity that his shooting was a little bit bad in this quarter, only 7 of 3 shots, but the data also came to 30+10!

After three quarters, the Sonics have led the Magic by 14 points.

In the last quarter, Kemp wanted to continue to collect statistics, but after 5 minutes of playing, he only made 6 of 2 shots. After barely scoring 40 points, Kemp left the field exhausted.

"Fuck, I'm exhausted!"

Just scoring 40 points once, Kemp was so tired that he felt dizzy. This time, he admired Lu Feng's 52 points in a single game even more.

After the game, Lu Feng found out miraculously that Kemp scored 40 points and 16 rebounds in this game, exactly twice the 20 points and 8 rebounds of Gaithers.

Lu Feng: Damn it, this guy really did it. Is there any metaphysics?
Dashuai Zhang laughed out loud when he saw Kemp successfully "beating" Gaithers.

Lu Feng was fine at first, until he saw that Marshal Zhang made a gesture of lifting the crown from his head, and then putting it on Kemp's head...

Lu Feng: Stop quickly, this action must not be done!

Lu Feng slowed down a step, and finally put Chamberlain's hand up. Although it was just a simple gesture of celebration, what should come will always come...

That night, Kemp suffered divine punishment—a strained groin!

Lu Feng: I just said that the crown should not be worn indiscriminately!

The reason for Kemp's injury left the Sonics speechless. When he was in the shower, because he had scored a new career high, he was so proud that he didn't notice the soap under his feet, and he did a split.

After the news of Kemp's injury came out, the media praised him a lot: he can still score 40 points while he is injured, this is the ruler!
Kemp's injury is really not good news for the Sonics, and his absence has indeed brought some troubles to the Sonics.

One day later, the Supersonics challenged the Atlanta Hawks away, and the troubles brought by Kemp's absence to the Supersonics were extremely obvious.

Originally, in the last game, even if Kemp played more, it would be fine, because the Supersonics did not beat the Eagles back to back.

But Kemp is directly absent, and the problem of the Supersonics hitting the Eagles is very big.

Facing the Eagles' inside line composed of "Human Film Essence" Dominique Wilkins, All-Star center Kevin Willis and Moses Malone, the Sonics rebounded directly.

Not many people know Kevin Willis, an All-Star center, because his only honor is an All-Star, but his rebounding ability is extremely terrifying.

In the 91-92 season after Moses Malone left, he averaged 15.5 rebounds per game, and he did not win the rebounding title because there was a perverted bug Rodman who averaged 18.7 rebounds per game in that season!

Kevin Willis crushes Polynice in height, strength, and skills. Although Moses Malone is old, he is a 36-year-old veteran who can still average 16+9 per game. Sam Perkins is completely attracted by him. tease.

Needless to say, Dominique Wilkins, as a monster who can average 30+ points per game in the season, he has almost no shortcomings.

This season he gained weight, although his scoring average was "only" 26 points per game, but his average rebounds per game came to 9!
Averaged 26+9 per game, is this really a small forward?
The three insiders of the Eagles cooperate tacitly. Either you are stuck or I am stuck. The Supersonics have nothing to do with each other!

In addition, besides these three people, Lu Feng also encountered a lot of troubles.

He couldn't restrain Little Tudou's breakthrough at all, the opponent was too fast!

Lu Feng: Damn, 1 meters also come to play in the NBA, isn't that purely disgusting?

In the first quarter of the match between the two teams, Lu Feng rushed inside to grab rebounds frantically, scoring 12 points and 3 rebounds in a single quarter, but still couldn't stop the team from trailing the Eagles by 24 points at 26:2.

In the second quarter, Lu Feng's hand feeling declined, but he began to grab the rebounds harder, and finally scored 8 points and 5 rebounds in a single quarter. Relying on Harper's mid-range shot, 6 of 4 in a single quarter, the two teams tied the score.

Back in the second half, the two teams played even more brutally, with various fast-break dunks. In the third quarter, Lu Feng returned to his touch and scored 10 points and 2 rebounds in a single quarter. After the third quarter, the Supersonics were only 2 points behind the Hawks.

In the last quarter, Lu Feng went full fire as soon as he came up. He made 4 of 4 shots and scored 8 points in a row. Seeing that the Sonics were about to overtake, Wilkins successfully stopped Lu Feng with a short shot and two three-pointers. counterattack.

In the last 2 minutes of the last quarter, as the Supersonics hit the iron with two consecutive goals, Doug Rivers hit a three-pointer, and the difference between the two teams came to 6 points.

KC Jones knew that the team had little hope of making a comeback, and that Lu Feng played too long, so he chose to give up.

In the end, the Sonics lost to the Eagles by 102 points 111:9.

In this game, the two teams presented a feast of fast breaks and scoring for the audience, and Atlanta fans enjoyed it.

Although the Supersonics did not win, Lu Feng still won the respect of the Eagles. Although the game was fierce and there was almost a conflict in the middle, after the game, the anger between the two teams was not as great as expected.



Lu Feng can be regarded as experiencing the feeling of the three heroes fighting Lu Bu once, but it is a pity that Lu Bu is him.

The Eagles' trio only cooperate when defending, and when attacking, they are all singles, but the Supersonics just can't help it.

After playing the Eagles, they took another day off, and the SuperSonics challenged the Indiana Pacers away.

With a mouthful of anger in Lu Feng's chest, he planned to try his best to win this match, and then he was told by KC Jones: He was rested in rotation!

Lu Feng: ...

After explaining for a long time, Lu Feng still couldn't stop Jones from wanting to rest himself.

After playing the game for a month, Jones also deeply realized the benefits of letting the players rest in rotation. In the past, in the NBA, after a month of games, the team would suffer minor injuries to one or two people.

And supersonic?

Well, someone in the Supersonics was injured, but the reason for Kemp's injury has nothing to do with the excessive intensity of the game.

Regarding the reporter's question, the Supersonics explained that Kemp was injured in the middle of the game against the Magic.

The real reason for his injury is that the Supersonics are too embarrassed to say it!

Although the Supersonic didn't say anything, Kemp's story was eventually dug up by the media, which wasn't considered digging, because Kemp himself had a bad mind and told reporters the truth afterwards.

Supersonic crowd: 6!

The Supersonics beat the Pacers, and Lu Feng sat on the sidelines and watched the game.

The Pacers are also a fast-breaking team. They just changed their head coach and hired Bob Hale from the NCAA.

As soon as Bob Hale entered the team, he brought the crazy fast break and three-pointers in the NCAA to the Pacers.

In the 3 games after he came to the team, the Pacers averaged 120 points per game and took 13 three-pointers per game.

He would later leave the Pacers entirely because of conflicts with Reggie Miller.

In the future, after Bob Hale moved into the Spurs, he became even crazier. In the two seasons of 94-96, the Spurs averaged more than 15 three-pointers per game, and they kept playing fast breaks.

But helplessly, in the first year, the general was trained by Dameng, and in the second year, he lost to the faster Sonics. The team never made it to the finals.

In the 96-97 season, because of Robinson's absence and his reluctance to fulfill the poor tasks assigned by Popovich, Bob Hale chose to resign.

What's up with Bob Hale and Reggie Miller?
It's very simple, because Bob Hale is a head coach who pursues balance. In the team he coaches, no one is allowed to take too many shots.

The future Hall of Fame coach Popovich is very good at absorbing external nutrients.

He learned defense under Larry Brown and created a dog spur that made the league hate it.

Under the old Nelson's hands, he learned offense and created 14 Spurs with a pleasing offense.

He also learned balance from Bob Hale. Relying on PUA players, even if the team owner is poor, he still established the Spurs dynasty.

As an Eastern Conference playoff team, the Pacers are already pretty strong.

Although Lu Feng is not there, the lineup gap between the two teams is not that big, because the Pacers are also a team with strong outside and weak inside.

In addition, the most bizarre thing about the Pacers is that they let the team's second-in-chief Schramf play the team's sixth man.

In Schrempf's absence, the Pacers had to rely on a clumsy and slow LS Thompson for rebounding.

LS Thompson, who is 206 cm tall, weighs 225 catties. He is not strong at all, but fat!
With such a main center and still making the playoffs, the Pacers' perimeter is indeed tough enough.

In the first three quarters, the Pacers have been leading steadily, but after the three quarters, the difference between the two teams is only 4 points, and the Supersonics have a chance.

In the last quarter, Dana Barros scored two three-pointers in a row to tie the score. Lu Feng was very excited to see it.

But then, Reggie Miller took out his strongest move - three points... Bah, bah, no, it should be - Pengci!
That's right, it's Porcelain!
When Reggie Miller was shooting, he would stick his foot forward and trip himself up on purpose to earn free throws.

Then, Harper was sent off for six fouls because of two consecutive fouls. Reggie Miller successfully overtook the score with 2 free throws.

Lu Feng was laughed at by Reggie Miller. He almost forgot that in the future, because more and more people like to touch porcelain, the NBA will issue a special "Reggie Miller Rule".

I don't know if it was because of anger or nervousness, but in the last few minutes, the supersonic speed got bigger and worse, and finally lost the game regrettably.

After the game, Reggie Miller showed another of his qualities-smelly mouth!
"Luck didn't play? Could it be that I didn't let him play? He's a jerk, without Kemp, Rucker is nothing!"

"That's a foul. If you don't mention Jordan's more than 20 fouls in a game, I only made 13 free throws in this game. To be honest, my free throws are obviously less!"

"Of course, I'm the best pitcher in the league. Jordan and Luck? They're just two pseudo-superstars who only rely on their teammates!"

Lu Feng didn't answer any harsh words, but silently wrote down Reggie Miller's name in his notebook, and in addition, there was the date of the next match between the two teams.

In the first week of December, the Supersonics played 12 games and lost 3. What made Seattle fans even more uncomfortable was that the Supersonics' next opponent was the Spurs, who really restrained them.

In Lu Feng's first game after his comeback, he faced the Spurs he hated the most.

Larry Brown's team, he will always inexplicably let players fight against you, even in the regular season, it will also show the intensity of the playoffs.

Thinking about it carefully, Admiral Robinson was aged and crippled after only playing for a few years. It’s not that he is brittle. First, he met Larry Brown, who liked to defend desperately. After gaining weight, he met Bob Hale, who played fast break. , this luck, no one else!
Under Larry Brown, the Spurs' offensive rounds were all based on rebounds. After a game, they only made 2-3 three-pointers, and the rhythm was extremely slow.

This season, the Spurs averaged 107.1 points per game. This is not because Larry Brown plays fast breaks, but because everyone else is afraid of them and doesn't want to fight the Spurs.

In addition, the Spurs' rebounds are indeed well protected. Although Larry Brown is bad, he still has real things.

The game against the Spurs was like this. The Sonics' inside line was blown up again. Lu Feng scored 12 free throws by breaking through again and again, but in the end he only had 34 points, 3 rebounds and 7 assists.

Larry Brown's defense is one-on-one marking, non-stop confrontation and consumption of Lu Feng. After falling behind by 12 points in three quarters, the Supersonics decisively raised the white flag to surrender.

Including the Spurs, the Sonics suffered a three-game losing streak, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

At the same time, the media also began to question the strength of the Supersonics and Lu Feng, and pressure from all directions came to their faces.

"Three consecutive losses, from the first in the league at the beginning to the fifth in the Western Conference, what happened to the Supersonics? "

"Luck lost himself, basketball or love, Lark needs to make a choice! "

"Losing Streak, or Losing Streak, Where Is the Future of the Supersonics?" "


All kinds of doubts made the young people of the Supersonic at a loss. Kemp even wanted to make an early comeback, but was successfully stopped by Lu Feng.

"Sean, remember, the playoffs are our real stage, and the Sonics are my team. If she gets sick, I will heal her myself!"

Then, Lu Feng could control his teammates, but he couldn't control the media. More and more people entangled Beckinsale as the reason for the Supersonic's losing streak, thinking that she influenced Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was almost speechless. Although the Supersonics lost, but his state has been fine, okay?

Originally, Lu Feng didn't care that much, but what he didn't expect was that some people actually believed the media's words, and there were quite a few of them.

Beckinsale has been harassed and attacked in various ways, and suffered an inexplicable disaster.

Unrelated people were attacked because of the team's poor record. This time, even Lu Feng couldn't sit still. In the end, Lu Feng chose to hold a press conference.

Lu Feng and other reporters finished asking all kinds of questions, and after a few seconds of silence, he picked up the microphone, and said directly and forcefully: "The next game, the Supersonics will win, and I will lead the team out of the haze of losing streak! "

The reporter obviously didn't believe it, and asked, "Luck, are you serious? Your opponent in the next game is the Rockets. Last time you lost the game in three quarters?"

Lu Feng glanced at the reporter who asked the question, and said, "It doesn't matter who it is, as I said, the Supersonics will win!"

(End of this chapter)

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